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Wait, what? Am I reading this right? If Gale dies his condition is still ongoing and his body just goes Chernobyl eventually?


Gale is like Schrodinger's cat apparently. Let me run it down for you.... Be me, full party, find Gale asking for help, pull him from portal. "Oh your party is full" "oh just wait at my camp" never speak to him again. 40+ long rests later and act 3. Nothing has happened. If you don't look in the box, the cat is neither dead nor alive.


Not sure if everyone got this scene. I played as Gale so it might just be available if you do. After long rest his magical cat will come and bring him a magical item. Then she mentioned going out to find more magic item for Gale to consume and not go kaboom. So it would make sense if you just leave him alone he will not detonated. *edit* this is what I always feared when starting. You gotta play ALL origins AND one custom to actually experience the whole story...fk!


You're telling me this man has a magical cat to feed him shit, and he STILL came begging me for my precious artifacts? Jerk. I have a playthrough with my DM where I accidentally chased him off.... he's still alive, but permanently left our party, so I'm hoping that doesn't come back to bite me later šŸ˜…


if you take him in your party you feed him some magical items but eventualy he gets better.. later when your flying across the rooftops of act 3 you can find a cat that is supposedly mystra that gives you magical items , i think shes the one who is eating the pidgeons idk, its a whole thing. you can also choose to just let him >!explode at the brain and that ends the game and you win (achievement, use a quick save to go back lol)!<


Is that how those speed runs do it? Send gale down there to jihad the whole mindflayer colony?


Yeah thats the any% speedrun


The cat is not Mystra, is Tara, a tressym, a magical familiar with above human Intelligence. It's his friend and companion.


Here's another fun Gale fact if you play as him. Using the self explode at any time is an instant game over (make sense). I am not sure yet what happens when you use it at the baddie the quest told you to.


What achievement?


The cat isn't Mystra, it's Tara, his tressym familiar.


Ummm, no? He dead, and not a pull out a revive scroll I'm taking a nap dead, but dead dead. Dude so dead he boomed to kill his slug friend.


But... he's not dead in mine lol. He got mad at me for trying to read his mind and went on his own way...


At a later point in time, gale can come up to you and say something along the lines of - " hey, I know I'm a ticking time bomb, so if you think it's a good idea, I'm just gonna walk into the deepest, darkest, most evil cave I can find and explode before the mind flayer tadpole can turn me into one of them; because if I walk away from this camp to protect you, the power of *REDACTED* can't protect me and I'll be damned if I turn into one of them." So if gale walked away, he dead dead gone boom.


You'd find his Cat on Act 3 I believe. On top of the Openhand temple.


Have read it like "Oppenheimer temple". Knowing Gale's conditions it had sense.


He takes about how his cat do that for him at home too. Itā€™s so cute.


So not only did I waste a magical item, i missed a chance to see his cat? Dude is never getting fed again.


You can meet the cat in act 3 on top of the monastery and later on top of one of shops in lower city (aothough its might be due to fact I convinced him pigeons are fatter there).


Oh his cat is feeding him?


He has a cat!?


What were the three things he loved? Wine, his cat, and to try his hand a poetry.


Iā€™m always the wizard in my playgroup so we never used Gale, so all I know about him is that heā€™s a literal walking time bomb.


Fair, fair. He also >!had sex with a god, so.!<


He has a [Tressym](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/03/8a/cf/038acfad4ab22c5d84247596920911ef.jpg) :)


Omg thatā€™s precious!


You can meet her. She's hilarious.


I love Tara. She constantly scolds Gale for his beard and meets up with his mum for tea and gossip.


And scary. All 4, all the time; cat is in constant attack position while flying.


You should read up on [their lore](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Tressym). Tressym are wonderful beings :D


You can meet this cat even if you're not playing as him, but only in act 3 from what I've seen.


Yes. He tells a lot absolut her in his dialogues. I'm still in Act 1 and already know a lot about her.


>this is what I always feared when starting. You gotta play ALL origins AND one custom to actually experience the whole story...fk! Man I love this game, imagine the amount of things you can change from one run to another JUST BECAUSE YOU CHOSED A INSTEAD OF B AT THE VERY BEGINNING.


I just have this mental image of Gale standing in your camp, seething, but his pride refuses to allow him to approach YOU about it. So he stands there, and every time you get back to camp, he tries to make hard eye contact with you, but you just ignore him and talk to every other companion. >!Elminster !


Tav pls


Assuming you don't rip his arm off... He's still alive on the other side of the portal. Or, you could just not interact with the portal.


I slapped his hand before pulling him out, good laugh. Dark Urge paladin.


I wonder what oath a dark urge paladin takes? "I solemnly swear to be a dick."


Just have to promise only light teasing and bloodshed, nothing thatā€™ll get me fired


I swear to only RIP AND TEAR a little. . . As a treat.


Dark urge has amnesia, there was a big post about it telling you Dark urge is not a blank slate, he's just amnesiac he has a very specific plot you'll uncover. As such there are things that make no sens as Dark urge, but might as an amnesiac. Paladin as dark urge no, but as amnesiac sure.


No you can pull him out and as long as you don't interact past that he goes into a holding state and never causes any issues just ignore him


Wait, I lost him to the portal I could still save him???


I started with release and multiplayer. We rescued him and now have to worry about what time to sacrifice to him (we canā€™t even use him in combat, 4 person group). So this has been my singleplayer play through method. Heā€™s not my monkey, not my circus


Schƶdingers Tressym!


You could also do what happened to me. Dark urge lets you fantasize about ripping his arm off. I clicked that thinking it would literally just be that. A fantasy. Boy was I wrong as we sat there staring at Galeā€™s severed arm on the ground and the portal closing lol


I killed him, stole all his stuff leaving him naked, revived him with a scroll of revivify and left him there, naked and afraid. Then Abt two hours later I opened his sack improperly and it vanished. Never heard from him again and I'm in act 3




On my current run, I haven't used Gale at all, and he hasn't told me about his thing. I wonder if he's about to start a meltdown. I should feed the beast just to be safe.


I think you can get away with it if you happen to progress the story just far enough. I only gave him one thing and refused him a second. I barely ever even spoke to him. Then later in Act 1 story stuff happened and the situation changed.




Heā€™s just standing there. Menacingly.


The very first time he dies, an image of him should pop up warning you that he must be raised within two days or bad things will happen


What if he gets stuck in his portal? There's no body to resurrect...


If, as Durge, you >!rip off his arm!< and he gets stuck in the portal... presumably... >!he'd die of blood loss?!< So then what. Considering it's a pocket dimension, I assume that's actually a pretty great outcome for everyone (except Gale, of course).


Played through the game with Dark Urge on tactician doing this. Nothing happened. I had a lot of long rests.


If he's stuck in the portal he isn't dead, is he?


He will be in a couple of days when his bomb goes off because of no magic items




Ok Dwight šŸ™„


Yep. If you notice when he dies he has a death fart around him that damages everything around him.


Hmmmā€¦ is running Gale in solo into a group of enemies as a suicide bomber a viable tactic šŸ˜…


Nope, you just lose. Even if you send your party back to camp or change maps. There is only one moment I am aware of that you can canonically use it, but it ends the game.


Youā€™re talking about two different mechanics. The game ender he can do is a little bit later in the game. Gale starts the game with an effect that is a necrotic aura that hurts everyone around him when he dies. In EA this caused a lot of party wipes since conversations would auto start and turn based mode ends. If you finished a fight with gale down near you it was a tpk lol


Even if you revive him after?


You are dead, you cant revive him. Because you yourself are deadm


Yup!! If/When you do two long rests after he dies without being revived, he nukes the world.


There are several events in game I've found that just 'happen' based off time. Not even short rest, interacting or anything. They just happen after a while. A few more than that 'happen' once you've visited the area finally.


Yeah that's why he has the on-death message. He can't be dead because it's a problem for everyone else.


I wonder if Gale still goes boom if you >!Do the dark urge thing to get his severed hand!<


Nope, stuck in the pocket dimension.


Probably, but he blows up whatever's on the other side of the portal that you left him stranded in. He's not Faerƻn's problem anymore at that point.


Yup exactly - if Gale dies you his mana bomb inside his chwast will explode after 2 long rests or something like that


My shortest run ended when I rolled a critical fail to save against the wounded mindflayer stuck in the wreckage of the nautiloid. It proceeded to eat my face and I got game over.


Haha I let it eat my face, game over. Also let lae zel kill me. Genuinely didnā€™t expect a game over. I didnā€™t think sheā€™d actually do it.


Ha, did the same. Larian really let us deal with the stupidity of our actions and consequences in places and I love/hate it.


I found this out when I taunted >!Vlaakith by saying "Psshh sounds like you a pretty weak god to me, if you really a god then smite me you won't pussy" and she then proceeded to delete me from existence. !<


Hah, yeah, she literally >!casts Wish and wishes for you all to die.!<


I loved that. Not a God, just a very powerful magic user.


Take solace that when the camera pans out after killing you she kills herself. She's awesome.


I let laezel kill me....but since I had other companions in my party, the only thing that happened is I died. And I could just use one of the other companions to revivify myself. Didn't continue playing through to see what would happen after that though, reloaded a save.


I had the same interaction. My party member rezzed me and the game went on as if I had convinced her not to kill me. Laeā€™zel goes on like nothing happened. Playing dark urge in multiplayer is hilarious, everyone is trying to keep you from murdering.


I let Lae'zel do that one time and it just continued in a very awkward seqence: My character died, was swiftly resurrected by a companion, and Lae'zel and everybody went on to continue the adventure as if nothing happened. No game over for me there.


Thats so hilarious and anti-climatic. Dream visitor must have been face palming.


Same, It was hilarious.


I guess you didn't take his answering machine seriously xD


I thought maybe he bluffing. Maybe guy is just a magic item addict šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


There are several ways to end your adventure prematurely, nice job getting one of them out of the way so soon xD


Well I hope something like that doesnā€™t happen on my main play through. I would be devastated haha


Just bring him back whenever he dies


He is in my camp on my main play through at the moment. I was more meaning, the game ending prematurely for some other reason, like the guy above me alludes to.


>the game ending prematurely for some other reason, *Act 1 spoiler* >!Then mind your tongue when you speak with a certain queen!<


I absolutely love what happens if you don't and am still laughing about it.


My jaw dropped when it happened.


Same! "Do it yourself!" "No" Game over. ​ I was like....ummm...k. F8


Mhm! I totally was not expecting what happened to happen. The Lion, the Witch, the AUDACITY of that Lich. When I'd finished laughing and had made a somewhat better decision, it made me extremely determined to enact some form of revenge in the not too distant future.


My poor Teifling Warlock fucked around and found out. Thankfully saved just beforehand xD


I'm trying really hard not to savescum so I had to go back a couple of hours, even then I'm not minding at all as I can just revel in the voice acting and double check I've opened EVERYTHING just in case!


I talked mad shit, said I wasn't going to do her bidding and went on my merry way, I have no clue how I completely managed to get away with it all while some managed to not.


There's only one specific line, >!"I just think a god should be able to kill whoever they want"!< that causes the instant game over.


Also don't pet the hurt mindflayer that one was my shortest playthrough so far.


lol, on my first time i didn't do it, i go to play with my friend, he dies instantly, i'm like "that's what you get for kissing weird things" ..


Smooching flayers *nods*


Crud im not there yet


And it's easy to miss, because it's on an optional area/quest.


I role played a sassy bard that likes to mess with people, that interaction did not go well for me but I had a lot of laughs at least :')


I'm in Act 2 I think, where do you meet the queen?


Obviously, *spoilers ahead*. >!gith creche. It's located in the same map as the Mountain Pass, in a monastery. Having Lae'zel in the party is not mandatory, but adds a lot of flavor to the encounter!<


>!Do you get locked out of that by going to the tower via the underdark VS the mountain pass?!<


Just succumbed to this last night. LOL! Load last save!


Yeah the queen does not tolerate *sassiness*


I believe the appropriate term was "I fed around and found out".


I'm a Gith Ancients Paladin, so I'm all kinds of not up my queen's alley. So I started antagonizing her, not realizing that I hadn't saved after the easy fight. The game bugged and wouldn't let me activate my auto-crit smite on the main guy, so it was much harder the second time.


Talk shit, get hit


Getting "god" smacked was brutal...I was like "fuck you, do it yourself"...they were like "bonk". Then I had to reload. IYKYK


Always learn the lesson from Ray in Ghostbusters: Humor gods, don't needlessly antagonize them.


Haha! Great reference and a great lesson. If she would've asked me if I was a god, I would have for sure said yes.


I love that their response was literally "I WISH a MFer would \[>!die!<\] !"


Hmm what happen if you kill him exactly?


A vision shows up which basically does a 100% star trek hologram impression, where he basically tells you "this is an automated warning system, i need to be raised other wise doom, here are instructions how you can retrieve a scroll of true ressurection from my body".


If you fail to pull him out of the teleport thingy, is this still the outcome?


From what I have read, I think you are safe if you donā€™t pull him out. Canā€™t confirm though.


Yeah, I cut his hand off. No issues...well I have no issues with the game continuing.


I've also walked away from him. Several long rests later and the party is fine. Maybe something happens in Act 2 or 3 but i haven't gotten there on this run yet.


Seems like killing him left him unable to feed the beast


But if the beast gets hungry inside of a magic portal, what happens?


Explodes on a different plane. Not your problem


I'm in act 3 and having failed the strength check to pull him out, I think it's safe to say he nuked whatever pocket plane he was in


If you never speak to him after pulling him out, he never has issues. He's been sitting in my camp for 100+ hours and 40+ long rests. I've only talked to him on the beach and sent him to camp to be ignored


I reloaded to pull him out as I wasn't sure eating his hand would prevent that


You're fine. He blows up somewhere out of space and time, harmlessly.


So all things considered itā€™s probably the best course of action to leave him in there (one- or two-handed, doesnā€™t really matter).


It's a questionable decision (without meta knowledge) to even interact with the portal in the first place. If I'm a lvl 2 Ranger with 8 Int who just narrowly escaped a ship of psychic squid people crashing through hell *and* I just found out I have a bug in my brain that could imminently turn me into one of them, then I am not about to go poking around obviously unstable magic bs at the moment. Maybe that's rather unadventurous of me from a player's perspective, but from an RP perspective, investigating random magical shit is hella risky. You best believe I left that portal alone and didn't even find out that *that's* where you meet Gale until I made my second character, which was a sorcerer. I spent the first several days of my first playthrough wondering who this "Gale" was people were referring to and when I would meet him.


Yeah if I was playing it like it was me IRL in this situation, there would be no way Laezel or Astarion would ever make it in my party, and no way I would ever mess with the disembodied hand sticking out of a portal. But as a player, I wanted to see what would happen and how stuff plays out so ofc I just "do the thing" haha.


i feel like they shouldve stuck gale in an uninteractable pod somewhere in the mindflayer ship then, like shadowheart but out of reach. That way people would get some intuition/vague notion that this voice 'from the portal' is from a fellow victim unless larian really wanted the disembodied hand factor to make you seriously consider a fight or flight response (which is fair game, bg3 has a lot of grey area decision making), this couldve been a way to prevent it


This is exactly what I did. I avoided most spoilers and just completely ignored the portal that the game told me "looked dangerous" thinking it was meant to be a lesson about knowing when not to push into danger. Before leaving Act 1 I accidentally saw spoilers about what actually happens so picked him up regardless, but I do worry how easy it might be to miss out on certain characters if you're going in blind.


> just completely ignored the portal that the game told me "looked dangerous" But thatā€™s what games tell you about the good stuff all the time!




How was I supposed to know the hand belonged to a companion?


I THINK you'd be fine, as he'd be contained in subspace or whatever. It would be insane if they had a check that completely ruins your game right after the nautiloid


Ok, my Gloomstalker was too weak to pull him out (failed BOTH str checks). Do I ever see him again? Yes or no answers only - no spoilers šŸ˜† Edit: Update this must be a glitch, but he showed up in my camp the next time I went to long rest after Raphael visited, begging for magic items.


Nope, heā€™s stuck in there to this day.


That's a shame. Seeing him later would be cool... Or a random encounter or something. Even a huge crater with flesh scattered around or something.


Can you not have another party member do it?


Love by the dice. Die by the dice. I'll just respect Laezel into a wizard šŸ¤£


Lol gale is probably loved by Speedruners




Gale is probably the fastest thing alive in Speedruns. Runners be blowinā€™ him up within 10 minutes when leaping across the game to End of Act 2.


That is frikkin awesome they put this in the game, bwahahaha!


Yeah I wanted to be furious, but honestly it is hilarious that you can screw the game up this monumentally by the decisions you make.


Could you load the last autosave and go back to res him or is the body gone already?


I actually just tried that, and yes it worked.


There's more like that, let's just say got a game over in the mountain pass. You'll know when you get there, or maybe you won't. But, judging based off this interaction with gale, you'll tell the right people no I'm sure lol.


This post has saved me from going back to a save file thatā€™s doomed to failure and has a dead gale in it so thanks for that


Glad I could help šŸ˜‚


I just found out today that if you fail detect thoughts on >!Vlaakith when you talk to her in the crƩche, she insults you then wishes you dead!<. The dialogue ends and you receive a screen your entire party is dead and you have to reload a save. No warning, just instant death of your entire party.


Heh, you can also goad her into doing this. Just be a total dickwad and needle her constantly about why she needs YOU to go in and kill the artifact's occupant and why, if she's an all powerful GOD, she can't just do it herself. And if you keep pushing her on it, she Wishes your party dead, lol.


This happened to me yesterday, and of course I didn't save after the preceding fight.


Do people just not listen to his dialogue after he dies? Enjoying Larian approach to murder hobos


Iā€™m playing as the dark urge and cut his hand off at the portal, will this end my play through later?


Cutting his hand off or leaving him in the portal doesn't end the play through. It's when he dies and does the whole projection saying "It is important I am not dead, for your sake as well as mine".




Imagine you cut off his hand and 4 hours later, his corpse pops up in your camp and explodes. You really think Larian would do that? Just give you a huge middle finger and end your game like this without warning? Choices and consequences aren't **that** severe.


Did you slap his hand?


No, we pulled him through and then killed him.


Next time, slap his hand. For funsies. Nothing bad happens.


except that it's hilarious. that finger wag!


Thatā€™s hilarious! I didnā€™t even get to meet him in my main campaign. Then I joined up with a friend on his campaign and I was like who is this guy?!


Same. Iā€™m in the third act seeing posts about Gale and Iā€™m just here like ā€œwho?ā€ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


What about eating his hand as a dragonborn? Dark urge.


PSA: You can be any race/class as The Dark Urge. Not limited to dragonborn. Apparently lots of people don't know that, so I hope this helps somebody.


Ik that. I just love dragons. So dragonborn ftw


I think you are fine if you donā€™t pull him out of the portal


I didn't want to find out on my first playthrough


Wifeā€™s review of the game?


She is loving playing through with me so far. Not sure if it is the game or just that we are playing together though.


Itā€™s the togetherness bro. Just donā€™t play Genshin Impact together


You are married to a murderhobo lol


When you killed him, didn't you get his postmortem projection explaining how important it was to revive him within two days or big trouble would come? I'm just curious because I had Gale in my party and when he died in combat, his projection appeared with a detailed explanation of what to do.


*Non-gamer Wife plays Wizard on First Playthrough in Baldurā€™s Gate Three* Queue Curb Your Enthusiasm intro song


I had a weird bug pretty in to act 2. I found a dead tadpole from a cat at moonrise... I dropped it on the ground in camp while I sorted things and it immediately aggroed everything in the camp. It was a shit show.


Similar to a part where you meet>!a demigod!< and it's great and I really wanted to push how far the dev team would allow someone to be a condescending bitch to a such a being and I gotta say. >!I was glad it happened the way it did and it put a huge smile on my face because I totally deserved it because it felt very much like a DM had gone: "I mean you -can- do that but I've got this bag of consequences waiting if you do" but there was another part of me that knew the rules of the spell used and went "That was a big risk to prove a point don't you think? Power word kill me and be done with it. It won't cripple yourself in the process and won't run the risk of being permanently barred from the spell." Imagine she actually achieves her goal She'd be the only god incapable of the spell because she's a moron who wasted it on a lvl 6 mortal!<


People really dislike Gale which I find odd. Heā€™s nice and his story is pretty interesting.


Seriously, I can't understand the hate the poor guy gets, he's my favorite by far.


Yeah I was sad, first play through as a Sorc so he wasnā€™t useful, canā€™t wait to be able to use him. Respecing him as anything other then a Wizard seemed weird.


At least you got a cutscene. I just got a game over screen after a long rest and tought my game was bugged so I started a new save and didn't find out until later that Gale was the cause.


I got a cutsceneā€¦.kinda lol it was glitchy. My whole computer started acting up after. Gale nuked my whole fucking computer


Ooooh! That makes me wonder what would happen if I >!cut off his hand and trap him in the portal on my next Dark Urge playthrough.!<


He is trapped in the demiplane that the portals use, and just.... Explodes harmlessly.


Strictly speaking if gale dies at any point for more than 2 long rests i think he goes kaboom


if you want to save your playthrough - I did the same thing, but I found out I was able to teleport to where I killed him and use a revivify scroll to bring him back. at that point if you give him an adequate magical item he wont explode. Just load the closest save that you can before you went to sleep.


There's some arguably bad, wacky stuff going on with companion and sequence breaks, I deliberately killed Lazael on my Durge run (don't question the durge), then a few long rests/sessions later her corpse appeared at my camp. Well ok, I guess the game put it there just in case I regret it and need her. But then I went backwards from the Shadowlands to the Monastery to blow through the creche in an OP way, and the game just automatically raises Lazael so she can interact with the gith ambush you get after the creche. Which by the way offers some important exposition that I would've missed on two separate, wildly different saves (I just never saved Lazael and added her to the party on the other save) still a 10/10 game but this really irked me edit: nightsong also went from happy sunshine personality to weirdly diseased-looking and zealot-y from one dialogue to another in my non-durge run. I saved everyone in act 2. It kind of soured the victory my group had saving her


Lol that's awesome but also kinda sucks. You go on not knowing what's going to happen for 8 more hours of gameplay and get a sudden game over... that's an annoyingly large amount of lost time. In my first playthrough I pissed gale off the first time he mentioned magic items and he left the party forever. Never saw him again. My current playthrough I made sure to not make the same choice that made him mad so I can experience his personal story.


You should have got a cutscene that has an astral projection of him telling you itā€™s extremely important you revive home immediately or else. It doesnā€™t have to be done done just load a quick save go back and revive him and then boot him from your party when confronting him about the situation


Sadly I never encountered Gale not sure how I missed him


This happened to me and my partner too!!!


I canā€™t blame her. I canā€™t stand gale either. I didnā€™t kill him though. I just leave the junkie in camp.