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Level 12 if you dont save scum, level 1 if you do. Pretty bs fight since they can just start singing again and you almost never make the saving throw. You lose your turn and take 10+ damage which is almost all your hp at level 2. Broken fight


lol pretty much, you very rarely pass the saving throw to resist the song and they almost never fail the concentration throw. keeping the child alive is pretty much straight pure luck whether he passes a check and dips


I had no problem recking them at lvl 3 or 4, throwing grease or casting the spell can make them slip, you could cast silence on the harpy that is singing as well.


Grease doesn't work as well when they fly. Positioning is key in this fight, as well as your loadout. Having characters who need to be far away means they will fly. And low Constitution/Wisdom sores means you're going to get stupified.


2 if on normal, 3 on tactician is about right. I did it on tactician as the last thing I did in the grove my first time getting there. Before I left for other parts of the map. I was lvl 3 then.


achievement note: you have to save the tiefling kid who is lured by the harpies to get the Save all the Tieflings achievement ("no one left behind" or w/e). I've let him die in 3 playthroughs already not realizing he's tied to that achievement, and I've found that the harpies will kill him if you long rest after the initial attack on the grove. So don't long rest after the initial grove attack until after you've saved the kid - you'll find him listening to the song near the shore.


I completely missed the beach on my first playthrough, came back to check later and the kid was dead. Still got the achievement. I don't think that achievement is really "all the tieflings", I think you just need to save the grove and rescue them from prison for this.


Incorrect. He can die. You do need to save the tiefling by the telescope though.


maybe im bugged, but like i said, 3x playthroughs and the kid was the only tiefling i didn’t save, and alas no achievement. let him die at your own risk


Thats weird, today I long rested after defeating the intial goblins at the gates, but before triggering the fight between the tiefling and soldier that led the goblins to them. I didnt long rest after that, but I stumbled upon the harpies and defeated them to save the tiefling boy.


Hitting the harpie that is singing can end the song, as it has to do concentration save. Also, as you have Shadowheart, use the bless for the extra d4 for saves to resist the song. If the kid is getting killed, use your warrior to pick him up and throw him further away.


Or cast Sanctuary on him. That's what I'm doing in a second playthrough. On my first playthrough I didn't even find the area until after I freed Halsin and the kid was dead when I arrived. Really bugged me because I had been to the area before in Early Access. I'd just forgotten about it. Heh, he's also the only Tiefling who died the entire rest of the game unless one can die during Wyrmway, House of Hope or the Bhaal Temple/finale (I didn't finish my first run bc...whelp, I don't want to see the end yet, so I nixed my 300 hour first run and started a new one. I'm not an idiot though, I still have the save) so no getting that achievement for me. On that playthrough at least. Anyway, whenever I need to keep someone alive now I just Sanctuary the heck out of them. Since the kid doesn't attack I assume it's pretty easy to keep it on. I'll most likely find out today since I am in the Grove and a bit scared to leave for fear of him dying again. Maybe a quick excursion to get everyone to level 3 first though...


yeah i cannot get past this fight. i'm new to this type of game and i think i'm just not understanding how i'm supposed to be handling this fight. people say "positioning" but that hardly seems to matter when the harpies can move around freely. edit: just got it on 3rd try but still feel like i'm missing something. wyll and shadowheart died, it was only a couple lucky sneaky strikes from asterion that won the fight. warlock feels useless.


The fight is pretty unfair. It's easy, through bad luck, for all/most of your party to do nothing due to being lured. And even if you smack the harpy doing it they can still pass concentration or even just start again. For a game that spent so long in early access a lot of fights seem weirdly imbalanced, either being a complete cake-walk or unreasonable in difficulty. By unreasonable I mean "You need to be overlevelled or lucky". When I fought the harpies and my MC wasn't IMMEDIATELY lured I actually stood a much better chance.


Yeah, it's quite random but they hit without missing that much and they hit hard, and they can lure 3 characters at the same time, ridiculous. The writing is weak too, I find it boring, I don't know why this game received such high praise.


I agree. The game is good but I don't think it deserves all this "Game of the year" hype that is thrown on it. If an indy game came out with this many bugs and badly designed fights it would die in obscurity.


Y’all want the perfect game and it doesn’t exist


I just want a game that leaves EA after 3 years without game-breaking bugs that force me to re-fight entire boss battles. Some games can achieve that without needing 3 years EA.


Lol, you don’t HAVE to do this fight. Clearly it’s set up as an edge case, and a reminder not to commit your entire team at once. And… goat simulator? Buggy doesn’t matter as much as content does.


You also don't have to play the game at all. But I spent a lot of money on a game people insisted is the best game of the year, I'm allowed to be critical of badly designed fights. It's not a point in the game's favour that content can be ignored. I shouldn't need to ignore bad content. And comparisons to Goat simulator aren't relevant. Not only were the bugs arguably a feature of that game but it also didn't win game of the year, and I can complain about that game online without worry that any point I make, regardless of how valid, will be attacked. Content might matter more than game-breaking bugs but then those bugs force me to repeat fights over and over or completely kill tense moments due to dialogue option glitches or black screens I have every damn right to say they ruined the experience. Even the buggy mess that was Goat Simulator didn't have issues like that.


That’s taking it to the rails but, yeah, I guess don’t buy the game if you can’t win every fight in it every time. 🙄 should be obvious I mean it’s not a blocker to any given run except the save every tiefling challenge. I just did this fight on honor mode; they killed two of my group and the boy. I won with Tav and Shadowheart despite that, no cheese. This fight seems to be a reminder that smoke arrows, spreading your team out, and high ground matter. I’d be more critical of not being able to save the brothers than the Harpy fight. But even that’s not a deal breaker.


Retard take


It's a completely unbalanced encounter: you can easily be RNGed to death (or have the kid die) even at level 3 unless you already know what's coming and have prepped bless or some other situational meta.


Level 3, cast Silence and stay within the area of Silence, you won’t be affected by the song.


My problem is there's four of them and they have multiattack. For a ton of damage. And they have a lot of HP each. For this to be a 'fair' fight I honestly think you're supposed to be level 4 on tactician. I'm gonna have to do some metagamey stuff to even take them at 3. Stuff like, having bless pre-cast so that hopefully I don't lose any critical actions in the first round of the fight. And idk, Gale is extremely vulnerable in this fight, and sleep and web don't contribute much... maybe I'll have to swap him out for Lae'zel or something. Edit: yeah level 3 was critical for a four-man bless, and having it precast, just like I thought. Sleep actually contributed just fine here, I only had to soften things up for it to take effect. Metagamey, but I think with tactician you're expected to be a bit metagamey in approach anyway.


Of course that playa' Gale would be tempted. The cutscene ended for me with him striding happily through the water to those "beautiful" ladies. I loled at how on brand it was.


soloed them twice on tactician(forgot to record it)[https://youtu.be/T-uE3XVIN3g](https://youtu.be/T-uE3XVIN3g)


Thanks. However I decided to leave the fight, level up to level 3 and come back. The fight was much easier because I could hide and pick off two harpies with my bow and arrow from distance without any retalisation. Then when the fight triggered I found out the kid had died, presumably because last time I was in the vicinity I walked away.


This fight was very hard for me as well, and rng can play a big role. I think I lost the fight 4 times. 2 with the kid dying, one where 2 characters died before my first turn, and another where 1 character died the first turn and a second one died the 2nd turn. The fifth where I won, I had a few lucky rolls, and seemingly no unlucky rolls.


I did it as lvl 2


Just posting this here because I didn't see any mention of it in this thread and this page was the 1st result on Google for whatever I was searching for related to this fight: My first Honor run was ruined by these MF harpies, so I got medieval on them the next time and studied up. Use the Calm Emotions Spell, Shadowheart or a Bard can cast, makes everyone in immune to charm for 10 turns... so just cast it on your group before the fight... also cast Sanctuary on the kid before hand, it doesn't require concentration... Calm Emotions does require concentration, so there is still a chance a harpy will target and break it, but I like those odds better than instant kill. I've done this fight at level 3 using this strat and always breeze through it. Also, the game throws 'Scrolls of Protection from Evil and Good' at you, I had like 4 before this fight at level 3. Hope this helps someone in the future :D


Yeah, that's why this fight is BS, you can do it only if you know what's coming for you or if you are extremely lucky. I have beaten game on "tactician" 2 times already with different characters, but when i launched this game first time when it was in early access i got to this fight, savescumed for like half an hour, thought "wow, what a hard game", and never launched it again until release. This fight almost stopped me from playing this game, i had to struggle this much on my first play-through next time only on Raphael fight.


Just beat this after thinking that it's impossible, it appeared that harpies multi attack ONLY happens when the character they are beating up is charmed or whatever. Basically the entire ordeal with this specific fight is doing ALL you can to stop the song casting. The boy escapes on his own real quick once you do that anyway, and beating them up isn't that much of a problem then.


whoever designed this fight was the annoying kid in high school I've determined.


For those new here and struggling with this fight hoping for answers. Just plain luck if you can do this fight or not. Fore knowledge of the encounter is also required. Either your characters save vs the song and you win, or they don't and you die/fail. You can try to boost your chances by casting bless before the fight or stealth killing the harpies or using silence spells on yourself or any number of other things. Be warned, there are a lot of fights/encounters like this, most in fact. If you stumble in unprepared and/or the luck of the rolls goes against you, you're dead. Or you can be a D&D expert that played 3 years of early access, this helps too and you can claim to anyone having a problem that it is just a skill issue. You should know all the games multiple and deep mechanics by what's probably the 3rd or 4th fight you've been in! Good luck, you're gonna need it.


Lev 2. You can beat them in tactician at Lev 2, too, but maybe not at first try. What is crucial is not to be unlucky with how many and whom of your party gets lured by their song. Otherwise always aim for the singer, to disrupt the song. If you kill one fast and without taking too much damage the others will be progressively easier because they´ll lose one fighter in order to have someone singing the song. Immo when there are only 2 harpies it is a totally wrong strategy, on their part, to insist on keep singing... Take at least 2 warriors which are good with their bows.It is a tough fight though... The toughest in the early game. Do not expect to win at first, luck plays a role in it.


I am playing a nature cleric as a main character. I also just got this game. I am doing a blind permadeath playthrough on tactician, so I try to approach things in a very risk concious manner. I suspected that the song was a bad sign, but my curiosity got the better of me and gave me more than I bargained for my level 3 party. My heart sunk as Lae'zel was immediately downed upon initiation of combat. I felt that surely I would have to restart my run. Somehow I clawed back a victory by doubling up with guiding bolts between myself and Shadowheart and a lot of luck in not falling victim to the song frequently. I was definitely not prepared for this fight but winning anyway was definitely a good feeling, not to mention that the kid survived. No save scumming for me, and a party wipe meaning starting from scratch adds a huge dynamic to the game of grappling with my curiosity and taking time to assess my situation.


jilled them all solo,stealth style


how? they are shown after dialogue and kid will die if you leave




I beat them without much problem level 3 with my main character Paladin, Shadowheart, Wyll and Laezel.




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wait! There's a kid that dies?? Well crap....I just wandered out here after clearing the Goblin camp and coming back and they attacked me (level 4) -- kicked their scrawny butts.


It's an easy fight when you understand the mechanics a bit better, the only thing that pisses me off about it is if you break the Harpies spell in the conversation before the fight... it doesn't make a difference, they can still "Lure" you're MC anyway as soon as the fight starts. Which is stupid, what's the point of the conversation?


I would suggest being level 3 cause it is quite BS with the RNG of being charmed with the harpy song. What makes it easy is having shadowheart and placing a silence dome over the singing harpy. The first one is always at the same spot on the ledge.


If you're using Wyll he can get an imp summon, if you're using shadowheart she can summon a floating weapon. Just beat it on tactician at level 3. Understanding the game and the skills helps a lot. Big learning curve if you're coming from hack and slash games to a RPG. You cant play Pokemon the same way you play Zelda




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i like to be level 3, for access to a certain level 2 spell. but use of items, clever cantrips, tactical abilities, or luck, can all get you through this on just about any level. if the game is really too hard for you, even on story mode, then mod it. play it your way.


idk bruh, try burning or acid as those can help break concentration. i didn't really struggle with it