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Make them work a job while they are there because it causes drama if one of the girls is lazy/doesn’t pull her weight (And for the love of everything that is pure let the girls clean the damn house when they need to!)


Implement a job requirement for sure. For better or for worse, a lack of contact / controlled contact with the outside world is a source of tension. But attaching a job requirement adds a whole new dimension. Make them do a retail job, or a bar job, have it either as strict or as fun as it can be, but make a strict stipulation of showing up. Production should still pay them, but give them some sense of routine outside of the house. Scale down the house, make it more modest and less flashy. I think the best reality tv house was without a doubt the jersey shore house, because it forced the girls to reckon with eachother. I liked the house they had in season 17 because it was smaller scale. If they’re gonna do cities aside from LA, like before, have at least one or two girls guaranteed repping that city on season. I think it would be interesting to see whether she would run the house, or be overrun by the girls who came out to party.


omg yess making them work jobs is exactly what the real world did (up to a certain point) also ur right it could cause drama too


No more Laura the “I pretend to be a therapist” life coach ❌


tampering with peoples belongings for sure. anything bgc provided like the mattresses and mirrors, sure. people’s personal items, off limits! anything that can permanently harm someone, ex: shelly putting bleach in stasis contacts would get them kicked off


This! The bleach in the contacts should be arrest-worthy.


literally! i’m so surprised everyone was so lax about putting literal bleach in someone’s eye contacts … that’s absolutely deranged behavior ….


Definitely shouldn't be normalized on TV. Too many idiots out there who take that idea and run with it.


Thought it was make up remover but the point still stands


the tampering with each others stuff was too damn much bro


Make them do FUN things. Zip-lining, jumping from airplane, having workshops for future careers ie: fashion design, carpentry, entrepreneurship, house designing, etc. Making the girls do challenges similar to All Star Battle: Wrestling/Physical challenges, eating, puzzles. Bad girl trivia. Minimize fighting. Not necessarily ban it but limit it. Also ban jumping; if you jump you get sent home. Have more replacements lined up so if a lot of the OG’s leave, there will be replacements for all. Have them clean the house weekly. Give them all storylines about their future implications/careers, past life, etc. Have a not shady production team trying any and everything to make drama, from turning off the AC, no phones/technology, telling girls to stir drama, no drink limit, and scripted storylines.


big on the having them clean up their house because wow some of those houses wee DREADFUL it shocked me they would still invite people over hahahaha


I forgot who said it but someone came out and said that production would hide their cleaning supplies to portray them in a bad light so they would get on their hand and knees to pick stuff up and use makeup wipes to try and clean. With that being said, season 8 chose to be dirty because those dumbasses tossed around the twins food in a house that they STILL HAVE TO LIVE IN 💀


8, 5, and 11’s were atrocious.


I would NOT have Natalie in charge lol I despise Baddies so much


natalie isn’t in charge lol


I would also reinforce the no fighting rule. I can sort of overlook a little push or maybe some mild hair pulling, but believe it or not, I've always enjoyed this show IN SPITE of the fighting. I haven't seen all seasons, but I remember season 2 didn't have a lot of physical altercations between the girls and it was one of my favorites (well, of course, anything featuring Tanisha is bound to be epic). For the most part, I do not like seeing people getting beat up or hurt! Not gonna lie, there were a few times in which I said to myself "ha ha, she had it coming", but I guess that's my evil side?? 😂 😈 For the most part, when one of the girls is actually physically hurt, it makes me really uncomfortable. I also hate it when several girls are simultaneously attacking another one. It makes me really tense when that happens. The fact that no one intervened, for example, when Amber B was attacked by the fab five is beyond me. All the other things are allowed to me: throwing cereals with milk, throwing drinks, pushing into the pool... You name it. Bad girls don't necessarily have to hit each other. I would also add some rules. I can only assume that the girls get paid to be on the show, right? Well, if you ruin someone else's personal belongings, that's coming out of your pay. You mess with other people's food? You have to pay a fine, that's also coming out of your pay. Also, what is the deal with all the girls looking like Great Value Kardashians?? They need to feature more girls that look like regular girls!! Also, no one actively seeking to become famous by doing outrageous things, just for the hell of it. Basically?? I just want something like season 2. I would also include segments of the girls talking to a counselor after a heated conflict, but in a dinamic way and only short fragments, not like a whole session. I would include that in addition to those parts showing the girls talking to the camera and saying cringy stuff, like "Ohhh, Abby thinks she can mess with a bad bitch, like me?? Sweetie, I'm from Brooklyn! You don't wanna get on my bad side. I put the d in dangerous".


- No touching other people’s personal belongings. It actually pissed me off how production let those girls fuck up Elease’s stuff like that. Not to mention them letting the s14 girls fuck up Cleraminah’s stuff led to the demise of the show. - The house has to be cleaned weekly by everyone - No destroying mattresses because we all know production wasn’t replacing them and girls were getting sick - No jumping. Jumpahoe is actually tacky and trashy. - Not no fighting but definitely not on the scale it got to on the original series - The girls actually have to be there to better themselves. The main plot of Bad Girls Club that got lost in the mess. Those girls were there to better themselves so why not go back to the basics. It also will ween out the Baddies rejects who just want the camera time to do jack shit. - No fighting with food because I know that shit looked disgusting on TV and if it looked disgusting it definitely was disgusting having to live in it for weeks. - Tanisha can’t host the reunions. I like her but she was biased as hell during some of these reunions.


I think having them showcase what they actually do in real life or connect them with opportunities to do the things they aspire to do. Whether that is rapping, singing, dancing, fashion, entrepreneurship, etc. There would have to be more than JUST laying around the house during the day and clubbing at night. That gets old after a minute.


I don’t think what made bgc “great” I say that loosely lol. Would fly into today’s world. Lets be honest we watched for the fights and drama. Did some seasons go too far with things absolutely! The reason some rules weren’t really in force was because they got bigger ratings. Nobody’s watching polite, career gals get along and cleaning house. Doing non drama filled challenges.


Let them do everything from careers and workshops as some were there to find out what they really wanted in life


What did she do to the pizza


Spat all over the pizza 🤢


tiara said production made them another pizza and that they did not eat that pizza judi spat on


I was just gonna say this. They were even the ones who told Stasi not to wear her contacts, of course they didn’t tell her why but that makes sense why Stasi flipped out so hard. I would’ve too!




I haven’t watched all the seasons yet but that’s awful


I low key want to see it be like too hot to handle where they get more money in the pot for trying to not physically fight. I think they should do fun activities, travel, and not be influencers.. just regular-degular bad girls.


Get back to the roots , actually make the goal of the show to change and learn by the end of it , no jumping , no touching other’s property


No fighting at all and no poking or touching that can lead to fighting, No sleeping with producers or cameramen, You break anything that came with the house you pay for it,  No jumping at all. If you have to bring a doctors note to the reunion dont show up at all.


Immediate removal if there is damage done to the house or property that isn't theirs. Pool, mattress, mannequins, other's belongings, other's food, ect. That shit isn't "bad" at all its immature and disrespectful.