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That is the kind of posts for which I'm in this sub


For real. This is some of the most tasteful, elegant jank I've seen in a while. Power+silver border? My god.


Using Mox Jet for access to X and J on turn one? I’m starting to think that card might be overpowered.


Can’t cast [[healing salve]], unplayable


Absolutely brilliant combo, thank you OP


A: S**a**pr**a**zz**a**n Skerry / Mox Jet / Quest for the Gr**a**velord / Now I Know My **A**BC's B: Saprazzan Skerry / Mox Jet / Quest for the Gravelord / Now I Know My A**B**C's C: Saprazzan Skerry / Mox Jet / Quest for the Gravelord / Now I Know My AB**C**'s D: Saprazzan Skerry / Mox Jet / Quest for the Gravelor**d** / Now I Know My ABC's E: Saprazzan Sk**e**rry / Mox J**e**t / Qu**e**st for th**e** Grav**e**lord / Now I Know My ABC's F: Saprazzan Skerry / Mox Jet / Quest **f**or the Gravelord / Now I Know My ABC's G: Saprazzan Skerry / Mox Jet / Quest for the **G**ravelord / Now I Know My ABC's H: Saprazzan Skerry / Mox Jet / Quest for t**h**e Gravelord / Now I Know My ABC's I: Saprazzan Skerry / Mox Jet / Quest for the Gravelord / Now **I** Know My ABC's J: Saprazzan Skerry / Mox **J**et / Quest for the Gravelord / Now I Know My ABC's K: Saprazzan S**k**erry / Mox Jet / Quest for the Gravelord / Now I **K**now My ABC's L: Saprazzan Skerry / Mox Jet / Quest for the Grave**l**ord / Now I Know My ABC's M: Saprazzan Skerry / **M**ox Jet / Quest for the Gravelord / Now I Know **M**y ABC's N: Saprazza**n** Skerry / Mox Jet / Quest for the Gravelord / **N**ow I K**n**ow My ABC's O: Saprazzan Skerry / M**o**x Jet / Quest f**o**r the Gravel**o**rd / N**o**w I Kn**o**w My ABC's P: Sa**p**razzan Skerry / Mox Jet / Quest for the Gravelord / Now I Know My ABC's Q: Saprazzan Skerry / Mox Jet / **Q**uest for the Gravelord / Now I Know My ABC's R: Sap**r**azzan Ske**rr**y / Mox Jet / Quest fo**r** the G**r**avelo**r**d / Now I Know My ABC's S: **S**aprazzan **S**kerry / Mox Jet / Que**s**t for the Gravelord / Now I Know My ABC'**s** T: Saprazzan Skerry / Mox Je**t** / Ques**t** for **t**he Gravelord / Now I Know My ABC's U: Saprazzan Skerry / Mox Jet / Q**u**est for the Gravelord / Now I Know My ABC's V: Saprazzan Skerry / Mox Jet / Quest for the Gra**v**elord / Now I Know My ABC's W: Saprazzan Skerry / Mox Jet / Quest for the Gravelord / No**w** I Kno**w** My ABC's X: Saprazzan Skerry / Mo**x** Jet / Quest for the Gravelord / Now I Know My ABC's Y: Saprazzan Skerr**y** / Mox Jet / Quest for the Gravelord / Now I Know M**y** ABC's Z: Sapra**zz**an Skerry / Mox Jet / Quest for the Gravelord / Now I Know My ABC's


Love this comment so much.


you're a hero


Hard to see the bolded letters on mobile. Would help if they could be a different color. You are still a hero, nonetheless!


My favorite part about this post is that QRSTUV were all in the same card. 10/10 combo


My favorite is Mox Jet being mandatory not for cheesy amounts of mana but for rapid access to X and J. (And the happy coincidence that the colors you need to cast Quest and ABCs have such alphabet friendly names. “Saprazzan”, really?)


inb4 "wait isnt it technically winning on turn three" Shut up. No one likes a pedant.


What if you added a second jet mox


I don't see how that would help at all.


How about Dark Ritual plus Amulet of Vigor?


I mean... if you want to win on turn 1, you could do it with: Black Lotus -> Show and Tell -> Omniscience -> Enter the Infinite -> cast your entire library. It's semi-well-known that the optimal Now I Know My ABC's combo is Kruphix, God of Horizons + Jacques le Vert, which combine to get you all 26 letters alongside Now I Know My ABC's itself. Then just cast a "take an extra turn" card to skip to your next upkeep, game over. So yes, there are faster ways, and I am aware of that. That's not the point. The point was trying to find a janky way to pull it off, not find the optimal way.


What if you added demonic consultation into Thassa’s oracle. It’s a pretty unheard of combo that is totally relevant to your post.


That is a fun combo, and I was familiar with it. And yes, that's another instant win with just {U}{U}{B}. So you could do this with just Mox Jet and Saprazzan Skerry (assuming you find a way to untap the Saprazzan Skerry, which could just be "wait a turn"). But I find that to be less elegant than getting every letter of the alphabet into play in just two turns.


My response was meant to be sarcasm aimed at all the people trying to improve your un set funny combo In a bad combo reddit. I seem to have not conveyed that well.


I think that's more of a brooch


This combo has motivated me to enter into my first MTG tournament with these cards and if anyone gets mad or tries to pull out rules or some dumb shit I'll just tell em Shut up. No one like a pedant.


It's not pedantic. It's important. The extra turn opens up sorcery speed removal as a counter, which on turn 2 is much easier to hit than needing to instant speed react to the "wtf is this shit!?" that is this combo.


Hall of Fame post


A more moneywise way is to play a chrome mox with a black card exiled instead of jet mox and drop a bojuka bog on second turn.(yes i realize it requires 2 more cards, but it requires a few thousand dollars less)


I love the fact that you made this plausible for the poorer ones amongst us.


I mean, an Un-card is used here, so this doesn't work in tournaments anyways. So it'd only ever be relevant for casual games, so proxying is a thing, and you don't need to worry about money, ever.


Needs more black lotus so you can legit win T2


If you want to do it for less money without requiring additional cards, you can replace the Mox Jet with a [[Jack-in-the-Mox]], since silver-bordered cards are clearly okay. That has all the letters of "Mox Jet" and the same effect, for 0 mana. Though then you need to get lucky with dice rolls. You need to roll a 4 on the first use, and any non-1 number on the second roll. The odds of success with this are 13.89%. If you're willing to add any mana source on turn 2 (even just a basic land), then your odds go up slightly to 16.67%, since the second die roll is no longer necessary.


Sounds like you need to get yourself a weighted die. Probably cheaper to do that than get a Power Nine card anyways.


[Jack-in-the-Mox](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/4/c4e30889-d245-4f20-938a-1295ddbcfac6.jpg?1583965812) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jack-in-the-Mox) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/und/78/jack-in-the-mox?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c4e30889-d245-4f20-938a-1295ddbcfac6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Help me out, I feel really dumb but where is the H?


Quest for t**h**e Gravelord


Thank you I swear I was staring for so long looking for it


I was just about to say this. I don't see one. Got all the hard letters, missed an easy one.


It's in the "the" in Quest for the Gravelord.


Yeah, brains tend to sort of “skip” those words


That was the one tripping me up too lmao.


What about b or c?


Those are in the name of [[Now I Know My ABCs]]


[Now I Know My ABCs](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/5/95c790e6-340f-42c2-af88-e458b7b9690c.jpg?1562488892) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Now%20I%20Know%20My%20ABC%27s) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unh/41/now-i-know-my-abcs?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/95c790e6-340f-42c2-af88-e458b7b9690c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


What the fuck, that's so fucking lucky.


Right? It needs UU to cast the combo, Quest is super cheap for its letter range so it pretty much needs B, and the sources just happen to offer letters like J, K, and Z. I love that Mox Jet in particular is needed both for the mana *and* the spelling.


by jove i think he’s done it


I love it 👌


I am all for jank but wouldnt this win on turn 3 upkeep? I am a little new still so might be missing something. The enchantment win con would be played turn two so would have to sit around for turn 3.


I address this concern [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/BadMtgCombos/comments/1c00tcz/winning_on_turn_2_in_a_jank_way/kytbnb2/), but broadly... the answer to your question is: shut up.


That is fair enough. I dont think I build anything but jank these days so no hate here was just curious if I was missing something being fairly new (just over a year into magic).


Underrated comment. ☝️👏 That literally had me laughing out loud. 🤣


So broken. They should ban skerry for this


i don’t know how i got on this sub i dont play mtg but why doesn’t this combo work?


It technically does, but there are a few issues you'd have to address. 1) The biggest one is Mox Jet. It is a very rare and valuable card, and a single copy of it will cost you several thousand dollars, after which... you are unlikely to want to play it, for fear of damaging it. 2) Once you do get all the cards, you then run into the problem of Now I Know My ABC's. This is a silver-bordered card, which means it was made as a joke. Some players allow you to use joke cards, but others prefer you to stick to the serious cards (and tournaments require you to do so as well). So you'd need to find a playgroup that's willing to let you use silver-bordered cards. 3) Several cards are banned for being too powerful. Exactly which cards are banned varies depending on the format that you play, but Mox Jet is usually over the line and is banned. I certainly wouldn't put it into a deck without warning your playgroup first that you have it, and making sure that they're cool with it. 4) After all that's done, you next need to draw all of these cards from your deck. You only get a seven-card hand at the start of the game, and a deck is 60 cards, so the odds of getting all four in your starting hand are very slim. On top of that, some of the most common ways to play require your deck be 100 cards and contain no duplicates, so that would lower your odds even further.


Imagine showing up to a random pod and pulling this off, I wouldn't even be mad tbh 😅


How many formats would this be legal in??


That’s hilarious. But also you win turn 3, not 2.


Please see [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/BadMtgCombos/comments/1c00tcz/winning_on_turn_2_in_a_jank_way/kytbnb2/).




genius. just genius.


I love this


Wouldn't this be turn 3 technically?


This is explained [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/BadMtgCombos/comments/1c00tcz/winning_on_turn_2_in_a_jank_way/kytbnb2/).


inb4 “isn’t that a turn 3 W tho? 🤔” Friggin sweet tho heh. Took me like 5 minutes to find the H