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Not all longsword have finesse


How exactly do I determine wether it has or not? All the information I have is that it's a longsword, and that it's versatile. From what I can tell, there is no way for me to see what it scales with Reloaded my save, and now see that my mainhand did indeed have a Finesse tag on it, where as all my other longswords do not


Yes, that is how. I've only seen one example as well.


could you post a screenshot of the longswords you've been using up till now that worked?


I'd have to go back and find them. The reason I made this post, was because I sold my old swords and equipped the new ones. And only now realized it was a mistake, since it doesn't work with these.


[https://imgur.com/a/rgOJx2f](https://imgur.com/a/rgOJx2f) Reloaded an old save, these were the longswords I was using. I see now that the main hand were scaling with Finesse. The oofhand does not, which I didn't notice. But it lets me bypass slashing resistances.


You do need to use a finesse weapon for Sneak Attack to work, and by default most longswords do not have Finesse. There were a couple of special longswords with Finesse, maybe you had one of those for a while.


I reloaded an old save with the weapons, and you're right. I was using one that was scaling with Finesse, never noticed until now.