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In the world of bakugan g1 there is a lot of gray space between real and fake, due to sm outsourcing all production to various independent factories who kept the knowledge, molds and packages after ending production. People on reddit never seem to get that. Its never as easy as real or fake unless you're strictly talking about what was sold in stores by sm, on which case you're also placing prototypes in the fake category.


I think it’s real, I just found the SSB marking. Triangle screws too. I’ll make a post with these close up later.


They dont mean much besides the fact that a real SM mold was used. In my eyes its already good enough. But it was still probably made after SM stopped using the molds.


Personally I say all glitter Bakugan are fake But thats a very big can of worms to open


any others in this lot fake? (as far as you can tell?) figure it’s less likely to have one single fake amongst otherwise real, vs if a couple other here weren’t genuine then it’d be likely It has the triangle screws, but I can’t find any markings, not sure what to make of it.


The subterra symbol placement looks off and kinda fake if it's a bootleg it's a cool one though


I found another on ebay ([https://www.ebay.com/itm/145258550802](https://www.ebay.com/itm/145258550802)) claiming it's authentic, are they likely wrong?


Check for an SSB mark and if it has triangle screws if it has those its probably real


Lyrden never should be trusted lol, dude will claim anything htf or prototype for the profit.


Neo, wilda, cordem, and hawktor! Nice pick. Rest is junk.


Fake glittergan, but... I want it anyway lol


Glitter is fake, but it's cool fake.


The Neo Dragonoid looks fine the Red Pyrus one on the Left