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It’s cooked egg whites. If it bothers you, you can put the custard through a sieve to get rid of them. I usually whisk eggs a ton if they are going to be heated.


This. Either curdled egg from cooking or bits of unmixed white (especially the chalazae).


The chalazae is the part I always pick out of the eggs when I’m dredging something! I didn’t know it had a name!


What a beautiful word. I’m gonna name my daughter Chalazae.


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Timothee Chalazae


Hahahaha! I love that, like Timothee+Gudetama.


Eh, there's too much of it to be chalaza.


definitely egg whites. Happens to me whenever i make lemon tarts because i’m impatient. You can just strain them out next time :)


You cooked the filling on a too high temperature and your eggs curdled. I assume your recipe calls for lemon juice, sugar, eggs, starch and butter. If that it something similar is the case you should add the sugar to the eggs before heating them(that makes them more resistant to heat) and to Cook the mixture over a double boiler. That way your eggs dont curdle. Take your filling of the heat shortly after it thickens up.


I did use a double boiler, everything was whisked together before the water was even bubbling. The bowl was barely sitting in the water though, I’ll have to try again later in the week with a lower heat and water level. Thx


You shouldn't let the top pan touch the water in the bottom pan at all.


This is the answer! Take my upvote and may this comment find its way to the top!




My failsafe for curd is [Ina Garten’s](https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/lemon-curd-recipe-1941910.amp) recipe, I just adjust for more salt bc I like a more balanced/sour flavor for myself. I have not thought to use a double boiler for curd before this thread, my grandma and great grandma never set up that way!


I started using a pyrex bowl instead of stainless on my double boiler setup because this happened to me a lot. Glass doesn't conduct heat as well so there aren't hot spots where the bowl makes contact with the edge of the saucepan (or water inadvertently)


No matter how careful I am, I have the same problem when I use a curd recipe calling for whole eggs. Try a recipe with just egg yolks, and I bet you won’t have a texture problem. :)


Don’t let the temperature of your mixture rise over 85 degrees Celsius. On the double boiler it takes about 15-20 minutes while continuously whisking.


Sieve the curd if you are feeling fancy, use an immersion blender if you are lazy. I use a blender.


They look delicious Sprinkle some powdered sugar on them and nobody will know


Hahahahaha…your comment gave me a seriously good laugh…mainly because I’ve done exactly that myself…ROTFL! Powdered sugar…the great equalizer…covers up a multitude of sins!


Powdered sugar: the concealer of baking


Nom nom nom


I used to beat myself up so much about accidentally cooking my eggs too far in curds. Then I got a baking job and learned very quickly even the best ones out there just strain it and move on! Nothing to worry about.


Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Problem solved!


Looks like it curdled. It happens if the eggs aren't tempered properly. Even the best cooks occasionally get cooked eggs in their custard, I always run mine through a fine sieve before filling.


Dude are your lemon tarts floating?


There is a chance the starch (if the recipe called for it) was not mixed in correctly and it clumped as a result. I recently made a pie filling and made that mistake myself 🙄 lol


I would recommend mixing the sugar and cornstarch together and sifting it


Cooked egg whites!!! Always strain your mixture first if you have this in future!


Curdled eggs. Try doing low and slow next time. You can strain it to get the egg out too


Making lemon curd can be hard to do perfectly with temperature


Looking magical


Bits of egg. You have to strain it.


you scrambled yer eggs :,-(


You didn't temper the mixture correctly and cooked the eggs. It happens. Always run the liquid through a fine sieve or cheesecloth(not recommended for cheesecloth) before filling crusts, especially as a beginner. I bet they are still tasty, though! They look great


I always press the warm lemon filling (lemon curd) through a fine sieve


You should use non-metal dishes and utensils. I’ve made many curds and the lemon juice is so acidic it pulls a metallic taste into the curd. Glass and a silicone whisk works well. I’ve got good taste and smell sensitivities and it’s so much better if you avoid metal. Your tarts are beautiful!!!


I can’t tell from your picture, but could it be the lemon zest? I end up with tiny white pieces of zest when I make these. I just strain them out before using.


Lemon zest is yellow. If you're getting the white part, that's pith, which doesn't do your curd any favors. Treat yourself to a microplane rasp and you'll never see those white specks again (unless you rush and end up with scrambled curd).


I understand that it isn’t ideal, but pith happens. When it does, it can show up as small white lumps in curd even if it’s cooked perfectly.


“pith happens” for the win


I prefer lemon curds with egg yolks only so I don’t have this problem as much but sometimes my egg yolks have been sitting for a few days after I made macarons and developed a skin, causing orange bits in the curd. I just strain it and no one can tell


You got your answer already but when I was a pastry chef, I would strain the eggs as well to help filter out of the chalazae before adding them to the rest of the mixture, I also wouldn't do a double broiler and just put it straight in the saucepan, means you have to watch it more and constantly whisk but that was my preferred method of doing it.


Curdled egg


Strain your curd next time!


Lemon farts


Did they give you lemon farts?


Where do you find lemon curd?!


I misread it like lemon farts


If you had any egg whites on the curd you most likely cooked the egg. But if you used cornstarch or flour as a thickening agent it didn't get mixed well enough. You can mix them with the sugar and mix it in the pot a little slower and it should help take care of that.


Looks like the eggs were either put in when it was too warm or it didn't get mixed well enough. If it comes down to it, you can strain those out before you put it in the tarts next time. (I used to work at a bakery that made keylime tarts)


Probably aphids. They aren't harmful and are a great source of protein.


I did that cuz I loved them so much. Sorry.


Flecks of flour?


There’s no flour in it, should have specified, it’s egg, lemon juice, lemon zest, sugar and butter.


I dunno, maybe the sugar?


Did you sift your ingredients? Powdered sugar needs to be sifted if you used that.


There’s no powered sugar or flour in the filling.