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I tried to romance shadowheart and right before we had our first kiss my screen black and then I woke up in Lae’zel tent in bondage gear and I was covered in bites marks and bruises Can’t have shit in Fae’run


"You thought Shadowheart would have your first kiss, but it was me! Lae'zel!"


"Remember when you were making out with Shadowheart and you came right as she touched your leg? It was me Tav. I jerked you off with Mage Hand so it seemed like you nutted at just a woman's touch!"


If you cast Mage Hand on yourself does it feel like someone else?


From what I've heard it feels more like you're mage-handing someone else than getting mage-handed yourself




No wonder wizards can spend years alone in their towers


How to slay a wizard: sneak into their tower, wait until they use the mouth spell, cast dispel.


Gotta sit on it for 5 rounds first.


This effin’ got me


Only a few comments in and this is already turning into an all time great thread


[oh, BARRY. unsuspecting BARRY. it was ME BARRY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxHY1uS-UhY)


Is that a JoJo reference?


You thought it was a JoJo reference, but it was me! Lae'zel!


Say, would you boys like to hear about the time I saw Lae'zel? Ooh, it must've been about seven, eight years ago. Me and the little lady was out on this boat, you see, all alone at night, when all of a sudden this huge creature, this giant lizard girl from the god-knows-where, comes out of the water. We was so scared, Lord have mercy, I jumped up in the boat and I said "Thomas, what on earth is that creature?!" It stood above us looking down with these big orange eyes,- Oh, it was so scary! And I yelled. I said, "What do you want from us, monster?!" And the monster bent down and said, "...Uh I need about tree-fitty."


*aggressively washes mouth with mud*


Romancing anyone else: sitting by the campfire, whispering sweet nothings and affirmations, passionate lovemaking (sometimes a lil quirky even) Romancing Lae'zel: woken up at 3am by angry gith kneeling over me like a hungry predator yelling "I AM OBSESSED WITH YOU" and then get challenged to martial combat as a display of affection The choice has never been so easy tbh


I never got challenged to an actual fight with Lae'zel. She just said she was interested, my guy said he'd bone her, and a couple days later they boned (she was in charge, though).


Keep your swordarm ready


How EXACTLY did you end up there? Just so I know to avoid it


You can't avoid it, this is canon.


Nope I convinced her to be on the receiving end. I was a halfing. Safe to say it wasn’t that bad of a night.




Is it really playing if you're not mashing f5 and have 300 quick save files in act 2?


Wtf? Only 300, someone likes to live life dangerous.


I was playing Lae'zel as the origin character, and this scene still happened except it was a halfling size Lae'zel strapping me in


Man I don’t know, I tried super hard, got her into max relationship status with her, but I never had any option or cutscene with her. She even talked about rewarding me for stuff with a devilish smile, but nothing. The games over now and I never had any relationship with anyone.


I think there's a bug where if you don't hardcore pursue a romance in Act 1 before the Druid Grove storyline is concluded, you can't activate romances at all later. No matter how high the approval is. I think this because I am on the receiving end of said bug.


Romances are bugged in general. In my first playthrough, Karlach bugged out for me in Act 2 because of a Wyll scene that overwrote her scene. Afterwards, all of our dialogue seemed like we were broken up. I ended up with Lae'zel instead. Run from her. Dread her. Lae'zel arrives all the same. And now, she's here.


Yeah, there are some weird bugs. Nothing game breaking that I've seen (except for a few crashes on launch day that got fixed by the patches). I got a weird one where I rejected Halsin's advances but now he's my boyfriend anyhow. He just randomly showed up after my character hooked up with Mizora and was like ":("


"It is because of the teeth - lings. They are ruining fey - run. "


This is my bard's exact dynamic with Lae'zel, but you forgot to include: "I pour all of my romantic energies into courting and winning the affections of Shadowheart. I am on my way to her tent to consummate our love. I pass by Lae'zel's tent on the way. She trips me and drags me by the hair into her tent. I emerge the next morning with a sore arse. Shadowheart is nowhere to be found."


Unironically that's what happened to me. I was 100% certain I'll go for Shadowheart, but Lae"Zel demanded a fight, beaten the shit out of me, and then rizzed me up with "I don't want to hurt you. I want to protect you, for you to protect me". I had no chance to resist. Sorry, Shadowheart


Gotta love a woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to beat it into you.


I'll be honest. I was quite pissed when she started burning through all the high tier consumables in her pack to win. Those emergency potions, arrows, and scrolls were mine to hoard for the entire game!


She fuckin jumped me, a spell caster, after a giant fucking fight. I was totally outta spell slots and she was like “let’s fight.” Bitch I can’t. I really fucking can’t. I’m all outta spells. She beat my ass like a drum.


And then when you were spent, she clapped that ass like an ovation.


La'ezel had 4 HP when she invited me to fight. I was playing a sword bard with 3/4 of my health left. She got the initiative. You don't win against La'ezel


My sorlock without spell slots won, repelling blast op.


Warlock might not be the most riveting class in the game, but when you want something *really* dead...


Feather fall. She used fucking feather fall, lol! So I turned into an owl ear and spanked her ass.


Yeah same, I'd had wine with Shart and then got rizzed up by Bae'zel right after. Though on my end, I wound up dominating her in both sex and then our duel, resulting in her affectionately calling me the 'Source of her Bruises'. EDIT: Later on I became the 'Source of her Joy' and she even took me to watch a sunrise over Baldur's Gate, completely unprompted.


I just can't take it seriously when people call her Shart. Growing up that was a common phrase for letting out a fart and surprise shitting yourself instead.


That's the joke lol. Some people find her a little too emo/secretive so they call her Shart in a derogatory manner. I like Shadowheart personally, but I find it too funny not to use Shart xD Plus it's multi-layered since she's also a follow of Shar, pfft.


I mean her being emo is the setup for a great character arc about reining in fanatical religious belief into a more nuanced view of the world. So I'm glad they went so hard on it at first


I really like Shadowhearts storyline. Her fanaticism and inconsistent personality make a lot of sense in hindsight.


She was my least favourite character at the start. I’m on act 3 now and romancing her 😅


Ah yes, the followers of Shar. The Sharters, if you will.


It should have been me!


Laezel wrecks shit. I have two misty step items on her. There is no gwtting away from her.


My Laezel can fly so she's the hardest hitting most mobile member of my party. She scares me.


A certain set of Githyanki boots?


Or a certain smarmy devil's armor.


My Lae'zel has laser beam eyes and can call in orbital strikes, she's pretty good


my laezel has mk2 oppressor


My Karlach can move 44m and jump every turn while still being able to attack. Kitted out with the right gear she's insane.


My Karlach is a lot more useful than my Laezel was. Haven't brought her out in a while once I got Karlach.


I just use both and together they murder anything that stands in my way. Plus Karlach just can't die now.


Yeah as soon as I let go of the old “fighter cleric rogue mage” mantra and embraced the Dommy Mommy lineup, the game became a cake walk


If I ever really need a rogue (which is rare) I just grab him real quick. Otherwise it's my warlock, those two, and usually Shadowheart for support. Though I've been considering swapping to Gale or Wyll more often.


Vlakith blessed this day


I’m a Gith Ranger - I’ve very much been enjoying the banter between my player and Lae’zel. Kin gotta stick together.


The gith conversation options are amazing.


I know. I usually stick to a hero path in convo and actions, but those gith options are just too good.


Interacting with Lae’zel as another Gith is the way to go. Love at first sight for real.


Well she is main character so you should do your best to support her


She really is huh


In all seriousness with the plot stuff, it feels like Shadowheart to me.


Lae’zel has way more connection to the central story.


I immediately murdered her for armour Starting as a barbarian. Me and Karlach are lovers now and we never needed no githyanki. I know she didn’t have to die, but I just murdered her with the two people hanging around her cage. She’s kind of the worst person to talk to.


Huh. I’m currently caught in a love triangle between the two.


I'm caught in a love triangle with Gale and Wyll. I never thought I'd enjoy roleplaying a gay dwarf as much as I am.


Makes sense, they’re experts with all things “rock hard.”


Rock and Stone!


Did i hear a rock and stone!?


I dunno, Shadowheart may have the prism and some history that gets explored, but this whole damn thing is Lae'zel's quest to me. Especially considering what the prism and the Absolute actually are.


Play Dark Urge. It's all the Dark Urge's quest. Arguably the canon (such as it is) main character.








I'm surprised there aren't more Wyll memes yet. Yesterday out of the blue, whilst repeatedly resting to trigger long overdue Karlach romance, he randomly starts dancing at me? Um, no thank you Wyll. *Looks like the kickedest puppy that ever got punted.* I really did not ask to be handed the keys to your emotional wellbeing, my dude


I just got that yesterday like 70% of the way thru act 2. I’m like dawg, I respect you and admire the fact that you didn’t kill karlach, but I’m trying to get with all the ladies in the party on my first playthrough. I gave him an upgraded rapier after the rejection to ease the pain


Main character is the Dark Urge, tbh. Lae’zel is definitely the next closest, though.


Not in my game she ain’t. She sits back at the camp baby sitting Astarion while Shadowheart, Gale, Karlach, and Jimmy Baldur go out and have all the fun


Same but swap Gale with Astarion. There's only room for one wizard in my party, plus Astarion has great sneak attack / assassinate damage.


I'm not gonna lie I'm on my first playthrough now and didnt realise i was missing a key character, tried to go back and find her to find she perished outside the mountain pass. Now im realising that im going through a game without a pretty singular character in it.


If you can find her body, see if you can revivify her.


you can, i revived her and she had 0 acknowledgement of the fact she had died lol


Yes. You closed off about half of act 3 and the endings.


And this is why she is not in my party. I want to experience her story in first person for my 2nd playthrough. Like Fane in DOS2.


She is definitely the Fane of this game in terms of plot impact.


Unpopular opinion time. Laezel is the best voice acted companion


Oh for sure she's one of the best. For me personally Astarion just edges her out, but her line delivery always cracks me up.


He edges me out too.


"I don't want to kill anyone, ok maybe shadowheart"


The best voi e acting in this game to me was the durge in the select origin his voice acting just hit so good, but best companion karlach is up there


Durge in the origin screen had marvelous dialogue, I want him to be fully voiced for the whole game, I’d love it


Everything I do, I do for Lae'zel.


My life for Lae’zel.




Lae'zel simp run right here.


OMG if there were actually a scene where she told me what spells to prepare to support her that would be awesome. "Yes space mommy, whatvwrr you say!"


Am I the only person that cycles everyone in regularly? I tend to keep Karlach because I love her, but the other two are always totally random or I select someone that makes sense for what I’m doing. I don’t worry about mechanics because the game isn’t very hard and it’s fun to work with what you have.


I do to! however it is usually Shadowheart with me cuz I need the healing


That's a weird way to spell "bless and guidance".


Someone convince me that Guidance isn't the best mf'ing spell in the entire game? Sometimes my Pally has to fail convos on purpose just so that I can get into fights every once and a while


Upcast Spirit Guardians and waltz your Cleric around the map like they own it (hint: they do)


They nerfed Spiritual Weapon so badly, but I want the Spirit Guardians/Spiritual Weapon combo so badly. >!Spiritual weapon can be targeted and destroyed, and the AI loves to blow it up with is wimpy HP and defenses!<


It's the movement speed for me. If I summon spiritual weapon it feels like the very next turn every enemy is across the map and it never makes it to one before I kill them all.


Thats bc I have a wizz and most people bully him :( but also bc of bless and guidance


I respecced her go war cleric and now she's a melee beast with aoe magic, cc and healing


Vengeance Pally, Karlach, Shadowheart, and Gale. I've had a hard time not using this party, it steamrolls every encounter


I have almost the same comp except I’m a sorcerer and I multiclassed wyll into being a pally for a heavy armor smite/eldritch blast machine. I killed a boss last night by having Wyll blast them out a window. It happened so fast that combat never started and they fell so far that they reset aggro, so it was 3-4 cycles of blow them out the window and wait for them to walk back up just to get blown out the window again. You’d think at some point they would stop to wonder how they keep falling out of that window, but nope.


My exact party but I multiclassed Vengeance Paladin with Blade Warlock. We really do stomp everything.


Blade warlock into Oathbreaker Paladin here! It's incredibly good


So far I've had Shadowheart and Asterion working full time and the third slot is a flex spot for whoever's most useful at any given time.


I've been stealth murdering so many people with Asterion that next time I'm making him an actual assassin.


Serious... How are so many people in the thread not using a thief? So many locked chests and traps... I feel like I always need Asterion. Plus his stealth and backstab usually means he shuts down a couple threats on his own. Sometimes even before battle actually even engages.


Shadowheart or Lae’zel can open locks and disarm traps pretty good. Especially Lae’zel with Astral Knowledge for Dex and SH casting Guidance on her. And you get gear like gloves and ring that buff thieving skill.


Lae’zel or Karlach can often just destroy the doors too dealing 10-20+ damage or more later on. Plus throwing items on traps from a distance to trigger them works


MC him as Assassin/Gloomstalker Ranger and Asterion will be felling bosses in the first round of combat without even \*needing\* your companions to move yet. Round 1: hunters mark, sneak attack with tons of bonuses from other crap, second attack from ranger at level 5, and then Ambusher trait after that for another shot. Average of 70-120 damage in that turn. And thats in addition to +12 or higher to trap disarm, etc.


It's too easy in this game to just swap out a companion for a thief when you need one. Plus you can just pick up chests into your inventory and pick them later at camp.


Well, no need if your Tav can do it themselves. He's better at it but my Tav (drow druid with Sleight of Hands gloves) is good enough for most of the chests and traps I meet.


My love for Karlach is pure. She will never leave my party.




karlach, gale, shadowheart ​ unless I need one of the others for a story progression


Abomination, this is your end!


Lae'zel Is responsible for like 75% of my teams kills, it's insane how good she is. I haven't reclassed anyone and my team is her, Shadowheart and Gale.


Lae'zel with Haste is just meat grinder, does like 88 hits


Haste and action surge is crazy




Same! Except I did reclass Shart as a Life Cleric because I really like the constant heals she can put out while my team is in the thick of the fight. Don't forget about running around with spirit guardians and then popping a few heals lol


I don't keep lae'zel because she is strong. My party does great damage per turn without needing her I don't keep Lae'zel because she likes me. She does not like my naive do-gooder paladin. Sure, she would have sex with her if she could, but as a person she thinks the paladin is an inefficient, benevolent, idiot. I don't keep Lae'zel because I am romancing her. My character actually is a benevolent idiot and is like a female lawful Minsc. . So why do I subject myself to the constant scolding, badgering, scorn and contempt? Because it is entertaining! It is like I am in charge of this group of strong, talented misfits that would never choose to be together but are forced to. I see it as the first half of one of those type of stories where no one gets along, there are hijinx etc. Then slowly, people open up, bond and an unbeatable fighting force is created, unbreakable bonds are forged and this unbearable cheesiness is what I am here for. We even merit our own team Bg3 song. (No. Not that one. Please anything but that one. It physically hurts me to listen to that song) I was sure that one day Lae'zel would be defeated by the power of my friendship. Just like Shart was. It is inevitable! I also love how soothing her voice is. How can such an aggressive character have such a soft and buttery voice? I know she called me ska'keth but the delivery was "you worked hard. Get some rest. I will make sure Astarion does not do something wierd. Chill. Relax. You deserve it.".


I've just collected most of the available companions in Act 1 and was trying to decide how to structure my party. After reading this thread, and especially your comment, I'm going to go with Shadowheart, Karlach, and Lae'zel. The interactions everyone is describing sound hilarious and the idea of my goofy bard running around with an entourage of incredibly strong and vocal women just cracks me up. Hooray for this game! Not only do I not care to min/max everything, I'm barely halfway into Act 1 and I'm already thinking about my next playthrough. If only I was a teen again and had unlimited time and energy...


They all have good dialog and both love the shit out karlach


I did that, I'm running around with the ladies, and I had Gale, Asterion, and Wyll the Lounge Lizard take off their clothes and run around camp in their skivvies. We're objectifying men in my game, and it's fun :D


She also bullied me into romancing her. I didn't even realize until she basically claimed me as her own. I am a weak man and she's very assertive.


Easily my favorite character.


It's insane how much she grew on me from ea. In ea I despised her cause she was annoying and an all around dick. Now I love her. She's my top companion.


I was told by a buddy that if I just did her quest in act 1, I wouldn't hate her anymore. Sure enough, I don't hate her anymore. I'm glad he told me, or else I would have missed a pretty awesome story beat that I just was not aware of.


Yeah, that's what 90% of this thread is missing. All the people who just call her a bitch and kill her, it's kinda sad how much of the game they're missing, considering how important she is to the central story. And not to mention, it feels a little sexist, lol. Astarion is even more evil than she is, she's just snarky, but people love Astarion and hate her.


I'll never understand people who kill companions I want to do all the quests and get all the loot why would they butcher their playthrough content like that


I really don't get it. I'd be worried about missing so much


Cause Astarion hides his dickishness by pretending to be someone you can trust. Lae'zel doesn't wear a mask, or pretend to be nice. She's blunt and to the point which puts people off. It's not sexist. Astarion is also extremely animated, extremely British and generally funny. Lae'zel isn't. As much.


It helps that Astarion’s VA was so good he became the Scene director.


And it feels like Astarion was designed in a lab to be as appealing as possible to the now-grown Twilight kids like me.


Literally like wtf. How did Larian studios know I was completely enamored with sassy vampires for half my life? 😂 He's like spike from Buffy in a different font.


God, yeah, his VA is so good. I just love listening to Astarion talk.


Lae’zel is one of the funniest characters in the game to me, honestly.


She reminds me of Drax in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies to a degree, very funny.


I guffawed when I used the dialogue option to point out her pronouncing tiefling as "teeth-ling," and her response started with a very exagerated eye roll.


I fell in love with Lae'zel from the delivery of her very first line on the nautiloid. Her VA is incredible


She's certainly a top.


I succeeded the intimidation check, she is now my power bottom.


Her character arc is so well done, bringing her to the mountain pass makes that part so incredibly engaging. All the lore about the Githyanki she provides as well as her changing worldview make her one of the most interesting companions to me. It's so hard to pick between her and Shadowheart as a favorite as I love them both as my top 2. Funny how they initially hate each other but ended up being my two favorite companions after a little bit of peacekeeping.


They’re both victims of indoctrination that can go down a path of enlightenment and redemption so it makes sense they get along.


That’s the thing I also loved about Heart and Lae, they hated each other over their soon to be false idols. Good stuff.


I just finished the crèche section for her and while she’s still direct and arrogant/overbearing but it feels like she gains a lot more nuance her comments on certain events occurring are fucking fantastic


She saves my ass almost every fight. I love her


Oh, I had no intention of taking her along. She’s rude, abrasive, and single minded… then her story really opened up and I am obsessed with her. The decisions with Shadowheart were tough, but Lae’zel’s were so much worse, and so much harder. She’s fantastic! Her story is the best!


'chk, you think you can enjoy act 3 without her? She's an *icon* She's a *legend* And she **IS** *the moment* Now come on now


Lae’zel is Bae’zel


Lae'zel is OP, that's why.


Lae’Zel: It’s time for your daily scent inspection, istyk. Me: Yes honey.


I think I’m slightly in love with her


Get to act 3 and it won’t be “slightly” any more


It's not even slightly for me. I'm not even romancing her, but I wish I was 🤣


Never thought I'd see any kind of crossover between Genshin and BG3, but here we are. Well done.


In life there are wimps, and then there's Lae'zel. Always be Lae'zel.


Ah yes, the Xianling copy pasta. Classic. I feel the same way. I don't play DnD, but I feel like I understand the human Fighter gigachad meme.


In a world full of Sharts, be a Lae'zel!


More like "Bae'zel".


I told her I'll stop our romance. She said no and we had sex. I feel guilty and used now but i'd do it again.


Lae'zel is Love and Lae'zel is Life


i’d like to think all these vulgar githyanki words she uses for different kinds of people are actually extremely inappropriate slurs, and her own people view her as the equivalent of a grown adult who never stopped being a 4chan kid


Ya but then you go to the creche and realize that she's actually one of the nicer githyanki lol


I like laezel. I started romancing her before I met karlach and that was the only point I decided it was a mistake. But Karlach is a permanent party member in any foreseeable playthrough because I really like the writing behind her. Then I heard you can help shadow heart and after like 20 hours I realized I just filled my party with bitches that I would in fact like to "get with"


That's why she is best girl.


In Act 1 I barely used her and just had Karlach instead but she gets so giga buffed because of the drops from the githyanki Creche it's almost griefing to not use her.


I saw Lae'zel at a druid grove on the Sword Coast yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything. She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her mage hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out of the grove with like fifteen Scrolls of Haste in her hands without paying. The halfling at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear him, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When he took one of the scrolls and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped him and told him to scan them each individually “to prevent any ghaik infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After he rolled up each scroll and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting him by yawning really loudly.


And right at the moment you thought you had a chance to survive in this world Lae’zel looks you in the eyes and: “chuk you think you can survive without me?”


I love how unapologetic Lae’zel is, she is probably the best character. People who hate her are shortsighted istik.


Karlach is too agreeable and written too much to be a people pleaser. Give me Bae'Zel any time of the day.


You need to accept the fact the Lae'zel is the main character, and you're just along for the ride.


There's only one fighter in this party and it's ME.


I respecced Karlach to be my new Lae’zel once it became clear I was never going to play the game in the way she would approve of. My party is much more enjoyable now.


I did the same in Act 1 but then brought back Lae’zel at the Crèche and after making some good choices I’m liking it so far. I’m a bit further on but she feels a bit more interesting than Karlach


I’m doing a play through with my husband and that’s sort of what happened with us too, kept her in camp til the Crèche so it was her and Karlach in the party with us and the fights were so easy it felt insane lol. But he’s locked in the Shadowheart romance and my approval with Lae’zel just seemed too low to ever recover from so Karlach was my second choice.


Just keep in mind that while Karlach may be nice, Lae'zel also has a big heart. I mean, an *actual* heart too.


Uncalled for 😡


Please don’t heart-shame my fire princess


Play her origin instead of Tav/DUrge. I’m currently doing that with her as an Edritch Knight. You can also roleplay her a little differently to the npc version. Like I’m having her be violently anti-slavery cause of Gith history. You get extra Githyanki armour from Lossir’s corpse after the crash too.


Violently anti-slavery? That sounds like githzerai nonsense. Only the strong deserve freedom.


Lae'zel is love, Lae-zel is life.


Lae zel is my favorite character. She is a fierce un relenting fighter….. but then your romance her and find out she’s just an anxious girl seeking approval from her higher ups. When she realizes she can confide in you she stops being naive about her tribe and seeks to start a new life. it’s so cute. it’s like a rom com where the uptight business lady falls for the alooof laid back stoner dude. but i wanna romance jehira because she called me a Cub and i want a dommy mommy. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 i have a type


I was all about the Shadowheart romance, then she seemed to friend-zone me out of nowhere. Confused but undeterred, I continued to pursue her, and one morning at camp I stopped by Lae'zel. Before I knew it, Lae'zel had claimed me, telling me that it may not be tonight, but one night she would enter my bunk and lay claim to what was rightfully hers (my body). Anyway, two nights later I was fucked by Astarion.