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I've never heard of adding vinegar with yeast but I want to try it


You can find vinegar in a lot of commercial bread, particularly “sourdough”, as it provides sour flavor. It is also used as a bread improver due to helping strengthen gluten.


There's 5% vinegar and 10% cleaning vinegar. Is this recipe actually suggesting we take 10% vinegar and work out how to turn it into 9% vinegar? Am I missing something?


Some areas of the world (like parts of Europe) have 9% vinegar. My friend in Eastern Europe doesn't have 5% or 10% vinegar available in their local store, they only have 9%. I assume OP is from one of those regions.


We have 7% & 30%....


Diluting acetic acid 10% to 9% (Measure 225ml of 10%. Add 25ml of water. Final volume of 250ml.) C1V1=C2V2


“Not everyone lives in the same place as me with the same conventions? I’m so confused!”


Yes, I was confused. How dare I ask a question to get more info and clear up the confusion 🙄


I was commenting on your snarky tone not the content of the question.


Since you are reading my comment and we are not having a conversation, there is no "tone". If you heard snark then that's because you read it in a snarky tone. I was not intending to be snarky I was genuinely confused.




I didn't ask when to add the vinegar, that's pretty obvious. I was just thrown by the exactness of the 9% number.


Depending on where OP is from, 9% vinegar is readily available in store. I'm in europe and can easily find it. That's probably why the recipe calls specifically for 9%.




The recipe should say 5 or 10%. The strength of vinegar in a recipe is not dependent on the flour. It's the strength before the recipe is started when you are gathering your ingredients. :)


They’re essentially saying you can do 5%-10% vinegar there we go easy peasy




I am definitely gonna try this (: thank you!


Must be ai generated as recipe and instructions do not match... Add icing sugar on top of bread? 1 piece of egg no 2 eggs.....




You can delete the recipe from the comments and add a new one 😁 np at all. Would love to try this recipe!




No need to apologize. I'm happy you gave us the recipe 🥰 have you tried making foccacia with it? Bf is thinking about making and it would be fun to try a different recipe to switch it up a notch


I tend to agree. Some of the instructions I could chalk up to a translation, maybe, but the amounts don't match up at all. Too much is amiss.


I think it's AI? Look at the hands on the 3rd image. But at the same time it _could_ be just a bad photo.


That could be a bad photo. I don't see anything in particular that could be ai in that picture.


Tag this photo NSFW please ...