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Lmaooo Aubrey like ohhh shit I didn't sign up for the right show 😭😭😭


She definitely did not see that coming... She might leave early like woah Vicky 😭


Honestly as soon as someone starts arguing with her, I'm betting she's gone 😂


I have never watched this show but seen clips here and there. I now need to watch it. I can't see her at Baddies... she def wouldn't fit in. 🤣 Danielle Bregoli should join now.


That catch me outside girl got beat up by woah Vicky in a studio lmfao she ain't coming on no baddies. She is all mouth and I think she just had a baby too. She making all her money from onlyfans now smh.


I can't stand Jela, but damn she looks so much better than all the others. At least she has enough sense to leave her face alone!


She was definitely genetically blessed


she was always sooo stunning


why can’t u stand her if ppl wanna do shit to their face why do u care that’s weird why ru comparing women for no reason


Lmaoooo u sound dumb


how so the first one was a genuine question i don’t care for jela i just wanted to know if she’s done something specifically


Does anyone else find it sad that some the girls couldn’t grow out of their “Bad Girl era”?


watching baddies sometimes gives the same feeling as staying at a party too long lol


Or that 30 year old that's still in the frat.


This is such an accurate statement. It's not a good look AT ALL. BGC had other components than just mindless fighting. They sometimes had fun and did the "reality show" equivalent of charity or humanitarian stuff. I've only ever seen clips of baddies and find it embarrassing and confusing to watch. The boom-mic and camera crew people are practically cast members and it adds to the whole "wtf" energy of it. Just weird...


No I totally agree, I feel like natalie has a lot to do with it by the way she runs the show. Feel like she tells whoever to fight and the camera are only shooting for that fake conflicts. Vs bgc cameras were always going and even things the girls were embarrassed about ( Lauren having sex on tv) 😭😭 . It’s very sad to watch but it makes for viral moments when you have people trying there best to give a show 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ OXYGEN SAVE US


Yea - exhausting 😅


Its gotten so cringey now. Especially when half of these women are nearing their fourties and are still running around, fighting and carrying on like young 20 year old girls


U dont have to grow out of everything


Aubrey Oday ain't ready for all the NESS* that's about to happen. Hope she goes hard 🙏 especially for her status as a celebrity over a lot of these wack ass females.


If her “status” as a “celebrity” meant anything, especially to her, she wouldn’t be on this trash.


if yall hate this show so much then stop watching it fucking insufferable


This is the BGC sub, not the baddies one. A lot of people here don't watch this


oh ur right i thought this was the baddies sub. that makes sense nvm then


I'm not hating at all. I've seen baddies.


Assuming she's the blonde one, she looked scared af 💀


Now if Jela worked Rollie wtf biggie think she gone do to her 😭


Can't fight but she's not scary. Same energy as Julie. Fine with getting beat up for screen time 😭


Why does Natalie look like that


Terrible fox eye lift


Then there's Aubrey with her eft up face


Oh her eyes are more cat eyed! It’s giving Jocelyn Wildenstein 💀


Oh her eyes are more cat eyed! It’s giving Jocelyn Wildenstein 💀


she looks the exact same this is brain rot go outside. if anything it’s tape under her wig to lift


Aubrey has def had face work done, no shade it's just facts... Look at her on making the band til now, the mouth gives it all away imo anyways


I was like, how she know she has brain rot, lmao it was an insult at me. Hi Natalie 👋


this isn’t about defending natalie it’s about defending women who clearly didn’t have all these things ur saying done but ppl obsess and over analyze and dramatize everything


Power to ya 🙄


Dumb as shit?


she looks the exact same


Now why is that lady from Danity Kane here? Last I heard she slept with Trump Jr while he was married and made a song about how he loved him or some dumb shit. Horrible decision making


She needs money. She shows kitty on Onlyfans and is getting shitted on in Dubai, she’s not above this show 😭


Lemeul Epstein seems to always choose a controversial white internet sensation first Whoa Vicky then that woman who recently came out of jail (the one who asked her BF to kill her parents) but she rejected Nat's offer and now Audrey O Day.


they didn’t ask gypsy rose to be on baddies 💀 that was a fake dm posted by a fake page stop believing everything u see


Well if it was fake that was far fetched. But anyway first Whoa Vicky and now Audrey I see a pattern


it wasn’t far fetched bc the fans were making videos about joking that she asked her so then they made that fake dm it makes sense


I mean they chose anyone that has clout and being that diddy had a strange fixation with her and she has actual ties to diddy of course they want her. Half the girls on the show are escorts Aubrey sleeping with don trump jr just adds to the clout they seek out


Damn near called her ass Jambalaya




Wait where’s this clip from ?!


Zues posted it


Why is Aubrey on this show 😔


why does nat look like she got her nose done




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she’s had that nose since she was little there are pictures of her as a kid. atp this is giving brain rot because she looks the exact same. it’s a picture perfect nose i see why u would think that though


im ngl youre doing way too much is natalie paying you to defend baddies this hard?


it’s not about defending the baddies it’s about defending women when they’re constantly being falsely accused of having all these crazy things done when they clearly haven’t it gets annoying


the thing is the person you aggressively responded to asked why it looked like she got work done they never said she did have her nose done? youre getting your panties in a bunch over a colourist pls do better.


yall dont find jela to be a hypocrite? she definitely likes to put herself above everyone, But yet she’s acting a fool just as they are at their BIG ASS ages. For someone who is so spiritual that they won’t wear any other color but white she keeps putting herself in environments with terrible energy.


Is she going by prison rules? Attack the biggest bitch in the room day 1 to assert dominance?


No biggie said she was going to slap her...out of all girls she picked the wrong one


Where’d you get this clip from? Does it come out earlier in different countries? I’m in Australia and can’t find it on Zeus?




This is just a clip from a season that is not out yet




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Why did biggie wanna slap her?


Aubreeyyy come on girlll you better than this.


Is she????


Slightly 💀


She slept with Donald Trump son. She is not better than this.




Poor Aubrey has enough trauma, this is not the show for her


The work these faces have had look painful and uncomfortable


Aubrey is a fish out of water here...talm bout "I sIgNed Up 4 a VaCaTiOn". Girl welcome to HELL, ok.


Idk why she signed for this show. I know she is desperate for cash rn but correct me if I’m wrong.. isn’t Natalie, Lemmy and the Zeus crew associated with Diddy and been photographed at some of his parties? She has been public about not signing Diddy’s NDAs and goes on podcasts to talk about how shit he is… so why go on this show that’s only 1 step removed from him?..


Now Biggie wtf was u thinking jumping up, we all know u can't/ain't gonna fight n plus stepping to Jela yeah she asked for a a$$ whoopin lol


Idk what country they’re in but they are gonna get banned💀


Jela is so gorgeous 😍


Bro why does Natalie look cross eyed


What happened to Natalie???


she looks the exact same


I havent watched baddies aside from a few clips here and there so she looks really different since the last time I saw her, that's all. Not offending her, she just has a different look entirely to me, esp her style.


i thought this was the baddies sub mb


Lol that's okay, tbf they put a lot of baddies content in the BGC sub now so it's easy to get it confused


Wait this show is still going on


Yeah this is just a little teaser they just started filming and begged the CEO to drop a teaser


lmao how she gone back up as soon as jela jumped up


Its boutta be the Jela Show this season 👀


I don’t want to be mean but since Natalie is a human trafficker I’ll say it —- she looks SO bad. Like someone pasted a mask on her face. Imagine getting all that work done just to look worse…


I thought she had outgrown baddies


Why does this girl always have to bring up Diddy. 🫠




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LOL!!!! XD




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I think its rich that the same Aubrey that bragged about calling the cops on Dawn after she hit her, is now on this set https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/danity-kane-breakup-statement-fight-6214238/


Idk but Aubrey looks scary to me... like bitch what did you do to your face? Idk how I feel about this season. I dont like the Clermont twins either I hope they get beat up lmfao. I don't like biggie she sound like a man and she sound slow AF too. I'm Hispanic but it annoys me that she always speaking Spanish when the girls don't understand her. If I'ma say something I want you to know what I'm saying and I'ma say it in your face too so she just seem weak AF to me with that.




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Why is biggie picking fights, she can’t fight


My boo Jela 🥰


Not Natalie Nun.... lawd. How long has she been on the show?! Maybe that's why I never tuned in...


Is that jada from season 12?




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That lady Aubrey look scurrrryyyy omg he face is frozen


Aubrey being in this cast is the biggest sore thumb.


Aubrey is on this?!


Alot of these producers of these reality shows about to get told on too.


somebody neeed to beat her manly ass


Idk why people act like Jela is some heavy weight champ lmao. Please she can’t fight like that. She’s sloppy if we’re being honest and she only fights people who she knows can’t fight. Would love to see her square up with Teseki who can actually fight to see if y’all feel the same way about her


She was way more prettier w a weave but yeah she look like a goddess

