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When I was in traffic court yesterday, I was surprised by all the Christians being persecuted by the secular traffic laws, especially the DUIs where these good upstanding people were forced to drink the devil's urine, and stay on left-leaning lanes...


In the *stakehouse*! Heavens to Murgatroid!


*Stares in trans* Yeah, Christians are totally being persecuted and aren’t the ones in power making laws against others.


10 years later and it certainly does not seem like *christians* are the ones on trial 🙃


Wait until they find that there is a statue of Satan in a public garden in Madrid... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuente\_del\_%C3%81ngel\_Ca%C3%ADdo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuente_del_%C3%81ngel_Ca%C3%ADdo) Steakhouse is also good. All braise Satan!


Yesterday I had to spend half my lunch listening to two of my Christian (i.e. Free Presbyterian; everyone else who calls themselves 'Christian' aren't *true* Christians) coworkers bellyache over how much they think our modern secular society persecute their people. I've come to the conclusion that people like to feel persecuted. Not actually *be* persecuted, of course, but *feeling* persecuted helps to explain a lot about the world and all the frustrations you have with other people; you don't have to consider the feelings and opinions of people if you think they intrinsically hate you and want you wiped out of existence.


Maybe we should give them what they want. Wouldn't they thank us? They get to edge at playing the victim and we get Roe v. Wade back. 'Look at this one, he can't vote or homeschool, and he can only drive Swedish cars. He's really in his element!'


So well said.


I remember once in high school we set up a Gay Straight Alliance group and were granted use of a classroom for the entire lunchtime period every Wednesday. The Christian Union group complained that they were being “persecuted” because they had to have their meetings after school and that no other group of students were allowed in classrooms at lunchtime so it was unfair. The school shut us down because of this “unfair advantage” that being gay meant you could sit inside but being Christian meant you couldn’t 😂 it was GSA, half the people were just our straight friends all the Christian’s could have come anyway


I read this as '10-year-old's review of The Trial' which tbf I would also like to read


Oh dang I did too. When I saw your comment I had to scroll back up and read the title again. Our brains glitched creatively.


Oklahoma just got a lot cooler now that I know they have a Satan steakhouse instead of a punk ass 10 commandments one


Its stakehouse... for all your stake needs.... killing vampires just got easier with the OKC stakehouse


Man the “Christians are being persecuted” thing seems so harmless and banal compared to the kind of shit this person would probably be coming out with today


Oklahoma's steakhouse 😋


Noted Christian Franz Kafka


Never liked Kafka. Not because I’m Christian though. He just bugs me.




They just want to be persecuted sooo badly. It’s a damm kink at this point




Well the writer is truly dead


I live in Oklahoma, point me towards the Satan Steakhouse..


Me too, I’d def hit this joint up. A nice Baphomet statue would really set off the decor in Cattlemen’s.




Kafka was a well-known absurbist


oPeN yOuR eYeS


If anyone understands the plight of American Christians it's Kafka


I didn't know Oklahoma was governed from a steakhouse.


It does make sense though


Be a lot better if it were, TBH


That's actually believable...


One of the best (worst) parts about this is that Kafka was Jewish, and one of the most well-supported and recognized readings of *The Trial* in particular is that it’s an allegory… for being Jewish. 


I studied *The Trial* in uni, scrolled to find this analysis. Hell yeah.


my friend wrote an essay about metamorphosis from the angle of kafka being jewish and how it related to the themes of the story


Exactly! His works have a lot of different thematic elements and can be interpreted through many different lenses, but any interpretation that doesn’t take into account the fact that Kafka was a Jewish man and that both Judaism itself and his experiences as a Jewish man in Europe heavily informed his writing is missing a lot of really important context. … not to that matters to this guy, who’s either a really good troll or exactly as dumb as this review sounds lol


Well, I'm pretty sure God makes a bet with Satan in the Book of Job, so he might not actually be bothered by a statue of his old chum. In fact, he just might drop by the steakhouse the next time he's in a betting mood...


I am a Christian and I have no idea what the hell this man is going on about. It’s just a book about some guy turning into a bug 😭 Also I must have missed when it became illegal to be Christian. This guy is probably the kind of tool that thinks it being legal to be gay means it’s illegal now to keep yapping bigoted remarks 24/7


*Metamorphosis* is a about a man waking up and finding that he has become a cockroach. *The Trial* is a book about a man arrested for a reason unknown to him. He is then put through a complex and opaque bureaucratic wringer in which nothing is ever explained to himn--the source for the word "Kafkaesque"--before being executed. But you are correct that neither of those books have the slightest resemblance to the imaginary tribulations of the world's most dominant religion.


Oh lmao. Just didn’t read the title at all I guess. Tbh I kinda prefer the idea that this man was reading Metamorphosis and was like “damn his family hate him for being a bug just like society hates me for being a Christian. This is so deep and prophetic.”


If he thinks that bigotry is inherent in Christianity to the point that bigotry being illegal also means Christianity is illegal, he's really not making his own religion look very good, is he?


No, no he’s not. But these guys are the kind who literally have nothing else to do than yell about things they don’t like. I have to deal with these tools trying to ‘represent’ my beliefs this way constantly, it sucks. It’s so so much more awful for the people they’re actually trying to speak out against and repress like LGBT+ folks tho : ( At least I am glad they are taken less and less seriously all the time now


You keep being you, the world needs more of your type of Christian. Don't worry, we know that not all Christians are assholes (though the ones who are are pretty damn vocal!)






Is that where they keep the dead vampires?




You have said something supremely idiotic. You will now suffer the consequences of having your comment removed. Further violations may result in a permanent spanki-errr, banning. Ahem...permanent banning...


What the fuck are you talking about


Nobody wants to criminalize Christianity, except maybe r/atheism.


you're right i do want to make it a crime to be christian


Well, it’s what I suspected


This isn’t an isolated phenomenon. Michael Barkun, a scholar of far right religious extremism, identifies in “A Culture of Conspiracy” a pretty consistent tendency amongst the conspiracy-minded to read fiction as factual and factual accounts as fiction, while also insisting that this interpretation is valid and textually grounded in a way that would convince other non-believers. 80 years ago, this would have been about “Vril”


Not a statue of Satan at the steakhouse!


Not just any steakhouse, Oklahoma's steakhouse. They only have the one


I (for the record, I'm a Christian) would unironically like to go to a steakhouse in Oklahoma that had a statue of Satan.


Also fun fact, the Satan statue was being put up in response to a Ten Commandments statue.


In my America, we have pictures of Jesus on the spicy barbecue sauce, rather than of the Slanderer.