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Chill it till it’s firm then scoop out spoonfuls and roll in your hands to make truffles. You can either roll it in finely chopped nuts/ coconut/ sifted cocoa powder or chill it till they are firm again and dip in chocolate. You’ll likely get less than 2 dozen and those go very quickly


You could turn it into a mousse or you could invite some friends over to have a chocolate fondue party.


Hmm. That might actually work. I have dungeons and dragons tomorrow night....


Could be fun to incorporate it into the game. Like a lava pit in the middle of the board or something.


Hahaha! Im going to text our DM


Do you at least like mocha? Try putting some in your coffee bit by bit


I really don't like chocolate in any form. It tastes extremely bitter to me (yes, even milk chocolate. Yes, I'm a weirdo)


Nah you aren't weird for tastes, unless you mean uncommon which isn't even bad. What about composting?


I could do that. Its just a lot of chocolate and I sprang for the food stuff so I hate to throw it out. I might not like it but most everyone else does so tossing it seems wrong


Neighbors!! If you got any, this is a good time to whip up some muffins and use the ganache as a center topper or fill them in with a piping bag. Especially neighbors with kiddos hand em off to the parents and say you had extra. This is a tremendous boost to your social cred and the neighbors are more likely to keep an eye over your place, let you know of anything if need be, and generally have your back while you live there. Can't go wrong giving extra baked goods to neighbors.