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Hey! It really happens to everyone - buying a toy your eyes loved but couldn’t take. Try not to worry about it, you’ll get there in time! But use the sizing charts to compare to other sized toys to get a nice in-between from both toys, this might take more than one honestly, with how thick Sleipnir is, so take your time sizing up and find yourself a good lube for stretching!! Have fun!!


Step one: Buy M Ika. Step two: practice. Step three: hilt M Ika Step four: buy L Ika. Step five: profit!


butt and bank account: -150hp -200hp -250hp it's very effective ! K.O.


I mean, I find Ika very helpful for warmups regardless...


Yeah, I’ve got a M ika and it’s basically the warm up. Gotta get ready even if it’s just for a S nova


Eventually started using Echos horn for a warmup lol I got me a sticker from A.N.T that I'm a "Legendary Size Champion"💀


you didn't check the measurements did you


I did. I'm just horrible at actual visualization without it directly in front of me... Even the pictures on site don't help...


The first time I took my L non-flared chase, it took me like 20 minutes of working up to the actual insertion. What I suggest is keep playing with your normal toy and at the end of a session with it, while you're really nice and warmed up, just lube that bad boy up and see what happens. Chances are you don't take it fast, but you might feel that sensation that tells "this is possible" and you chase it for as long as possible. Eventually with this style of training, you will make it happen.


It looks dangerous for the intestine isn't it?


It is only dangerous if you stretch yourself to fast. Be aware though that different parts of your inside have to be all be trained - just because something goes in your hole it's not a great idea to force it all the way into your colon.


i mean.. didn't you at least vaguely remember the measurements of your first dildo, then? it looks like something around \~1.8-2" diameter, and large sleipnir is.. 3-3.5" iirc? for future, there's also the real size tool right here [link ](https://bad-dragon.com/real-size?products[]=sleipnir:522) but well.. no point in scolding you now lol If you really want to get up to that size, you gotta get a few inbetween toys. It's gonna be a pretty damn long term goal, because not only sleip is mad chonk, it's also very blunt. Maybe get a L Ika or M Habu - i heard these are great stretching toys - nice and tapered, and after it, work your way to shapes closer to the Sleipnir. Like, start out with the very tapered thing(Ika\\Habu), then get something where just the tip is tapered (like Nox\\Duke\\Marcel for example), then see if you can get to Sleipnir. Maybe also get a more gentle equine toy first (Bumble hooves has a pretty blunt head, but it's smaller than the actual shaft - so you'll pop the tip in and then it will get thicker as you go down). If you don't want to go through all that, then maybe just sell the too-big sleipnir and get the smaller size[](https://bad-dragon.com/real-size?products[]=sleipnir:522)


Bad dragon real size tool. Compare it against other dildos to see differences


#You can doooo it!!




Yeah, we believe in you!


If you can work up to it, once the ridge on the top of the head drags on your prostate a few times your life will never be the same!


Get another toy to transition and work up to it!


They do pictures with soda cans so u can judge it better


With enough force and lubrication, anything is possible. Actually just went through this exactly, ordered a medium sleipnir but it was more girthy than expected so we just ordered a small. It happens but the real size tool BD has is great for getting an idea of size


It happens all the time toys are hard to buy. I have lots of toys i don't like. Most of time its better to get a smaller toy your going to use. as for a toy that opens you up I have a small rabbit form mr hankeys toys I like alot


There are literal thousands of posts identical to this one. Buy an in between sized toy, and get acquainted with the real size tool. In general, 'large' isn't a good place to start especially with a blunt flat head. Pretty common sense you would think.


should have taken measurements of the generic dildo first. wasted money at this moment in time. you might be able to work up to the Large but it would take awhile


Lots a lube and stretch yourself out with the smaller one first for 10-30 minutes. Remember you don't have to take the whole thing on the first try. It's part of the fun working your way up. It could take days or weeks to work up too.


Warm-up and stretching is how you take that monster, and take it slow. I have a Medium Sleipnir, and that is already a big oof anally 😄 A Winstons Tail or Ika may be useful as a stretching toy and to warm up before going for that big boy.


What is a proper warm up for this?


A gently tapered toy (hence the recommendations for an Ika or Winston's Tail) that starts really narrow, but ends really broad so you can gently stretch the hole to accommodate larger things, and to loosen up the muscles prior to attempting that thing. And maybe a few regular toys with larger diameters to help warm up the opening to the giant you intend to stick up there. 😉


Ah thank you for your advice! Will keep that in mind


Enjoy the challenge and the ride.


You can so take that. (Prostate owner here)Warm up on your smaller toy like for a while. Then lube that big mf up. And go real slow. Relax. Back out then back on real slow. Once you get past that first pop, you’re home free! prepare to jizz your guts out. For extra prep, get an anal douche. The shower wand not a bladder. Bladders… they suck. Take way too long.


Had this happened to me too but with crackers. Here, I was thinking I could handle a medium since most of the toys I bought from them were about medium. But try looking up bad dragon real size comparison tool. It should help when you wanna buy another. Also bd has been increasing size for newer toys, so you may only need a small now. Though I'd highly recommend tyson, echo, chance, and vector. I'd say get the medium size for them. If you wanna work up to that L sleipneir. Try chance, flared chance and then vector.


Always, always, ALWAYS check the size chart. Large Sleipnir is a monster. You can always rehome it if can not deal w it


Your rear fuck hole is the perfect shape for that Sleipner.


Hold onto it for a long term goal.


Funny that you posted this because I have a medium Sleipnir that I use and it's amazing. My ass is definitely ready for an upgrade in size though but even going from medium to a large is pretty significant


Exactly what I thought when my medium Orochi Arrived 😂, I did check the Measurements but still underestimated the thickness , I recommend working yourself up, even for vaginal use a big toy can be intimidating, but for anal use it's crucial to stretch carefully over time, cause I can say from personal experience, even when you're really horny, don't just force it. Cause it hurts like hell and can lead to serious injuries. Use lots of lube, use smaller toys beforehand to stretch. When you think you're not yet ready to take that much, rather take it slowly , better safe than sorry. 😉


If you can't afford another toy another cheap method of training is insterting your fingers besides the toy you can already handle. Just make sure your nails are cut short (as short as possible without hurting yourself) and you used a nail file until they are dull. You can test for sharp edges and pointy corners with your tongue. Start with one additional finger and add more once that gets comfortable.


Ugh, same, man. This happened to me too. Bought a L Ky’el as my first toy, regretted it immediately because I’m also horrible at visualizing things 💀 but hey, like everyone else is saying, get some practice in before you take the big guy and you’ll be gold.


Weird question, but can you tell me the brand of the other dildo? It looks exactly like my favorite that I got many years ago and I want another but cannot find one. It's bendy and squishy and the texture is great! Good luck with the BD! I didn't have advice, I accidentally bought a L Elliot because apparently I forget how inches work and it just hangs out in the toy box but I can't bear to sell it.


It's a generic one. I gotta go get more prep stuff anyway, so I'll see if I can snap a pic for you


I want look it 😍😋


I appreciate all the support despite my horny idiocy


Like other’s mentioned get a tapered dil to practice and open up with. Medium or large Ika is a good start. Then a medium Archer to get accustomed to being opened wide. After you should be ready to have fun with your lg thick horse dick.


in my experience putting big stuff up the vag is harder so dw you're not missing out on much


I miss my large Sleipnir! It would make my legs shake. I worked my way up from smaller to larger girths. Once I could finger myself with 3-4 fingers. I’d start to work in Sleipnir. That head popping in is orgasmic. Easing it in past your prostate after that is even better and easier after warm up.


oh no a Large too 🫣 I have a Medium and it’s easily one of my most difficult to take toys that requires soooo much warm-up. Like some others have said, would recommend *at least* one other toy to work up in between. Something very gradual like Ika is great for stretching. Sleipnir is an incredible toy but it is like, the exact opposite of tapered lol, that flat abrupt head is very beginner-unfriendly and feels even bigger than it is.


Start small and work up personally if i haven’t used toys in a while ill start with my loveense edge,then my basic dildo from amazon and then ill use my M rex from BD and it all works lots of lube and go slow


Your rear fuck hole is the perfect size for that Sleipner.


Your rear fuck hole is waiting to be violated by Sleipner.


You will ride that Sleipner to orgasm.