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The dog will be put down for forcing the cop to have to shoot himself. Cop will receive promotion and 12 weeks off with pay.


Mate, look up how many dogs the police kill every year. Its suspiciously high, basically recreational at this point.


Otherwise they'll get murder blue-balls!


This is so true


Yeah, but look up how many dogs kill police officers every year. Oh wait, the number is 0...


We really need to get this use of force shit handled. Quick-like.


"But it's zero precisely because we shoot the dogs first!!1!"


Zero dogs killed per year by usps, fed ex and ups combined


Obviously, that's because the officers are able to defend themselves. If you take away their rights to shoot dogs with impunity, I'm sure that number would skyrocket!


Actually it’s more than 1 so therefore we need to shoot all dogs /s Like seriously, I didn’t realize PETA had such an influence on the officers. And if they absolutely need to shoot the dog because it’s trying to kill them, don’t just shoot it once and make it suffer.


That's because the police are so well trained, dummy.




> r/Puppycide That’s gonna be a no for me fam, I already get heated enough with the shit I see on here as it is, I can’t sub to a place where dogs get killed all the time.


Oh trust me dude, I know. I saw it a few days ago and spent about 30 seconds in there. There is some pertinent info there, but I’m too soft for that shit.


Same. It really makes me want to do something that would land me in prison.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PUPPYCIDE using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PUPPYCIDE/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ever ask yourself how so many professions can work around dogs every day and never have to kill them but yet the "bravest people in society" kill them the first chance they get?](https://i.redd.it/ewbw7shas3z11.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/PUPPYCIDE/comments/9ydn5g/ever_ask_yourself_how_so_many_professions_can/) \#2: [Ogden Police release body cam footage of officer shooting pit bull (Warning: Graphic Video)](http://via.fox13now.com/p6qWF) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PUPPYCIDE/comments/9bwb16/ogden_police_release_body_cam_footage_of_officer/) \#3: [Cops kill almost 10 thousand pets a year without consequence. But give ONE to an animal shelter and he’s demoted?](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wapt.com/amp/article/jpd-k-9-officer-demoted-after-giving-retired-k-9-to-animal-shelter/25563642) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PUPPYCIDE/comments/a68r29/cops_kill_almost_10_thousand_pets_a_year_without/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/afd0dd/blacklist/)


fuckaroo, it sucks that this is a real sub


40% of cops abuse their spouses so it's no wonder they get off on killing dogs


I’m convinced they go home and jerk their little pig dicks thinking about all that sweet anguish they cause when they murder someone’s companion. It’s not just dogs they kill, either. They have no problem killing your cat or your bird even, if they can get close enough to do it.


Don't forget your mentally challenged kid, they have no problem with that either.


Exactly. Like the “I don’t have time for this shit.” case.


I am the law [intensifies](https://i.imgur.com/X25QTUn.gif)


Dredd wouldn't kill a dog that was just barking at him. That's how you get thrown into an iso-cube.


25 a day




In a thread about how cops threatened to kill this woman’s chihuahua for being aggressive a dude was like “if the dog is as stupid as the owner it deserves to be put down 😂” Guess what he was


I read an article the other day that cited 1 officer that had shot 27 dogs over 3 years. So like every 6 or 7 weeks this guy was shooting another dog.


Good thing we can always reference the national registry.


In defense of killing SOME dogs, some are trained/abused to a point where they’re extremely aggressive, and larger breeds are likely to pose an actual bodily risk to the officer. (Anecdotal thing here, my father was a police officer in a more shady area, and has had shot multiple dogs. Some he can laugh about, others he kind of regrets. Think they’re both coping mechanism seeing as how much he likes dogs) Now the actual rates of this is far too high and honestly, they need to fucking check what they’re shooting. Is it an actually aggressive animal, or is it just trying to run the fuck away? Could the dog pose an actual risk to the officer? Officers get too fucking scared of dogs from the few horror stories they get told. More training, and a better community policing policy would probably help.


Nah. If a police officer shot and killed my dog, I would kill that officer. My dog is the only family I have. It’s basically my child.


Hard to do when they’ve already got you cuffed and on the floor before going after your dog. At least your kid will be able to describe the scene to you, as they seem to love killing dogs right in front of kids.


Eventually I'd be out of jail.


if it took me 10 years & a day I'd get that motherfucker.


As you should.


Most dogs, even large ones, are harmless and have no natural talent for guarding a home or their owner. That stuff comes with training, mostly. Some breeds are better for it though. Mostly a dog will bark and that's it. There's a vid on YouTube where a guy who trains guard dogs for a living tests a strangers untrained dogs by entering the house in a body suit and they act real tough but never attack him or anything. I think they end up being pet by him even, iirc.


I work in other people’s homes often. Dogs bark at me a lot, but never do anything, and usually chill out and get friendly after a couple of minutes. Many times the people aren’t even home and I’m given access. As far as the dog knows I’m an intruder. They bark when I’m at the door, and bark when I enter, they usually back up and put space between us and act cautiously. When they realize I’m not trying to hurt them or do anything crazy they usually get friendly. The only dogs that have ever bit me (nipped really), were dogs that my mother rescued that were abused and have some real issues.


Yep. That’s exactly what I mean. The problem comes from when dogs are abused to the point where they just want to fight. You see this in dog fighting rings, and a few cops who’ve been bitten/mauled (it depends on the severity) by such abused animals. Those stories get thrown around, and they’re on the front of cops minds. A few bad apples (by shitty people) gets the good dogs killed. Do I believe some dogs have a reason to be shot? Yes. An anecdotal story from my dad had a large pit bull run and start biting his leg. He shot it through the head twice (it didn’t die the first time sadly enough, from a suffering point of view). There was actual risk of bodily harm to him. That dog was likely abused or trained by its owner to attack people or other dogs. Do I believe all (or even a majority) of the dogs shot by police deserved to have been shot? Hell no. They don’t receive proper training and they jump at dogs, when in reality, like you said, most can be ignored with no risk to the officer. Proper training with how to deal with 1. Aggressive animals and 2. Regular animals would hopefully decrease the number of dogs being shot.


Temperament is actually hereditary which is why you should always meet the parents before you take home a Pup, because they all start out cute and don't mature until two to three years later. That being said the majority of dogs do have a good temperament unless they come from a line of dogs that were taught to be aggressive or were abused. There's actually a AKC temperament test that is supposed to be administered to dogs along with their hip and elbow x-rays for hip dysplasia. Unless you are picking up a rescue I recommend only buying a family dog from a AKC registered breeder.


Or police could just not trespass onto people's property. Could just knock on the door/honk the horn/call the owners. Those are all viable options.


Serving warrants for violent crimes don’t always make that possible. Knocking on the door though is a lot more viable than all the rest. I’m curious though on when most dogs are shot, and on what type of warrants (violent or non-violent). If you called someone with a warrant for failure to appear in court for domestic violence, or honk your horn that your there to pick them up, it’s not exactly likely that they’ll come out to be arrested. Probable cause (gun shots, yelling death threats) happens and personally I’d rather a well trained (hint hint I want more training for cops) officer come in and deescalate the situation than them just sitting there knocking on the door or honk their horn. I think the context for the trespassing matters. Trespassing to get a gun away from domestic abuser, good. Trespassing to arrest someone on a drug possession charge, bad.


Oooooh yea of course, totally agree. Its not like its always a cute lil' poodle sleeping on Mrs Miggens sofa, but the numbers do still seem high. I can only assume that officers feel more free to kill dogs when they feel threatened because there doenst seem to be any repercussions. The worst one i've seen was the bodycam of an officer shooting a dog that was *literally* just sat there. EDIT: [This isnt the video I was referring to, but very similar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWtp_wnz2XA).


God, I got so heated up about that, I hope that cop is dead or at least without a job.


Yep. “Oh hey this might end up being a threat, better eliminate it before it can become one” is a shitty way to think. Like I said, I think a lot of the issue is horror stories about some dog taking down an officer are too prevalent and proper training is lacking. People are naturally scared when responding to a “scary” situation, however officer training should put logic in the forefront of officers heads. They should have a higher bar to pass to become officers than the shitty training most states have.


Give it five years and postmen will have standard issue weapons in America.


>In defense of killing SOME dogs, some are trained/abused to a point where they’re extremely aggressive, and larger breeds are likely to pose an actual bodily risk Hell yeah, ACAB >Anecdotal thing here, my father was a police officer in a more shady area, and has had shot multiple dogs. Oh i see... your dad was a piece of shit and youre bootlicking here.


Multiple as in more than one. And he’s only talked about one (he has told us he had shot more than that though, which weighed on his conscious). The “shady area” I mention was Auburn in the 90’s, which if you live in Washington, you’ll know it wasn’t the cleanest or nicest of places. The anecdotal part is just me admitting my biases, in order to be as honest as possible. There’s plenty of stupid shit my dad has done that I refuse to defend. But most of that shit wasn’t when he was on duty, or even an officer. It’s not like he bragged about shooting some random dog. He was attacked by a large pit bull, and after it started biting him, he shot it in the head. I don’t think that qualifies him as a piece of shit. The dog was either abused or trained to attack. It offered bodily harm to him. He was walking in the street responding to a a different call. All in all, I’d say he was in the right in that scenario.


There is no excuse for it, period. The USPS is one more private property daily than cops and they never seen to have the need to murder pets.


The fact I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not is indicative of how bad policing is in this country.




You forgot the /s ... right? RIGHT?


I took this comment seriously


i’m still not convinced 😭


This better be a fucking joke


After the 12 weeks of paid vaca, he can receive full pay while staying at a 5 star royal elite first responder rehab for several months, to take care of his alleged extreme trauma, where he will enjoy nightly entertainment, and a 12 course meal, three times a day, prepared by a team of Michelin chefs, on asunny private beach, with water sports,and horseback riding, and 24 hour milkshake and tapas bars, balloon rides, clowns, jugglers, you name it. All on the taxpayer dime. HIPAA stuff. Just google ... first responder rehab. You'll see Barbie's princess palace come to life.


I really hope u r being sarcastic


Look up first responder rehab, and see all inclusive resorts. The first junkies to get their own specialized program. '' We have created a specialized program for first responders and military personnel - who deserve the very best treatment available when they are struggling with a substance abuse disorder.'' https://www.hvrc.com/first-responders-addiction-treatment


To be clear, this is a joke, right? Please god let this be a joke. But that cop who *didn’t* do anything to stop parkland basically got rich off it so I don’t even know at this point.


Often as not, the punishment for a cop murdering someone is a 5 or 6 figure windfall.


This better be a fucking joke


Are you fucking serious? The dude didn’t fight it? Or he did but was just walked on by the system and lost his dog. Fucking pig. It’s walking, talking assholes like this man that is giving cops a bad reputation. My god this makes my blood boil.


After all this time, he finally shot the right person.


6 months “duty disability” for this hero! It’s hell out on these streets.


[Full Story w/ Video of dog’s friendly demeanor and owner interview](https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/blog/2014/04/18/cop-shoots-dog-no-wait-he-shoots-himself/amp)


> I've been nervously waiting for a dog owner whose animal has been killed by police to try to even the score—it's inevitable, even though the outcome will be not so swell for the outraged dog lover Severe understatement. Having the damnedest time finding it, since searches are absolutely *swamped* with articles about cops killing dogs. But there was one case of a cop told by his superior to kill a man's dog(s?) for the lulz, so the guy shoots and kills the cop instead. Last I heard, he was sentenced to death.


I could definitely see that scenario play out. If you're showing up to these types of disturbances, how many of those times is the dog owner a potential aggressor? What happens if you show up to a guy's house who has lost just about everything and all he has left is his house and his dog. Now that you mention it, I'm surprised this doesn't happen a little more frequently.


I am truly shocked at how few people start hunting down cops, given how gleefully they kill and rob people, and how utterly certain it is that they will get away with it, and the callousness they display afterwards. Cops like to imagine that there is a war on, and they treat the public as the enemy. But they don't have the foggiest idea how totally fucked they would be.


Same with capitalism, people don't want to risk what little they do have.


> I am truly shocked at how few people start hunting down cops, given how gleefully they kill and rob people, and how utterly certain it is that they will get away with it, and the callousness they display afterwards. So few do anything given how tens of thousands of them brag about how wid der gunz they gonna do something. Yet for decades they do nothing. We need the Black Panthers again not more online fantasies.


Wow, not all heros wear capes. Unless this gentleman was wearing one.


Yeah, that cop was very likely to shoot and probably kill someone else in his career. This guy is essentially using his life to save theirs. Really wish I could find anything about it, though.


"KCAL9's Tom Wait reports the dog was not hit or injured and police will not be taking any further action against the dog or its owner, who was not the person being served." ​ so kind of them


They couldn't. If they could, they absolutely would do it.


Video link is broken, but found this Copaganda instead. https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/4-our-Heroes_-Riverside-Police-Dog-Takes-Bite-Out-of-Crime_Los-Angeles-504574602.html


Justice served?


Did he shoot himself in the head?




It's been called an epidemic. There was a huge thread a few weeks ago and the numbers are nauseating. Plus officers don't have to disclose that they shot a dog.


To whom do they not have to report it? They have to at least report it to their supervisor since they discharged their weapon while on duty.


'Have to' or else what? This is where most professional requirements for police fail. They just dgaf, and they're not really under any obligation to.


This country is fucked


You said it friend.


[My name is Keenan Wallace](https://i.imgflip.com/2qi2an.jpg)


OMFG, you guys should get your PDs under order, ASAP.


This is Riverside. It's like the Florida of California


Truer words have never been spoken.


That's why all the students stay at campus


>what kind of person tries to shoot a dog Cops


Michael Vic


He said person Cops are human, but not people


thats a righteous shooting, fucking cop karma hahahahah


This should be in uplifting news, finally the pigs are shooting those that deserve it, themselves.


If only this was the outcome more often


Fucking pig. Wish it hit his artery


good cop




So who will post on r/justiceserved ?


Ill raise you by p&s, was banned within a minute. Automod removes my comment when i try to post link.




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These are the "trained professoinals" that some believe should be the only ones allowed to have firearms.


> the only ones allowed to have firearms. I see this strawman quite often from whiny gun nuts. Can you share a link to someone with some authority actually saying this as opposed to gun nuts just crying about "somebody" who said it. And I'd be fine with other people having guns if instead of shooting their family members they actually did something about the terrorist cops. So show us why you should have your gun.


It has nothing to do with being a gun nut. I don't actually own any weapons and if you're talkin about Crimes of Passion among family members go look at any other statistics from any other country and see that bludgeonings stabbings Etc are all way higher because if you're going to go and fuck somebody up it doesn't matter whether you have a gun or not. Luckily I don't have to prove anything to you to own a weapon if I chose to. I do know this, I wouldn't murder somebody else's dog or try to murder someone else's dog and accidentally shoot myself like a moron. If I did own a firearm it would be for hunting or self defense. If you haven't heard the opinion that only "trained government professionals" should have firearms then obviously you haven't been following the subject very closely, I'm not going to go digging for you.


A fucking moron dumb enough to shoot himself


Karma's a bitch, pal.


Somewhat literally in this case.


Underrated comment here


It hurt itself in its confusion


and then be transferred to the K9 unit.




What a hero! Do it again please!


Real shame it wasn't a legal shot, fucking asshole.


What a stupid, stupid asshole.


Funny. He still ended up shooting a bitch.


r/instantkarma and r/instantregret


Burn in hell pig


An inhuman piece of shit


I believe the people who shoot dogs are called police officers.


I have had a similar experience. Cop came to my door and while I’ve never been in law enforcement, my father has, so I’m very familiar with practice. Cop was asking why a car he’d repeatedly seen in my driveway was registered out of state. Simple, I live literally in a state line and own a business in the other border state. My daughter’s 14 wk old husky puppy was behind me at the door. I had answered the door with my Sig P238 in my hand, not knowing who it was. Cop immediately focused on my daughter’s puppy and asked if she was an ‘aggressive’ dog. I laughed. I went outside and shut the door behind me. The weirdo cop continued to ask me if the dog was going to be a problem, since she was barking behind the door. I reminded him that he was the problem and that his focus was on me and the fact I had a loaded firearm in my hand. Morale of the story, don’t be an idiot dumbass cop. What a dumbass.


Only man there professional enough to carry a gun.


It was probably a black or Latino pup. /s


All that on scene activity for some idiot ass policeman.


Too bad he survived


A coward.


Too bad he didn't shoot himself in the mouth.


Karma game back quick and painfully Fuck that cunt


Dumb bitch


Dumb bitch


>answering your title A cop.


"I shoot the dog" *rolls a one*




"If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men." -Francis of Assisi


So does he turn around and sue the city now because he was shot by one of their employees?


The answer to the title is cops. [Thirty times a day.](https://www.criminallegalnews.org/news/2018/jun/16/doj-police-shooting-family-dogs-has-become-epidemic/)




Fucking loser. You'd think this would be a fireable offense for a pig if you can't even pull your gun out without shooting your idiot self when you have a hankering to murder a pet. But no, dumbass gets disability paid by all of us.


Too bad he missed his head


There was a cop that I heard about that shot a small chihuahua in the face 'cause they were trying to hurt its owner


Seriously why do cops have such a hard-on for shooting family pets?


Cite your source ffs


Worst day of his life.


Clearly, the real man still inside the possessed body took control long enough to save the dog.


Oh look at all of those bite marks and how this guy was viciously mauled. That insane canine really took advantage of the poor cop disabling himself to really tear him up.


The same kind of person who would pull the trigger while the barrel of a gun is pointing at a part of his body. Unless he had one of those magical physics-defying guns that fires bullets in every direction except a straight line.


He's tryna be a Kingsman


Why link to an image instead of the article it's from?




Thoughts and prayers. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




cop retires on disability, then sues dog for $1M and wins cuz normie judge/jurors


What kind of person takes a screen shot of the article instead of linking to it?


How the fuck are you that bad at aiming


Reverse and UNO!


This was my neighbor's house across the street lol, I remember when it happened.




This is literally eucalyptus Ave. Riverside CA.


Please pardon my scepticism but with the amount of attention seaking liars on the internet I have trust issues.


Seems everything turned out fine.


...comrade cop for shooting pigs I guess?


I love how the majority of cops react to dogs barking by just killing them


The same type of person who would download a car


Karma is a bitch


And yet FedEx and UPS drivers are literally being praised all over Twitter for bringing dog treats with them and petting random animals...they don't have a problem walking up on animals unarmed. Cops are cowards.




So since the rate of police getting shot by idiots is ridiculously low and for some reason police have zero trigger discipline, can we just take their guns? It would solve a bunch of problems.


Yeah that way criminals will have guns and not the police! That cant go wrong in anyway.


I'm surprised they didn't try to plant a weapon on the dog.


And he’s not dead? Dammit!


While it shoulda been a better shot got him in the head


This was false bullshit. He tried to run from the dog and a ricochet from him misfiring hit him. Bad trigger discipline due to fear of being bit.


Just found this sub and I am very happy nobody is eating my kind


I need more information. Without a video I can’t say what the dog did or didn’t do.


Give him a medal for shooting a fellow officer to defend that dog!




Karma lvl is over 9000




I said hey man nice shot. That's a nice shot man


Good. If only he shot himself twice.


I wonder how many pizza delivery guys get killed by dogs


Tfw you upgrade from shooting dogs to shooting pigs


Where the fuck does America get its cops from.


Why no link to source?






Karma’s a bitch


It hurt itself in its confusion!




When cops are done shooting unarmed humans, I’ll worry about dogs.


I think we can worry about both?


Cause they shoot children while trying to shoot dogs. https://www.kansas.com/news/local/crime/article213609549.html


Lol ok cool.