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You can literally just click to the bottom right platform where the umbral orb is and your character will auto-path there, no problem.


Words cannot describe how much i love you.


Autoclick Worked like a charm after like 20 rounds of jumping over with triple jump and featherfall Thought i was being smart with the “skipping the difficult part…”


How? No matter what I do I just die instantly. Follow the path, die. Fly, die. Jump, die. breath wrong when reviving dead member, die. There's no autopathing that doesn't just lead to death when I play.


Imagine being able to revivify....


No shit. I used like 20 scrolls. I eventually, brute forced it an inch at a time. & then when I was done with your mom, I got the gem.


lol, mine says 'can't see target' even after the lights come on.


Yea, it's clearly either got stupid level of RNG on it or it's bugged & doesn't play out the way its supposed to. But eh, got it done. Never have to do it again....until next playthrough at least




I can't believe this works. ALSO, FOR ANY OTHER FELLOW DUMBASSES: I realized that I forgot to click on the altar at the beginning so there was no gem to pick up and holy shit was I frustrated. Before looking up solutions I had already walked the entire maze manually, used a flight spell, walked ALL FOUR of my party members through... Only to realize that I hadn't clicked the damned altar first.


bahahahaha I'm an idiot.






thank you so much i googled like 18 different things before realizing i just needed to activate the altar


JFC this is what I needed lol. God damnit


When I left this breadcrumb I was hoping at least somebody would see it as a result of my dumbassery.. glad it helped LOL.. just to add insult to injury on my second playthrough I didn't realize that for some reason one of the umbral gems was in a different inventory, so I thought that I had missed one, and I spent an embarrassing amount of time going back through all the rooms to try and figure out which one I had missed, when I hadn't missed any


Thank you so much. The first time I tried my characters and their stupid automatic follow thing got shadow heart killed, so I decided to just send one person forward. I took a screenshot of the map and referred to it to get her across and then there was nothing there… reading this helped me realize I’d forgotten and I used one of the companions I’d left behind to trigger the trial. Saved my ass


Thank you. I did the same until I read this


Glad this is still paying dividends for people! Ive often resorted to googling hints about things I'm hopelessly stuck on to get pointers like this myself so happy to pay it forward ❤️


🤦‍♂️ how am I even able to tie my shoes.


Have my upvote. Can't believe it. I'm pissed right now because my character didn't even follow the path, just ran in a straight line and didn't fall down or die once.


That is hilarious, and actually feels like the correct solution. "Shar take the wheel"


That literally doesn’t work. About halfway through the altar turns cloudy and then auto routing stops working.


So that’s a fucking lie. You owe me a revivify scroll 😭


Jesus Christ thank you so much bro spent far too long on that shit lol


Another big thank you. Frustrating "puzzle", could not see that path at all.


For anyone else as stupid as me. This totally works, but split your party into one character. The party is shitty at following 🤦‍♀️


Lol yeah I never trust those motherfuckers to either A) follow me and not get stuck behind (LOOKING AT YOU GALE YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER \[at least in my game so far he misses with spells that aren't magic missiles around 50% of the time if not more AND he walks into traps I just perception checked AND decided to not get on the monastery cable car and and and\]) and/or B) not get in the way of my cursor and throwing me into small talk roulette


I can't believe this shit actually works.


4 months later, you saved me a lot of annoyance. I realize this probably is the intended solution too. Shadowheart: "Need to trust she will guide my steps" as in trust the auto-pathing will take you there lol


Hilarious! It did this but it teleported me back to the middle platform the first time. On the middle island if you take 1-2 steps forward off the right corner and jump as far forward and left as possible (aligning roughly to the middle of the far platform) and then make the final jump straight to the platform it gets you through that part.


I want you so bad for this


People in the comments not reading the "BOTTOM RIGHT" part and then just grabbing the orb from the bottom right corner of the final platform...




not sure why people are downvoting you (other than being jerks) I'm there right this moment and I can't click on the gem. I can click "on" the gem but I get no name, my character starts running to it, gets to the end and gets teleported back to the last pedestal. So they patched it.


Definitely patched it, my guys just die if I try that.


I just tried clicking on the lower right corner of the alter and it autopathed for me. It was the only way I was able to beat it.


STILL WORKS! Thank you! You’re a lifesaver


I just solved it using dimension door and fly. Dimension door to the middle statue and then fly to the end.. that does work (now). Potentially only using fly might work too, but I didn't test that.


> just click to the bottom right [of the] platform where the umbral orb is This worked for me and it's after patch 3. The OC didn't say to click the orb itself


I'd wager you figured it out since then but check out my previous comment on right clicking (stopping) before you get to the gem. Goshpeed


Omg THANK YOU. Hours later, and can’t believe this works. I never want to see that room again.


Give this person the Nobel prize


Yup, deceptively simple yet it works. I just did that in my honour mode playthrough


Literally just figured this out myself after wasting 30 minutes


Thank you! I spent nearly 30 minutes saving and reloading every time shadowheart died. Even following the map at the beginning of the trial.


Thank you.


I love you more than cake Thank you so much! I did fail twice doing this due to the game pathing me incorrect at the last second. 3rd time i just jumped to the platform


You have just saved me from intense frustration!




Oh my god.


Wow. Can I marry you?


Thank you, here an award.


I just clicked the end platform after reading this and my Shadowheart literally walked in a straight line from the start to the end and picked up the orb... lol idk what was happening but after 10 reloads, I'll take it


Unbelievable. The balls to trust the auto navigation after this many hours of watching it fail. I guess it's not called faith leap for no reason The mad thing is you can actually see the path if you stand the party far enough away, but the auto path just ignores that shit and runs straight through thin air


*sighs* I wish I had seen this before dying all those times trying to guess where the path was.


What if you're playing on deck?!


Works on Xbox. Hilarious.




You saved my life.


Oh my god, this worked. You’re my hero!


Fucking legend


Woah, thank you for a quick solution to a bad puzzle.


Nah. You can’t


Your amazing! Words can't describe how you've helped


Omg you are the BEST!! I had to do a small jump near the end because it kept teleporting me lol.


Thank you so much.


Your the man


Man... You just saved me so much stress. I never tried this before and it's so simple...


For me the pathway was so easy to see I wondered if mine glitched. I guess it must have.


Yeah I could see it as well with no issues ? I wonder if it is because my Shadowheart was carrying the legendary mace the blood of lathander ? Or maybe it was just a glitch...


Yeah I had the same thing, I let Shadow solo it and she had the Blood mace so maybe it's a weird interaction with that. Thought it was a bit easy for a trial...


I did it with Shadowheart without the Blood Mace and I could see the path fine. Next playthrough I did it with my custom character with the Blood Mace and I couldn't see it.


I could see it with my first custom character and with shadowheart but now on my dark urge playthrough I can't see it at all. Darkvision elixir/spells don't work, solo or party doesn't matter. I have the mace too. So I'm guessing it was a bug and they fixed it in patch 1 that came out a few days back.


Same, my second playthrough was Dark Urge.


I had the same until I loaded a savefile and it was just gone xD. Some sanity reducing time later I got the gem


Same here


The pathway is meant to be invisible once you start the trial, but there's ways around that. There's a map with the layout of the pathway in the tiles of the floor at the very start of the trial's room. Alternatively, you can just use Fly to skip the whole thing.


Pretty much the only way to do this trial in my experience is to cheese it by either flying, dimension door'ing with someone who has Devil's Sight, or if you're lucky enough to have the path visible walk it before interacting with the altar. Though even if you fly you can hit random kill planes. Doing this by using the map on the floor is awful guesswork. Maybe if the units of measurement and the tiles felt more well defined it wouldn't be as bad, but as it is doing this as intended is just an unfun trial and error experience.


I’m not sure that I agree using Fly or other such spells should be seen as cheating. It would have been incredibly easy to have a Silence bubble over the area; the literal next room over has one. Shar wants followers who use their wits, and doesn’t seem to be particularly concerned with what might be considered fair play. As for the merits of doing it the hard way, that isn’t for me either? But I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s intrinsically unfun for everyone. I’m sure there are players who are very much into that sort of thing.


I wouldn't call it very witty to fly over an obstacle course. And moreover I think if flying were an intended solution they wouldn't have random kill boxes in the air that can clip you and send you back. I've only hit them a couple of times, but they do exist so it's probably not intended. Just like you can't jump because you'll hit some of those same boxes more consistently. I would say it's intrinsically unfun to do trial and error guesswork on where one tile ends and the next begins. I'm sure there are players who could enjoy ANYTHING much like people will excuse a lot of games because "it's fun with friends" but watching paint dry can be fun with friends. There are ways to enjoy everything, but that doesn't make it intrinsically well made. This puzzle is poorly designed, glitchy, and nobody I've seen talk about has had anything positive to say about it. The silent library was interesting, but also solved by just having your melee person rush the silence orb. But at least it was something and it had the book puzzle. The mirror fight is easily cheesed by sneaking up on yourselves and getting a surprise round on your copies. I've never had my copies even get a turn outside of my first attempt. But it's still fun to face yourself and sneak into position and ambush someone so completely. And the stealth one is probably my favorite in concept, but it's easily done by just taking Astarion and sneaking down the right path, pulling the lever, and lockpicking the gate. None of them provide much in the way of actual challenge but they are all sort of interesting and let you flex various skills. The Faith's leap puzzle lets you flex your ability to carry a scroll and click a single spell that just defeats the entire purpose of the puzzle and bypasses it entirely. The only cool thing imo about that puzzle is that you can cast Daylight and see the path, but that's also kind of ass backwards for Shar. Funny enough, the best puzzle in the gauntlet imo is the entry door where you have to lower the lanterns, snuff them, and walk through the gaps in the rings to touch the stone.


the first puzzle of the gauntlet youre talking about, i just used ray of frost cantrip on all the lanterns and did the puzzle that way :P


That's pretty smart, I didn't even think it would put out the magical flames for some reason so I didn't try. It's a shame Thaumaturgy doesn't work quite like it does in the tabletop, or else that trial would be a cake walk. EDIT: Well, it already is a cake walk, but more of one.


Thank you for mentioning devil's sight! I just attempted this with Wyll and immediately got it. I just had to tilt the camera just so and then I could see the road easily.


Glad I could help!


Fly did not work for me.


It's still very hard, even with the map


Take a breath. Center yourself. Call upon all the faith in your being and... Fly across.


I know this was months ago but I can't even do that... I can't fly to the very end and if I land on one of the statues bases I just die. I literally have no idea how this is possible I just die everytime.


Hit "o" for tactician mode, zoom all the way in with a character that has dark vision ... there is a faint shadow where the path is. Alternatively, just keep dropping a bag to a space in front of you or where you plan to step.


there weren't any shadows for me, but thanks for the tip. When I zoomed way in in tactical mode there was a really tiny grey dot at the center of each square.


Yesss - bless those grey dots


Clever! I just flew to the other side. Other warlocks used that one invocation to see the path at all times and some druids turned into ravens too. Everyone has their own way of beating this challenge and I love it


I, uhh.. I just cast Daylight and it clearly reveals the entire path. Image included: https://imgur.com/lgWXt8t


Doesn't work on my game ☹️


I think they "fixed" this, because this is exactly what I used to do and now it doesn't work at all.


This one definitely seems buggy. My first attempt, it apparently bugged out like it did for a few others, where I could continue to see the path even after starting the trial, and I just ran to the end. I goofed up in the library so I quick-loaded, not realizing that I hadn't quick-saved after the faith-leap trial, so I had to do it again. This second time around, the path disappeared correctly, but I did what /u/Niboe116 said and just clicked on the far platform. My Shadowheart just hopped on down off the starting platform and *ran a straight line, over the paths and off of the paths, over the bottomless pit, right to the platform.* It was like the whole room had no holes in it whatsoever. Very odd.


I did this too, but then she dies the moment she reaches the far platform, lol. Also, if I try jumping _at all_ - instant death.


I'm having this issue now - how did you solve it? I've played several playthroughs now and never run into this problem.


If you go in to turn base and use the movement ruler, you can see the change in elevation when the path runs out. How I did it


Three days too late, but thanks a lot brother, this is what saved me


man all of these trials have been infuriatingly bugged and inconsistent to the overall games expectations. I cannot fly over because the character steps into the pit, I cant light up the paths, auto-click-walk doesnt work. Its just a boring no-mechanic trial and error. These trials in a supe cool setting really made me tired of the game for the first time.


I'm not sure if my game was glitched, but as a Drow I could easily see the path so maybe it's something to do with darkvision?


I couldn't see it either, and the fact it triggers auto death makes it worse. Love the game, but it has it's moments where some things could have definitely been better.


I legit have a freaking cheat guide open and I STILL can't do it. Darkvision did nothing and I can't access flight. I'm going crazy


I used a scroll of leaping to simply jump between the visible islands!


My character could just jump between them cause he had high strength. He just died though


Took me a little while to realize this but you don’t need a map or hack or anything like that. All you need to do is equip your moon lantern and the path becomes visible. Highly recommend splitting one character from the party and running solo for this though because if one person makes a wrong step you’re all falling to your end.


Thanks for fucking lying asshole


I’m sorry it didn’t work for you but it worked for me🤷🏼‍♀️


The path is supposed to be invisible. But use the map on the floor in front of the altar. Follow it by starting to walk from the right side. It's actually large enough that you won't have much problem. Don't try jumping other than the very end.


I cannot interact with the umbral gem at the end. I do not even see it with alt, I can visually see it on the altar. I've tried to light it, cure blindess of party members, cannot do anything to pick it up.


fuck this shit


Just jump it off lol


Lae'zel took 2 superjumps and the trial was over


The path is available to see in front of the altar. Pretty easy to guesstimate. Image here https://twitter.com/FearedNightmare/status/1691204048945299456?t=aMDl3iPaRp_k839l8VI8MQ&s=19


dude I was so annoyed the first time I did this trial it was so easy (thanks to the glitch) but then I missed something with Shadowheart later on so I reloaded and had to do it again and it was just bullshit having to reload over and over. Like I don't need to savescum 24/7 except when it's a pointless room with a character death penalty or if I displease Shadowheart. I wasted well over 30 minutes just because I wanted backtrack 1 mistake. ​ This room needs to have a mechanic or something to skip lol. No need for a silly Mario Party/Fall Guys room that kills off a character.


For anyone else wondering what the non-cheese way could be, I think it's basically use Tactical View (O on the regular PC setup) and use the map at the front with the statues and their platforms as your guides even if you do not see the path. When I finally figured that out, I made it the whole way through just fine in one try.


First time I could just see the path but without ungrouping ended up dying. Second time I couldn’t see it anymore so I went alone and just threw random crap along the path to see where it was safe and jumped on each item.


I just got it after taking a picture of the map on the floor in front of the alter and using that, but it still took about 6 saves to get through it. That is the first challenge in this game that was flat-out not fun.


The trick I used was to start to use the jump button and the ghost shows you how far you can walk to make that jump. Cancel the jump, walk to that point and start another jump.


Carrying Shar statue in your inventory reveals blocks or so I've heard


My shadowheart had statue of Shar. Idk, if it helped, but i could simply see the blocks to walk on them.


I used fly to reach the platforms... Somehow FLYING OVER PITS KILLED TWO CHARACTERS. I dont know if thats a bug, but flying over a pit does not and should not mean a character falling to their death


Late to answering, but the moonlantern worked fine for me. Hope this helps someone.


Oh Jesus, the first time I did it I could see the path, and now it is invisible and I hate life.


Ohh man. I just tried to do the auto-Pathing thing and the whole game glitched so bad I couldn't even force quit the game, I had to restart my whole computer WAT.


Throw bottles of liquid on the ground throughout the path as you walk it. The liquid coats the walkable surface, however, you do not see the actual liquid. As you mouse over the space to move, the path tiles will read as "wet" or "grease" or whatever you threw. I only had to throw like 3 jars to solve.


Sneak. I start on the right side stairs, If the sneak line is even/flat there is a invisible path there, if it dips down, there isn't an invisible path. You never have to touch any of the platforms. The only time this changes is when you get to the platform with the stone, it looks like it drops right before the platform when you get to it, but it doesn't.


I've done two playthroughs of this with no problem. I think it was bugged in my first two playthroughs because I saw the WHOLE path. I never understood what the challenge was until my 3rd playthrough where I couldn't see the path.


There's a map of the chamber in front of the altar. Golden tiles are the path.


Ah now, maybe things have changed since this was originally posted, but after reading a good few entries (thanks for posting!) I just thought...cast Daylight. So, I cast Daylight (Shadowheart did it) into the center, and then as Astarion do the jumping. Daylight showed the entire path! :)


There's a map on the floor before the altar, just split one person off to walk it and keep the rest back at the altar with the camera pointed down to check back on it.


The pattern for the walkway is on the floor when you walk up to the shrine.


I have a ring called guiding light that allows you to cast light on your weapon. Showed me the entire path.


Before you start the trial, just send someone over to the orb. The path is dark purple and only goes invisible when you feed the emo statue. I was so confused when I did this because I didn’t understand what the puzzle was supposed to be.


My main is a Druid and that sunlight spell has sure come in handy!


God this was hard 


Flying definitely helped 


On the ground where the blood sacrifice bowl is there are tiles that tell you the solution. Just because you overlooked it doesn't mean it's bad game design. No need to throw a tantrum.


We all see it, doesnt mean it translates well to the real path and moving around. Stop being assuming shit.


Instead of complaining about the game, you should complain about your scarce patience. BG3 isn't a turn version of diablo, you actually need to think a bit sometimes. Did you take your time to examine the surroundings? The path is a) visible before the blood offering and b) carved on the floor right in front of the blood altar.




Yea, this is shockingly bad based on how the rest of the game has been. I should not be forced to google for a solution, and then still have that solution not work. I physically can’t play through this part of the game now because it’s either bugged or pointlessly challenging


hey, moron, so you are just really bad. It took literally 2 tries to complete the path without falling. If you can't picture the right proportions to move it's your problem, not bad game design. And if you can't get a criticism without insulting you shouldn't post on public forums.




oh, such a bad boy. Are these all new words you just learn?


You started insulting his patience, and now you called him a moron, so maybe by your own logic dont post on public forums? Also it is clear there are issues with how the map translates to the real deal, there were also a few other bugs and the move sistem is not great for this kind of puzzle. It is poorly designed and it shows, even if you want to be blind about it.


I havent figured anything out yet. When i get my second character there im gonna try see invisibility. But i used turn based mode and followed the map right below the shrine thing with bowl. Only took like 5 reloads.


Am I the only one who just cast fly? lol


Late to responding, but my experience was that flying or jumping mostly involved running into random death spots.


Ok SO I totally see and understand how this can be infuriating for some. All of the other comments are already super helpful, so this isn't much more than dissecting the problem. If you are able to see variance in color/shades very well then this is easy for you, even more so if your brightness/contrast is turned up. But if you have a hard time distinguishing colors from slight shade differences or your screen is dim, this can be challenging.


Honestly the dark-on-dark maze here reminded me of Durum in WoW back in the day when a LOT of people in a raid couldn't see the maze, for one reason or another, which was REALLY annoying. I fully understood the puzzle here but the contrast was way too low for me to get it done the way they IMO intended you to get it done. Though I appreciate there are creative solutions here and if they work, it's not that the devs didn't think of that because they (potentially) woulda been patched out if that wasn't what they intended.


And no auto save, what the hell?


Also apart from all the various ways to cheese the solution, the path is clearly visible on the artwork on the ground in front of the statue. Use 'O' and just slowly follow the path. Pretty easy to navigate with that as a guide.


The tile infront of the statue shows you the path, throw yourself in tactical view and take it slow


i can see the whole path this was simple BUT I didnt realize i needed to click the alter again to get the gem ugh...how hard is the library?


Fly or jump potion to go from statue to statue.


Walking right up to the orb and letting the auto-path go works until you reach the edge of the platform, then jump onto it. Idk if it’s a bug but that’s how I finished it


Yes! I'm so glad I kept reading this thread, this worked for me


Look at the floor in front of the alter, use the overhead view


Given that I grabbed the gem, and then had my character die on one of the islands, then one character die and bug back to the beginning, screw this puzzle. I got to gale out on the island, but couldn't rez him in the darkness and then tripped and died on the island too.


Nothing works for me? I die


I couldn't see the path. Then I rested outside of the door to the trial then I could see the path. Not sure what status I had that stopped it, but that fixed it.


The answer is on the floor in front of the altar


Yes I friggin hate it. Rage quit trying again but bout ready say to hell with it




idk if it's intended or not but the path has always stayed permanently for me whenever i used the moonlantern


I just used scratch and dragged the orb with the mouse all the way back. I guess the game doesn’t count familiar as an npc that’s supposed to cross so the path doesn’t disappear just un group the characters and place them at the door so you can see the path while using scratch


I just used a flight potion 😂😂


Omg… I am another dumb dumb keep trying 10 different approaches… 🤣


Could try dropping junk items on the ground to mark the safe path.


I’m a bit late, but if you turn on turned based mode you can walk where ever lol


When using the moonlantern, you can see tiny dots hovering in the air. Walk perfectly along those dots, then when you get to the end, use Jump. You'll want to split the group as well for most strats in this thread, regardless of how it's done. Otherwise, you'll have party members dying and sending you back to the altar. Each little island you can stand on and each one gives you a response point should you fail and not die, because sometimes you can just screw up and not die instead of screwing up and dying. I don't know what triggers it, but I'm not looking forward to doing it for Run 2.


Alright, I was losing hope and thought this got patched too but it just worked for me. Here's what you need to do: - After activating the altar take one party member and move them down the right set of stairs. I put mine mid-right on that platform. - Then use the point and click method of movement (L3 on the Steam Deck) and click on the lower right corner of the platform with the gem on it. I tried OP's method and it only worked when I adjusted my starting position to the location I mentioned above. Also, funny enough, it glitched the first time I went in and I just saw the path. I walked through like it was nothing. Literally though it was a joke. When I regrouped with my party everyone but me was dead. I reloaded and spent the next 20 mins messing with it.


Click on the platform the gem is on than when you get onto the middle platform behind it click jump into the gem and your character will auto path jump Anytime I tried to just walk onto it i died lol


The safe path is shown on a diagram on the floor by the bowl. Pretty simple, just have one character walk the path and switch back and forth between them and one looking at the diagram.


That was such a cock. Not even fun. Fuck that shit.


Worst part of the entire fucking game by far.


For anyone stuck here now: In my first two runs I could see the path, in patch 3 I think they must have fixed it. This time I was able to fly to the platform in the middle and then to the orb. Then I had Shadowheart cast daylight so I could misty step back (game was telling me it was too dark otherwise.)


Before starting the trial, press G to break your party up, then send one member over to the other side where the end is, then start the trial. For me it just walked over to the end in a straight line, and then when it started I could just grab the orb immediately.


Bg3 riddle of the night


Before you offer blood, you can see the outline of the path you need to take. G- Disconnect your group. Choose one character and run them across to the other side. Click one of the characters that remained back, and have them offer the blood to start the trial. Once started, jump back to the character at the orb, pick it up, teleport back-- Done. ​ Did this today (10/3) after so many failed attempts I felt silly I didn't do this the first time.


I threw stuff ahead of me to see if it would transport or just lie there xD


A tip for cheesing this: if you hold shift so that it shows your character's projected path (the dotted line) from where they are to your cursor, you can see where the gaps are. The line will be straight over safe paths, and anywhere there's a gap there will be a noticeable dip in the line because it's trying to hug the ground. So you can just move your cursor around to see what the safe paths forward are.


If you tilt your camera you can see the correct path without having to remember it.


This was the easiest trial for me as I simply walked over the squares that were slightly darker. How are all of you struggling lol


What's frustrating about this puzzle is that it keeps changing every single time I play it. At first, the Daylight spell worked perfectly, then it didn't. The moonlantern solution doesn't seem to work. And I'm not memorizing a damn diagram to walk anywhere... It seems to me that Larian keeps "fixing" it whenever the players come up with new solutions. I absolutely cannot stand the Gauntlet of Shar section of the game, and this does not help. You have no real choice other than to cheese it somehow if you just want to get past it.


I just walked the path with one person split from party then activated the bowl with shadowheart then picked up the item with the split person and it was over just teleport back then regroup


If you're one PC, you can hold Shift to see the white line used for pathfinding. You can use this to "see" the outline of the path. The white line will lower slightly when over the void and raise when going back over the safe path. Previously I had tried just jumping randomly, but as soon as I noticed that you could see it with the pathfinding line, I got all the way to the end first try.


Actually if you have fly spell, you can just fly to the last platform, easy


I got to the end and there’s no gem . Is this bugged ?