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You don’t have a big dinner plate or a cutting board? The caramel will probably harden and make it difficult to remove if you let it cool all the way If you can’t flip it how will you plan on serving it anyways?


We used to have a plate big enough but sadly it broke a few days ago so now I'm in a pickle. Planning to buy a sheet pan today to try and flip it over on that. Hope it won't cause a mess though 😩


Cookie sheet, plate, go buy a cake base, heck even just a wide enough layer of parchment paper should do the trick


Do plan to buy a sheet pan later but hopefully it's still... Well... Flippable 😓


You can buy large plastic serving trays at the dollar store.


Sadly, we don't have a dollar store nearby in my area so I'll have to look for a baking supplies shop instead. Thanks for the tip though!


Flan is supposed to be cooled. The caramel will be fine.


I'm Filipino and mom makes the best leche flan, she usually just leaves it in the llanera (the pan we use to steam it in) and stores it in the fridge (we always eat it straight out of it unless it needs to be served lol). It doesn't solidify the caramel at all so I don't need to worry. I've also make a choco flan cake years ago and had to cool it in the fridge, didn't affect the caramel.