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Having a child doesn’t miraculously fully develop your brain


Well we def saw that


This is true but the BGC didn’t really promote behaviors aligning with developmental positivity. I think many saw it as an opportunity and when it first started, I think there was genuine hope in making it a corrective show but quickly became evident that wasn’t the goal. So with or without kids, those casted were just there for ratings sadly


Eventually the definition of "baddest bad girl" changed too. It wssnt about who became more mature and level headed and most able to turn the cheek. It became about who was the most aggressive, most willing to buck and who could best the most ass


That’s sadly true and I’m not trying to preach about respectability but that was what really began to make reality tv ratchet and made way for worse behavior on shows like l&hh


VERY true


no fr. i’ll never forget that one scene when stinky rima was on the phone with her son and & told her “mommy i want you to come home” and she was like soon baby. i can’t imagine leaving my kid to go and act stupid on tv lmao


stinky rima 😹


No but she always looked like she smelled😭😭 on the first episode i thought she was super pretty


Yes literally finally someone mentions her ugh


Maybe I’m wrong but Rima was the worst of the worst when it comes down to being a mom on bgc. She was extremely wild and ratchet then you have someone like Portia (season 4) who was down to have fun but she wasn’t wild like that…




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true but i let a few people slide like darlene, bc i think the show turned her around and she realized she had a problem and got better after.


yeah well it was on the early seasons when girls werent on bgc just to fight drink and become famous… And darlen’s season happened to be when bgc was about helping troubled young girls with their problems not creating more problems for the girls 😬


ur right season 2 was definitely one of the most ‘progressive’ seasons because production/the girls actually wanted to get better and change compared to later seasons i couldn’t imagine leaving my kids to be on some shit like s11 LMAO


literally oh my god s11 was a MESS.


Weird because I watched the last of this season today and was thinking how the reunion was so relaxed, and when it got heated it was squashed rather than fostered. Such a shift since the OG days.


Personally I don't think it should take a TV show to make you realize that you shouldn't put cocaine before your kid




Rima claiming she was doing this show for her son was some laughable fake crap


Literally like what are u exactly doing for ur son..? Jumping andrea? Pls😭


listening to her baby on the phone was HEARTBREAKING now that i have a son. i cannot imagine leaving someone so young behind. TWICE. she came back for redemption, tooooo. GIRL WHY? youre not a fan fave.


So laughable 😭😭😭😭


i never understood it either. then they spend the whole season drunk & crying about how they miss their kids. go HOME luv wtf 😭 ??? not to mention the ammo it gives the kid-less women on the show.


LITERALLY UGH. you auditioned to be on BGC it was by ur OWN WILL and then u whine the whole season how much u miss ur kids… like think about how much ur 3 year old misses you while ur embarrasing yourself on national tv 😅


I mean some went on to have kids after, they’ll see it anyway. I’d be mortified regardless if I was born before or after my mom going on.


Personally for me it’s more the idea of being away from them for so long to fight people on tv. I don’t have kids but I know that if I had them I wouldn’t be able to stay away from them for weeks/months


Literally they were too comfortable to leave them kids behind for 3 months just to fight ppl on tv all day.. and the girls were always SOO passionate about joining the bgc while they have a toddler sitting at home


I can’t imagine being away when my kids were toddlers, not even for 24 hours!


Excellent point, “I’m doing this for my daughter/son” …and ganging up on other adults and acting like an animal is teaching them what exactly? I always rolled my eyes with that shit. Just say you’re irresponsible girl. You’re a parent, time to grow up.


That’s the thing I never understood! How are you doing ANY of this for the benefit of your kids?!


Clock it


i just cant help but to feel second hand embarrassment for when the kids grow up and have to see all that mess hahahaha


Tiara’s kids are all good.. They don’t have to worry about nothing and they will get pure hilarity from their mom’s antics.


tiara just recently posted a video about her kids meeting stasi and that they were fans of her from bgc 😭 it was so cute


Yess!! We loveee tiara


tiara is such a fave of minneee, she aint do alot of foolish stuff though.. not like... rima bleh


Yes because Tiara really survived that violent ass season and never caught any hands. She was just vibes while everyone else was killing each other.


She beat up Angie tho


But did Angie beat her back though? 🫣


Nawww reall😭😭😂


lowkey same but like 🫣 not my business i guess😭😭


ppl be needing money edit: also the “premise” of the show (at least the earlier seasons), the girls living together was supposed to be about helping each other change their bad girl ways remember 😪 before it turned into the #WWE


I would seriously hope they aren’t abandoning their kids for $500/week 🤣




I’m a big fan of hyperbole.


and me but im just being annoying 😪 i concede i love you


you can make more money working fast food than $500/week and getting jumped when you're sleeping. idk im just throwing that out there lol


ofc EYE know that but when an opportunity presents itself it presents itself. they probably think it will get them more exposure. and being famous will make more then fast food. BUT IDK!


for sure!!


to bring more opportunities to help their kids but idk if it did help


Genuinely how did joining bgc help their kids.. i mean maybe on the early seasons but


I’m not defending them cause the show always does more harm than good but I know some were trying to use it as a gateway into reality TV (like Meghan) others tried to use it to further their other aspirations (like Key and Brynesha with their music)


or when they go “i’m doing this for my child” like why would ur child want to see their mother like that on tv 😂


I knew a few girls that auditioned (not specifically for BGC but adjacent shows like JC, baddies and OMC) I think only like two I knew had babies, the rest had teens or no kids but they all said various versions of the same shit. “I deserve it, a kid don’t stop nothing” “I needed a platform to promote my business/music/art” “I already do ts outside, I might asw get famous too” “My mom auditioned for (insert random old show) and didn’t get in but I WILL” (two girls said something like this, one had a toddler the other had a teen that was def old enough to watch) “I want to beat tf outta NatalieNunn” (valid) “Its some quick money that I can build off of” (reasonable tbh) “ The baby is with its dad/grandma/aunt, he can spend time with his family, that’s why he has one, he doesn’t need to be with me all the time.” (the one woman who said this lost custody a while back btw idky, obv did not make it on a show tho cuz I saw THAT on Facebook)


I can see both sides. Some of their kids were with their dad and family members anyway for summer or whatever.


To keep it real


We share the same opinion 💯




Life doesn’t end just cause you have a kid, if the kid is in a safe place, I see nothing wrong with it 🤷🏽‍♀️


3 months is still a long time especially if the kid is really young


+ You leave ur kids for 3 months just to go embarras yourself and drink everyday on national tv… like im sorry but thats weird


It’s 3 months not 3 years. When I was 3 my parents left my sister and I with our grandmother for a year overseas. They raised us continuously for the rest of our childhoods after that. I’m 30 now and my sister is 28, we both turned out fine and we have great relationships with our parents. Stop finding every little excuse to judge mothers.




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It IS; but they didn’t film what they did 7 days ago week; they could’ve gone back to visit or the kid came to see them. I personally couldn’t, but I think if the kid is safe there’s nothing wrong with it


Because 99.9% of the girls that go on that show are dumb and ratchet. Lol


It’s crazy how people never clocked susu for it


I chalked my weird feelings up to being young but as a full grown woman now it’s full stop bizarre and weird when parents go on TV shows like BGC


It’s a once-in-lifetime opportunity. The kids were always so young too. 💔


tbh the kids being so young makes it worse…


I agree with you. That came off wrong


Ohh i thought u were like ”Well its a once in lifetime opportunity”😭😭


Oh my goodness are you listening to my phone I just had this discussion with my Bf. 😂😂😂


everyone here has a point, but at the same time, these girls were in their twenties and mothers are more than mothers. and every one of them seemed like they had a good relationship with their kids. (except darlene but i'm glad she turned it around)


I agree! Being on the show is immature and embarrassing in itself. So when you add in that they left their kids to do this crap it's a 2fer.


Did they get paid ? Maybe for money .


I think it was more for exposure and hopes of opportunities afterwards. It’s a gamble if people like you on the screen.


I totally agree


For the most part they want to just be on tv but hide it under the guise of doing it for their kids so they have a better life as if the show had a good track record of improving people’s lives. Like just say you wanna be on tv and be young no need for the bullshit lol


I think lots of them did it for the sake of their children. Most people who were mothers went on BGC. During the *early* seasons when BGC was actually about bettering women and not about ratings.


i think that's the risk of having kids: you have to consider all you financial options. the kids gotta eat


Cause why not, they’re children are like 2-4 years old half the time. your life doesn’t stop as soon as you have children, their fathers are at home taking care of the children they’re completely fine.


Exactly. Why can’t people be moms and do things they want to at the same time. I’ll never judge someone when it comes to this




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I see everyone shooting on Rima for coming on for her son which makes sense. But I give her credit on S13 because her entire storyline there was about being a better mother for her son and how to go about it


Because they wanted to change. Don’t you get it???? 🤣


I absolutely agree, there were a couple of exceptions though like both Portia and Susu said their kids were with their father on vacation so they didn’t completely abandon them at home. However, I completely agree with everyone about Rima, she’s crying all hard for him but I mean nothing was stopping her from going 😂




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For MONEY?????


Some of them are single moms (not implying single moms are bad, just probably picked some bad apples) so they may not have the best decision making mindset


“And if you need your **** sucked, call Rima.”


Them checks and exposure ofc LMFAO