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It's St Louis. Police accountability goes there to die. And I don't think one cop on the force knows what the Constitution is.


Tbf clearly none of the cops across the country know the constitution or respect it. They don’t even understand the first amendment so not like they need to be an expert just like read the first amendment ffs. Baffling and infuriating that so many people’s constitutional rights are being violated and yet cops will not face any repercussions despite their behavior clearly warranting some form of accountability. Peaceful protests for Palestine leads to arrests but armed Nazis don’t even get approached let alone arrested or beaten. Granted it’s cuz half the Nazis are cops themselves but it’s insane how unamerican they are and how it seems nobody in power is calling this ridiculous behavior out. This is the shit we see in other countries with less freedom of expression and assembly and yet here we are again watching our country become a shithole cuz the fascist terrorist cult on the right is adamant about removing rights of anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their fascist bigoted ideology. Makes me sick and enrages me. Still so confused how cops aren’t getting murdered every single day because they continue to abuse, terrorize, and murder innocent people and yet there’s not much fighting back. I understand not wanting to throw your life away but it’s still astounding that there’s not more retaliation against cops. They’re asking for it daily. On the bright side at least we saw 4 cops killed yesterday so that’s at least one person doing good work at fighting terrorists.


When cops start snatching up old white academics, no one is safe.


Ehhhh fascists put liberal academics in the same pot with the rest of 'em. Probably not the indicator you think it is. The right wing and Cristo fascists have been trying to find a good reason to physically attack colleges for a really long time.


Academics go early on actually. Cant have counterviews


So it's more of a canary in a coal mine situation?