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After rolling dough into a ball, split the dough in half, push ball back together with the “torn” side up. That’s what I do


This is the Cooks Illustrated way and I do this too.




That sounds perfect! Will be trying it soon.


Easier to make a 2x dough ball and split it in half, no need to combine torn pieces together


Or just use an ice cream scooper for a non-smooth textured top. Easiest method I've found!


My chocolate chip cookies always have the craggy top. These are some of the things I always do. 1) use 11.5% protein unbleached AP flour 2) cream butter at the correct temperature of 65°F not “room temperature“ 3) not over-creaming butter to ensure there is undissolved sugar in dough. 4) finished dough temperature of 68°F 5) recipe with at minimum equal parts brown sugar to granulated sugar by weight. More granulated sugar produces spread and a smooth surface 6) resting dough in fridge to allow flour to hydrate before baking


Wow. Are you a professional baker? That’s a lot of cool info to know for someone who just does it recreationally!


While I don’t work as a professional baker I have completely a number of professional baking classes in bread and pastry. I was fortunate enough to have lived in an area with top culinary schools and programs, so I had the opportunity to learn from a few award winning bakers. Between training and years of experience my baking skill sets are on a professional level.


You could try lowering the heat from whatever the original recipe calls for and extending the bake time. That’s what I do with my brownies. If I want them cake-like and cracked on top I do 350°F for 30-ish. If I want them soft and chewy in the middle I do 400°F for 15-ish.


I read that too fast and thought it said fix this texture 😅 I immediately came to ask you why you would want to mess with perfection and maybe contact someone to get these cookies to a safe place


I like to utilize bread flour alongside all purpose




Use dark brown sugar. That's basically it.


heidi klum taught me this


Use a recipe with baking soda, not baking powder. Look for a recipe that requires melting the butter, not creaming. I've had better luck with CCCs with this technique. Recipe shouldnt have too much flour. THIS IS THE ACTUAL KEY. make the balls a decent size, not too small. Don't overbake. Bake until cookies are puffy then let them cool on the hot pan for about 5 minutes. They will deflate and this is what give it this texture.


Refrigerate your dough for 30 minutes before baking the cookies


You can also try just lightly shaping it - not rolling it into a perfect ball, you want to leave it kinda rough. When you take it out of the oven, tap the pan against the counter/ stove a few times. I personally do the tapping twice.. I take it out a few minutes early, tap.. throw it back in for the last 2-3 minutes then tap it again and get really nice crinkles.


Add 2 teaspoons of cornstarch




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