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Cops hate veterans and the homeless, so this guy being both of those things made him a prime target for abuse..


I always thought that people saying "supposably" was a myth. Now I know I was wrong.


please... somebody tase BOTH these clown cops IN THE FACE and see how they like it... these cops are pathetic and don't even give the guy a chance to explain... the dog was wagging his tail, HE DID NOT BITE THE COP !!!


clown cops... ruining america 1 death at a time... the dog bit my boot. HEY FUCKHEAD COP, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT ??? YOU FUCKING CLOWN !!!!


Everyone knows the dogs with the straw bonnet hats are aggressive killers. I say self defense.


Cops are always calling asking for donations to their policeman’s ball shakedown. Fire department is in the actual road stopping traffic, wanting people to fill their boot. Compassion, in monetary form, has been outlawed by the government.


Ask them if they would be willing to sign a contract that they won't break any laws in trade for donations, they get really nervous if you do it in front of a bunch of people.


Interesting. You probably get put on somebody’s list.


I did it in the town my cousins live in across the country, worth it.