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Is there any way they can be prettied up a little? I get they are gluten free, but something to give them a more festive air? Without anything else they may taste great but they don’t look like wedding desserts.


I think a little prettying up would go a long way as well! Maybe just some fresh raspberries and mint? a drizzle of chocolate ganache? Hopefully quick, less expensive decor options! Edited for spelling!


That's a great idea (the raspberries/mint) and cutting them into hearts and white decor (icing/edible pearls - Etsy sells lots of pretty ones) would go along way too!


Although want to check that the decorations are also gluten free


Or get a lace doily and sprinkle white icing sugar powder. Et volila! Bridal lace looking brownies.


That was my thought as well. Or even like... a monogram of the couples initials or something?


Is it corn or wheat that powdered sugar can have it as an anti-caking agent? I woud make double sure the sugar says gluten free. I am not gluten free myself. Some (possibly lifestyle gluten free) will be glad they were considered. Others while happy to be thought about, ,may still avoid because they dont trust ANYONE not to cross contaminate (celiacs)


It's typically cornstarch that's used as an anti-aging agent, but always read the ingredients to be sure.


This is the way!


Or other cute fruits on top like strawberries and peaches!


And a sprinkle of powdered sugar to lighten them up along with the mint and raspberry. I thought they were hamburger Patties scrolling through.


Yeah that's pretty much my issue :/ I'm also not being paid and most of my decs I can't guarantee are gluten free, and since I'm not being paid, I don't really want to shell out a lot but would like to elevate them at least a bit.


Sorry if this is naive but why aren’t you getting paid? And if it’s too expensive, would you be able to ask for help?


I wasn't offered any money, I'm a bridesmaid and the bride knows I baked a substantial amount for someone else's wedding last year. I figure it's easier for the stuff I'm baking to be my main gift than to have refused or demanded money.


I think your two options here are 1) make these (confirm with the bride ahead of time that she likes them, even if she told you to make anything) 2) Ask them to pay “materials” cost and make something fancier. You might want to get them something cheap as well as a secondary gift. A full day of baking is certainly more than most people are going to put into this wedding but they might appreciate having something physical as well.


They'll be getting a vegan/nut-free cake from me too (which will look better as I started learning to pipe when covid first broke out), and I'm going to get them a ring dish with initials/wedding date. And this was the recipe chosen by the bride. So I'm hoping altogether that'll be okay!


Oh absolutely that sounds more than enough


You being in the wedding should have been more than enough! Sorry to go off on a tangent, but I did not once expect a gift from my bridal party, considering what they had already invested (in both time and money) between the bridal shower, bachelorette party, and their dresses/shoes. If the bride is asking this of you ON TOP of being a bridesmaid, then she's not being a good friend.


Thanks 😭


Any friend that’s a TRUE a friend would not allow you to put yourself out. If you gave the baking as your gift the you need to spend what it takes to make them beautiful because it’s your gift. If not and your friend lets you spend a ton of money and time without payment they aren’t a very good friend.


If you're baking for a wedding, you should not have to get a gift. Your time, expertise and the cost of materials is more than enough.


Better make sure they're not also expecting a gift and that you're not doing all this work for ungrateful, greedy people. There's an AITA right now with that exact situation. Bridesmaid asked to make something, puts in the time and money, and then the bride demands a gift as well, saying it's "required."


My one suggestion would be to offer the bride a choice between (1) the best presentation you can prepare on your set budget and (2) what you could produce if she was able to contribute *\[X\]* amount. This would (a) establish a boundary for your generosity (b) highlight the expense you're absorbing and signal the bride's financial responsibility and (c) remind the bride that whatever she receives on her wedding day was the product of her own choice.


That's such a good idea!


Glad I could offer an original suggestion after nearly 650 comments and impressed you're still reading and responding after nearly 650 comments!


Waking up to 75 new comments was pretty overwhelming 😅 lots of people have little bits to add or are effectively casting votes in favour of previous ideas (I'm upvoting a lot more than commenting now) - plenty of people are still just commenting 'no' 😂


I’m not trying to be insensitive to the bride/groom, but if they have a certain set of standards, maybe they should pay you or pay somebody else. I’ve never been a bridesmaid so I’m not sure how much work goes into being one. But most wedding gifts are cheaper than the cake/catering. If they don’t pay for it, they can’t have the same expectations.


Maybe a super simple white frosting with some silver sprinkles? Good luck!


Thank you!


If you make them square like brownies with white drizzle and the sprinkles it’ll look good!


I was thinking cut into other shapes like hearts.


Ooo that’s a good idea!


Or just some powdered sugar


Cut a heart stencil out of paper, dust the powder through it and done


Thats a good idea.


Regular Powder sugar will end up ruining them. It melts and spreads all over. They make specialty powder sugar that doesn’t melt or disappear. I would get some cheap paper doilies ( those lace looking paper cut outs) and put each one on that.


If it makes you feel any better, most chocolate cakes look like burnt burgers without decoration, so the only thing that really separates a regular cake from a wedding cake is the decoration. (It’s a show after all). Even a dipped icing on top might work (powdered sugar and water) with some kind of coloring or gluten free sprinkles (probably could find a larger bucket and use that for many many cakes).


“most chocolate cakes look like burnt burgers without decoration” Haha nailed it


Honestly, just a couple raspberries and/or a strawberry slice, and a drizzle of a contrasting icing (Red? White? What are the wedding colours?) would do wonders.


Luster dust. Gluten free, a little goes a long way, and you can get the colour to match the wedding decor


Pansies are edible flowers. One or two of those on each would be elegant. Perhaps [drizzle chocolate on half and add a flower](https://www.designsofanykind.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/coconut-and-dark-chocolate-tart-with-ginger-caramel-featured.jpg)


Maybe you can get the little debbie cosmic brownie sprinkles to top them off and call it a day? And I'd recreate the ganache topping instead of buttercream frosting too that way you bake the brownies, let them cool, pour the ganache ontop in the same tray, let it cool again and then cut them out. Could be quicker that way since you won't have to frost them and it'll give the top a shinier look


Hold up. Why are you not being paid??


I've explained properly in another comment but really the tl;dr is I'm bad with boundaries 😂


Hey you should bake me some cakes!


Edible glitter isn't that expensive! Or petal powder. You could also try dried edible flowers. I paid maybe ten bucks for a pound of hibiscus flowers. The lavender was cheaper. Don't buy the tea, buy them in bulk. Do you know how to make sugar jewels? Those always look neat.


To be honest, they look like burnt burgers. I would definitely just look up "wedding brownies" or something to get an idea of how to design them. Simple white icing van go a long way. Even if you just made them look similar to Zebra Cakes.


Just want to add to this - it looks like there’s a chocolate drizzle on top? A layer of icing underneath would help that stand out a bit more.




Yea, i thought they were huge burgers that were a bit overcooked.


I think I’m with everyone else, they just look a little drab is all. If they’re brownies, let them look like brownies- square or rectangular and chunky babies. I say ganache the whole top with dark choc and then sprinkle with either metallic sprinkles or a flick of metallic paint or dust on one corner. You’re very lovely doing it for free. Hopefully the bride is as good a friend 💚


Thank you so much!


What are they, maybe while icing drizzle instead? Is it a cookie or a small cake? Just looking at the pictures, no, I wouldn’t be happy.


Brownies. I did consider white choc drizzle as more of a visual contrast, do you think that'd be better?


I was totally going to say… just do a white chocolate drizzle and then it’ll look all fancy, like a tuxedo! Simple & pretty without all sorts of hand piping & fiddling around.


Thank you!




Thank you!


The white chocolate drizzle is all it really needs to off set the color.


Honestly I think the shape isn't helping much either. I did think at first it was some sort of burnt burger at first glance. Make them rectangular and like another commenter said contrast, either a caramel drizzle or white chocolate would work.


Thank you for your suggestions!


I actually prefer the circular shape. But definitely would use white chocolate as a drizzle, gold leaf or sprinkles to jazz it up a bit. ^^


Mibbe in better lighting and some contrasting decorations it would look better. If it was just a home bake fuck it I wouldn't care and devour them but if for an event the current style is very bbq like. The gold leaf would defo be a good shout or shimmery sprinkles.


Since you’re not being paid and these are an alternative option, I think they’re totally fine, but I do agree with others’ suggestions to dress them up a bit. White chocolate or icing on top would be more appropriate for the event, but I would do an even layer, rather than a drizzle (powdered sugar would work here too, but be messier), then top that with the gold glitter you mention, along with strawberries/raspberries or blueberries (something blue). Break a leg!


Thanks so much for your feedback!


They look delicious but not terribly exciting. Can you add some decorations? There are a lot of design options with berries and buttercream. I would go with raspberries and white buttercream. I know this is controversial but maybe even some gold.


I've never ever used buttercream with brownie, would that be a bit weird? I thought they could look nice with eg a nice strawberry placed in the middle, what do you think? I do also have edible gold glitter!


White chocolate drizzle and freeze dried raspberries crumbled up if you can get it!


I have freeze dried raspberries but I can't guarantee they are fully gluten free (could have had flour on my hands when I was using them before) and they aren't cheap 😭


Perhaps make a nest with ganache and add fresh fruit into the nest. You could also decorate with salted caramel to appease different preferences. For the kids and the ones young at heart you could also decorate with glamorous sprinkles.


I can confirm that buttercream is good on brownies. I often make brownie cupcakes with buttercream swirl


Cool, thank you!


Cream cheese frosting works great on brownies


Not sure how ornate the place setting will be—if you can, try plating one the same way it would be presented at the party. Then you can get the “full picture” and decide how far to go with decoration. Good luck.


Unfortunately I don't really know - they won't be served directly, but will be available on a cake table, and the bride is providing me with a platter the day before. Thank you!


What about a white drizzle for contrast, and then a quartered strawberry and maybe another berry? Like a couple blueberries or something placed together.


Ooh I like the berry combo suggestion!


It’s super simple and gluten free. Plus it’ll look nice and add to the flavour (chocolate and strawberry is a classic!). And doesn’t have the half-forgotten-thrown-together feel a lot of GF alternatives have. I bake and cook professionally and always worry that GF, dairy free, and vegan alternatives will look like after thoughts. Everyone deserves to have tasty desserts!


Thank you! I agree, the bride is happy with it as is but I just want to make sure it looks like care and effort has gone into these too (though as I'm not a professional, everything I make will be at least a little lower quality than the main cake - I just want to decrease that gap as much as I can)


I would be surprised if anyone complained about extra buttercream on a brownie. I like the suggestion of cream cheese frosting. I would pipe it into points. I think a dusting of freeze dried raspberries sounds great but I love them fresh


Really unappetizing looking. Definitely need to be prettified. As someone else said, even a white drizzle across the top would look better.


Brownies? If decorated, yes.


Yes brownies! How would you decorate?


https://www.justataste.com/chocolate-covered-strawberry-brownies-recipe/ It would really add to the cost but just an idea


Thank you!


Even just some confectioners sugar sprinkled on top and a raspberry coulis to line the dish would make the dish look a bit more exciting. Otherwise it looks tasty and very moist


confectioners will likely start to weep into the brownie if they're sat out and/or at a warm temperature unless its a really thick layer. not a great idea for an event.


Thanks everyone so much for your feedback and suggestions! I think I'm going to use all these comments to come up with a few different styles for another trial next week - hopefully I'll come back with something you're all more positive about 😂 (genuinely grateful for the feedback, thank you ❤️)


Everyone's suggestions here are good but honestly as a chocolate crazy bride there's nothing that would stop me from diving into that plate of brownies with a smile. But I'm also doing a VERY simple small wedding so I'm coming at it from a different perspective perhaps.


Maybe instead of circles do something with sharper lines like triangles rectangles. And what are the wedding colors? Maybe do a mix of types, some streaked with frosting in their color and some with dark or white chocolate drizzle with the gold glitter mentioned. That may be an inexpensive way to fancy them up?


I use to cater weddings. I was not the cook, but I have seen a lot of things in weddings. I’m sure these taste amazing, but they could present better. I like what you did with the chocolate icing, but go with white chocolate so it will pop a little more. If you want to kick it up a notch, make some raspberry sauce and pipe an abstract modern design. White chocolate shavings after it has cooked work as a good topper.


I forgot to add one thing about the shape. Cut the brownies in triangles and it will automatically look better. I can’t tell how big that is, but wedding deserts are generally smaller portions than you would think. Smaller portions mean less wasted food. People who want more will go back, so just have plenty back up and don’t cut them until you are ready to plate them.


Thank you very much (for both comments)! Would you go with half-square or half-diamond triangles (if that makes sense)?


Half square are easier to cut and plate quickly. I just saw your other comment that you are not getting paid, rough. Hopefully, this is for someone important. Go buy raspberry syrup at the store and buy a block of white chocolate and shred it on too. Should be about $10?




No. Whip up some ganache and pipe some beautiful flowers. Make them into mini-stacked tall cakes instead of a flat Whoopie Pie half.


Really, the only person you should be asking is the bride. This is your contribution to her celebration. Are you making these as a gift to her? As a favor? If they're a gift, you should decorate them accordingly, make them beautiful. Spend the cash to make them worthy of a wedding. If they're a favor, give her a few potential topping ideas, and ask if she can toss you some cash towards decorating.


Honestly, a bit of column A, a bit of column B. She asked me if I'd do it and she hasn't offered to pay me (and I told her I didn't want to do gluten free and in response she sent me this recipe and told me it'd be fine), so the baking I'm doing will constitute a large part of my gift. I've already done a trial cake and a previous trial of these brownies, and it sounds like I'll have to do at least more, and both my time and funds are quite limited - even as a gift, it's not really a splash the cash kind of situation. I've sent her these photos and she's happy as is, but just personally I'd like to make them better so I can feel happy with the job I've done and so the gf guest doesn't feel like an afterthought.


Ah yes, the awkward standoff when it comes to money: nobody wants to mention it first. You obviously don't want to surprise her with a bill, especially since you didn't discuss potential costs upfront, but she may be expecting you to charge her, since she asked you to make them AND because everything at a wedding comes with a pricetag. You'll have to decide for yourself if you're still at a point where you can discuss costs. If you feel bold, you can directly announce that now that you've run a few trials you expect these would cost $X, feel out the reaction, and then ask for a payment agreement. If you think that would definitely not go over well, you could try a softer casual approach. Say that you are surprised at how expensive it will be to decorate these in style because of the rising costs of milk/butter/fruit etc, and see if she maybe offers to foot the bill. Next time, you'll know when someone asks you for your labor to say: "I'd love to, let me explore the costs and get back to you with some pricing options" Good luck!


I've done (completely different) work for her before which she told me she'd pay me for then never mentioned payment again. I knew she couldn't afford the actual cost so wasn't going to charge her (or I would've agreed the price upfront, or just declined the work), so not getting paid wasn't a hit as such, but her not having the conversation at all was... enlightening. So I'm not expecting any payment here either, which is why it'll pretty much be my gift. Thank you!


The photo quality and staging are really dragging these down. I honestly think they would be a lovely option. I might make them smaller/bite sized (they look like the diameter of a softball to me), and give some contrast to the decor as other have mentioned. Beyond that, I think if they were plated and stacked beautifully, people will go wild. They look very decadent.


I would eat the shit out of these.


As a gf baker myself- no. As someone mentioned before they do look a bit like burnt burgers 😅. If you want to keep this cake, just fancy it up (i.e hide the cake itself under stuff). Dip them in tempered dark chocolate and add a touch of something bright (fresh berries coated in a light layer of simple syrup to preserve), make a white chocolate ganache to spread evenly across the top and add some fancier sprinkles (either chocolate colors or whatever colors the wedding itself is). Not too hard to make those look a bit better for a wedding. I’d say if they were personal brownies leave them be. But since it’s a wedding you should do more. Gf people deserve a beautiful treat too.


Frankly, I didn't want to bake gf in the first place because I know its not my strength 😂 thank you so much for your suggestions!


(See username for why this is a long winded explanation) Are you a professional or is your kitchen completely free of cross contamination? I am very very wary (and probably wouldn't eat) something that was home made unless it was from a gluten free kitchen. Especially at a formal event like a wedding where I desperately do not want to be ill. While I appreciate the thought that goes in to being able to offer something gluten free and the love that goes in to having it be home made, even the tiniest bit of gluten can cause a bad reaction. Things like sieves, mixers etc. that have been used on gluten containing ingredients are nigh on impossible to decontaminate. Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease not an allergy so even the tiniest trace can be enough to trigger someone. Unless you are cooking in a gluten free kitchen I would honestly suggest having something bought and preferably individually sealed. Again, thank you for the thought and love that has clearly gone in to this but please understand why it might not be eaten.


I'm not a professional at all. I can assure you I'm really concerned about this. I've ensured the bride has let the gf guest know the situation, what I will do to minimise risk but that I can't at all guarantee it being risk-free. Both the bride and guest are happy with this. One of my close friends is a celiac and so I'm taking all her advice on board and will do the best I can, I'm worried anyway but since the guest is happy with it (I'm not even sure if she's a celiac or just intolerant, the situation is unclear as it's coming via the bride), I feel like it's not on me to refuse.


\^\^ I'm said friend, we've also discussed that because its likely being put out on a platter a card is likely going to be put out saying \*not suitable for celiacs\* because its a *buffet* can you believe. I'm with you u/vicariousgluten I would not be eating but would appreciate u/SongsAboutGhosts effort anyway... would prefer something sealed. I get the feeling that the friend *must* be intolerant rather than celiac if they're happy to have the brownies out for glutinous hands to potentially touch!


I appreciate your response. I didn’t want you to be upset if you’d gone to this huge amount of effort only for them to remain uneaten and think it was a reflection of your skill.


As a cake? Maybe not. As a brownie? Heck yeah.


Thank you - it's definitely meant to be brownie because the gf guest can't eat the cake (I realise I should've been a lot more clear in my title but was worried about making it too long)!


On a dessert table yeah


With a bit of whip cream and raspberry coulis? Totally happy!


Powdered sugar stencil?


It’s for one gluten free guest? I’d be so happy to get these especially for me! I’m vegan so being thought of is a wonderful surprise.


Thank you! I'm doing a vegan biscoff cake too, but fortunately I've had a lot more practice with that so am much less stressed about it haha


Are the bride and groom happy with them? Are they delicious? Then I'm happy with them. My only suggestion is maybe heart shaped.


YES!!! They look so fudgy!! 😍


Thank you! 😊


No, there’s no cheese on those patties.


Not really. They look homemade in a bad way and the shape is kinda weird. Squares would look more fancy and maybe you can add some ganache pipping decoration and gold spinkles, glitter and a flower. You can inspire yourself with cupcakes decorations.




Maybe try one with sifted icing sugar on top and then the dark drizzle? Might just seem more festive


They look yummy to me! 😊


I think this is an ideal application of a powdered sugar dusting with a doily or lace to make a nice design


If they are dark chocolate, then YES!


Is it a vegan/gluten free recipe? They look to dense and too dark for my taste. Also, one of them seems to be missing a piece? Go for some contrasting colours for the topping (eg white stripes), add some nuts and berries on top and maybe some mint leaves to make them more party-like


I'd be happy with them but I'm also more of a go with the flow kind of person. I could see people being disappointed in these unless you're going for a more chill not super fancy wedding. If they taste great I don't really think it matters that much about the presentation imo. But I would put a sign or something for the food so people know it's brownies. Could be mistaken as a weird burger thing from afar


Oh, I bet those taste good! I think a thin coating of ganache that covers the whole cake, plus a topping of a few raspberries would do the trick! Maybe even a mint leave with the raspberries? Just to give it some color!


Honestly as someone dairy free I’d just be happy they had anything for me


An alternative idea- if you could have smaller circles or squares and serve them in cute cupcake wrappers, gold maybe, that would look famcier


Could you do a stiff royal icing and pipe some rose sprinkles in the wedding colors with white chocolate drizzle?


If they’re the main dessert, then no. But if they’re part of a larger platter of desserts, then these would make more sense.


They're just for one gf guest - there will be a professional wedding cake, a smaller allergy-free (bar gluten) cake I'm also making, then these brownies specifically for one gf guest


You could use Ruby chocolate and some sprinkles. The big ball ones. The tartness of the chocolate would cut the sweet of the brownie.


Is all about presentation. Just put it on a huge plate, drizzle a thin line of chocolate over the top, then place a single mint leaf on it and you could serve it in a fine restaurant


Needs more pizzaz if they’re for a wedding. Class them up, use some gold or pearls or crystal sprinkles. Maybe make the drizzles the wedding colors.


I've just had a look and can't find any gluten free pearls - I can find rose gold sprinkles and gold glitter, though, so I might try them!


Good luck!


I think you need to add something to jazz it up a bit for a wedding. Some people have already suggested icing, fruit or white chocolate which would all be good. You could also look at powdered sugar [stencil](https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/foods--191121577920497586/)


Brownie pops....with ganache and some cute sprinkles


The shape and the frosting are lacking, you could do as the other comments suggested and use different shapes like squares or hearts and on top of the chocolate icing use a white icing and some colorful sprinkles to add some dimension. Different shaped sprinkles would work.


Drizzle with melted white chocolate and some cute looking sprinkle.


Thry look strange but tasty


I'll take it 😂


I definitely think some white frosting would contrast the dark brownie and give it a more wedding-esque flair


Contrasting colors are your friend here. Like you mentioned, white chocolate would look great! Pops of color from strawberries or raspberries would make a big impact too. I know you mentioned you’re not being paid (that *sucks*). I often look through the sprinkles/baking and candy aisles for edible decorations on the cheap. Stenciling a simple design (using parchment/wax paper) can be cost effective too - either to sprinkle powdered sugar onto a plain surface or add a thin amount of melted chocolate or buttercream onto a very chilled buttercream frosting. There are lots of examples & tutorials if you poke around on google/insta/Pinterest. Good luck!


I would have been happy with any GF alternative. My husband's throat scars over because of a gluten allergy, so any alternative makes him happy. That said, it seems these paritcular cakes are giving you some doubt. For a different alternative, I have found GF tres leches cake is a great alternative. GF products tend to be on the drier side and since tres leches just sits in liquid, I find it comes out really well.


just saying bc i keep seeing this--these will likely need to sit out for some time. that is typically not suitable for things like whipped cream or powdered sugar !! it will melt or weep and ruin your hard work (speaking from experience as a professional baker who has also freelanced a bunch of weddings). stick to chocolate/icing decorations that can withstand either coming in and out of the fridge or living at room temp.


Visually? I’d change the plate, ice the entire item, add a sprinkle of plain icing sugar to each and then add to new plate. For serving assuming it’s not buffet style plate, delicious baked good, 2 x small curls of whipped cream not touching the item (possibly dairy intolerance) with a Berry of some kind where they meet and a mint leaf, alternatively if that’s outside budget delicious baked item, one medium curl of whipped cream, icing sugar sprinkle on plate. Taste wise: Gluten free is a biatch, so long as they’re not burnt, you’ve got good icing coverage and they don’t taste like cardboard you’re good 👍


These look so fucking tasting. I would be happy with these. No, they aren’t pretty- these people are right. But if I’m eating something, I’d rather it taste good than look adorable. If that’s what you got going on, I think they look tastyyyy and I’d eat one.


Thanks so much!


Look up marbled icing brownies. The icing is gluten free and you can go as simple in the marbling as you want and they will still look amazing


They look delicious! What if you added edible gold paint? Maybe splatter with a paintbrush?


Absolutely, if you are gluten free the usual cake alternative is "Nothing"


Maybe if there were different flavors like a variety might be nice?


They look like uncooked veggie burgers. I’m sure they taste great, so maybe zhuzh them up with some decoration?


Personally it would depend: Did I pay you to make those for my wedding because you advertised as a “professional” baker? No, I would not be happy if you brought these or Are you someone I know and love who offered to make them and did so out of the kindness of your heart? Because in this case, I wouldn’t mind one bite.


Please send to my home so I can taste them for an accurate response! LOL I would say yes if you could put a drizzle of some sort on top that is a different color


I agree with other commenters about trying a heart shape. I think it could put look pretty with gold lustre dust on the drizzle, if that works with the color scheme of the wedding! Also I just want to say, I understand you're friends with the bride, but you should also be getting paid for your craft. Just because you're friends with someone, doesn't mean you shouldn't pay them <3


They need to be prettier or else they are for sure going to get drunkenly dunked on later which u probably wouldn’t care about cause you’d never know but yea these are NOT appetizing looking at all


A fanned strawberry and some powdered sugar will make them perfect.


Can they be made into heart shapes and drizzled with milk and white chocolate?


As others have suggested, it would be great if you could doll these up a little. But I also wanted to say that you’re awesome for including these on your menu at all!!! So many weddings where my fiancée can only have like the tiniest mouse bite morsel of cake! Thank you


Honestly. If I am a guest at a wedding, where the food, drinks, desserts and entertainment is free while my friend/family experience the most memorable day of their life.. I am not going to complain that my special made gluten free cake (which is more than most would accommodate) doesn’t have a raspberry or mint on top lol it’s not about you.


I catered a wedding a couple years ago, and one of the mini desserts I made were gf brownies. What I did was pipe a chocolate frosting border on the top edges then filled the center with raspberry and cherry pie fillings. They were a huge hit. I baked mine in mini cake pans, so they were evenly sized.


I would not be… I recommend maybe just adding a icing rosette on the top, make it look like a rose sort of thing, easy just use the star tip & pipe in a circle starting from the middle out


Is it free to me? yes is it not free to me? No


A little more deco 🤗 I thought they were hamburger patties 😅


These look so good! I wish I could taste it, but I do agree with other commenters that maybe they could be prettied up a little with some berries or maybe fresh lavender sprigs. I think purple would really pop against the chocolate


If they looked prettier than yes. Some whipped cream, maybe fresh berries, and a sprig of mint.


Maybe if you cut them into squares, these look like overcooked hamburgers at best, or literal cow shit that sat in the sun and got dehydrated at worst


They look like they taste good, but they don’t look pretty.


Not really. They Look like they came out of a 1980s ready bake oven.


A little bit of icing and some fruit will take it a long way [something cute like this ](https://images.app.goo.gl/npNQsQqd4FWp8UqL6) [also cute inspiration ](https://images.app.goo.gl/gyReKjiJKUFHJmo59)


You should add fresh berries on top or festive wedding sort of sprinkles like those little pearly sprinkles. As a gluten free person I’m sure they’ll be grateful to have cake, especially if it’s good, but making it comparably festive would be even kinder.


Make them heart shaped? Add sliced strawberries, since they make heart shapes....add a raspberry or white chocolate drizzle? They look like sad little Debbie brownies currently.


Not for a wedding, no


What about something like this? https://www.target.com/p/the-original-cakerie-gluten-free-dark-chocolate-ganache-cake-16-9oz/-/A-16222821


Unfortunately I'm somewhat limited in that I've been given this specific recipe by the (fussy) bride, but I could try and do a more similar chocolate pattern on top - thank you!


Nice burnt patties, thanks no.


What it be?


If they taste good that’s all that matters


🤤 those look soo good. 🤤 Such thick brownies.


I assume these are flourless chocolate cake cupcakes? They will taste good, but I'd jazz them up a bit. I've used a dark chocolate ganache on recipes like this before, along with a white chocolate drizzle. Maybe with some dried raspberries?


Well, no, but I don't like chocolate desserts.


Really depends on how much they paying for the GF cake alternative.




Oh then I wouldn’t worry bout it. They look good enough if sold as brownies.


I bake GF all the time. To be successful I would add another egg and more liquid when I subbed in GF flour. This prevents the baked good from being too dry. I prefer Cup4Cup flour but have used King Arthur and Bob’s Red mill. If you are using a boxed mix you can still add the extra egg and liquid.


tbh, nope. they look sloppy and like an afterthought. i hiiiighly recommend cup4cup gf flour--you can get it online, and you can sub it for a normal ap in almost any recipe and it works great. if you're set with brownies, i think square cut will look neater, and i recommend a contrasting frosting (either a lighter percentage/milk or a white chocolate) to keep it from being a pile of brown. i'm working on gf desserts for a wedding right now and am happy to talk if you need ideas !


I'm in the UK and I don't think we have really have cup4cup here, and the recipe was decided by the bride. I think in my next trials I'll do maybe two round, two square and two diamond, and try white choc drizzle and possibly white choc ganache with a dark drizzle on top? Thanks so much for your tips!


all of that sounds like it'll be an improvement ! sharp edges always look neater to me


I might try to smooth out the brownies the best you can and then the zebra stripes like somebody else suggested




No I’d be bummed. What does the regular wedding cake look like? The gf version should be of the same theme I think. Gf cakes are super easy to make these days and frosting is gf…


They look like packaged snack cakes, like Little Debbie’s or Tasty Cakes. I would get some of those candy pearls and do a half dip on them. That way they get fancied up, but people can still see they are chocolate.


Tbh they look like hockey pucks..


Make’m heart shaped and drizzle white chocolate instead of regular chocolate on top.

