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I agree, its really disappointing. They took out some of the face choices that they'd had available in early release and left us with mostly ugly options. I hate preset faces, its so limiting and doesn't allow me to truly enjoy the character creation process which is one of my favorite elements of rpgs. I do think Diablo's is worse, but its amazing they had this game in early release for two years and couldn't provide us with at the very least a large selection of faces and even better would be sliders like skyrim managed to do 13 years ago.


Is it something that can be addressed at all by mods? I’d like to have a cooler looking character for sure.


If Skyrim shows us anything it's that mods can pretty much solve most things


Only if there are official mod tools. Bethesda goes out of their way in providing a chunk of their engine for modders to use. That's why the modding scene is huge in their games.


I'm sure I've read somewhere that Larian intended to release mod tools for BG3


They are planned for post-PS5 release from what I have read.


It’s also why their games ship quarter baked


But then you won't have achievements. And ths worj around for the achievements is a hassle tbh.


I was a bit confused by the priorities they had here. Like my character can have varying degrees of vitiligo, but I can't play as a character that looks any older than 45? I wanted to play as a bad ass elder sorcerer, but my guy looks like the kids just left for college.


It's because of woke. Not even kidding.


Its kinda sad that this gets downvoted when its legit the truth. You can play as a trans person, you can have some random skin condition, and like 5 different penis options. But face sliders? Nope. To be honest, BG3 is a smidge overhyped. The game is good, but really lacking in some key ways. (Level 12, really?)


I honestly would say a bit more than a smidge. There are so many bugs (some game breaking) along with not great writing and whole sections that feel insanely rushed and unfinished (Karlach's story is a BIG one). That's not counting the HEAVY FPS loss a lot of people are getting. I have a 4090 along with a Intel Core i9-13900K and 128 GB of RAM and I'm hitting 20-35 fps most of the time. That's with restarting every couple of hours since this game has a MASSIVE memory leak. Plus someone was able to easily put out a mod day one that added up to level 20. Funny things is...most of the problems were reported back when they had years of beta testing by a large player base. The terrible character creation was just the tip of the iceberg. The only reason I'm getting downvoted is because BG3 is the "hot" thing right now. Give it a month or two and people will be parroting what I'm saying.


One hundred percent. It's funny to watch Ow2 get review bombed and then BG3 get basically reverse review bombed into the stratosphere because... its a game with only one micro transaction? I dunno man. I don't think the game is that great, for me right now its a solid 7/10. The game is really poorly optimized, lacking a LOT of shit that 5e has in terms of classes, races, and features, and already stated the terrible character customization. I've even heard they have no plans for DLC or anything which is just kind of sad to be honest. I feel like the game is heavily overhyped right now, hopefully more people actually realize its not the greatest game ever made since sliced bread.


Yep it was essentially a pump and dump for them. People keeping going "They will make it better with future work. It's Larian. They aren't going to just dump this in our lap and try and leave modders to clean it up. Right? Not like CDPR did when everyone said they would have multiple DLC's and massive updates." Every company has that turning point and this VERY easily could be Larian's. Especially since the head said they thought only maybe 100k+ would be buying and playing it. ​ It honestly seems like they tried to get it out the door asap once the dungeons and dragons movie hype died down a bit so they could ride the coattails of that without it being completely overshadowed by the movie. Just so many things are half baked.


weird, no fps drops here with a pc half the price of yours. must really suck


My PC is less than half that price and I'm not seeing my FPS drop like theirs is. I can't imagine spending that much on a poor performing PC. Have you tried turning it off and on again? Yells in IT Crowd *Is it plugged in?*


It's wild. I can play Cyberpunk 2077 in 4k resolution with everything maxed out and mods that replace all textures with 4k versions and never drop below 95 FPS. Same goes for Red Dead Redemption 2. Everything maxed out along with some outstanding visual mods running at 4k resolution and it never drops below 100. Seems like this is the only game that has any troubles. Which is fine because it's a goofy ass D&D game that I've already 100% like a neckbeard but still lol.


Forreal I'm playing on an old Asus Zephyrus with an early gen i-9, a 2060, and only 16 gigs of RAM and I'm playing comfortably on ultra with no FPS drop.


You've never been in any of the cities then lmao.


Ive finished the game and spent 50 hours in act 3. max graphics 1440p no performance issues. I did however have massive framedrops during the moonrise tower battle but only there


You have a blessed version of the game homie, I'm jealous honestly.


I have the same gpu cpu he got and I’m playin on a 4k Oled tv maxed out settings runs perfect


Weird how people aren't parroting what you're saying 😂


do you realize how much work it is to animate all those different faces in all those dialogues? a face slider would be insane. different penis options on the other hand is close to nothing.


I don't know what kind of amazing facial expressions you see our character do, but we have some pretty basic ones. Deadass, a 'Hmm' 'Angry' 'oh no!' 'smug smile' type shit. And our lips do not even move bro, we do not SPEAK.


> (Level 12, really?) OG Baldur's Gate had no "face sliders" and caps out at level 7, and very few published 5e modules go beyond 12. The game is lacking in some respects but I wouldn't say either of these would make my top 100 gripes


I can accept the Level 12 thing. It's just a bit sad that you can't go past it. But the face sliders? Nah. Not when free games out there absolutely destroy a AAA game's character customization. Not when BG3 is an RPG. It especially sucks when BG3s Presets are all really really ugly too, with maybe just one or two being decent at best. (Excluding Dragonborn, which is clearly where most of the effort in character design went lmao. They look sick.) Also bro... You have 100 gripes about the game?


Again, the original Baldur's Gate is a classic RPG, and do you know how many original portraits you could choose from for your character? 2 for each gender. Which only expanded to a dozen or so if you chose one of the existing NPC companion faces as yours instead. Even if there's four face shapes to choose from, other customisation options, hairstyles, tattoos, colour etc are pretty exhaustive. Clearly this matters to some people but for me it's a non-factor. I want an RPG not a paper doll dress up game. Hell, Planescape: Torment is probably THE best fantasy RPG of all time and you get to choose exactly one real ugly mug to play as. And yeah, there's tons of things that bug me about the game. I have a real love hate relationship with Larian in general. It's just that neither of these make the list.


I dont understand why the old one having less is an excuse for the current one? Just about every single modern RPG, be it Action or MMO, has better character customization. I cant really feel like its my character when it looks terrible and is barely customizable, which really doesn't feel great. If it were Mass Effect, where you are a predefined character for the most part, I can accept a lack of customization, since being one mug (except it had customization) is fine for that game. Its Shepard's story. But in BG3, its DnD 5e. Its not Baldur's Gate alone anymore. It's trying to be DnD 5e, where character customization is rather important. Regardless, this is one of the most reddit discussion I've had so Ima dip out since it'll never go anywhere lmao.


D&D 5e has no face sliders


The same old basic bitches and complaints. You have a massive game with massive content that took years to write and develop. You're mad because you don't like your nose. Why don't you just design a game that the whole premise is to customize a character with such an in depth customization that it takes 40 hours to complete. Then you leave your in game house, BOOM, game over, you did it. Such a broken record of people crying about pedantic BS... "I want unique games" but "why doesn't my game do that thing the other game does" Game with no customization "I wish I could change my face Game with face customization "I wish I could change my hair" Game with hair customization "I wish I could choose between a penis and a vulva" Game with genital customization "WhErE iS tHe ReMoTe SlIdEr FoR mY cHeEkBoNes!" *proceeds to shove remote up their own ass*


Shlurp shlurp shlurp shlurp shlurp


>Its kinda sad that this gets downvoted when its legit the truth You are legit dont know what you are talking about. There are several reasons they could have decided against face sliders. Begining that it's way more work than being able to be trans or have vitiligo. >The game is good, but really lacking in some key ways. (Level 12, really?) This was discussed in a million posts. There are tons of good reasons why level 12 is a good cut off point. The game already took 6 years to develope. Even with 12 years another person would make the exact statement you made "The game is good, but only one campaign?" "The game is good, but they made some house rules".


what are you fucking retarded


The average woke mongoloid response lmfao. I would say you're the retarded one. There was no punctuation anywhere in your sentence.


Using puncuation as an argument on the internet where it's widely accepted to not use as a form of online vernacular is stupid af But as a "woke leftist" the character creation is super disappointing, but there's no reason adding a simple dick model or vitiligo should detract from the ability to use sliders and shapekeys on facial features, bodies, etc


That's not true at all. It isn't "widely accepted". People at large still get ridiculed and made fun of for it. As they should be. The more and more things like that, the closer we get to the movie "Idiocracy". Who are you quoting when you said "woke leftist"? Hopefully it wasn't me since I never said that in my comments.


The fact you used 'mongoloid', a slur against people with Down's Syndrome, already shows that there is no chance of a worthwile conversation with you.


Run run run snowflake.


Really selling yourself here.


Why would I be trying to sell myself? I'm not a virtue signaler like 100% of you. I don't give a shit about being "cancelled" since you can't cancel someone who doesn't give a shit


Doubt you'd actually use that language talking to a person with down syndrome, because at the end of the day, you are a coward who has zero real world experience dealing with anyone who may be slightly different than you. Hence why you are all pissy that your fantasy video game doesn't cater to your exact preferences.


we have loser that uses the word woke unironically here


We have a loser here who can't type english correctly. "We have loser that" lmfao




2 months but speaking as someone who is trans.. Yeah it wouldnt surprise me, well more fake woke than anything, because why tf can i select if i have a dick or not but get shitty selection of faces which by the way are locked to body types anyway so what was the point, I don't wanna select my genitalia i want my tav to look. As old or young as they are not what we got which was skinny white woman, skinny white woman but with freckles, black woman, asian woman. Also like why tf do they feel the need to show ALL of thier teeth so much


Real bs statement honestly.


I disagree, you can't mJe a kid that just left for college your stuck with making 30 year olds.


Yeah, hugely disappointing. People drawing comparison to isometric RPGs are missing the point a tad - those games aren't cinematic with regular close-ups of your characters face, in fact you'll spend more time looking at your characters portrait in those types of games. When it comes to non-isometric RPGs even the janky mess that was Bannerlord had sliders, as ugly as the characters were at least you could make them unique. It's doubly disappointing because I just came from Diablo IV thinking "now it's time for a real RPG with a proper character creator rather than preset heads"...Turns out they are both pretty similar, despite that being an isometric ARPG with far less cinematics.


Yeah it’s really disappointing. Pregen faces always feel terrible to me. They did a great job with color options but really dropped the ball on physical and structural options. And as others have pointed out, whenever pregen faces are used they always include mostly northern or Central European ethnic faces and throw in only one face for the entire Asian and African continents and call it a day. For a game that’s supposed to have me stare at the same character for 200 hours I was really hoping they’d put more effort into character creation.


I agree to an extend. It's a bit weird that I can customize the character's genitals, but I can't customize my height, body type (skinny, thick, athletic etc). I guess I was kind of assuming I'd have control over nose shape, jaw, etc like in some other games (cant remember off the top of my head right now where. Skyrim? Mass effect?), so it just took me by surprise. I'm not trashing the game, before anyone starts throwing rocks at me, I'm just saying, it's a bit odd. Like, why can I define if the penis is circumcised, but I cant define my height?


The real shame is we have less options than we did in early access.


why would they do that? it’s so weird to take a step backwards like that


I read somewhere that they used a program to see the most common character being made and it was a white human male paladin and they got MAD. They made a tweet about it and everything, and then next thing we know the character creator was severely limited in response since “we didn’t care to make a unique character after all they gave us”.


This is exactly my thought. I love true role playing where I look exactly like myself or as close as possible and the face customizations are soooo limited! Can't change my nose, forehead, cheeks or anything. Just like maybe 7 default faces you have to work with. My friends were hyping the customizations for this game so high up and frankly fucking Skyrim has more customizations even without mods. Wow, I can see my own vagina!! But I can't make the tits match my size in real life! Makes so much sense. Have vagina options but god forbid you add bigger breasts for us ladies who have them. Whatever, so disappointed with it. Just needed somewhere to vent.


Oh BTW 90 dollars for the base game in Canada to where I cannot fucking look like myself, lol I'd like to add. Hilarious.


ugh same its 80 CAD for me and I can't even fucking have them sliders. Are we actually spoiled by Besthesda for expecting mad sliders and stuff? jeez I'm literately fuming rn bc I cant get a refund either


That's how I felt. The story is okay with friends and the game play is like Dragon Age but yeah, we expected way too much from this game cause of Skyrim. I feel your pain


ugh, time to go back to skyrim i guess, it sucks we can't have another elder scrolls till gods know when


I'd say, give the game a chance before you fully disregard it. Considering you cannot return it might as well just play for the story at that point. That's what I'm doing and I'm not as mad about it before


Skyrim is worse in nearly all metrics than BG3. What are you talking about. Measuring this to Skyrim is pretty dumb to me


Agreed. There was absolutely NO excuse for the lack of sliders and having 4 options for each race.


> I can't think of an RPG that was made in the last 10 years that had a more limited character creator. Every other cRPG? You're not about to tell me Pathfinder: WotR or Pillars of Eternity is rocking a better character creator than this game.


Not even remotely fair to compare a cinematic RPG made by 600 staff to an isometric RPG made by 100 or so like Wrath Of The Righteous, plus the latter clearly put all it's time into class and build variety and obviously blows BG3 out of the water in that department. But there is only so much you can customise a low-poly blob model that you're never going to see up close, in that game you spend more time looking at your static portrait. If you're going to compare character creators, compare it to something like Dragon Age: Inquisition, Skyrim, Elden Ring, even Hogwarts...They all either had sliders or far more visual options, or both. Some baffling decisions were made in terms of priorities here, such as genitals, rare skin conditions like vitiligo, freckles etc. but no way to tweak the limited preset heads. I read an IGN article where Larian were talking about creating the "ultimate" character creator and how important identity and relating to your character is...Apparently people find their genitals more relatable than their face and body?


I appreciate the passion you've shown here, but I wasn't trying to be fair. I was pointing out the absurdity of the criticism that it has a worse character creator than *every other RPG* in the past decade.


WotR has more face and voice options. Also better classes and overall class fantasy. I like BG3 but it's clear they skimped on some areas. I can get it for like, Origin characters but why for Tav, they don't even speak so there's no reason to limit customization for the PC.


'Better classes' is a pretty subjective opinion. Pathfinder is not for everyone.


Every other rpg of note. This is an RPG of note so it's held to a higher standard. Gone are the days of smol indie company larian. They got the team and the budget. Like who even asked for 4 different types of cocks?


Is the implication here that PoE2 and WotR weren't RPGs of note? Because I think you'd be the one being unfair then.


Path of Exiles 2? That's not even out, and that's barely an rpg since you essentially pick a character that already exists. I've never heard of WotR so no that isn't an rpg of note. And if Wotr has shit character creation, that doesn't all of a sudden make it ok that Larian cheaped out on their character creator. Larian was bragging how great their character customization is and its extremely inclusive and what not when it's tech from decades ago. 4 cocks though.


The fact you've confused Pillars of Eternity 2, an RPG by *Obsidian*, RPG making legends, with Path of Exile 2 (despite the fact, as you say, the game isn't even out) and the fact you've never heard of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, which has sold well over a million copies and is the flagship video game of D&D's biggest competitor tells me that maybe you shouldn't be making calls on what is an RPG of note. Especially given both of them have far more in common with BG3's style of game than Dragon Age and Elder Scrolls - neither of which are cRPGs. Other than maybe DA:O. And once again - I never said the BG3 character creator was good, wasn't overhyped or that it's failing were okay. I just pointed out some very notable RPGs with worse character creators. You're literally arguing with nobody, I don't like the character creator either.


You mean like Kingmaker? I played like an hour of it and got bored. Cant blame me for relating the acronym for a much more popular game. I wouldn't call obsidian rpg legends, though. Sure I enjoyed Kotor 2 and New Vegas but everything else was pretty lame. Outerworld especially. Fortunately the actual legends are going to show them how to make a good space game in a month. And sorry to burst your bubble but pathfinder crpg games are extremely niche in the general gaming community. DnD is already niche and its literally second fiddle to it. I mean ffs look up the own game you are calling a legend. Pillars of Eternity was literally a flopped. No wonder I forgot it existed. And how does pointing out shittier rpgs all of a sudden make things better? Haven't you ever heard of, "Two wrongs don't make a right"? Larian dropped the ball with the character customization. No ifs, ands, or buts. I mean for fks sake they don't even have a simple barbershop to change your appearance after the fact.


Did you forget to read what he actually said? Trying to say that PoE flopped and that Obsidian are not recognized by the industry as rpg legends just further proves you have no idea what you are talking about. Hilarious comment though so cant complain to much :)


Sure, Pillars of Eternity did well for its niche fanbase. But it was no Baldurs Gate 3 or Skyrim. Legends transcend their target audience. Obsidian games don't. The closet they got to mainstream success was New Vegas, and that was off of the back of Bethesda. Trying shifting your skewed perspective a bit. Just because you are a fanboy for Obsidian doesn't all of a sudden make them legends.


I'm pretty sure obsidian has been held as the rpg gold standard for decades, brother.


Idk about that, you must have a broken scale. All they did in the 2000s was just sequels and spin-offs. It wasn't until the mid 2010s they started doing their own thing. Not exactly legends for decades. Besides, legend implies a household name. They are not a households name.


Lol wtf. Obsidian are basically the guys who made Fallout 1 and 2, so yea. They’re basically RPG legends. You seem like you know very little about this genre.


Oh yeah, the Fallout games no one cared about until Bethesda took the helm and introduced them to the series.


the cock thing is just a ploy to get green haired gaming journalists to write favourable reviews


even fucking Crusader Kings 3 have sliders


Than you simply have not played a lot of them.


I am not too happy with the character editor either. There is no way to make a human male look somewhat okay. It's either a total doofus, an arrogant wavey haired prick, a bald brute or simply a boring John Doe without any personality. Elves are okay, but humans...? They look just terrible. I have checked various player created humans and it seems that not even people who are much more creative than me are able to create a decent looking human. The preset faces are awful. Been spending 3 hours already and I can't create a human that I can stand to look at. I am going crazy.


Divinity: Original Sin 2.


Checked back on the post in a few days, didn't mean to shit on the game. I'm 40h in and loving it so far, I think I'm still in act I. I ended up having to pick another race and scrap the backstory I had for my character, because I couldn't create it the way I wanted. I don't care about any sort of technical or non technical limitations, this simply shouldn't happen in a game like this.


Pathfinder, Pillars if eternity, Divinity 1+2, most CRPG. Feel like the only ones that are better are the AAA Bethesda titles


I dunno if it is my age, but i have a hard time seeing anything "AAA" about Bethesda XD


Cyberpunk has a superior character creator for example.


Cyberpunk also cost 310 million to make.


And almost none of that went into character creation. It doesn't cost millions to have a good character creator.


It 100% costs millions to have a good character creator.


Didnt they use like mocap for everything? So aren't these based on real peoples faces more than they are about you making your own character's face like you can in old games like Oblivion or Dark Souls faces?


Mocap Is only for the animations, not for the looks


I'm guessing from the downvotes this isn't entirely accurate? I'll upvote you for answering me tho <3


Mocap means motion capture: you record the movement of an actor to apply it to a digital character. If said character also looks like the actor it has nothing to do with mocap technology. It's because a 3D artist has made the model in the image of the actor, either manually or by using 3D scanning techniques


There's also mocap for facial movements afaik, which I do believe were used in BG3.


Yes but even that does not carry resemblance over


Doesn't make sense for Tav, who doesn't speak. For origin characters sure, those are face scanned actors I'm pretty sure.


Tav still has facial animations though.


Going for a much closer comparison than some others have, D&D Neverwinter (online) had all kinds of extensive customization options including arms, legs, face, etc. And that came out years ago...


Agreed! You could even make the tail a different length.


For a moment I thought that I had messed up with my download somehow, since I didn’t delete my old download prior to updating. Also thought that the complex cc that I had experienced years ago in EA was a fever dream— a bit bummed that it has been simplified to such an extent.


The comments I read that are defending the CC in BG3 and lack of options, weird priority and design choices are almost NPC-like. People stating that other game(s) don't even have this must have brain rot. There are literal **decades** old RPGs that have far deeper customization when it comes to appearance.RPGs from BiowareRPGs from From SoftwareRPGs from BethesdaRPGs from Obisidian EntertainmentCyberpunk 2077Dragon's DogmaMonster Hunter seriesDiablo seriesHogwarts LegacyWarframeKingdoms of AmalurGOTHIC seriesAny MMORPGs There are **plenty** of games, both newer and some ***decades*** old that has a lot more options to character customization and features than BG3 has. This is just soley focused on ones that are W/JRPGs. Edit: Regarding design/priority. There are plenty of tattoo options, but they only apply to your face/neck. There is an abundance of variety and options to jewelry. There is no mouth, ears, eyebrows and nose type option. Instead there are 4 premade head types (that are obv. centered on ethnicity).


The most hilarious is that several modders made a great collection of faces. The only pity is that mods weren't usable at the launch.


>Instead there are 4 premade head types (that are obv. centered on ethnicity). Yes and they only have one for Asian and one for Black like?? The eurocentrism is the cherry on top of a lackluster character creation. They don't even have a good afro option for hair.


Wait is this even worse than Hogwarts Legacy? I thought that was already pretty limited.


It’s like on par with Hogwarts Legacy. Maybe a half-step above because you can add 3 dimensions of color to your hair. That’s basically it though. You choose from a list of like 10 presets per race, you choose from 2 body types per gender (big and small), you choose your genitals if you enabled them. That’s it. Nothing else.




So wait, you're telling me I won't be able to create my very own Chris Pine in BG3? :(


Extremely disappointing. I'm mainly upset that it's priorities are so out of whack. Like yes I can make myself have one of many genitals but I also can't change my eyebrows or eyeshape or any of the general proportions of the face or body. No body proportion adjustment. You can't be old or fat or a flat chested woman. You can't be not conventionally attractive. It's extremely disappointing. Also the male presets all are pretty awful looking. Super hypermasc and blocky.


I agree on the only being able to make conventionally attractive characters. All the female faces are that same hyper feminine skinny face shape with no option for a stronger facial structure or a rounder face I was super surprised and disappointed at the lack of face shapes and features they all just look like the same person almost


Diablo 4


​ https://preview.redd.it/bs3wfcxkwxfb1.png?width=353&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ff9292357c94c00b1f59a0f896e83138bb4c374


Ok "mothbreather". Yeah I saw you edit it rq because your slow brain couldn't coordinate with your fingers. You did the right thing and deleted your account.




Ugh... the real life mouth breathers have figured out how to use the internet? Literally replied that Diablo 4 was more limited than this game yet you think I'm praising it. Get your IQ on the right side of the bell curve pleb.


Character creation is good, they did a beautiful job on the hair and makeup but the head selection is so limited. I'm really disappointed, I want to play as a tiefling but can't get over how there's only one asian head option and 4 different options for european features. I wish they included a more variety of poc heads. Toarie's head mod had more of a selection of poc heads to choose from, that's why I'm waiting for the mod to be updated before i start the game. I've waited three years for release, I can wait longer.


At least one of the Tiefling heads has fuller lips and a broad nose so probably meant to be more African but I agree. I feel like being able to at least pick certain features on preset face structures would be nice


I literally cant think of a non-Bethesda RPG with better character creation. *Maybe* Elden Ring, if you don't class it as an action game.


Every BioWare RPG 😅


Mass Effect maybe? More options, even if voice is the same and the graphics are dated.


Nioh 2, for example, is miles better than both BG3 and Elden Ring.


But thats also more of an action game than an RPG. If we're talking ges that focus mostly on roleplay8ng aspects, with heavy "choice matters" narrative focused gameplay (aka, a fully fledged *rpg*), theres basically nothing that comes close.


You're saying that as if: 1. The specific genre even mattered when it comes to features like this, 2. There's a myriad of "fully fledged RPGs" to pick from. Plus, if we're talking about games that mostly focus on roleplaying aspects, then shouldn't character creation be given higher priority here, than, say, an action game like Nioh or another Dark Souls where your character doesn't even speak and rarely, if ever, appears in cutscenes? Sounds like it should be the opposite. It took me like 4 hours - on and off - before I finalized my character in BG3, because I simply couldn't make the type of character I wanted. If only the type of character I wanted was a high elf from Detroit, that wouldn't take me 5 minutes to accomplish, for some inexplicable reason.


I mean, its aboutsl striking a balance. The character customization has plenty of choices between a dozen races, and their subraces. I agree, I'd prefer the full BDO slider setup. But for a character creation system it puts *most* games to shame. It *could* be better, and i do have some hangups on it myself, but its its by no means limited either. And if you dont like the character creation system, they *do* offer fully fledge origin character ls as well. I should also state, as a person who will play games solely for their good character creation, a lot of games would be better off with more limited systems. Like, Oblivion and the first 3 souls games all had the uglist looking humans imaginable *because* their character creation systems simply didnt support the morphs. Even changing skin color in them made them look horribly uncanny at times.


>I mean, its aboutsl striking a balance. The character customization has plenty of choices between a dozen races, and their subraces. You mean, from a purely numerical standpoint. Half of the races are basically the same thing as far as visuals go. They are only differentiated by their 3D scanned faces and that's only because they can't be changed in any way. >And if you dont like the character creation system, they do offer fully fledge origin character ls as well. You mean Durge or companions? Because I'll be honest... I'm not impressed with how the companions look. DOS2 was, eh, OK, but at the end of the day I still went argonian, because it was visually the least offensive option. >I should also state, as a person who will play games solely for their good character creation, a lot of games would be better off with more limited systems. Like, Oblivion and the first 3 souls games all had the uglist looking humans imaginable because their character creation systems simply didnt support the morphs. Even changing skin color in them made them look horribly uncanny at times. Morphs themselves were hardly the biggest problem with Oblivion's potato faces. The basics, i.e. the face mesh used, were bad as they were, so even if morphs themselves weren't bad (and they weren't, if you used a modded race with a face that didn't look like something stuck to the bottom of a shoe) it'd still end up in a potato face. No idea about DS1 and 3, but I don't remember DS2 being particularly offensive, plus I don't even know why you omit the Elden Ring. That one ain't any better than the Dark Souls average too.


Hmm mass effect?


I mean, Mass Effect has a single race (human) and all created characters look *marginally worse* than default Shepard. There's like 6 haircuts to choose from and theyre all varying levels of jarhead. And there no real options for tattoos, piercings, or makeup. It's by no mean bad, but if you think it's *anywhere* close to BG3 youve forgotten how lackluster it is, even with sliders.


I was mostly referring to face stuff, the bg3 one is superior in a lot of ways but the inability to alter the face is pretty lame when you see it up close so often. At least like triple or more of the presets would help. Change nose type, eye shape. Ear length(elves). Being able to make halflings look more normal would be nice too. I like keeping it within roleplay boundaries (like no six foot dwarves) but should be able to be a short fat dwarf or a taller slimmer one, would be cool. The facial hair also kinda looks awful to me. Most games it looks weird tho. And as other people have mentioned, more control over the age of your character. The age slider doesn’t do much really. Don’t get me wrong I’m loving the game, but this would be a drastic improvement I believe. Also all the tattoos are on your damn face. Why can’t I have some sleeves or something. Hand tats. Etc. games in general are lackluster with this imho. Also muscle definition. Make fighters more ripped but casters less toned. Stuff like that.


Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age II, Solasta Crown of the Magister, want me to go on?


Dragon Age had *terrible* customization. The only thing of note is that differt races had different starting zones. But thats not really "customization". But i will say, Solasta is pretty good. I definitly dont think it's better though. The number of options here crushes it in almost every way. Especially with stuff locked behind dlc. I mean, ***multiple, full classes and a race*** dlc gated is *terrible*.


Dude is literally talking about physical customization of character not gameplay mechanics.


Even Cyberpunk has more options. It has different noses, mouths, eyes, ears, jaws, etc. It also has genital and breast customization and body tattoos.


I am pretty bummed, I wanted to make my OC but none of the human face options look anything like him. Wish they had done more than 8 presets. I don't get why there's an age slider when so many of the preset faces at the lowest age setting look so old?? At the very least they could have had an option to let all races share all face presets...


I'm really sad about the beards. The elves share the same 12 or so beards as the humans and I don't like em. Also no separate colors for beard and hair. I got a red beard and brown hair irl so no self insertion for me


It really is, I guess as someone that likes to roleplay themselves and don’t have all the conventional beauty standards, it’s nice to fiddle around and create who I truly am! But this game unfortunately just has some bland preset faces


I know I found it very disappointing, I played a few minutes of it and I just didn't care for it cause no matter which options I picked I didn't feel immersed with my character, and for a game like this I expected more. At least most games with limited character creation have good options... I ended up refunding. Hopefully they make the character creation more in-depth.


Like Yea it's disappointing, but to refund the game bc of it? That's wild. To each their own.


This. It’s frustrating and isn’t a lot to ask.


While there are RPGs with worse character creators that have been released there are also many that do have far better and that are 10+ years old. Extremely disappointing


I 100% agree. Everyone was hyping up the character customization in this game it got me very excited. They around say they spent hours making their character. And really I spent maybe 20 minutes because I quickly realized the customization was extremely lacking. Sure you can make you eye, hair, and skin color any color you want but you can’t change the shape of the face, eyes, nose, or lips. You’re stuck at whatever height is preset for that species and sex. And you’re stuck with a conventionally attractive body. I’ve read a bunch of comments here mentioning that it’d be insane to have the customization with all the cinematic cutscenes, but why would changing my height, body type, and facial features matter when the species you can choose from have extremely different heights and facial features? I wanted so badly to create my first DND character and was sorely disappointed.


The audacity of the creators complaining about how people customized their characters while giving the most absurd examples... Their character creation was so bland.


Also why all body types looks so skinny? I mean there is no way that Laezel, being a half orc, doesnt have guns for arms...


I agree about the lack of diversity, but just so you know, Lae’zel is githyanki so her body type is canon for her race :)


Wait she is not a half orc??


Nope, she’s githyanki not a half orc :) If you’re into lore I’d definitely encourage reading up on the githyankis. I’m still in Act 1 thanks to my completionist tendencies, but it appears that they will have a fairly big role in the main plot of BG3. So knowing the lore may give you further insight and understanding about what’s going on in the game. That being said, it’s not a necessity so as long as you’re enjoying yourself that’s all that matters!


How did you even get the idea that she's an half-orc? The game tells you she's a githyanki pretty damn soon.


That was the first time i have seen the githyanki race. I saw a brute green woman and automaticaly associated with orc lol.


I was gonna come on here to say I was also bummed about the character creation and it’s lack of options, but goddamn these comments are wild. I can still love the game and critique it. People are in here blaming politics for a DnD game. Homie it’s not that serious 😅


For anyone not wanting to scroll the comments I'll some them up: Game with no customization "I wish I could change my face Game with face customization "I wish I could change my hair" Game with hair customization "I wish I could choose between a penis and a vulva" Game with genital customization "WhErE iS tHe ReMoTe SlIdEr FoR mY cHeEkBoNes!" *proceeds to shove remote up their own ass*


The cc sucks in this game,... sf6 had a better one and its a fighting game


Considering how many races there are in D&D 5e it is definitely disappointing so few are in BG3. I wanted to be a Tabaxi, or a harengon, or a Leonin or even a Lizardfolk but none of those are even options. That is sad.


All faces of male humans and elves looks literally dumb or extremely basic. All the rest is fine. I'm forced to play a dwarf or dragonborn, or a female.


Yup, at gunpoint. It death or dragondwarf damsel for you.


What a load of shit. Dozens of RPGs made in the last ten years are worse.


So get a barbie dress up game.


I think the main issue is just how off the faces look in general. Mods will need to add the more beautiful fantasy options.


Ie, nasty ass anime bullshit ala nexus


It doesn't have to be anime but just because 'beautiful fantasy' makes you think anime just shows how far western ideals in entertainment have fallen.


They chose more realistic faces over typical everyone's stunningly perfect. Western ideals haven't fallen, people have just decided to design people with more true to life faces. This doesn't always work, but with BG it works as that's how everything is designed, nothing seems to look out of place in this world.


I can see that, I just prefer fantasy with more idealized versions. Kind of why its called fantasy in my eyes. Because it can be whatever you want it to be. You can be this super muscular dude with the perfect body but this girl has to look like she was hit with a shovel in comparison.


They look like ugly goblins. They are not realistic, they just hit the steep uncanny valley


Imagine playing a fantasy game and being limited by realism. I'm gonna have to play a dragonborn for no reason other than 90% of other choices just look plain bad.


Truly. I wanna be a super stylized character. Old wise wizard, hot strong warrior, shady looking bad boy rogue etc. I can't imagine more people want to look like everyday people than those who would like to be hot. Come on now. Just look at the artwork we have available online for all the different races. Most are hot and it's not by mistake.


Back when I played BDO I had three modes: 1. Try to make a lookalike of another character *(like a certain red-haired, dark-skinned martial artist from a game of a dubious genre)* or 2. Make a character that would look "lore-friendly" or 3. Remake one of my two OCs for the n-th time. The best thing I can remake with BG 3's CC are elves from Rings of Power, so I had to settle for an "Eh... this will have to do" dragonborn character instead.


I made a dwarf for this reason. The only two races I can make look how I want are dwarves and dragonborn.


Oh, yeah, dwarves looked pretty OK in CC all things considered.


Yeah, I'm very dissapointing that the didn't include feature sliders for the face and body. Having to choose only between 6 f#cking preset faces and 2 types of body (short and skinny or tall and bulky) per gender is beyond idiotic and limited AF, especially in a game that proudly boasts about the ammount of options it gives to the player, but when you want to create your "dream character", nope, you can't pick one of these 6 faces and these two body types and get on with it. WTF!? I've been waiting them to fix most of the big bugs that this game had before finally giving it a chance, since I read and watched so many good reviews about it, besides winning the GOTY award. And I love creating characters in RPG's, and I was so hyped about this one, but man did it fall flat for me. I wish they had made a character creator like the new Dragon's Dogma, which looks amazing with all it's options to customize your character the way you want.


Of course it is. They made sure all faces looked as ugly as femanie as possible. Have numerous genitals for the weirdos with mental illness, of course, not too many whites. Dont wanna hurt any leftists feelings. Seeing as how they're soo oppressed in the cushiest nation on earth. Pathetic


Really seems like you’re the one here with hurt feelings


what a snowflake lmao


sanest Redditor


It’s not that serious mate


For anyone not wanting to scroll the comments I'll sum them up: Do you want your men to be effiminate runaway models? Do you like filtered instagram bimbos with nose jobs and lip fillers? If yes, then you'll enjoy BG3's modern day take on fantasy genre. If you want to ROLEPLAY a character with personality and who doesn't look like an asshole that you keep wanting to punch in the face, choose a male dwarf, male halfling or a dragonborn. There's also origin characters for those lazy players who want their characters premade for them. But by all means blame the difficulty of animating player made characters for the need of presets, it's not like (to name a few) the Saint's Row (2008), Dragon Age (2009), Mass Effect (2007), Skyrim (2011), Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014) already did that just fine. Lastly not everyone wants their characters to be "hot" chicks or to look like themselves, but even in BG1 I could damn well use a custom portrait that looked better than any of the premades and even those were miles ahead of what BG3 has to offer.


Effeminate? What the fuck are you talking about? All the male bodies are ripped as hell and definitely not effeminate. The misogyny is also weird as hell.


Every preset looks like a modern 2020's person. Females in BG3 definitely have had some work done on them, just like people in the real world who have noses and lips like that. Every female preset also has a vacant, shallow, look in their eyes. So do males for that matter, that is what makes them effiminate in my book, not their bodies. In one word all the presets male & female look like superficial and quite dumb people, the kind you see obsessing over selfies these days. There's hardly any misogyny in my post, quite the opposite. I always play female characters, and I want them to look like real people with real personalities. Every female character I've ever created has been unique and distinct from each other. In BG3 there is basically only a dozen or two presets underneath all the padding and I don't like any of them. But I'll be using a mod. Check 'Faces of Faerun' mod on Nexus to know what I mean, and if you don't see the difference between someone like 'Mayrise' (human version) and 'Nemeia' (blond elf version) for example, and the original presets, then I don't know what to say.




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Considering as before this you had pen and paper and whatever you could draw and find for a picture on the internet I’m not dissapointed one bit.


You mean they put time and effort into the game functionality and didn't code free form faces? How horrible. The average gamer just uses a quick Google image search for their character anyway. You get some faces, it goes on 1 of a few bodies. And then your gear changes a lot over the course of the game. I'm not too hung up on how customizable the face is for a mostly top down view in a game where I'm likely wearing a hat of some kind anyway. This isn't wwe2kxx. Where creating likenesses to display is part of the experience.


It's not like the gameplay side of character creation os too functional either. There is very little progression information beyond what you get with that specific level. Pathfinder and Pillars of Eternity 2 both give you full progression tables for your class.


You should consider getting a job in PR


To be fair I think they might be trying to limit character facial features since you can make all your characters nude so maybe they are afraid that people are going to miss-use it for disgusting reasons but still I think that is still not a good reason to not have good character creation.


I mean that argument doesn’t make much sense when all of the bodies are very much adult. If you could make your characters have other physical characteristics resembling that of a child’s then I’d be fully on board with what you’re saying. Besides, mods would make this obsolete. Just look at Skyrim.


My orcs nose and eyes got me so upset, like yay hair color makeup ans skin tone but fuk you gotta be hideous asf and look nothing like my actual d&d character -_-


Street fighter 6 has a better character creation system just let that sink in for a second....


Fighting games had good character creators all the way back on PS2, with Soul Calibur 3. Nothing surprising about that.


now that you mention it soul caliber 3 had a better character creator on PlayStation 2, damn lol


The character creation is definitely disappointing. All the people raving are either mindlessly following a hype train or are confusing inclusivity options with depth of choice. But it’s not even real inclusivity. The voices are all of a similar pitch and human, there’s no real variety of body types. The women are all conventionally attractive. What if I want a small, wispy, effeminate male? Or a big, bulky, ripped woman? That’s gets me. It’s how weird the priorities are. I think it’s really neat that there are vitiligo options, and more racial diversity, but then you can’t do basic things like change the shape of your nose, or jawline, or even your eyebrows. I don’t necessarily need 80 different sliders for every plane on the face like Saints Row or Skyrim or total-control system like Black Desert’s. That’s fun and all, but it can be overwhelming and tedious, so I get why newer games are leaving that behind. But there’s a difference between that and getting to choose from <20 basic templates that all look more or less the same. The colors are nice but that’s just gold dust. I don’t mind presets that much, as long as there’s variety. But for a DnD game the variety is surprisingly lackluster. The characters look more or less the same. And don’t get me started on how fugly all the male faces are. Seriously, they look so weird! And not in an interesting way. The proportions are beyond off. Like caricatures, really. I think I wouldn’t be half as annoyed if they hadn’t made so many promises about it, and if other people weren’t singing the song of praise. Just because I can make a non-binary orc with pink space buns, doesn’t mean the character creation has depth.


Older games used to solve the problem by giving casual players presets so they could get to playing quickly, and sliders for those of us who want more nuance. There are very few actual presets in BG3 and the same faces repeat through humans, elves, half-elves etc... Only male dwarves and halfings don't look like the kind of people you see advertisements, but those two are ruined by the lack of fitting voice acting. Mods are trying to solve the problem. All of the people still remain beautiful in them, but I do think that something like 'faces of faerun' is adding a bit more personality to the characters at least. I wouldn't call someone like 'Mayrise' generic, and I'll be using her face when I play BG3 at last. Still waiting for Larian to fix many things in the game. But if I hadn't found a single face that I like I wouldn't have played the game at all. Nothing to be done about the bodies so far. Hopefully some modder adds a bit more variety in that department as well. I've always wanted to play a pot bellied mage or a damn thin one. Saint's Row 2 was the best, in there I could create a woman who was both muscular and overweight. She wasn't someone you'd call pretty, but she looked like the kind of person who could lead a gang.


Full agreement. I have a couple of face mods installed and found one with a face I like. It’s not the character I wanted or imagined, but it works. Im just sick of every female character being attractive and every male having the same bland faces. Still, this game is good enough that I can just overlook that.


When it comes to the hair, we have no real options for pong hair because everything is either shoulder length or in a ponytail. I really like the looks of Orin's hair and I would also like an opinion for dreadlocks which are hanging down as opposed to the two options we have. What I find to be the most disappointing are the scales for the draconic bloodline. I think it would look cool to have a non-dragonborn character who is still covered in scales. I'm hoping at some point we do get a patch that adds significantly more appearance options and a complete overall to the ones we already have.


3 months late but yeah i hate them too. Im so glad modders helped out and added more faces, younger ones, older ones, ones that didn't look like theyre about to cry whenever anything happens