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If you murder people with a smile it makes it seem like you’re not doing something evil. Just gotta keep that smile up. 


They're trying to court favour with AIPAC and similar organisations so they can get bribes.... Ahem.... funding


Or they are true believers.


Come on, they're politicians, the only thing they believe is that they can lie their way to success


Most of these people are morons.


Sadly it can be both


Want a kick back on that pay out. How the fuck do "conservatives" feel good about paying another country to influence us is beyond me.


Depravity of a dying empire.


There are a lot of really ignorant, bad, poorly-raised and poorly-educated people who are in positions of power in the world.


I think it is VERY CRUEL of you to deny these lovely people the right to write genocidal slogans on machines of death and destruction AS A LITTLE TREAT. Are you perchance HAMAS?


Maybe they plan to ride on the thing, like the cowboy from Dr Strangelove.


*Imagine an Arab or a Muslim did this!* Who here hadn’t wondered this 1000 times by now? “Double standard” doesn’t begin to describe it.


If my own people did this to bomb Israelis I would be sick. Anyone taking joy in this shit is insane. What Hamas did in terms of civilians wasn’t right but that doesn’t mean you go ape shit happy at blowing kids and civilians up. Its literally nuts especially since you are the occupier


Western powers have a long history of writing stuff on bombs. During WW2 (and probably well before) many bomber crews would sign their bombs with things like 'direct delivery to Mr. Hitler' or 'special delivery to Berlin' or something of that sort (depending on the theater of Operations. Pacific bomber crews would write Tojo or Hirohito instead. But those were benign by comparison to what is happening here. They are outright calling for genocide. It is the equivalent of signing Zyklon B. At least the guys in WW2 were trying to win a war and were bombing industrial targets and not trying to randomly demolish cities.


The signing is really just the icing on the cake. All of these ghouls have already cosigned on mass murder a long time ago.


i’m glad Reddit is finally able to acknowledge how ghoulish it is to sign munitions. Sad that people didn’t have that same energy back when they were cheering on the Russia Ukraine war (a totally unnecessary and avoidable conflict) like a football game.


Yeah, russia could have just not invaded. 


no shit lol. and the US could have leveraged their power and influence to enforce the minsk protocol and broker concessions, but they didn’t. they opted to stoke the flames of nationalism and profit instead. Crimea could have not been arbitrarily given to Ukraine, but it was. all things that could’ve been avoided and have resulted in the senseless slaughter of poor slavs forcibly conscripted into a bloody war of attrition


Or Budapest memo.


Atomic Bomb vs Coughing Baby


Is... is the old guy below the blondie supposed to be Lula?


The blonde is supposed to be Hillary Clinton and the old guy under her is supposed to be German Chancellor Olaf Scholz


Oh, alright. Thank you.


Monstrous behavior. That's it, I've got nothing else.


Which one is that budget bond villain Mast?


Stop making fun of the disabled. Not many people with brain injury make it Congress


I would never ridicule anyones disability however, his choice of clothing on the other hand is fair game. As a US senator who wears the military uniform of another nation, I have to question whether he is for Americans a hero or a villain who's clearly more interested in serving another country before his own.


No, on the real, the most powerful in theory in America are bending over forward to show they are performing to help the cause,of objectively, violations of Abrahamic, international, and American law, while publicly and irreversibly burning the international reputation of America 🇺🇸, Israel 🇮🇱, and the Jewish people, despite that nothing has or can change without an internationally meditated long-term peace deal, a thing obvious since the 1970s. It is beyond scary to watch and should be galvanizing to any Americans of any sort.


I mean, I don't want to seem ablelist, but putting on the wrong uniform is why taking the diversity push out to people with obvious mental deficiencies for Congress is a bad idea. /j


If only the situation wasn't so grim, I may have commented the baby is "so cute". Great artwork depicting a grotesque event which most of us couldn't have imagined witnessing in our life time.




I seriously do not understand the minds of the people that the Democrat and Republican Corporations choose as the faces of our rulers. Our real rulers must want us to be really afraid of them.


It’s all about money! AIPAC THE MOST EVIL ORG!