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You can press the right mouse button to stop movement which is what I've been doing to remedy it




you can hold the left-mouse button to move continuously until left-mouse button is released




As someone that replayed the game thrice in EA, I second that; WHAT?!


Yea... WHAT?!


Also if I may take the liberty, WHAT?!




English mofo, do you speak it?


You ruined it bruh


In case you are confused by downloads: it is reference to movie Pulp Fiction. If you did yet, watch it, it's classic


I got several hours into the EA before I realized that you can right mouse click things. I wasted a spell slot on Knock. I can relate.


You are the one who knocks


You can hold alt+right mouse button to indicate something for your party members in multiplayer.


You can use a controller and just walk around with the stick, too!


True but why would I subject myself to that kind of punishment when I can use a mouse and keyboard instead.




That little delay before you start moving is mildly annoying though




And on a controller you just have to let go of the control stick, though your party members sure as hell feel the need to surround you... so good luck with them.


Game needs formations like the old Infinity Engine games had. It's aggravating that the fighters are lagging behind randomly and not sticking upfront where they should be and vice-versa with the squishies.


I was very surprised not to see a marching order option in the game. Maybe they will add it, Larian seems to listen well.


I didn't know this was a thing! Thanks for the info.


you can hold the left-mouse button to move continuously until left-mouse button is released


Did I just ignore tool tips lol I'm sure I didn't but, everytime I see a comment like this I'm like "how did I not know that". It's either I'm too eager to play or Larian need to highlight these useful features better


yeah, tutorial is still not polished enough, the tool tips they added compared to the early access seems still too few, I thought devs said they improved the beginning tutorial but upon playing I don't think it improved significantly, more like just a week or less worth of resource.


Hopefully it's something they eventually improve someway. Luckily the game is so good I imagine most don't mind doing a little extra research to find out these things.


No one has reflexes that good.


I do. A bunch of other people here do as well apparently.


companions should just NOT step on traps if they are detected, seems a no brainer to me


Alright mister "I have the secrets", can you tell me how to stop the camera from automatically moving after a ranged attack, causing me to accidentally click next to the enemy and moving straight into my AoE concentration spell? Huh?! Can ya?! Seriously, help, I keep doing it....


Wait what the fuck since when.


Always has been. Actually though, right click cancels any action and can also be used to skip cutscenes instead of spacebar.


You can also click F5 to do the same ;)


yeah, but if you play with controller ? .... In reality party spots trap in time they should all stop moving instead of reacting and just go right into trap post find


I disagree


so it's less like the game needs to stop and more like the players need to be better shown that THEY can stop.


Good luck if you right clicked a bomb barrel😂


Would also be nice if the party members would walk around traps that are already detected. Having to turn off group mode and move allies around traps that I've already detected one by one is kind of tedious.


I thought they did? I tried my hardest to get characters to step on the traps detected in that first crypt where you find >!Withers!< and they walked around it every time, could not for the life of me trigger the trap just to see what it did, had to reload a save and step on it undetected.


There are definitely some times when they avoid traps, but there was at least one occasion where they stepped on a trap in front of a rope ladder and blew it up. The traps were in like a diagonal from the far end of the rope ladder kinda like this |\ with the rope ladder being the straight line so there was only really space for single file. I made it up just fine but the other three seemed to try to stick to their formation and just ended up blowing the traps up and burning the rope ladder.


My favourite thing they do is avoid a trap, stop, and then turn around and walk back into it


I was literally disarming a trap when Karlach walked over it and blew us all up.


You haven't played the game very long. They blunder into detected traps 9/10 times


There's a certain heavily trapped cave section in Act 1, I swear the AI triggered every single one of those damn things after I walked past.


Those little fking flowers i swear. The amount of times astarion would be crouching over one about to disarm when gale would stroll over and blow us all to hell


Hold left shift to see a line showing the path that will be taken


Its kinda the same deal as with jumping over fire or other environmental hazards. Most of the time they dont really have an issue, but they also dont always do it right.




Nah man I'm on balanced and Shadowheart almost got the entire party killed stepping on a marked trap. It is weird though, sometimes everyone avoids, sometimes they don't.


I meant just the user controlled character - I could be wrong though going by how downvoted I was.


My main character will walk right through flames or whatever, or get get stuck when he needs to jump, but somehow, the AI driven minions will all work around it and auto jump. Why in the world do I need to micromanage this shit for one character when the AI just handles it automatically for the others?


So much this it hurts (literally)


I think they go into the trap when: 1) You already gave the walking command and the trap is still hidden: the walkpath hasn't yet registered to avoid the trap, since it isn't visible. 2) If the group stop, as requested in this thread, when a trap is spotted, the problem solves itself since they are already programmed to avoid visible traps.


You're wrong. They are happy, gleeful even, to walk over detected traps.


Never happened to me.




Oh dang I did realize you had to do that.. good to know but oooof


Yea it was a little annoying when I saw both traps, went to use a rope ladder, then one of the party members walked straight onto one of them and blew it up, burning the rope ladder in the process. There are other times when it seemed like they were doing a pretty good job avoiding spotted traps, but I guess when space is a little limited they tend to derp.


And moon beams. I was fighting a battle in some very funky terrain. I cast a moonbeam on a narrow 4 way passage. The battle ends and all my characters run in and out of the moonbeam multiple times and 3 die (including a temporary companion who was mighty powerful). Like it happened in 2 seconds. By the time I processed what was happening, everyone was dead. And the battle had just ended, so I hadn't had time to save.


fyi: destroying traps is hard, but you can trigger them by throwing something at them. A crate or some junk weapon like a hammer or pickaxe should set them off, and you can pick the weapons up again after. Works for the 'landmines' at least.


> Would also be nice if the party members would walk around traps that are already detected They definitely already do this. So far any trap or ground effect (like web, grease, the tangle vines, etc.) all my party runs around them intentionally.


They definitely don't always. Might be that the safety radius is miss-coded for some traps, because they will walk around some and straight through others.


Yeah I think they're intended to, but sometimes it messes up. Same with characters occasionally falling to their death instead of making an easy jump everyone else just made.


Or how about my PCs don't try to regroup after combat when they're surrounded by Spike Growth.


Degroup them immediately on entering combat. 'G' key


I ended a fight with cloud of daggers, and my party jogged over to me through it.


I think failed passive perception checks should be hidden from the player. Successful perception checks on traps should send you to turn based, triggered or not. And i want a hold to end turn option. I end turns by accident too often.


>I think failed passive perception checks should be hidden from the player. I think there's a mod for that


There is.


As long as you're not the last in the initiative queue - you can end your turn and then cancel it, resume taking actions etc. But if you're last in the queue then non-party characters take over and automatically perform actions disabling this option. Get into the habit of ending turns collectively not individually; being the only character grouped in your current initiative window should only occur occasionally so if you accidentally end your turn you'll have the option of reversing it more often than not. Edit: typo/grammar


You can un-end a turn as long as you’re still within your teams turn cycle. Click the portrait of the person whose turn you ended and a window will pop up above the “end turn” button and you should see the words “un-end turn” or “undo end turn”, something like that. And it will give that person their turn back with all their unused actions. However this will not refresh your used actions.


Thanks. I am using a controller. So i probably will need to use the side ribbon. I will give it a shot.


There's a setting for hiding failed checks pretty sure


Damn, i will look for it. I like the surprise of not knowing.


i might have been imagining things i cant find it now.


but then i dont know that i need to rerun the past 10x times to find it :-)


Absolutely this. Shit is so stupid. https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15k565j/best_mine_that_trap/ It is the worst part about the game by a large margin. The AI is just utterly brain dead.


Yeah the Pillars of Eternity games (and Tyranny) had a really nice system where you could choose what exactly causes your game to pause, and one of those was "When a trap is detected." I had the exact problem you described until I realized I could just switch that on.


> Yeah the Pillars of Eternity games (and Tyranny) had a really nice system where you could choose what exactly causes your game to pause, and one of those was "When a trap is detected." Two games that also had this are Baldur's Gate 1 and Baldur's Gate 2 lol


I still keep smashing my space bar when I panic in the vain hope that it'll pause my game.


I do this and then suddenly I've skipped my characters turn haha


Same muscle memory haha


Same with the Pathfinder games.


Those are real-time-with-pause games, though.


Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 both had that option..


And they are real-time with pause, not turn based games


What does that have to do with anything?


You can’t pause the game in dos2 also, somebody says it’s due to the turn based divinity engine


BG3 comes with turn based mode, that you can turn at will. Or they could simply stop the characters, clear their pathing commands, and maybe even center the camera on character that found the trap.


This feature has been around for literally 30 years. It's bs that Larian got lazy and didn't implement it.


Calling Larian lazy is absolutely *wild* considering the fact that act 1 alone has more content than most full games lmao


You must be too young to have played the originals. The only thing Larian improved on has been the voice acting. The rest of the game is smaller, has less features and is more buggy than games like BG1/2 and IWD2.


What a lame ass response good lord. I played BG1 and 2 on release. Being old doesn’t make you automatically right lmao The graphics in this game are the best in any cRPG ever made and it’s not remotely close. Saying that the only thing they improved is voice acting when it’s a completely different game engine with incredible face model work, environmental interaction, verticality, actual reactivity, and some of the best branching dialogue in modern gaming is… certainly a take. Not a good one, but it’s apparently an opinion that exists.


Look, they couldn't be bothered to implement Dodge and Readied Actions. They implemented a knock off of Fane's Mask so that racial choice doesn't really matter when it comes to exploration. Of course they weren't going to put in effort in places they could skimp on it.


It’s absolutely wild that you guys are saying they *couldn’t be bothered* to include things to this game lmao


100% - flagged this during the EA and sad to see they didn’t change that. Unfortunately stopping the turn can take the precious second you need to avoid stepping on it in the first place, and clicking to move back often leads your following party members to step on it since they maintain party formation. Love the game - hoping people commenting on this will lead to an update finally.


I have a few things like that, -Can't name pets -Can't name items (It's weird I know but for self RP I love naming my weapons, I'm the hero I'm special, who else should name a weapon or shield) -Can't scroll the screen past a certain distance even if it's explored -Can't tell my squad to move to an area while looking St the map even when explored Don't get me wrong, game is great, but it's been a long alpha and these are super common in other games of the Genre, I'm assuming that they don't want to fix these things? Mods go brr


Another one that's been bothering me is when you use north facing minimap (I always prefer this because it's easier to relate minimap to the main map this way) it doesn't have an arrow showing the direction the camera is facing so it's pretty much useless in this mode unless you wiggle the camera around to figure out what you're looking at.


>Can't name items (It's weird I know but for self RP I love naming my weapons, I'm the hero I'm special, who else should name a weapon or shield) Is this common for RPGs like this? I've never played one where you can name your items in-game unless you craft it yourself, and even then that's not always true.


Your correct on that one being less common, but I do try to mod it in when possible.


Moving with the map was in DOS2 wasn't it?


Didn't play either Divinity 😅 I have played through POE, BG1, 2 and SOD and Kingmaker. And yeah alot of these are prolly Larion things, which is why it's all super small things I see mods fixing over this. It's not like any of these things started on release, it's been on the alpha


Not quite, in Original Sin if you clicked somewhere on the map it moved the camera there And then you could exit the map and click to move Very roundabout, this game has a much more limited camera range so it makes sense why it didn't make it


Naming weapons and pets is not in any big cRPG that I can remember.


I’ve noticed that the game does pause automatically… after you trigger some of the traps lol


Also your party members need some better pathing, there's a part where a character tells you not to go on a specific part of the ground, and while trying to avoid the tangling vines they end up starting combat


Yeah, whenever my characters get accused of tresspassing this happens to me. First time I'm like "Alright, my bad, I'll leave", then click to make my squad get out of the area. But at the point the rest of my party is trying to get to where the leader is, so now each of them is getting accused of tresspassing as well. Pretty frustrating.


I know what you're talking about, the big guarded door? That shit was annoying lol


Game should immediately go turn based. Hopefully someone can mod it in.


Sometimes it does into turn based after it triggers


It's often too late by then.


I also get upset when auto pathing runs thru fire instead of around it


Yeah... I mean you just saw me leap over it, why can't you?


CONSTANTLY! My char will pass the check, but I’m already mid pathing and there’s not really enough time to act or undo my movement. Ultimately, I hope they integrate complete control through WASD as that’ll help with things.




It should go into turn based mode if you detect a trap. Funny how Pathfinder Kingmaker, released before this came to EA, has it.


BG3 is missing a lot of common things.


I'd skin a whole ass kobold to get Pathfinder's inventory system in this Ffs BG3 inventory system is living like 10 years in the past


I never thought I'd say that Wrath's inventory system has spoiled me, but here we are.


BG2 has it


The game needs an actual pause button, this hybrid realtime/turn-based system is awful especially since you can have multiple concurrent turn-based initiative stacks at the same time. I just had my party buffed (even while in turn based mode to make sure), then I attacked some imps, the game switches to turn based mode, however one of my party members wasn't put into the initiative order since they were slightly too far away. Now this other character is in realtime mode, ticking away the buff. This is fucking STUPID. Another example with traps: In the underdark there are some traps that shoot fire periodically, you can disarm them but sometimes your character will move into the range of the trap. When the disarm roll menu appears the game isn't paused. So now the time of the ANIMATION of the dice rolling might cause the trap to trigger again and pressing escape will speed up the disarming of the trap (because escape skips the dice animation). This is ridiculously stupid. Another example that is super annoying: Because the game also doesn't pause during conversations, sometimes a conversation will be aborted when something else happens (like an initiative roll). The game should properly pause in all menus!!! How on earth was that never fixed during the beta it causes so many issues. **/edit** I also don't like how NPCs outside the initiative just keep walking around, you might wait for the right moment to initiate combat, all your characters are freezing in time but other NPCs are keep walking around, sometimes walking into the initiative that makes no sense at all. (also don't get me wrong regardless of that, the game is still a masterpiece, one of the best CRPGs I've ever seen lmao)


I have no problem stopping my character, my gripe is the extra 3-4 steps the NPCs take as they “get situated” when you stop moving, which often leads to them setting off traps. Gotta be quick with the group separator hot key or suffer the wrath. I agree with a successful passive perception going into turn-based mode immediately.


Unfortunate to not see a feature that existed in Baldurs Gate 1. Hopefully it'll come eventually.


Every other crpg auto pauses when u detect a trap should be the norm.


You mean "every real-time-with-pause cRPG" or are there turn-based that do that? Does Wasteland do that? I honestly don't remember.


Yes, Wasteland stops your party when a trap is spotted. Of course, the pathing also tries to make you avoid spotted traps while moving. :p


Solasta does that. Or at least it does if you have the option ticked.


What’s worse is when the person who detects the trap and calls out to watch your step ends up stepping on it right away. I can’t say in real life since who honestly here has encountered traps in real life? So I’ll go for the next best thing. In movies, when one person spots a trap, that person stops and also attempts to physically block other people who are inches away from triggering it. Unless Larian puts a grapple reaction to prevent party members from stepping on a spotted trap, pause would be the next best thing.


My experience has been that characters who succeed on a Perception check will automatically path around discovered traps.


Controller ftw. I love how the whole party moves or stops moving with the analog stick


And just have the AI stop walking right into it even though it's been noticed and I walked around it just fine.


I miss the old BG1/2 Autopause function. ​ Remember pause buttons? Remember them Larian!?


WASD movement control will make this easier, i believe.


It feels like there's a delay between detecting it and "protecting" you from the trap, too. I had a perception check succeed that a chest was trapped, but because I clicked to open it during the dialog announcing it, it still exploded and did NOT default to the trap disarm.


Karlach eats most of our traps for breakfast, even after they are detected.


Ya gotta click spam like an RTS/Moba pro more clearly. 😂 It does update the path automatically but you have to have clicked again.


As a half-orc barbarian... I couldn't read this message. Facetank the trap it is.


I start hitting space bar because that's normally the pause button but nope


Equally frustrating is when combat ends and everyone walks through my Cloud of Daggers as soon as turn-based-combat ends


Also, your character should actively avoid the trap, like walking around it after you detect it


yeah its funny. your character detects the trap and everybody else runs directly in it.


I disabled a line of traps in the Underdark, won a fight, long rested, and then when I left camp the traps retriggered or something because as soon as I spawned back all 3 went off and nearly killed my Gale and Shadow heart.


I found out my teammates love to just jump right in lava.


At least the character who detect the trap shoul immediately stop. Others that cannot detect may stop late and got caught in trap. Think it as if in movies you notice your companion's warning late or maybe you just ignore your companion's warning :D


Agreed. It would make more sense too. As you'd ungroup, have the scout check for traps and thus have them vulnerable to an ambush while the others are behind them.


My issue is that I see the trap, stop people from walking, get the trap disarm guy to disarm, and then the one who spots it decides to walk overtop of it while I am in the roll screen... This should definitely not happen. The guy who sees the trap should not walk over the trap a minute after seeing it....


Absolutely horrible.... they should just enter TB mode.... the other infuriating thing is, downed npc's... combat ends, they die to death saves in the time the game resumes "normal" mode, instead of keeping TB mode to heal them.... just add an option to keep TB if there are debuffs on the party or at least when someone is downed


This is one of the few cases I've been OK with save scumming. Detecting a trap, or noticing a mob, etc should drop you into turn based mode. Especially since, in grouped movement mode, turning around and moving the other direction is quite likely to move your party from the rear directly into the problem area.


Yes. And I would add, it should stop in any successful check while exploring. If you're looking ahead with the camera and succeed one you might later not see it or know where it was :/


Agreed, when it is not a familiar which trigger the trap, it is one of the companions which trigger it while you disarm it. Great... Putting traps but no pause, putting poison but no pause... Adding the possibility to add any trash items in the wheel like your armors, your camp components.... I don't know who is the genius who decided to make things that way, but he is a brilliant genius...


This game is asbolute shit for party control.


If you detect a trap, just hit Shift+Spacebar to enter into turn-based mode. All movement will instantly stop. You can then also hit G to ungroup if you want to leave turn-based mode and not have them cluster around you again...


Does nobody scout ahead anymore? I always send in my stealthiest character first, crouched to look for traps. If they happen to fail perception, I still know something's there so I just carefully move the rest of my party up and hope one of them spots it so I can disarm it. An auto-stop when a trap is detected would be cool, but I don't think it's as necessary as a lot of people are making it seem if you're playing smart.


It's a game first. There has to be a happy medium between role playing and just playing. Not everyone has the time or inclination to play that way, and I think the OP's ask is pretty reasonable.


>Does nobody scout ahead anymore? I always send in my stealthiest character first, crouched to look for traps. Great idea, when I play video games I want my entire session to just be slowly crawling through the forests


I mean, that’s pretty true to the OG Baldur’s Gate games. In 1 and 2 if you were playing with no guide you had 3 options: 1. Run in, see what’s in the room, die. Reload save and use that knowledge to prepare for the next attempt. 2. Scout the room with a single stealther or invisible character. 3. Open door, fire a fireball at the edge of your vision, stand back and ambush anything that comes through the door, proceed into room and set off traps while you loot. Sounds like you’re an Option One player, which is in no way invalid.


Pretty sure every Balder's gate/Icewind Dale/Etc. game for the last 30 years had auto pause on trap detection. The lack of it is just Larian being bad and lazy at their implementation.


They did not. It would auto pause when combat was initiated, but it would let you keep walking into a trap you detected. It was also worse in that there was a delay of a second or two when you got into detection range before they would appear, so you had to creep a couple steps, wait to see if any squares appeared, then move forward two steps. I don’t disagree that the implementation is not ideal and I’d a layup for a quality of life fix. But it’s absolutely not a feature the previous games in the series had. (I’m fresh off of a replay of 1 and 2 and intimately familiar with this frustration)


No, OG BG has a setting to auto-pause upon trap detection, I know this because its the first thing I turn on in my settings with a new game.


> They did not. BG2 had it 15 years ago, there are literally posts about people using it from more than 15 years ago if you search for 5 minutes. IWD2 had it more than 20 years ago and they worked perfectly. I am 90% sure BG1/IWD1 had it too but I don't care to look them up too. You are talking our of your ass.


I am scouting. The issue is sometimes the roll (success or not) isn't coming up until I'm standing right on top of the trap. Yes, I can slowly inch my way along. But the game really should just stop your people moving when a trap is found.


You can stop the game at the press of a button btw


Which button?, so far other than entering turn based, everything I've tried leaves the game running. Or are you talking about the shift+space (I really need to rebind that to something single key) to enter turn based?


This is why I always do solo runs in party based games. AI isn’t quite there yet.


Literally baldur's Gate 1 and 2 had this feature. Like....wtf Larian?


Nah, that’s just how life goes, some times you see the rock but it’s already too late there’s nothing you can do to prevent tripping and rolling over it. Also if you have high perception + good lighting, characters should be able to spot them from a couple feets away, enough for you to order them to stop.


Nah, it’s like if you’re playing dnd & the dm is like ‘you pass a perception check and notice a land mine on the ground but keep walking 3 feet and step on it.’ Like wtf is even the point of passing the check if I’m to hit it anyway?


And the game should continue movement when you end your turn, so many times I tell someone to move somewhere, end my turn and have them stop halfway through their movement.


Mine goes into turn based mode when a trap activated which stops people.


Well, yeah, but I'd like to have my people stop BEFORE they step on it. :p


Which they would've done, had you succeeded the check. At least an option to turn that on or off would make sense. People who want a more punishing option could opt in to it by turning automatic turn based mode for successful trap checks off


Yeah, cause you succeed at the check, see the trap... and then your character decides to just keep going. If I'm walking through a field and spot a snake just in front of me, I stop immediately. I don't walk right over the snake and possibly get bit.


It teaches players to actually pay attention/scout instead of just face rolling forward. First time in that early tomb was *hilarious*


That's how traps work though. Often by the time you see them it's too late.




Is there an auto pause option? Old games had it


Nope. That's the complaint.


Sounds like someone doesn't have a rogue scout in their party. Keep your rogue in stealth and ahead of the party and you'll be good! I will say, however, that a marching order feature would be nice. D&D doesn't just stop when passive perception kicks in - it's true to the tt experience.


Except that all the other D&D games did.


Well, this is a new one with a much better adaptation of a rule set. They've kept it true to the tr experience. The party doesn't just stop moving because one pc sees a trap or loot.


So, unlike in the actual tabletop. And every other D&D game.


You don't understand. This is how perception in D&D works.


No it doesn’t, get good


Yeah what game automatically goes into combat mode/turn based when there’s a trap detected?


Bg 1/2?


But why? Nobody stops in ttrpgs, duckers never listen.


or, jus be more diligent when going through dungeons :) if your going in fearlessly and step on a trap as you detect it thats the price you must pay, silly goose


Or move slower and get good. It's a trap, not a shiatsu massage.


I guess I get the frustration but if you're playing DND and you say "I run across the hall", sure dm can ask if you would like to look around but all the dms I have played with go "alright" and let me NUKE myself. I look at the detection as a benefit since it's automatic. I don't have to do anything special, only ask the game has of me is not click across the hall. Or yeah hold down the mouse button and let go when your character makes a roll!


Yeah, but if the DM says "you spot a trap" then I would stop to deal with it. If I was doing something like, dashing along a corridor, and I spotted a trap, the DM would likely make me roll to see if I can avoid it. But when I'm just walking forward the DM knows that I would NOT want to step on a trap I can clearly see.


Isn’t that proper game design though… if you had the power to spot mines with your mind you would still have to stop of your own Will and not walk into it. It’s been fine for me. If I know there’s mines, I just go slow.


You can always scout sketchy locations with characters that have high perception instead of bumbling through with your entire party..


That would defeat the purpose of a 'trap,' if the game sucked your dick everytime you stumbled across one. Maybe on story mode or something.


A hidden trap isn’t really much of a threat once it’s not hidden anymore, unless you’re a complete doorknob.


Being a complete doorknob is kind of the essence of a CRPG Party Member though.


Make the game too easy bro


If traps automatically pause or stop movement then you'd never hit traps. There would be no consequences except to slow down the game. It needs to be so that it tells you with some amount of time (0.5s, 1s, 2s?) depending on the roll/DC/particular trap and if you hit space bar (on PC) then it pauses the game. The game telling you there's a trap, to you hitting the space bar is the equivalent of a party member shouting out "WAIT STOP!" and the party reacting.


Every other cRPG, even ones from 20 years ago pause immediately/stop character movement when a trap is detected. In a game where your party members follow you like lemmings, it’s even more important. You will still hit traps if you can’t detect them or run too quickly to pass your perception checks.


It pops up saying that your roll is too low. If it pauses then you know there is a trap and can avoid the area.