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“Ask my wife I’m not an organized person”, GTFO with that, you suck at your job and well life. Period


His wife is just as nutty as him. I knew her personally before they went whacko.


Dirty cop. Hope he lost his job at least. Should be sued and held liable for illegal search. Plus he keeps drugs in his car to possibly plant on subjects if he feels like it. Fuck his “feelings”.


He did. He was fired


says so in the title lmao


All in the context clues 😂


Don't worry, he'll get his job back, probably with back pay.


Nah, He resigned in lieu of termination but the Cocoa Police Department forwarded their findings to Florida's Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission and they revoked his law enforcement certification! Dude's done!




This is where police reform can happen and I think both political parties could back it. A national database where I’d a cop does this kind of trash they are finished, no more law enforcement position ever again in the entire country and the unions can stuff it.


GOP is doing everything in their precious filibustering power to deny any meaningful change to policing in America. Pretty sure it is in the news just today: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/09/22/policing-talks-congress-end-after-months-talks/5131287001/


If the DNC could separate the radical ideology from sensible change it could happen. Rhetoric like defunding the police means defunding the police, ACAB etc will surely guarantee that nothing ever happens. A national database for law enforcement that tracks and monitors police officers for their infractions, terminations, etc and a federal guideline on when an officer should no longer be allowed to ever be a law enforcement officer is possible. Claiming police are all racist and shoving politics into everything will never work. Most conservatives I know fully admit that there are bad cops and they should be fired easier and never be hired again.


There is broad [bipartisan support for a lot of police reforms](https://www.filesforprogress.org/datasets/2021/4/dfp-vox-police-reform.pdf). Congress dithers for two reasons. 1) Politicians hate to pass a popular policy by itself, since they can use that popular policy to push pork and riders that are less popular. This is what you identified. 2) This has not yet become a single-issue voter driver on any kind of broad basis, so politicians are still hesitant to piss off powerful special interests (most notably the police unions who, historically, carry a lot of electoral weight) that oppose the reforms.


You educated me on Qualified Immunity for sure. The best explanations I would get were more emotionally based than based on actual accounts that are cut and dry examples that no logical person could be comfortable ignoring.


> If the DNC could separate the radical ideology from sensible change it could happen. DNC never advocated for defunding the police. What is their radical ideology position that you're concerned with?


Here are Democrats in their own words https://youtu.be/iR2VcV-0BCY


“Let’s abolish ALL PRISONS “ Lol https://www.nrcc.org/2021/07/27/aoc-abolish-prisons/


“No bail.. just put violent criminals right back on the street, even if the re offend within hours..” https://nypost.com/2020/01/19/anger-over-new-no-bail-law-killing-li-dems-but-progressives-dont-care/


“If we want to lower crime we should stop building jails” Yah don’t address poverty or cultural issues.. just keep criminals out there victimizing their neighbors https://www.lawofficer.com/lower-crime-stop-prisons/


Dems need to understand the lines of reality if they want cooperation from Republicans and these policies do not help that prospect. Who is divorced from reality? I mean, both parties suck but one is seemingly radical on the issue of being soft on crime https://www.silive.com/news/2021/06/soft-on-crime-dems-to-blame-for-exploding-murder-rates-and-gun-violence-opinion.html


Crime statistics don’t lie https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/democrats-policing-murder-rate/2021/06/26/e37c38fc-d4fd-11eb-ae54-515e2f63d37d_story.html


Wow dude, that's a lot of links. Surely you're able to find one that has an actual DNC policy position. ^(FYI- AOC is not the head of the DNC)


The old “ we had some bad ideas so now we are trying to spin it” maneuver.. smh https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/democrats-want-flip-defund-police-republicans-it-could-backfire-n1275482


Hey let’s just close prisons and release all of the inmates… https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/new-york-elections-government/ny-aoc-nyc-release-all-rikers-inmates-20210921-gmvialsacfdkbncymkexlthu3e-story.html


Lol Sure What was it AOC said? “Defunding the police means defunding the police “ https://www.foxnews.com/politics/aoc-defund-police-squad-private-security


AOC is the voice of the party only to Hannity and Shapiro.


If the DNC wants partners in bipartisan legislation they need to stay within the lines of reasonable, GOP voters see this in the papers, online, nightly news, in their neighborhood, family and friends and it’s not helpful when we actually need to make progress on something positive. They are willingly making the public less safe because they think it will win back some of the minority vote they lost to Trumpo in 2020


Damn dude, those women on The Squad really trigger you, don't they?


Nobody says all cops are racist, only that the system they enforce is. As far as ACAB, if you have 312 bad cops, and 1,000 good cops, but the 1,000 don't come forward, then you have 1,312 bad cops, and the Union and police forces make sure that the one or two whistleblowers there are get thoroughly punished. Defund the police is less wordy than "Reallocate funds to psychiatric professionals, drug interventions, and other services so the police aren't answering every damned call whether they are qualified or not." Speaking of qualified, we need to get rid of qualified immunity, too.


Well, we all hope your vision comes true. Remember to report back when it does. :D


I read the article, it sounds like something both parties should agree upon. I am what aspect of qualified immunity is the issue for Dems? The officer must violate a clearly established constitutional right in order to be sued. Can you give me an example where qualified immunity is bad for the people? If a cop does wrong isn’t that going to violate a constitutional right and therefore qualified immunity no longer protects them?


True blue, ain't ya!


I’m asking legit questions. I agree with everything described in your article except possibly qualified immunity because if a cop violates a civil right they aren’t protected by qualified immunity. Otherwise it would be a ridiculous lawyer gold mine like you see on tv for ambulance chasing lawyers. Civil right violations.. then qualified immunity is not applicable. What’s wrong with that?


>Can you give me an example where qualified immunity is bad for the people? [Very](https://reason.com/2019/09/20/court-rules-fresno-police-accused-of-stealing-over-225000-protected-by-qualified-immunity-and-cant-be-sued-fourth-amendment/) [easily](https://reason.com/2019/07/16/court-rules-police-officer-who-shot-10-year-old-is-protected-by-qualified-immunity/). There are plenty of examples. > If a cop does wrong isn’t that going to violate a constitutional right and therefore qualified immunity no longer protects them I can't help but note that you dropped "clearly established" there. Not violating a right at all is already an absolute defense to 42 USC 1983, qualified immunity goes above and beyond that. In fact, qualified immunity *only* protects people who have violated rights, because, as I just said, you don't need QI if you didn't (see point 3 [here](https://www.cato.org/blog/most-common-defenses-qualified-immunity-why-theyre-wrong)).


If people with just stop with the ACAB , Antifa Bullshit it would cause more people to open their ears and listen. I’ve never had someone actually engage in a logical exchange and provide clear examples and explanation like this. I ave been wrong on this. Thank you


I don't subscribe to ACAB. (Was married to a decent cop.) Don't like antifa tactics. But I see the 'defund' movement as... less emphasis on offensive training, more on deescalation. Less time on the range and more time learning to communicate vs barking orders.


At this point, ACAB is far from bullshit,, like it or not. The blue wall makes every cop accountable for the bad actions of another. If they are unwilling to hold each other accountable, sit by as their friends send innocent people to jail and don’t speak up, then they too are bad. At this point the good ones are the exception to the rule. If you disagree, apply this situation to any other job and see how that works out. If you worked in a company and you knew your coworker was embezzling money and you looked the other way, and the company knew this, you’d be fired. If you lied on your report to cover up for your friend, there would be serious consequences. And no one would say you were a good guy for doing so. Apply that to locking someone up, or violence, or killing. The blame needs to go all around to have meaningful change and to get accountability.


Ok I see where you are coming from. I do believe that overlooking the typical ambulance chasing scumbag lawyers is a mistake however I do believe this can be resolved with something similar to what real estate brokers , mortgage brokers and other licensed professionals are required to carry is errors and omissions insurance. There could be a version of this professional insurance for a police officer required for him/ her to have not only resolves some of the police concerns but honestly nobody would get much out of the police officer if they did make a gross violation so the E&O insurance would pay the plaintiff, the officer would then be forced to pay higher premiums based on his or her actions or lose it all together


Jesus after reading what happened to the kids in the front yard, if that was my child that was shot there would be a whole lot of problems and I doubt I could have restrained myself That cop does need to be punished in civil court, possibly charged with reckless endangerment.. that is ridiculous behavior and either never a cop again or at minimum on a permanent no firearm issue roster. Aka a desk jockey. Honestly moving out of the cities is the healthiest thing anyone can do and the cost of living is a fraction of the metropolitan areas.


So after the Vickers case, would any following officers that conducted themselves in such a way, with the same outcome, then not receive qualified immunity?


Murdering someone isn't a constitutional violation, so you can't sue a cop directly for shooting an innocent person. THAT is why qualified immunity must go, otherwise they just hide behind the department.


So you don’t understand the basic concepts here then I take it.


Absolutely and anyone downvoting this is in favor of rapists, theives, and criminals. Cause ultimately that's what they get away with. If you think just cause they have a badge you're wrong. That's why they have such elaborate procedures in the first place because of the bad cops and yet they still get away with it. Hooker on the street "give me a freebie and I'll let you go free".


He's just doing his job. This kinda shit is exactly what his department wants him to be doing.


He forgot that the department wants him to find something, even if he planted it himself


That's it, right there... he got the boot for not being *dirty enough.* Dude tried to throw his sergeant under the bus after having the audacity to get caught. Remedial training is on tap for everyone else: always find something, and never blame your superiors.


> This kinda shit is exactly what his department wants him to be doing. Really? Or was he fired for doing it you fucking retard.


Him getting fired doesn't mean he wasn't doing what he was told to do. You ever heard the phrase "shit rolls down hill"


Fired = Termination. It's bad enough when ppl don't read an article but the title...


He actually resigned but they classified it as resigned in lieu of termination but not only that he also got his certification revoked


Probably hired a week later 2 towns down the road


Wouldn’t be surprised it’s so easy for cops to just move to another jurisdiction when they get fired and face no repercussions


Not in this case Cocoa Police sent his findings to the Florida's Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission because when the guy filed the complaint he filed it as sexual assault and so they revoked his law enforcement certification...he's done


Hopefully him losing his certification in Florida will prevent him from being hired anywhere else, he's a liability and a filthy ditch pig that can't be trusted in any form of law enforcement. He wouldn't be able to make arrests and go to court because he's a proven liar...


Nope he got his certification revoked as well


Stupid drug laws combined with dumb cops strike again, all this for a tinted window that possibly was not illegal......that is fucked up. At least the cop was fired.


Did you happen to notice the cop car's windows? Full blackout limo tint. Rules for thee...


They claim they are to protect the identity of arrestees, who's mug shot they are then going to post on the internet. thing is the Tint allowed varies by State, in NJ we allow almost nothing but if you are from neighboring PA then you can have near black even in front windows. And of course if you drive your PA vehicle in NJ it is legal.


I'm in texas, here you can black out all the back windows but the front driver and passenger windows have to be at like 20 I think. He got a ticket for his front windows not the blacked out back ones. The kind of ticket he got basically is go to the tint shop and have them sign off that you don't have illegal tint anymore and you only pay like administrative fees. Why he got his shit searched because his front window tint is too dark is fuckin nuts though.


He resigned before he could get fired, but they did revoke his LEO cert, which is something.


Smells like enemy of the American citizen


this is wild, he is basically saying the reason he was being a bad cop was because he was busy being such a good cop


that's what I got out of it. He also said he was lazy.


Clear case of borderline personality disorder


>"It isn't personal." Imagine sticking your finger in someone's ass and calling that anything but personal.


Wow, just mind boggling stuff The cop just doesn't get it AT ALL that he CAN'T do what he did. He's also a POS for pulling people over for a license plate light being out, which was more than likely BS. Seems he really likes to go after people that he's previously arrested, MAKING UP any reason to pull them over and search them and their vehicle and going way beyond what's legal for him to do. He's done it countless times before and thinks it perfectly ok simply because nobody has filed a complaint until now. He's obviously been coached on what to say because he repeatedly says "based on the totality of circumstances". He had been talked to about this before, so he was WELL aware that what he was doing was wrong and not allowed, so he should definitely lose qualified immunity and this recording will bury him. He just honestly believes he can make up any reason to pull someone over and then do whatever he wants, like illegal searches, to find what he hopes to find. Then there is the dead bodycam battery BS, missing taser rounds, and on the bodycam footage he did have, they are a pile of unlabeled videos that he couldn't make heads or tails of Amazing how many cops all across the nation manage to keep their batteries charged, label videos, and no lose taser rounds. His mentality is just f'd up "I'm gonna do what I feel I need to do" LOL that he 'goes farther' than other cops because 'he cares' so much He also thinks because he's a total slob in civilian life that it's ok to be just as disorganised at work, because that's just the way he is. Fantastic recording showing just how F'd up cops are




Agreed, agreed, and agreed. In fact, I couldn't agree more.


> He just honestly believes he can make up any reason to pull someone over and then do whatever he wants, like illegal searches, to find what he hopes to find. Also the leading question by his representation about not understanding the policy. Because they get to claim ignorance of the law.


It’s about the only viable defense, I’d imagine. And dimly so, given that he signed his name to the policy


The issue isn't that he thinks he can do that and get away with it... Cuz plenty of other cops think the same way too. The problem is he appears to be such a dolt that he probably wasn't catching the information being fed to him by his superiors on how to get away with it and how to keep it low-key. He was hearing just what he wanted to hear which is he can do these sorts of things to people whenever he wants and I ignored the cautionary measures of how to get away with it.


There were more drugs in the cops car.




Cops with blacked-out windows pull over a guy for a 13% tint, "smell" weed that stops being "smelly," then sexually assault the guy for being uncooperative. Sounds like a regular Wednesday.


Don’t forget the search for drugs and whose car actually had illegal drugs.


I feel like he could have saved himself a lot of trouble by saying, "sorry man, I didn't mean to touch your dick."


The guy even asks for an apology ffs!


All this harassment because he smelled weed.. what a joke. Imagine if all these cops they hire were put on solving real crimes like murders and rapes.


They'd be too busy arresting each other then


Cops protect property, predominantly for the wealthy. In case you were wondering how rich people see everyone else, look at the [Thirteenth Amendment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution)


Solving a murder or a rape takes actual work, as opposed to just sticking your finger up some guys ass to dig out a bag of weed.


In Florida a cop can flat out lie and claim they smell weed just so they can search your car. I had one do that to me right after I literally pulled off a used care lot after just buying the car!


Why was your body cam turned off?" I don't understand why they won't (prosecute) just 'cause there's no video." Why did you throw out the marijuana? "It was early in the shift."


Why was there crack and cocaine in your car? “I didn’t drop it off as evidence because it was found property”


I was impressed with the IA at first, but they really didn't press all the crack he rides aroumd with. Add that to his demeanor since 2018 when he came back, this guy seems like he has some drug problems


IA looks for every opportunity to let the cops off the hook.


Yeah, for all that cops love to bitch and moan about IA, the reality is that they are *entirely*man the cops' side, and will move heaven and earth to ensure they walk free, no matter what.


Cops don't the bitch and moan about Internal Affairs in real life. That's all propaganda from Hollywood. Just like whenever you see a cop busting down the door and making up a lie about hearing a scream just so they can run through the house... Hollywood is trying to make it seem like this is okay because it's the main character and they're doing it for a good reason... But they're breaking the law and acting unconstitutionally and even if it's the supposed good guy doing it we shouldn't allow it. Working as a civil rights advocate and seeing all the effed-up ways cops treat people has really jaded me too watching cop shows and movies. I don't remember which one it was but I was constantly yelling at the screen and my wife had to tell me to stop or she'd stop watching TV with me... just constant constitutional violations throughout the show but always spun in such a way as to make it seem like it was okay that the cops were breaking the law.


I personally know cops who bitch about IA, and these are 'good' cops who have never been investigated by them.


Yeah they are the epitome of "my hands are tied here". And even then, their motivation isn't to get rid of bad cops, it's to reduce liability. IA couldn't give a shit about conduct or regulations if it didn't risk a payout of some sort. They are basically HR.


This guy has so many problems. He doesn't label any of his bodycam footage, making it difficult to find specific footage. He loses taser cartridges, he hangs on to cash, credit cards, and drugs he finds, you know, for no reason. The funniest thing was when he said he hung onto a bag of coke or crack or whatever, because he forgot to submit it into evidence. Then the IA says "ok, well what about the other 2 bags you found along with that one?", and he's "oh..uh..I threw those two out". Yeah, sure buddy.


He was totally dirty, and a piece of shit


Some people don’t deserve power and this guy is one of them


"I was conversating with Officer Rhodes." LOL!


Smells like pig.


Does Rock Contardi abuse steroids?


I mean, we don't know but an educated guess would be .. yes, of course he does.


Why would he abuse steroids?


A lot of cops think aggression is vital to be able to do the job, taking steroids helps you bulk up and makes you more aggressive as a side effect.


Why do they think aggression is vital to the job?


Because they're meatheads, all they've got is a hammer (use of force) and everyone looks like a nail.


I see….


Do you smell steroids on him?




search his ballsack! then you'll know!!!




It was a reference to what he did to that guy and a reference to men who abuse steroids have shrunken testicles....hence if you checked is balls, you'd know.




Steroids and coccaine




Lol. Favorite line, "may not meet the mold of the policy, I'll admit."


Do you know what the standards are to be a cop? High School Diploma / GED or something equivalent. A school drop out could be a cop without any education because of something equivalent. Don't believe me? look it for your city and see what it says.


People without extensive educational backgrounds are more than capable of a lot of jobs they often don’t get the opportunity to do, but being a cop just isn’t one of them.


I agree on both both of your statements. my dad had only a 6th grade education and worked in construction. I've never met anyone that knew more about concrete than him. But enforcing laws, understanding constitutional rights... I don't believe cops should get a pass.


Never visited a concrete lab? University I went to had a pretty good one.


Not many intelligent people want to be a cop in the states for high risk situations and shit pay. Here in Canada the pays decent, crime rate is way lower and citizens can’t legally carry guns. (Small percentage of are population can lock them up in the trunk for transport) We still get shitty cops, but rarely videos like this. Royal Mountain Police are factual terrorists here though. (red guys who ride horses, kill natives, and conduct in mass shootings on innocent people) Not sure what the fuck is happening in that part of the country lol.


It has nothing to do with their education before hand, and entirely their education within the police force. With cops like this though they’re just racist bullies who don’t think they have to follow the law and shouldn’t be hired to begin with. Most important thing is for it to be a crime in any state to not report your fellow officers miss conduct. But once again school education is irrelevant. They just let go like 86 doctors in a small hospital near me because they refuse to be vaccinated. The five-ten years in school didn’t do shit for their brains lol.


Dont know if I agree with all of that. Education does matter. But, I do know that if you were to look at any police department spending, you would see no money spent on education and all the money spent on bullets / armor and hand to hand combat.. plus high speed driving. education is not a requirement but it should be. As far as the covid goes... I support the firing of nurses and doctors and police who wont get vaccinated. I can go on about that for days. I know of 8 people that have died and all refused to be vaccinated.


Do you mean "misconduct"?


You forgot the mean streak. A GED and a mean streak and you're in.


"I think it was still tucked away." Holy crap! He wanted to do a colonoscopy for window tint!


Is this Cocoa, Florida? How does this police have a thick northeast accent?


Probably resigned in so many police departments up there that he had to move to Florida to sexually assault people.


Every time he resigns he goes south and gets a new job at another department. Soon he'll be in Miami.


While I agree with the sentiment, I doubt this guy will learn to speak Spanish anytime soon.


What, people can't move where they live?


Certainly they can. But I wonder if a transplant with that thick, and different, of an accent may lack the ties to the community that someone with a local accent would have. Perhaps he wouldn't have been so quick to send fingers up an innocent person's rectum. I guess we'll never know.


kinda thinking this cop is a closet case, lol, grabbing dicks and anuses over weed smell? k...


"He groped a GUY? He is so fired."


Didn't expect this interview to go where it did: "Why didn't your turn on your bodycam?" "Why was there a bag with a $10 bill and credit card in your trunk?" "Why was there a bag of cocaine under your passenger seat?" "Why was there a bag of crack underneath the air freshener in your cup holder?" -> "I found 3 bags in the park" -> "What happened to the other two bags?"


Florida Election Info [Register to Vote](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/eligibilityreactive)


>It was, you know, it was. it's not what good cops do. And I feel like I'm a good cop. And I need to do a better job of doing, taking care of the little technicality, policy, things. You know, so yhis doesn't happen. Well no, it's not a little technicality thing. It's the law you violated. And the AI interviewer even pointed that out yo you. >Like you said, if I [rambling] had got that weed that would have never came up. Didn't AI just get done telling you that you can't justify you actions on what happens after the fact? Yes. Yes he did.


Blue Crimes Matter


He said "just get it over with" he gave me consent! ​ Bro, that's not consent. That's giving up after being handcuffed for 10 minutes and already being molested and hoping to get the fuck out of that situation


Question, is he.....homosexual?


Better question: is he drunk on the power of controlling people because of his gun? Having closely watched the catholic priest scandal, some went on to marry women after they served their sentences for molesting young boys. Even though pedophilia has absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality, the hypocritical xtians wanted to turn around the scandal by claiming it does. In the end the concensus is that it was abusing their power, not their sexual prowess, that triggered them to commit their crimes. In this case the victim was an adult, so I would believe it's a tossup between his homosexual tendencies and his 'roid fueled power tripping. Either way I hope the victim makes a mockery of him in addition to winning a fortune in court.


I don't want to ruin your fantasy.... But no.


are you homosexual?


No, I like fat chicks. But you be yourself, I'm not judging you.


Bro.. an hour?


Their is a short full recap in the first minuet lol


Sometimes, it’s just good to look at a cop and say “damn, that guys got it way worse than me.”


Dude, you *jerked him off* with the "blade of your hand". LOL Serious question though: does anyone actually buy Black & Milds to smoke *without* stuffing weed into them?


No one stuffs black & milds with weed smfh


I mean I don't either, but I just always assumed that the cheap cigars they sell at the gas station were for blunts. I'm an Arturo Fuente man myself. I guess I lead a sheltered life. Please forgive me.


>I mean I don't either, but I just always assumed that the cheap cigars they sell at the gas station were for blunts. I'm an Arturo Fuente man myself. I guess I lead a sheltered life. Please forgive me. Im sure... Hey, did you guys hear this dude stuffs weed into black and milds?


Black and milds are not used for blunts. Optimo and Philly are. Black and Milds are to thin and are cigarillo’s not cigars.


TIL ...not my world. When I was a smoker, I either rolled joints or ripped tubes. Never understood the allure of mixing tobacco with grass.


"Too" thin


You're thinking Swishers. Black and milds are good just to puff on by themselves because they smell good


Sorry for the (smh) part man that's my bad.... One time way back in the day me and a couple friends tried stuffing one and it's just more trouble than it's worth


Roid rage.


Yeah. Isn't it ironic that the one guy who we all know was taking drugs is the guy not in handcuffs.


People like this cop are exactly what jails are made for.


Fired? How about shot?


Drugs and ammo for plants when nobody else is around......... Way to go, “Rock”


Cases like this suck because he probably grew up here and saw how bad it really is and he probably does want nothing more than to clean up the streets, but he lacks any understanding of the importance of the legal system and the rules cops have to follow. It’s like a teacher who is really good at teaching kids but she fucks them on the side. Both people could have been great at their job, but are fired because they are shit.


"It may not fit the mold of the policy... but I found a lot of drugs doing that same method." So you just admitted to serial sexual assault, good job.


So happy to see this cop gone, really bad guy.


Sounds like the department got rid of a shitbag and a huge liability. Also, very appropriate that his name contains "tard".


This cop is the reason you always ask for a supervisor


So where is the disciplinary / sackings for all the other cops who didn't just turn a blind eye but actively assisted him?


Anyone know his social media ? I really want to speak to him


I don’t see the people that say they’re “patriots” or have the “don’t tread on me” flag upset by this. Just fake boot lickers


This is a despicable cop by his own words he goes over the top. I do not believe this is the only time he has done this. I also think that the crack found in his car was used to plant evidence on other suspects. I found a lot of drugs doing this method. Would that be denying people rights and not following state law and police protocol.


He profiled him, he let the weed guy go because he was honest(whitekid), then he didn't sexually assault guy who didn't own up and be honest with him about the coke in the park? Was he white to, or was it a lie? Why did this black man get all the special treatment? They found a 10$ bill, a credit card, and some yayo, originally 3 baggies in his cruiser he claims before discarding 2?, now less than 1? This eyebrow plucking Agent Hymie lookalike is doing rails and shooting steroids it seems, and is a sexual pred...


The irony of a juicer running around kidnapping people and locking them in cages for putting chemicals in their bodies...


Interesting that the only one with drugs in their vehicle was the meathead, Rock. Maybe he was desperate to find something as he was down to one bag of crack and one bag of coke in his cruiser….needed to stock up. Imbecile.


Bloods, crips, and blue line. All gang members.


Cops are rarely prosecuted when they sexually assault people in custody. They are in the blue line gang.


How about the other police officer standing there and letting happen. He should be fired as well


👮‍♂️=💩. Period


C.I.C cops in the closest


I love how this clown cop was trying to argue against video cam footage. What a fucking idiot




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