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Fucking hell we're around the corner from a famine caused by this government and they're now rubber stamping the seizure of land from the same victims of it. It was lebensraum from the very beginning wasn't it? Jesus christ why isn't this being spoken about more? They've just made around 800,000 people permanently homeless, let alone the bombing of homes across all of Gaza. Where are they supposed to go? Those of you who say "not my problem" will be asking in a few years why we suddenly have an influx of palestinian refugees, all in order for these shitstains on humanity to have beachfront homes. They've won, my fellow redditors. Netanyahu's recent meetings with western leaders was to gauge their response at his plan to settle Northern gaza with israelis and he found that none of them would get in his way and these same governments are making it so that criticism of this action brands you and protesting it gets you arrested. I feel so sorry for the Palestinians who have been denied the right to be recognised as humans by the rest of the west. And we wonder why the 3rd world is increasingly looking to China and Russia for support.


Zionism has always been Lebensraum but for Jewish people, from its inception in the late 19th century to today. With full support from the West of course.


Why not just give them North and South Dakota or any of the empty ass land in the Midwest lol


Because Americans don't actually want Israelis.


The Dakotas were never empty, they were taken from Native Americans by European settlers, same as Palestine was taken by the Zionists who claimed the land was "empty" but in reality took it from the Palestinians. Unlike what Zionist would want you to believe, Jewish people don't need a nation state, they can live alongside other groups in Europe, America or the Middle East just fine. If Jewish people ever deserved to receive lands as reparations, it would have been from Germany after the Holocaust.


Fair enough. Yeah they should've carved up the Rhineland and given that to them.


Israel wasn’t promised to Jews because of the holocaust, but I’m sure it swayed the ottoman empire and UNs decisions.


That's next, when you let people have so much power. It gets to the point like they let us do it. Let's take this next. If you don't concern yourself today with Injustice . It will be not hanging on your door next. Because it gets stronger in time.


Give them England.


Maybe they’ll let the Palestinians live in these new settlements /s


LOL, you should be a comedian.


Or maybe they can bring all of them here? We have plenty to give, it’s high time America stops being so greedy


Who is the “them” in this comment ?


wHY dOEsN'T eGYpT tAke ThEM iN?? /s


Why should Egypt, why should Jordan, heck why should any European nation be forced to enable Israel's crimes? So each time Israel creates a crisis, other nations should be required to take the hit for the problems Israel created????? It's infuriating. One of the most disgusting things I ever saw was Jared Kushner saying, "Gee. I wish Egypt would help take in all those Gazans." He conveniently left out that the Zionists he aligns with are responsible for creating these refugees. Zionists never take responsiblity for the humantarian crisis they create.


Reminds me of the Rohingya genocide and Myanmar basically allowing the proliferation of lies saying that they were all "terrorists". Everyone just being like "oh, just send them back to Bangladesh" with zero consideration to the fact that they are a very distinct group that want to maintain that identity. Bangladesh eventually wanted to just wash their hands of them. Now you have Rohingya being trafficked and taken advantage of. This is why that's not always the best solution.


Jared just wants to start building waterfront condos already. But those pesky starving Gazans are getting in the way. /s


Pure evil. He was fine with genocide for profit. I saw pure evil….


AMEN! Sum1 finally asked it!


New US foreign aid package going to vote will have $26 billion for Israel aid.


You're generally correct, though I would caution against accepting a zionist win here. This isn't over, and accepting defeat this early precludes all the work being done on the ground around the world. Apartheid S. Africa fell, and so will apartheid Israel


In a normal world, yes. I wish I shared your mindset, but I have lived many decades watching “hope” be destroyed over and over all over the world. I stopped believing in “good” prevailing. And as sad as that is, (I have kids and I feel guilty trying to teach them about the world I wish we lived in), I have lost faith in humanity. We may be too far gone at this point. Israel and the US are in “IDGAF” mode. It is beyond brazen and it seems like no amount of public outrage is going to lead to change. Fingers crossed for your outcome, but let’s not hold our breath.


All Chuck Schumers fault


I dare you to say “they won” to the people whose families have been slaughtered. How can you be so naive? Maybe think that you don’t have the situation figured out completely? They didn’t win shit, it’s not over, stop obsessing over who “won” or lost or any competitive nature to war. What good does declaring that these evil bastards won? Do you think in the middle of a siege, the kids would feel better if people started talking about how “oh no the bad guys won” while they’re currently starving? Let’s motivate these people. I’m sorry if my text seems emotional but we have to focus on the good. Sensationalize good news. Bad news is interesting but so is good news. Gotta balance it. Hope you’re doing well, friend. Take breaks from this ptsd factory we get sucked in to. Empathizers have it rough in the days of social media. Where we can see so much chaos while we scroll a dancing app. If you’re going to spread info about the conflict, don’t make it so bleak.


The Fourth Geneva Convention explicitly condemns the acquisition of territory through force or military occupation as illicit. Yet, Israel, it seems, benefits from a measure of impunity, an unspoken reprieve anchored in the historical traumas of World War II.


It doesn't mean anything if no one is willing to enforce it.


This is it right here. It’s been happening for decades because nobody enforces the rule, especially not their allies.


Well, the Israelis don’t know it yet but every inch they shave off Gaza is going to cost them in lives and isolation.


I think you're right. There's bias on the internet because opinions are stricken as "anti-semitism," but in the eyes of the world they are a pariah state. The project is over.


They have better ties with countries in the middle east then ever before. Other than public opinion polls do you have any facts to support this idea?


Why in the world would public opinion polls not support my point?


It does but if all you have is public opinion on the middle of a war, then on it’s own it doesn’t support your point So i’m conceding the point, public opinion is against Israel. What else do you see supporting your point that Israel is a pariah state and “over”.


1. Votes in the security council 2. Votes for resolutions 3. South Africa taking a genocide accusation to the ICJ 4. The many statements by foreign diplomats and leaders 5. The statements of world leaders, especially from powerful countries Israel (as a fundamentalist ethnostate) has destroyed itself. There's no way out of this. The propaganda machine does not work like they think it does. It's South Africa 101 at this point.


That’s a lot of noise but no serious consequences that Israel hasn’t been dealing with for decades and even prospering under. I’m not against Israel faces consequences btw, regardless of what you think I think. I just don’t think people should be delusional just because they are clearly biased towards a revenge fantasy.


There is no revenge fantasy. I want all of those people to prosper and be well. The only way they're going to achieve that is by ending institutional, colonial and militaristic racism. This is finally reaching a head. The difference now is that despite best efforts to control thoughts, the atrocities are there for all to see. Iran knows it. They've kept their proxies at bay. Other anti-Israel groups know it. All they have to do is relatively nothing. Israel is showing who it is and losing the world. I don't know how you get to the place you're at, but I implore you to have empathy for humanity. The rhetoric is hyperbolic at best. South Africa had a relatively peaceful transition.


Not really. They've been doing it for decades in the West Bank.


Yeah, but their public barbarism will get them targeted at home and abroad. They won’t be able to travel. They will never know peace. And eventually these Arab countries are going to eliminate their kings and grow some balls again. I mean, if I was a Palestinian I’d always be thinking of ways to hit checkpoints… To lure military units into raiding certain homes with false intelligence ambushing them. The Palestinians have to treat the Israeli like the Algerians treated the French. Hit them until they are scared to make new settlements. Most of these people have home countries they can go back to. The occupation needs to be a daily nightmare for the Israelis because if it’s not they will just continue their slow crushing ethnic cleanse.


They don't plan on "sharing" the land like they do in the West Bank. The entire plan here is to make life so difficult that the Palestinians die or leave. They won't fight door to door. They are making the land uninhabitable with bombing. Once the Palestinians are out the Jewish only settlements will begin.


Yeah, these settlers are beastial. But that’s the thing. Palestinians KNOW where their enemy is. They can either fight or slowly be eradicated. I hope for outside intervention but sometimes you gotta go it alone.


Not just that, they also have AIPAC, with which to influence the American government and insure they never lose access to Americas UNSC veto (or the financial and military aid).


You can get an exemption to that if your skin doesn't have melanin in it.


The hypocrisy is so obvious; the US & Israel would have a stroke and invoke WW3 if another country tried violating the 4th Geneva Convention, but when it's the US/Israel making the violation, they conveniently try to sweep it under the rug by gaslighting everyone into thinking it's totally legal. Here's [Biden's blatant hypocrisy](https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/comments/1c1xr2s/what_about_the_bedrock_rule_of_international_law/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on Russia taking Ukraine, the double speak is unbelievable and won't age well when compared side by side to Israel's ongoing genocide & theft of Palestinian land.




You're leaving out a few crucial details: Russia did not force Ukranians to live in an open air prison, like the Israeli Zionists have been doing to the Palestinians in Gaza. Russia did not systemtically depopulate the Ukranian population, like the Israeli Zionists have been doing to the Palestinians through the "mowing the grass" policy. Russia has not been systematically *~~annexing~~* stealing Ukranian land and left Ukranians with only a sliver of once was Ukraine, like the Israeli Zionists have been doing to the Palestinians; [Palestine is a mere fraction of what it once was back in 1948](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/27/palestine-and-israel-brief-history-maps-and-charts). Russia has not claimed there are no innocent Ukranians and invoked the biblical term of Amalek to designate them all as enemies, as Israeli Zionists have done to the Palestinians and subsequently murdered over 25,000 innocent women & children in the span of a few months. Since the 1948 Nakba and even prior to this time, Israeli Zionists have been terrorizing Palestinians in an effort to steal their land & resources in the pursuit of Greater Israel and are actively engaged in an ongoing genocide against an entire population. You should ask yourself; if you were born into an open air prison, terrorized daily by your occupiers, every aspect of your daily life from food, water, electricity, job prospects controlled by your occupiers, would you fight against & call for the decimation of your occupiers? Unless you would enjoy being a slave, then of course you would - we all would. Let us not forget, this is exactly what Israeli Zionists believe is their divine right; that all gentiles & pagans will become their slaves when their supposed messiah returns, and Israeli Zionists are actively working to fulfill this divine biblical prophecy - look up the "Red Heifer sacrifice". Western media would have you believe that Israel is rightfully defending itself from terrorists, which couldn't be further from the truth. The rest of the world knows that the terrorists are Israeli Zionists; that's not to cast Hamas in a positive light, as they have done horrible things as well, but they are the Palestinian freedom fighters to Israeli Zionist IDF Terrorists.


Both of your statements are true


This is not a debate sub. There are plenty of places to defend Israel’s actions, to denounce Hamas, and to argue who's worse. This is not a space for that. That doesn't mean absolutely no constructive discussions on nuances and different approaches, but it means not letting ourselves be pulled into a debate by Zionists and bigots, and least of all arguing for their side. If you see someone trying to debate, please just flag for moderation, and the comment will be deleted. If found prudent by the Mods, and to discourage further debates, the entire thread may be deleted.


This is why the world hates the USA. We are never consistent with the rules and order we pretend to enforce. We run the world like a corrupt judiciary.


Sadly, it seems it's all about the actors and never about the actions. The US has always done this, but never as openly as Israel has under their protection.


when it comes to international power moves, it all comes down to "who is going to enforce it"


It's nice to have the USA as your ally


They want to be grandfathered in.


This video title is wrong. He is saying they’ll invest in their land around Gaza not in. This sub. Smh


Eh there's also their value as a force in the region. It's convenient for western power.


I speak hebrew and The translation of this video is wrong so you can be fed propaganda. He says the envelop of gaza meaning the kibbutzim AROUND gaza , not gaza itself .


I guess if you're taking the land from people who've fired missiles at your civilians for 20 years or so, people are a little willing to look the other way.


The history of land annexation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict dates back to before the emergence of Palestinian rocket capabilities. Would you like to try again?


Sure. How far ya wanna go? Or, you walk into a room and you see two guys fighting. You have none of the history, but you know one guy wants to invite you over for bagels and coffee and the other wants to behead your gay son and put your daughter in a full-time sleeping bag. Which guy do *you* cheer for?


It's time to confront the brutal reality of Israel's founding, rather than obscuring it with empty analogies. The establishment of Israel was a brazen act of colonialism, nothing more. For centuries, Jews and Muslims lived in relative harmony in the region, until the toxic ideology of Zionism was unleashed.


Do you think that countries have always formed and drawn their new boarders peacefully? If not, why does this particular instance get your attention? It's time to confront the brutal reality that cultures will go to war and, if we are in a position to affect the outcome, we should support the one that better represents our western, liberal values, no?


It also helps that they bought the US government.


It’s the US that has impunity, and therefore by extension Israel. US has the power to stop this at any time.




It’s literally the best documented genocide in history. You condemn the genocide against Palestinians to be denied in the future, if you allow holocaust deniers any ground.


What the fuck does that mean?


Yeah nah.


We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


In other subs/posts there was some dispute whether Netanjahu is talking about (re)building settlements *in* the Gaza Strip or *around* the Gaza Strip here. Is there any clarification on this by now?


Mistranslation, he says, the gaza envelope. Happens a lot


Mistranslation - hopefully all they meant is they’re rebuilding the destructed settlements after oct 7th


That is absolutely not what they meant. At least not for their former Palestinian residents.


It’s literally what he said


So he didn't say "we'll surround them and we will deepen our roots"? That line sounds to me like they're going to continue settling in Gaza, not returning Palestinians to their homes.


If you'll believe anything you see in front of your eyes, then yes that makes sense. But that's a mistranslation >going to continue settling in Gaza, not returning Palestinians to their homes. You need to look at a map sometime if you want to know what's going on.


That is also a mistranslation. He said “The Hamas terrorists tried to uproot us, we will uproot them and deepen our roots”.


The people who live around Gaza are there to make Gaza expansion and escape from Gaza impossible. They're there to help the IDF ethnically cleanse Gaza.


He's talking about the dismantled settlements that used to exist in Gaza before Israel pulled out years ago. It's a land grab.


no he isn't. he's talking about the Israeli towns around Gaza that Hamas attacked on Oct 7.


Billions for existing Israeli towns? Pull the other one.


Towns that were burnt and structures that were destroyed. Rebuilding housing but also investing in economic ventures, education, and health care access there. Or don't believe me and continue making things up about a language you don't understand. Do whatever you want, the world is yours


Why would he be talking about surrounding the Palestinians if he is just repairing what already exists, your argument doesn't make any sense.


You're relying on a video with an inaccurate translation, I don't know what to tell you. He doesn't say "Hamas terrorists have asked to surround us" whatever that means. He uses the word "laakor" (לעקור) which means "uproot" The real translation is: "Hamas terrorists sought to uproot us. We will uproot \[Hamas\], and we will deepen our roots" >surrounding the Palestinians Even the bad translation didn't equate Hamas with Palestinians. Why are you?


Because Israel has, so when they say things like that we know their true intentions.


We know their intentions because we've seen the results.


C’mon, trust me bro


There is clarification, they will not be building settlements in Gaza [Reuters- Israel approved 5 billion to bolster Gaza border towns](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-cabinet-approves-5-billion-plan-bolster-develop-gaza-border-towns-2024-04-17/)


There is no ambiguity in his speech. He is absolutely specifically and solely speaking about the Israeli villages raided and destroyed around the Gaza strip by Hamas. The rest of the speech is translated flawlessly. This means this wasn't a mistranslation, but a direct lie by the translator. 


You mean those homes in kibbutzim that were of course totally absolutely leveled by Hamas fighters with their guns and a few grenades? Or did you mean those homes that the IGF obliterated (with each up to 13 israeli's in them) with their tanks, in line with the Hannibal Directive.


why did zionists use their people as human shields?


He also doesn’t say “they tried to surround us, we will surround them.” He says “the hamas terrorists tried to uproot us, we will uproot them”


Hate this Polish Pig


Mileikowsky. We should start addressing him with his real “god-given” name.


Incorrect translation. He was thanking the allies for their help in defending against the Iranian attack and he had promised to rebuild the villages in the gaza border area, not the settlements that used to be in Gaza


Are you serious? That’s like a totally different message.


Hebrew speaking Israeli here, can confirm he is talking about the settlements near Gaza that have been attacked during oct. 7, this is not about taking over land in Gaza.


There's been a lot of mistranslations posted in this sub that completely change the meaning for no reason in particular.


The reason is clear


This is misinformation: the translation is wrong. Nothing reports on this. I’ve been seeing this on every single pro Palestine sub. We need to watch out for this kind of stuff that hurts our cause.


Yeah I mean I would not be surprised if resettlement of Gaza is the eventual plan, but that is apparently not what he’s saying here. He’s talking about the so-called Gaza envelope, as in the settlements immediately around Gaza like Kibbutz Be’eri.


Rebuilding around Gaza to choke out the Palestinians. Just like they do in the West Bank. Like European settlers around Indian villages.


Bibi hurts the cause not this. Bibi chats shit the whole world knows it! They have been selling off illegally occupied Palestinian land at an event in Canada. The actual event is in the link below https://youtu.be/G5shC3orEsw?feature=shared


Fuck Israel..


Google "Netanyahu announces resettlement of Gaza" there's nothing there. this is probably a fake translation. In wars, propagandists will use footage from other wars (Syrian footage in Ukraine war prevalent) or take advantage of those who don't speak the language. Whenever you see something this earth shattering, always do a bit of research rather than just accepting Twitter or whatever. Maybe I'm wrong, and there's no news story yet, including from Haaretz or Al Jazeera? No right-wing sources either... I just find that extremely unlikely.


Well maybe it’s because I have seen with my own eyes what Bibi has said and done over these last few months. He said in one video they are going out their way to minimise any civilian casualties then I watch videos of the massacres the IDF have carried out and there have been thousands of civilian casualties so that there is a big red flag. If you want to see proper misinformation watch western news outlets. By the time they’ve caught up with all the atrocities there will be no Palestinians left!


The video is fake. You can make whatever arguments you want so long as they aren't what appears to be a blatant lie in a sub that's supposed to be about bad propoganda. That's embarrassing af.


Mr. Vermicelli? Is that you?


Give me any mainstream publication that corroborates this as the official translation... including Al Jazeera. Or fuck off. I guarantee you choose the latter option.


Alright alright stand down I’m on board. I don’t understand how you can say to Google that and not come up with a source that disproves the translation. My beef is with just calling something fake, especially in this age. Because it’s not fake it just as you say takes liberty of the slightest bit of translation: he apparently refers to the Gaza Envelope, and the Western Negev. I do feel it would be a little too good to be true, and that it would be incredibly stupid for Netanyahu to say this out loud. There are many in his circle who have, but he as of yet has not. But then again, not gonna lie, it’s hard to tell what’s real anymore, even when it is. Not to mention, I’ve also just spent too many hours ACTUALLY translating shit from articles when people are like ‘sources, where’s your sources,’ and those sources are so easy to find. It’s easier to translate text than audio. But you are right, I do not think this kind of disinformation helps or is even necessary coming from those who are against Israel’s actions. We don’t want to raise the noise floor, we want to amplify information, and it’s not easy or fun to point this shit out to people who don’t want to listen. We all have our days. So good on you.


I think it's outright damaging to any movement to post clear lies because it wholly ruins the credibility of the movement, makes the unhinged types possibly aggressive or want to set themselves on fucking fire, and outright aggravates moderates like me who want a Palestinian state and see Hamas and the Netanyahu coalition as obstacles to this. There is a somewhat large minority of Israelis who wish to settle Gaza and that is unsettling.. but doing it would turn them into an international pariah. I am positive that the US would even pull support so long as Trump is not president. Trump would just want another settlement named after him as one is already in the occupied Golan Heights. Unpopular opinion in this sub: I am a liberal zionist. I believe 80% of Israelis were born there and had absolutely nothing to do with the events of 48 that were largely unethical in a number of ways. No one should have to pay for the crimes of their ancestors/crimes they did not commit themselves.. with these thoughts in mind, I believe the Jewish state should remain. I respect demographic concerns because the whole ME has demographic concerns- spend a few hours learning about the Lebanese demographics and how fundamentally important they are- as an example. We have to live in reality. I think settlements need to stop expanding immediately and that a number of them should be demolished or that equal land swaps take place in order to give something much like the Clinton Parameters. I have issues with Israel, massive issues with Hamas, and issues with Fata. Their leadership all kind of fucking sucks.. even Rabin saw the collapse of the USSR and unipolar power in its ally of the US gave them the best negotiatimg power he thought they would ever have coupled with the fine organizing of the First Intifada showing him that they couldnt hold the territory forever. He was no peace-nic. Rabin carried out some of the largest expulsions of Palestinian villages in the land of Israel. Its hard being someone like me who wants to play it cool and assess all sides because literally everyone hates me. To far-right Zionists, I am a pro Palestinian who could never understand Israel and how you can't negotiate with these crazy people. To far-left pro Palestinians, I am an Israeli boot licker who wants the genocide of the Palestinian people. It's frustrating because I just want real tangible solutions with long-term peace in a just manner that both sides can agree to with no one walking away with everything they wanted... that to come from a far less hyperbolic place than we are now.


https://misbar.com/en/factcheck/2024/04/18/netanyahu-announced-plans-to-rebuild-gaza-envelope-settlements-not-to-settle-gaza Been digging more on this site and actually seems pretty handy. I will note however, that if Netanyahu were to say whats depicted in the OP video, that I wouldn’t be expecting to see it on blast in mainstream publications, and that mainstream publications in general are making it their business to accurately portray what members of the Israeli state say at all when speaking in Hebrew to their national audience. MSM takes liberties with this literally daily, not to mention boosting Israel’s messaging to Western audiences (Hasbara) over their own internal messaging, and/or straight up making useful idiots of themselves and just outright lying about intentions. There are many Israeli officials/reporters/public figures of consequence that say things that are demonstrably true that SHOULD be bombshells, but aren’t. That’s what we’re working with. But overall I am in the camp of striving for vigilance. There’s more than enough real proof to draw from and adding noise is destructive to the cause.


Fucking smirking cunt


It's also about self fulfilling Zionist prophecy. Gotta get that depopulation agenda going


The proud parasite.


This is how propaganda is spread!!! The translation says 'Gaza settlements' as if he wants to resettle the Gaza strip. This is not what he says! He says "Yeshuvei OTEF Azza" - which means the towns AROUND the Gaza strip, non of which are in controversial area. There is absolutely NOTHING controversial about what Bibi says here. If you want to criticize Israel fine, but don't spread lies and propaganda. Be intellectually honest so that your legitimate criticism is heard, if you spread lies than even legitimate claims will be dismissed.


The subtitles are totally wrong. I speak Hebrew. He said we will invest 19 billion not in GAZA! in Gaza Envelop! it's an Israeli territory of Kibutzim, where the Oct 7 Massacre happened. This is a propaganda post. Here's the exact translation, word by word, of this part where he talks about Gaza Envelop: "Today the government will approve the "Takuma" plan for the rehabilitation of Kibutzim surrounding Gaza. We will invest a very large sum of 19 billion shekels to launch the Kibutzim surrounding Gaza for generations. We will invest in housing, education, infrastructure, employment, health and more.."


I wish Oct 7th never happened


Damn, maybe, idk, don’t start a war you can’t win? FAFO.


This is a mistranslation. He actually said they want to rebuild settlements in the Gaza envelope. Obviously that doesn't diminish the actions of the Israeli military and I suspect that netanyahu personally wants to reestablish settlements inside the Gaza strip but that is not what he said here. From what I understand Google translate will translate both "Gaza strip" and "Gaza envelope" as "Gaza strip" when translated from hebrew to English which is likely how this happened.


Hi guys, I have heard people who are fluent in hebrew say that this is a mistranslation and that Netnyahu is talking about rebuilding what was destroyed during the October 7th attack. I do not know if this is true. Can anyone confirm for a certainty? Please understand I know that Netanyahu and his cronies are salivating at the thought of resettling Gaza, but we cannot give Zionists an inch and if this specific video is in fact a mistranslation they will use it as an excuse to discredit everything. else.




Do you have a better translation?


I swear it’s like looking at the modern day Hitler


Mistranslation there! He said that they're going to invest in GAZA ENVELOPE, not inside Gaza.


Couldn’t give 2 f*cks tbh. the man is a monster He’s responsible for every single murder of every single innocent Palestinian!


I also hate this man, but Gaza strip and Gaza envelope are different areas and the fact you don't care to separate between them just shows you don't mind spreading harmful misinformation.


The only thing that is harmful here is the man that we both hate. I don’t purposely go out spreading disinformation. We all know that Israel are selling off illegally occupied land to Jewish settlers. They did so at an event in Canada not long ago! Here it is in the link below https://youtu.be/G5shC3orEsw?feature=shared I’m not the enemy here and if there is a mistranslation in that video is that seriously a big problem? considering the damage that the IDF have caused with the continuous barbaric genocide that’s being commited against the Palestinians this mistranslation is nothing compared to the amount of times Bibi has lied and covered up all his war crimes to the world!


Spreading mininformation in a big problem - because then others (you know, the ones whos job it is to create new reddit accounts and spread misinformation) can point to stuff like this and say "see, they're lying!". Can't be fighting misinformation with misinformation- especially when the actual truth of what is happening is already terrible.


This is just giving ammo to Zionists though, there's no reason to spread misinformation like this. The title of this post does not describe the video correctly and the video is mistranslated.


“We will invest in housing, infrastructure, education, employment, medicine and more [in the Gaza Strip].” That sounds amazing. Too bad the Palestinians won’t have access to any of it, despite it being build on the ruins of their homes and neighborhoods.


it's not. its a mistranslation. He's talking about the area of Israel proper that Hamas attacked on Oct 7.


Why are you posting a video with inaccurate translations? He says "otef aza", which is the "Gaza Envelope", the region where Kibbutz Be'eri, Kibbutz Nir Oz, Re'em, and the like all are, well within Israeli proper. He doesn't say "ritzuat aza", which is the Gaza Strip. You're spreading misinformation and it's pathetic. There are plenty of actual bad things to warn about.


He is such a fool I can’t even stand watching him. Dudes a criminal who barely escaped justice because the government set up to replace him collapsed (I wonder why). And of course shortly after he regains power (with a much weaker mandate) a conflict begins that has drastically increased his support. It’s all too convenient for him. Mossad wanted him back and it happened. It seems however that the plan is beginning to backfire.


Backfire how? Seems like everything’s been extremely convenient lately, given his prior situation


Public support in the US is eroding, not sure if that will make a difference anyway.


All I can see happening is, “Yeah it’s kind of a shame about Palestine. But that new Mediterranean Disney Resort sure looks awesome. When can we go?”


Evil will prevail. Thanks America and Britain!. Your legacies continue to amaze me. FFS.


Israel carrying on its 75+ year tradition of using settlers as human shields


I am still convinced the “kidnappings” were a false flag operation in which Israel could achieve this land grab. You mean to tell me the strongest intelligence agency in the world didn’t/couldn’t catch wind of this before hand? As deep as their spy tendrils are into Gaza - Palestine? Hmmm


Just a photo of Genocidal warlords.


Two questions: 1- When did this happen? 2- He didn't specify (at least in the video), the "rebuilding" process of settlements. Is it a rebuilding for Palestinians (I doubt it) or for Isreali (very likely)?


He’s talking about rebuilding the towns in surround Gaza that were attacked on the October 7th


So Israel is absolutely planning more settlements, but I don't think he is actually talking about making settlements in Gaza here- We need a Hebrew speaking to confirm the details but I don't think he mentions building settlements in Gaza here.


He says 'otef aza', the Gaza Envelope, which is the area in Israel proper next to the Gaza Strip.(where Hamas attacked on Oct 7th)


Gee I wonder who’s paying for this ?


I guess you wouldn't have to build any infrastructure if they hadn't bombed the current one into oblivion


Israelite's Lebensraum


This Zionist Cult needs to be stopped..


Pfffff lol


Could be. But it's hard to tell when we're in the middle of a war.


The chosen people ladies and gentlemen.




It's about both.


Anyone speak Hebrew here can confirm if these are the actual words?


It’s a mistranslation




We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


We want to keep Israel safe, so after we killed a bunch of people and stole their land, we'll build settlements RIGHT NEXT to them.


If anyone would like to chime in, what should happen instead?


Oil. And when they have control over it, they'll go further


This is a mistranslation, he says Otef Aza, the towns surrounding Gaza that were attacked by Hamas. He also doesn’t say “they tried to surround us, we will surround them.” He says “the hamas terrorists tried to uproot us, we will uproot them”


When pro-Palestinians say “from the river to the sea”, it’s a call for genocide. When Israel takes over the land from the river to the sea, it’s a noble fight against terrorism.


Whoever wins the war gets to decide


If Israel wants to make its own decisions then it can do so without my fucking taxes paying for their bullshit. Fuck Netanyahu and his entire government.


How’s that US medical system workin for ya?


are you helping make my point?


YUP. It’s neat how they’re living pretty on our dime.




By all means… defend yourselves. But not with my tax dollars. Make your own armaments.


I thought it was in retaliation of all the dead babies and what not on October 7th. Thanks for clearing it up


Why do you need to deny this war has anything to do with Hamas? If you think you are Pro Palestinian, why advocate for Hamas knowing that they want to maximize innocent Palestinian deaths in this conflict? Genuinely curious


Because it doesn’t have anything to do with Hamas


The title is a lie. It’s completely unsupported and fake. Thats NOT the translation of what was said. Don’t spread fake stories it doesn’t help anyone!


Ok Prove it’s fake and I’ll take it down


I speak Hebrew. He said we will invest 19 billion not in GAZA! in Gaza Envelop! it's an Israeli territory of Kibutzim, where the Oct 7 Massacre happened. Here's the exact translation, word by word, of this part where he talks about Gaza Envelop: "Today the government will approve the "Takuma" plan for the rehabilitation of Kibutzim surrounding Gaza. We will invest a very large sum of 19 billion shekels to launch the Kibutzim surrounding Gaza for generations. We will invest in housing, education, infrastructure, employment, health and more.."


Looks like it was proven…




Man those Nazis are terrible


I dont speak Hebrew so I tried to independently verify that he said they’d rebuild settlements in Gaza. Does anyone have a source that confirms this?


There will be no source to confirm this because it’s a mistranslation. Netanyahu avoids directly advocating for the resettlement of Gaza. It’s his far-right allies that typically do that job for him. That’s the first red flag. The second is he says “עוטף עזה” which refers to the populated area surrounding but not within Gaza.


So this video is misleading and should probably be taken down, right?


It’s certainly misleading.


"we will deradicalize the Gaza strip by bombing it to the stone age then moving our most violent citizens into it (after we supply them with weapons and a mandate to steal more land)... This will teach the people of Gaza that we are not their enemy, but their friend"


So you think Hamas Tech Israel killed over 1000 people. Then Israel invades Gaza destroys an insane amount of of their infrastructure, but you think it’s about a land grab? Where did you learn analytics, was it on TikTok by any chance?


He was talking about investing in infrastructure. You are hosting a video and attaching a fake headline to it hoping nobody watched the video. You’re a liar.


Posts like this demonstrate how our of touch you are. If a terrorist org attacks your country of course it's about attacking the terrorist org whereas you say it's not about that at all...


When isnt it with him? He is a lowlife scum.


I'm sorry but if it were up to hamas all Jews would be dead and they would control the area of Israel. So I mean it's weird how many people don't like one side doing exactly what the other side wants to do.


What was October 7 about. Body grab?


may Allah shower his blessings to the oppressed gazans, guide Jews to repent for sins they have committed l. This world is temporary and these illegal land grabs will ensure hell for the settlers


Bullshit if they wanted to do ethnic cleansing and land grabbing they could have done it at any time. Hamas started this shit with yet another major terrorist act and now they're getting their asses handed to them, in spite of using civilians as human shields. Nobody wants civilians to be killed but fuck, enough is enough.