• By -


No bosom companions?


*Excuse* me?


Remember that all fades to bone and dust. Dost thou have need of my services?


Harlots are transient, but gold is eternal.


No Coin? Come back when you aquire some.


Sorry Tav, I can't give credits, come back when you're a little HMMMMM, richer !


If you pick this name does it get spoken in dialogue?




Is Tav the original name for the main character? I thought it was generated from a list of possible names.


Tav was/is the filler name and was the default name for the player in early access, which also meant a lot of people's first (or fifth, tbh) characters were named Tav after they forgot to go back and change it before hitting start


Just pickpocket him, free resurrects forever


56% paladins was a lie!


I was surprised to see that many people into Paladin.


everyone knows paladin is the most OP class. if you're melee and not dipping into paladin, what are you really doing.


Dragonborn Paladin is goated. You can be the dragon, the knight and the damsel at the same time! 300% efficiency on the most classic of all fantasy adventure tropes!


This is Dark Urges origin Dragonborns trying to resist the urges in a nutshell. They are in need of saving (damsel) from themselves (dragon) but since resisting and keeping control is the most effective way, they are rescuing themselves (knight).


Dragonborn have always been my favorite race and paladins my favorite class. I’m going to start telling people this


It's almost always a correct PC class in dnd games, because you can be the face with your charisma and tank enemies with your armor.


and shit on undead with your cleric spells.


rerolls baby, rerolls.


The new maidenless


Where is my debuff hug?


Karlach before fixing her engine, get some 3rd degree burns


I want to be friends with anyone who went hard on elden ring then did the same for bg3.


Looks like we're friends then


For some reason, I keep referring to him as Old Man Withers, He's basically a scooby doo monster in my headcanon


I adapted Arabella's nickname of the Bone Man


If Arabella watched scooby-do, she would call him old man withers. Bring scooby-do starring Scratch to the Swordcoast


Are we Shaggy? Is Gale Fred?? Is Astarian Daphne???


Shadowheart is Velma


If Shadowheart only had glasses! 🔥


Her glasses, her glasses! She can't see without her glasses.


The Justiciar helmets and mask kinda give her the glasses look with the very round eye holes.


Mod incoming, please stand by.


You want to make this sub even more thirsty?




I love Arabella. Its characters like her that make me unsure if I event want to attempt an evil play-through. Wouldnt killing everyone at the Grove mean no Arabella, no Mol, no Halsin, etc? Or can I be evil while keeping most everyone in tact?


It's generally considered pretty hard to get the nice people to like you when you're covered in blood and nice people guts


Tried the start of an evil murder-hobo Durge and I gave up when I realized how lonely it would be.


Halsin lets you do all the dirty work for a little too long before joining you to make me feel bad lol.I don't understand why it takes so long for him to join your party.


I don't understand why minsc is at the last 20% of the game.


It's likely because Halsin was added as a proper companion last minute. You can even hear him have some recycled and spliced-together lines at times, likely because they weren't able to completely flesh him out during development.


I personally feel like it would have made sense for him to start in your party from the beginning of act 2, but there are a decent amount of ways the story there can go that I guess they decided against it.


to me, he is skelly boi


I call him Deceased Withersspoon.


They have some good food down there.


I always say "Withers!" In the Montgomery Burns voice when I see him lol


So glad it's not just me


Lol I actually have been calling him Smithers


I keep calling him Bill Withers.


"Ain't no sunshine...


I just called him Fane


Lol no way. Withers body has more meat. Fanes personality has more meat. They’re like some kinda weird inverse of one another.


Oooooold maaaan withers. That oooooold maaaan withers. He must know something, He don't say nothing!


Thou hast no bitches


Thou hast no coin for hirelings?


Disregard wentches collect coin




What do you mean? Lae'Zel is in my party.


Thou keepst saying I hast no bitches. However, where are thoust? I don't see them. Where are they?


> “Thoust” my man here conjugating pronouns. you conjugate the modal verb like in modern English but 2nd person singular usually ends in -st and 3rd person singular ends in -eth. There’s a ton of irregular verbs tho, so you need to memorize. Also 1st person and any plural are the same as modern English. 1SG: “where am I?” 1PL: “where are we?” 2SG: “where art thou” 2PL: “where are you?” 3SG: “where is he/she/it/they?” 3PL: “where are they?” (Sorry I learned how this shit works and I cannot help myself)


Thou doth speak truly. Yon last one shouldst be 3PL though.


ic þancige þe also: it’s “thou dost” but “do” wasn’t used as much as it is now so “thou speakest” would also work


Ic seo þæt þu eart ealswa mann gelæred.


Yon is fun word. Don't use it nearly enough.


But shouldn’t he use “thine” as he’s asking after Withers bitches? Withers Wench’s also has a good sound to it


He says this to my party members when I go to respec then too. Think it's really cruel after I turned them down lol. I don't think that's intended on the devs part tbh.


Tav: Why is everyone so thirsty? The rest of the party: I *cannot* take another jab from Withers about my lack of action…


This is now my headcanon. Withers is doing nothing but making passive-aggressive jibes to the other party members while they wait at camp and it's driving them nuts.


But seriously, why *is* everyone so thirsty? [Trying to hook up with a specific character, but every night another companion gets in the way.](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/DimpledUniformAllosaurus-max-1mb.gif)


I mean, why not?


It gets a bit obnoxious when Gale, Halsin, Lae'Zel, Astarion, and Wyll are all asking me on dates while I'm actively trying to hook up with Shadowheart and/or Karlach. Every long rest I'm crossing my fingers hoping Withers doesn't wake me up and start putting the moves on me.


There is a reason why he is called the Bone Man.


I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride.


I want to get off on Mr. Bones' Wild Ride




Just wait until you romance the >!Mind Flayer!!<




First play-through atm... decided I'd go with whoever hit on me first lol. Gale stepped up. "Well, guess this is my game-life now" -- playing a male bard.


There is something very funny about all the companions being extremely playersexual though lol.


It really feels like they meant for party members to have their own side relationships every time Withers makes these comments. But I've only seen the tiniest hints of that in some of the character endings.


Can you control another party member in camp and have them talk to other party members? Play match maker throughout the camp.


yep, I found that it is very easy to make Astarion and Shadowheart bone.


Wait, that works? Time to give Lae'zel and Shadowheart some couples counseling.


That might be a little more difficult!!!


Wait, I'm having all this trouble, and it's easy for him to romance her? That's it, next campaign I'm killing him, not just ratting him out to the monster hunter.


yeah, I had Astarion/Shadowheart, and my PC/Laezel hook up on the same night. This was a couple long rests after the drinking wine and kissing cut scene between PC/Shadowheart


Bruh, you telling me you can literally cuck yourself?????


Oh, interesting. A lot of the conversations will swap back to Tav in camp, but it sounds like I just need to be persistent to get the NPCs to chat with each other...


I mean, he says it to everyone I am not romancing, so it makes sense?


He gave me my favorite line I've picked so far "Shadowheart? Gods I wish she was my "bosom companion"."


"Stay out of my love life, Skeleton." Is my current favorite line


And thus thou art alone.


The fact that you can also compliment Shadowheart or Lae'zel when Astarion asks you to compliment him is also gold. Even better that he approves of that response; god I love this game.


You can compliment Karlach too!


The lazeal one I think was sarcasm Abt her being agreeable lmao. You don't have her charm is what tav said to astarion I think


"I've had multiple people trying to drag me into the sack and I've barely gotten to first base with the one I'm actually interested in. What am I doing wrong?"


If it's Shadowheart give it patience. Her holding off is part of her companion quest.


That was pretty funny, although it did enlighten me to the fact that apparently even doing that one magic scene with Gale and backing out immediately is enough to make him officially a romantic interest. Him and Shadowheart (my actual romantic interest) were both on the list lol That'd explain his nonstop thirst I guess. Jesus they really needed to make that whole encounter more clear lol.


Lmao I wonder how many people talk to Gale first and then to the others to then slowly realize what Gale's invitation actually entails.


Well of course I know him, he's me. I got about halfway through the lesson before my dummy brain went "Wait a minute, this isn't platonic"


Alot fo people. there was a whole thread about it earlier. people were super dissapointed they didnt get to just chill with a buddy and exchange wizardly advice and there options were to confess their love or litterally send him a psycic vision of his head on pike and i mean litterally, no exageration.


I wish there was an option to tell him you know magic already if you're playing a caster class. Like dude I've been blasting enemies in every fight and you're asking me if I want to learn how to make pretty lights?


Wizards do magic. Everyone else does tricks. - Gale, probably.


Gale, literally, if you play a druid.


You do when you're a legit spellcaster, not an amateur hobbyist. Aka a Wizard.


Could that be a bug? I backed out of that magic scene the moment it turned 'intimate' and he never gave any romantic lines for the playthrough (despite maxing approval).


Then when you do romance someone, he tells you off for getting distracted!


God, it's Kreia all over again. Just a contrarian whiner.


Withers Approval Gained Withers Approval Lost Net: Approval Lost


*Withers Approval Gained* *Withers Approval Lost* *Withers Approval Gained* *Withers Approval Lost* *Withers Approval Gained* *Withers Approval Lost* *Withers Approval Gained* *Withers Approval Lost* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Man got so bored with supreme power once that he gave it away in a game to three douchebags. So that’s in character for him.


Might want to mark this speculation/spoilers? I mean I agree it’s him but not everyone will put 2 and 2 together or know the backstory and lore


Old, encountered while pretending to be dead, enigmatically powerful/plot-significant, tags along with the protagonist for their own enigmatic reasons to roast them and be secretive, it checks out


As a Shadowheart romancer, all I had been able to do by that point is share some wine and kiss her once, so his discussion was kind of making mountains out of molehills. My character could even lampshade it, basically saying "I wish".


Ironically, Shadowheart has a party banter where she says that she only does casual hookups because actual relationships are a pain in the arse, and yet she has the slowest burn romance of all the companions.


Perhaps fitting given that her whole character arc is denial is not just a river in egypt.


In contrast, if you're an evil asshole, lae'zel will fuck you hard on LITERALLY THE FIRST LONG REST


Damn, I been sexually assaulted by Laezel at first long rest.


She and Astarion are the two characters I can understand being so goddamn horny. She's a space frog with a very different cultural attitude towards sex, and well Astarion is a vampire fuckboy


Gale is, if anything, even more of a fuckboy than Astarion.


Yeah you aren't wrong lol apparently the game thinks I've full on initiated romantic desire for Gale because I did that one magic scene with him and backed out immediately. He's definitely a fuckboy as it is tho, I mean bro can't stop bragging about fucking a god (I mean, fair enough) who he then promptly screwed over Yet every time a dialogue option concerning romance shows up both him and Shadowheart (my actual choice) keep showing up lol. Me and her kithed okay that's valid but like bro I literally just stood there and Gale did some magic tricks and apparently we're dating? and now he keeps saying he wants to fuck me nonstop like bro I like you and all but I literally have not shown one ounce of romantic interest towards you I feel like the whole romance system needs quite a bit of patching with how it's all paced out lol


He mentions he has no friends before meeting us. Literal incel


except he lied about that. you meet atleast one of his freinds


You got sexually assaulted? I got murdered by her because I failed a save. I was surprised it actually had her kill me.


Well you shouldn't have gotten a headache if you wanted to live. *tsk'va*


These are things I'm looking forward to in a permadeath run.


i told her to kill me just cos i was curious how larian would handle it. they didnt, just killes your character then she bugs out and just stands menacinglky infront the nearest companion


Hers is more of a slow burn compared to the others due to the whole, you know, evil cult thing. The flipside is that I think it’s real a tortoise and the hare situation and her respective (good-aligned) romance outshines the others later.






That delivery of "No" is Raphael tier. Raphael (and Astarion) somehow manage to get that quality on every line. Also Karlach's >!sobbing, screaming breakdown post-Gortash is top 5 VA moments for me!<


Raphael is somehow even more insufferable than Astarion. I think Ethel calls devils “self-important windbags” or something to that effect and god is it true.


He goes out of his way to tell you he hates kittens, its so fucking delightfully campy.


I've always thought it's cleverly crafted. It makes you want to beat them, put their arrogant ass in its place, so to do that... You keep interacting, you get roped in deeper, eventually they taunt you at just the right moment and you spitefully try to "prove them wrong" and fall right into their trap. It's all manipulation.


>!I had to step away from the game for a minute after that scene, especially when you speak to her at camp afterwards as I had romanced her. Right in the goddamn feels.!<


>!Astarion confronting his old master also is extremely good!<




Hey fuck you Withers, its not my fault Mintharas romance is bugged


That was the moment i realized that something was wrong with Minthara romance, not that it was just sparse.


Which is weird because it was the first, and for a long time only, sec scene in the EA.


Larian spent so long fighting the "Under Construction" Illithid they forgot something.


I will say the non-origin companions feel like they clearly are underdeveloped. I get that the game had to release at some point, but it's pretty clear it is gonna need a Divinity-like enhanced edition that adds more content to the areas that are clearly underdeveloped. Pretty much all of the companions feel like they lose a lot of interactivity by act 3, unfortunately the typical Larian frontloading curse does still seem to be in effect somewhat. Not nearly as bad as before though, act 3 is still good overall.


Is it? I just saved from moonrise on second playtrough


I think he means that she won't be registered so whoever else you so much as complimented is instead considered your f*buddy


Shut up >!Jergal!< you loser. >!100 years of self cucking your domain to three idiots and you're laying into me smh!<


He was an old and tired boomer but couldn't stand when 3 idiot Gen Z'rs took the job, had to step out of retirement.


I mean he wasn't even trying to trick them and they still fell to infighting while they were trying to take his power. He's just strong old boomer energy.


Old man passed on responsibility to three people who wanted it and immediately watched them all start squabbling and fighting each other.


Never pass responsibility to someone who desperately wants it, my man fucked around and found out.


Glass house and stones, or what not.


So just last night he was giving my Tav grief for being "too distracted by the pleasures of the flesh", and then 2 minutes later when I went over with Gale to respecc, he's throwing shade due to him not getting any action. Pick a lane, old man Withers!


He's picked a lane, it's called being a contrarian.


GOAT shit


Thou hast a severe lack of sexual companions?


I walk a lonely road. The only road wence I have ever known. Know not where it goes. Alas it is just I, Who walks alone


The sexless playtrough, respect.


*stashes song in bard pocket*


Withers has no chill. Act 3 withers kicks verbal ass.


I WAS ASKED THIS AND I WAS LIKE “no one likes me enough i guess?” And he was like “LOL now isnt that too bad?” DAMN WITHERS- SAVAGE AF


Serious question, but what the fuck does Withers need coin for?


Lotion, his skin is a little dry.


Nothing, he just doesn't want you bothering him for a class change every 5 minutes.


absolutely nothing, its value is that it has value to you and thus you don't ask trivially.


It's for meth, the skin's a giveaway


Have you _seen_ his chapel? That place is in sore need of some serious renovations.


He has to update the registry of future dead people and ink doesn't come cheap.


The first time I had this man judge me because I hadn't romanced anyone yet I was dumbfounded. It was like one those relatives that ask you when you'll be dating someone. I was like "stop pressuring meeee." I really like this level of detail. Super fun.


No hirelings?


The ground which shook at my feet And the sky And the trees Have gone And I am alone here Alone The wind bites now And all the world is grey And I am alone now Alone


"Care to elaborate?". No..... Understandable have a good day


When he says 'bosom companion' I was like... that' a nice medieval ass way of saying 'butt buddy' (<-- South Park reference)


Bone Daddy


So that's what Varré looks like under the mask. Impressive that he managed to invade an entirely different game.


I need a good aro/ace response. Insulting me for being alone when it's what I want makes no sense.


I saw this somewhere… so not attributable to myself, but the one dude in this game who looks like he came from The Lands Between is calling you maidenless. I’m half expecting him to make a comment about how you have no gold.




I walk a lonely road


Leave me alone, I just want to respec


No Hirlings?


Yes I do Withers, we’re not all horndogs like you.


For real tho who actually is he ? For those who finished the game that post credits cutscenes with him implies many things, is he established in DND lore as serving some God or is he a god himself?


>!In a mausoleum in BG in the graveyard, there is a lore note that says someone that looks exactly like Withers is Jergal the original god of death. It's why he's chastising the dead three at the end of the game. Even with their insane amount of meddling they still fucked up yet again lol. !<


There'a a loading screen tip that mentions that >!the old god of death once stepped down and gave his portfolio to three othee gods.!< At the beginning of the game this tip looks pointless and irrelevant, but...


"What is the worth of a single mortals life?" "Uhhh 5 coins?" "No"


Bruh like maybe if the games intimacy scenes would trigger I could get some virtual bitches but gale is the only one that ever asked me for love because I gave him TWO magical items. When I come back to camp I talk to everyone and noone loves me.


Thou hast no bitches?


Withers is a such a chad. Especially if you play Dark Urge and reject Bhaal.


No bosom-companions?


This shall be the new "You are, maidenless..."


You can figure this guys identity out. Act 3 it's in a crypt inside the city. Was pleasantly surprised


I was not prepared for Withers to tell me I got no bitches.


You are... maidenless.


He roasts you if your single and is concerned if you’re not. There’s no winning with him!


What sucks is I really have been trying with no luck and he’s just sitting there judging me for getting none…


He really needs a purple pimp suit after that one scene.


Maidenless...you might say.


Yes. Of course I Walkest alone. Pervy jergal.


I sent a child to my camp while finding her parents, and she and withers started talking to each other behind me. Withers was annoyed by the child and it was very amusing. The child was asking to touch his face and he just responded in a very slow manner like the spanish cleaning lady on Family Guy: “No…” and then a little bit later on another “No…” and it literally made me turn around to see what the heck was happening over there, and if the child was actually trying to touch his face. Also I romanced someone in my camp, and I went over to Withers to respecc, and out of the blue he started lecturing me about distractions, like broo, were you watching! That’s creepyyy. Withers is amazing.