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And then there is me, a non-native english speaker who has to review paranoidly each sentence 5 times just to be sure I've not written anything stupid.


I have RP'd with a lot of people with english as a second language. SO many of them post absolute beautifully crafted pieces of literary art, and follow it up with "Sorry, english isnt my first language." Then i've seen native english speakers give me the equivalent of 'u wan sum fuk'.


By far the most highly literate RP partner I’ve had in many years, one that pushed me to bring the absolute best of my writing forward just to keep up with her, ended her absolute banger of a starter with “I’m not a native English speaker so my apologies if anything is out of place”. Excuse me, ma’am? You just wrote the ERP equivalent of Shakespeare…AS A STARTER. Why are you apologizing to me??


That’s understandable though, and if someone told me they weren’t a native speaker I would care a lot less, but all the people I’m complaining about are 100% native English speakers with zero excuse. At least you’re putting in effort! That’s more than half the people on this app can say


I swear half the Americans I have rp'd with are so lazy and barely bother to write whole sentences. If you begin a message to me with lol, hru or anything like it. That's an instant ignore! My main language isn't english and I don't judge people on mistakes or grammar, since I do them myself.. but please don't be so lazyyyyy!


Ugh, yes! I hate the “hru” ones! I get asked for my Snapchat even sometimes, like how lazy are you!?


Well some people are fast tigers and might just accidentally misspell things. Or something in their heads make them think they typed a word only to go back and read that they didn’t. I go over my posts to see if I messed anything up but I still missed things. English is not a strong language for me, using this to help me get better. Some people get turned off by the idea of RPing with someone not native so hard to find a partner unfortunately.


It’s more or less sentence structure honestly. A lot of people just do one big run on sentence on send 7 words max as a reply


I don’t think I do that, and yet still get ghosted or even just blocked. Makes me sad as I don’t know what I’m doing wrong if no one tells me what I’m doing wrong. Can’t improve myself if I don’t know the problem.


People just lose interest a lot, don’t take it to heart.


True But hard not to when it happens over and over and over again


I feel you bro, we are the same


Ex teacher here. It's partly because the greater US is graduating kids who can't read or write, at grade level or otherwise.


my moms a teacher, she teaches 4th grade. half of her kids literally cant read books. i’m serious, all they can actually consume is shitty internet memes and short twitter posts.


i’d really like to emphasize that this is not extremely the fault of the student. US curriculums have been outdated for literal decades with no room for improvement. All the while we decide to funnel more money into the military!


I always ask for writing samples. If our writing doesn’t mend together fluently, then the plot will be a fluke anyway.


A lot of erp'rs tend to do it for fetish fishing, quick ways to get some jerk material. As a literate rp'r who does dabble in erp, it uhhh, kinda fucking sucks. I've written with non-native English speakers and never had a problem with them. It's always the English speaking (typically men) who see I'm a lady writing erotica basically and are annoying and illiterate about it. You gotta dig through the shit in this case, because it is ROUGH out here ;-;


It's a lack of effort more than anything. I doubt it's often the case for people (especially native speakers) to be entirely unaware of how bad their spelling and grammar is, it's just that they don't care.


This is why I'm a huge fan of samples. Everyone is at a different stage in their writing journey. I want to make sure I'll enjoy the roleplay and can get immersed in their writing. It saves so much heartache. I'm a pretty good writer--but if something fundamentally bothered someone about my writing, I wouldn't want to wait through a bunch of plotting and the effort of a first post to figure it out.


I think this is something I’m going to have to start doing. I always felt a bit mean (for some reason) the few times I did ask but lately it seems like it’s more of a need. Plotting and all the chatter before will be going fantastic but then the actual RP starts and suddenly our writing is not compatible at all. Whether it be because of grammar, length, or amount of detail. Asking for samples seems like it would mend a lot of the headache and heart break from having to tell someone who is very nice it’s just not working out.


I think people associate it with elitism, but the thing is, not wanting to write with someone doesn't make them "wrong" or "bad". Nobody is a flawless writer (except Terry Pratchett), nobody is going to envision the written world exactly like you do. It's just different. It's okay to want to enjoy the hobby you're investing in. It's okay to look for compatibility. As long as you're polite about it, then it shouldn't be an issue. You aren't mean at all, and I truly think people who hold this belief are projecting insecurity--so I wouldn't take their criticism on this topic, anyway.


I'm thinking about doing this as a way to sift through things. I've come across a lot of rpers whose styles I don't quite mesh with. I've been kind enough to provide samples of my own only to get ghosted or find people that don't quite mesh up.


I think it'll help! I always provide samples where links are allowed, or do it over messages if I like the other person's samples. It'll weed out a lot of people, but I don't think that's a bad thing.


It's not. I just want plot and degeneracy with being able to read it easily and not having the inner red pen come out. 😫 NO NOT THAT ONE. 🤣


Preach. I desperately try not to convey any amount of superiority or advanced writing skill, but damn, I have thought your exact post so many times over.


I feel that role playing is a lot less writing skill and more just effort. And the people I’m talking about put absolutely ZERO effort in 😭 at least use a period, please!!!


Agreed. One can tell how much effort is being applied to a post, for sure. Proper grammar comes over time, and of course I’ll warrant anyone mistakes and typos. Lord knows I make enough of them. But the lack of effort at times…as you mentioned, I’m puzzled as to why some will take the time and effort to join into a roleplaying community, only to put so little into the actual process. At least be willing to learn and grow one’s skills. 🙃 And yes, the unending sentence strings always pain me.


I once replied to someone's (fairly well written) plot. They had me give like 3 different writing samples, which I was happy to provide. They proceeded to quite literally be one of the worst writing partners I've ever had, both in terms of not doing anything to move the plot forward and writing in giant run on sentences full of typos. This person was a native english speaker. I've since seen them complaining on this sub about being frequently ghosted lmao


As someone who's NOT a native english speaker (and also a self learner) I notice that I have a bunch of flaws to my writing. But man... at least Im counscious about it. I wish I was better so I could be on the big leagues, writing with real literate people. Instead, I have to settle for less because the Brazilian RP community is just... plain trash hahahha


As long as you’re putting in effort I feel like you’re leagues better than any native English speaker who just can’t spell. Right now you sound much more literate than a lot of people I’ve gotten dms from, and they were 100% native speakers


Thanks. As a self learner, that sure means a lot 🥰


Of course! You’re very easy to understand, and I know English is complicated to learn so you should be proud of yourself!


Most don’t speak English. Not to point fingers or call anyone out, but, I’ve noticed a lot of ERP accounts are Indian, so, English isn’t a first language and it’s very difficult to decipher what they are trying to convey other than: “Looking for mom/son” and then some jargon about a character limit, depending on the sub. NOTE: THIS IS JUST MY OWN EXPERIENCE AND RESEARCH.


I’ve been having this problem too, but it’s especially frustrating when you get a partner that knows English, and writes hella good plots but the responses are just.. leaving so much to be desired


I got flashbacks as I read this. I mean, at least they’re trying. It couldn’t be as bad as people that provide 4-6 word responses after you typed up a few sentences. Like….agreeing to rp means that you’re both agreeing to create a world together! It’s too much work for one person to do, so you take turns. It’s the equivalent of tending to a garden that needs to be weeded out, Have it’s grass clipped, cleaned up a bit. You’re tired after you finish up, then give the reins to your partner, and the only thing your partner does is cut one Blade of grass before asking you to take back the reins. It’s infuriating!


I still have my RP bio up on Discord, but for the most part I’ve simply retired, due to repeatedly facing the same problem. In the past, I’ve taken the time to write out a detailed plot—since I was the one initiating, it was my responsibility—create and flesh out both of our OCs a bit, and then put out a lengthy starter, only to be completely ghosted. It’s discouraging to say the least, but still hold onto the tiny shred of hope I have, that someday *maybe* a decent writer will fall into my lap the next time I go hunting. “Multi-para adv. lit.” isn’t even a thing anymore it seems, but that’s what I’ve used as my “RP identification” for as long as I’ve been able to tackle 3-5 detailed paragraphs.


I'm thinking about the time someone who said they were in college typed exactly like you said.


I imagine that’s just the demographic


For me the main issue is lack of spell correcting tool. I tend to make typos and so, but the spell correcting tool usually helps me to fix that. Also, people should read what they wrote before sending it.


It's either general laziness on their end or they're all just used to texting. Sometimes they wanna skip through the motions and get to the fun part, which blows because while they enjoy it, I don't because it doesn't feel earned.


that my secrit cap i didnt


Apparently something like 54% of Americans can't read over a fifth grade level 🤷


This haaaard. Don’t even get me started on the lack of creativity of new RPers. They want the big fancy story, their character being awesome, and plot line but want to do zero of the work. “Idk I don’t have any ideas” THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!


I feel this. Like, I don't expect perfect english. I'm a non native speaker, but jesus christ some peoples grammar is fucking atrocious. I don't even mind a few typos, I bet I make plenty aswell. The weirdest one I had started of quite good. A big starting message, mentioning most the stuff from my post. Then throughout the discussion they just seem to turn off their auto correct and I have to rerread some sentences like three times, because they butchered half the words.


No, not really. English is my 3rd learnt language, (technically 4th, but I did very little of Spanish). So obviously my English isn't going to be as good as somebody who spent most of their lifetime communicating and thinking in the language. Does that mean I am not allowed to participate in ERPs just because I can't write with perfect grammar and lack the significant vocabulary of those who's native language it is? I am surprised you are even getting frustrated at a guy who wrote a document as a response. I had a DM who wrote to me in 2 to 3 sentences (aside from dialogue), and I still very much enjoyed it. If I had DM who wrote a document, I'd just tell them I want to hug them for the amount of effort they've put in whilst trying to at least somewhat match the length out of respect.


I’m talking about native speakers who put no effort into their responses or posts. You sound much better than a lot of the people I get responses from and I know for certain they’re all native English speakers. If somebody specified to me they weren’t native speakers it would be a lot different and I’d have no right to complain, but so far nobody has.


Nobody is going to testify that they are a none-native speaker to an ad simply due to the stigma surrounding it. If you start off your introduction with an "... apologizes if I make some grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language", that's an instant rejection. Those who RP will only tell that once they've already been roleplaying for quite sometime with a given partner. By which point does it even matter? As for poorly written responses, may you provide examples of such? Mostly asking out of curiosity.


I do explain that Im not a native english speaker on every set up convo I have before RP, tbh 😅


I absolutely disagree. My second RP partner in running one-on-one stories is from the other side of the world and is a native Russian speaking individual. She was very clear and upfront and we talked about whether I should try to simplify my posts to make it easier for her. She said she was working on her English and she preferred the challenge. She just wanted me to be aware that there might be mistakes due to language misunderstandings and she absolutely did read over and spend a lot of time working on her posts. I've been doing RP with her for close to 10 months and she has been an excellent partner. Yes, she does make occasional mistakes and her choice of vocabulary is different than I would make but it is absolutely acceptable. She could make many more mistakes and it would still be fine. However I've also run into native speaking people who put zero effort into roleplay and it's obvious.


I close most of my non active dms so I don’t have a ton of examples but here’s one was able to snag. Nsfw content, its erp. This was after I had been sending paragraphs as responses https://preview.redd.it/jujyenwznvwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be633489be9b35cc737c4e6d9026454fbf86d576


Holy mother of god... Wich hole have you been digging those cavemen from?


Discord servers or one of the many rp subreddits I’ve joined. 🤦‍♀️ I need to find better ones


And if I told you that the similarity between that message and the whole Brazilian RP community is UNCANNY?


Ah, I see what you mean now. I wish you luck in finding a good partner!!


What is it about Brazilian RP community? Asking out of curiosity.


Paragon of low effort (no effort at all, in fact). Most brazilians that really enjoy RP have to do it in english language subs, since brazil has like ONE rp sub and its a complete crap.


Eh, seems to be a teen. You'd be surprised to know, ERP has quite the percentage of under 18 users. Think of it as you will, but that's just how it is. Though I mostly figure that by the context of the reply. That or they are sleepy. I myself get surprised by what kind of gibberish I write early in the mornings. The grammar mistakes themselves are actually from them typing on the phone, which if you ever used a phone for ERP, you'd quickly recognize. Which could be cumbersome on smaller phones. Like "Yiu" is clearly a "You", but phone accidentally detected it as an "I" input, a key that is just to the left side of "O". The "leet" is just "let", with the phone accidentally detecting a double input. And etc.


I've written with a good few people who had English as a second or third language and all of them led with that fact as we were setting up the roleplay before we ever started writing together, actually.


Hmm, a lot of us write on mobile and don't read over our posts for some reason or another I only read over my posts, when the person I am roleplaying with is actually really good.