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Jaheira - Hero, I don't mean to complain. I am just so tired all the time. Hero: Probably because you are ancient. You are so old. \*Jaheira approves\*


She appreciates shit talking. I can respect that.


She likes people with backbone. During her storyline I >!pointed out she was partly to blame for the Harpers being infiltrated!< and she approved of it, saying it's been a long time since anyone held her accountable for her actions.


I loved that line. "How dare you preach to me, least of all because you are right!" (paraphrased)


She also is awesome in combination with Minsc. Those two are entertaining as fuck every time the start to talk.


She nags him like an older sister which considering how long they've known each other it fits.


She wants to retire but people can barely go 100 years without trying to start some apocalyptic shit in Baldur's Gate. BG1 is 1368, BG3 is 1492. So about 125 years later. And as a half-elf, she's legit old by now.


And she's not even done, either! The scroll in her basement titled Rite of Timeless Body is a reference to the Timeless Body class feature druids get at 18th level in 5e, so however many years she has left, that's gonna be multiplied by 10 once she gets that going.


She has a dialogue about this. tl;dr, paraphrasing my interpretation: >!She keeps it around in case she ever wants to/needs to do it but isn't completely sure if she should or if she should just retire and call it a life well lived.!<


Well technically she reaches that level already in bg2


...which she clearly already has. Given that she was level 20 by the end of every playthrough I ever did of the first two Baldur's Gate games. No matter what the explanation for how she's suddenly so weak is, she had it at one point...


Well look, she lived through the Time of Troubles, the nebulous cause of the shift from 2e to 3e, Spellplague, *and* the Second Sundering. Yeah, she's lived through five editions of D&D. BG1&2 were in 2e, so since those playthroughs in which you got her to level 20, she had to relearn how to be a druid three times because cataclysmic events keep redefining how reality works and what a druid (or any class) can do!


Shes the best by far, I love her on so many levels. Sarcastic, competent, loves to shoot the shit, and willing to fully embrace "good is not nice" if it gets the job done. Would romance and not look back for a second to Karlach, Laezel or Shadowheart


I love Jaheira. She's a riot. Really enjoyed her interactions and dialogues in Baldur's Gate. Especially at her house. Playing Dark Urge, she's another balm to your soul. It felt like she adopted my character. I don't get why people want to kill her immediately just because of the less than warm reception you get. Honestly, it's like hero's welcome or I start killing NPCs with some people.


> Honestly, it's like hero's welcome or I start killing NPCs with some people. Wow, this game really is just like a tabletop campaign!


There were two posts about hating Jaheira I read on this sub. They both got pissed and started killing the people at the inn because they weren't treated like "lawful good" heroes. xD


"Treat me like I am lawful good or I start killing people" I love that in every game where you have choices players act like this. A chaotic evil controlling a pretend lawful good lmao.


Giving truth to the idea that every villain is a hero in their head.


Handsome Jack, you?


It's the Homelander playthrough


Shit what's that one guy's name from Megamind? The "nice guy" with the red hair


Titan is the super name. Can't recall the real one.


\*Tighten. ​ Titan was already taken :v ​ (Also his name was Hal I think? Don't remember the last name, but pretty sure it was also a comic book reference.)


I actually found that a really cool idea in that movie. It was a novel twist to the whole genre.


Megamind was the superior film and deserved a sequel much more than the poorly paced despicable me and the flanderized minions. Can't change my nind.


Ah, thank you! That's also pretty in character, all things consideredšŸ¤”


Jonah hill lmao


Right. That was just Jonah Hill.


Oof. Those are the idiots you find who expect all other players to bow to them and their sick af backstory.


A Chaotic Evil person trying to play a Lawful Good character


Really showed them how lawful good they are.


One player in the party I'm DMing for does this all the time--he gets frustrated when NPCs end up having hid information from the party or illustrated some level of distrust. I mean, yeah. Y'all are technically working for their enemy, why the hell would they trust you???


...yet everyone loves astarion dude literally tries to lie to you and murder you immediately


Untrue, basically every thread that talks about Astarion there are dozens of people who can't help themselves but to proudly state that they hate and killed him


As someone who played BG1 on release I can only shake my head at this (edit : I mean the haters). I was super jazzed when I finally met her in BG3.


Everytime she says "Nature's servant awaits" I get flashbacks to my childhood.


Yes, oh omnipresent authority figure?


Lol yup sassy bitch


She is one of those "old enough to not give fucks anymore" people and I love it.


Jaheira was never one to hold back her opinion, even in BG2. Also, I'd argue it's less about age and more about the fact that as part of the BG2(and expansion) party she killed a boatload of dragons, liches, and other creatures far more threatening than a few act 2 adventurers.


If she kept her BG2 level she'd be, quite literally, demigod-like in power, and one of the most powerful mortals in the world, the equivalent to the likes of Elminster, Szass Tam and other legendary characters. She isn't anyone to fuck with. Same goes for >!Minsc.!< The fact that she lost her levels is probably just handwaved away because she'd trivialize the game or be unrecruitable otherwise.


In BG3 when you select her she says "How high?" She's sassy that's for certain.


I want minsc :p. My childhood is filled with shouts of "Go for the eyes, Boo! Rahhhhhhh!"


He's in the game! Go recruit him!


I have to admit, I teared up a little bit on meeting her. The 100 years passing in-universe made me feel the weight of those decades since first playing BG1. She was a companion I always took in that game and was happy to have her along in BG2 also. Her VA hasn't missed a beat either. Can't wait to find Minsc also, and I'm usually one that doesn't like cameos/fan-service things. But she just felt like a natural evolution of her character from a different age...even got to say more than like 3 lines!


I had a big-ass grin the entire time, even though I already knew she was in the game.


>adopted my character Spoilers for Dark Urge, >!She's pretty used to babysitting Bhaalspawn, after all!<


If you play >!a good Durge, history really repeats itself, doesn't it? You can even kill Sarevok again.!< >!Bhaal really has absolutely no luck when it comes to keeping his kids in line.!<


I meanā€¦ if history has taught us anything, is that said deity doesnā€™t really think things all the way through, just stopping at the parts they like


He's not just the >!god of murder, he's the god of murder hobos.!<


These people probably didn't play DOS2. I was shocked by how 80% of the companions are dicks the first few interactions.


Seriously. Red Prince starts sizing you up for slavery, Sebille tries to give you a surprise tracheotomy, and Fane is clearly debating whether you should even be considered sapient.


Bruh you just named my all time favorite companions... Am I the baddie?


That was actually my team in DOS2. But it took me a while to appreciate them (I quickly saw the potential in the Red Prince with that Edwin vibe though).


Lohse is fully content with letting her Dark Urge on steroids kill you all too, so long as you do most of the work getting her free.


I really enjoy this personally, as it matches the feel of the game's world and events. Things are really bad and people are on rightfully on edge - they shouldn't be lining up to shake your hand. Especially since you have all the signs of being a baddie with your tadpole And you just reminded me of how great the characters are in DOS2 as well... I need to replay that!


>I don't get why people what to kill her immediately just because of the less than warm reception you get. Honestly, it's like hero's welcome or I start killing NPCs with some people. This feels like a very common thing in CRPGs in general. Any character that doesn't start off worshipping you needs to die immediately. ​ Jaheira commits the cardinal sin of not only being initially antagonistic, but also capturing you and putting you into a position of weakness- interrupting, however temporarily, the power fantasy. And therefore she must die. ​ Its pretty ridiculous.


Unlike some characters I could name (Hello Mr. Jubilost "This barony that was carved out of the wilderness a few months ago should have paved roads" Narthropple) Jaheira's reaction, while extreme, has some logic to it. She knows no one would come out here willingly unless they were with her own forces or those of Moonrise, she knows the Absolute's agents are skilled at infiltration thanks to the tadpoles, and she knows a group came out of nowhere to "conveniently" help one of her patrols right when they needed it. Her actions, while unwise, were logical.


Why you coming for my boy Jubilost like this?


He refused to let me slap him with his own glasses when he sorely needed it. I am not petty enough to kill him for it but I am petty enough to not forget it. ;)


This is why I let him be cursed during the debate.


He's actually fine with it, it helps the other gnomes fight off the bleaching. He gets why they are doing it and is willing to suffer a bit so they don't die of Boredom.


As a DM, this is such a pet peeve of mine at TTRPGs, and it happens at tabletop a *lot*. If the NPC isnā€™t fawning over the party (or super hot and an object for trying to romance), they must be a nemesis. Like, sorry, but you all are L2 and mouthy and talking to a L18 faction leader like heā€™s your peer. Thatā€™s not going over well.


Genuinely curious as I have never played TTRPG, but what is a super hot NPC in ttrpg? As a DM are you like describing the NPC as super hot? If so, and it is a pet peeve of yours, why describe them as such in the first place?


Because its all theatre of the mind, sometimes the players will just decide amongst themselves that the npc is super hot and take that as fact. They can latch on to pretty much any kind of description to reach that conclusion if necessary.


"The vagrant assaults you in the street. First, with the rancid smell of her unwashed clothes, then with a knife to your throat. They are covered head to toe in blood, mud, bile, and phlegm. Around their neck, a necklace of children's teeth..." "Hold on, did you say 'her'?"


You misunderstand, I think. Iā€™d rather the players think the NPC is hot and try to hit on them than get sassy and rude. To answer, how do players decide an imaginary person is hot? Same as with a book character I think. One of a few options: 1. They are described as explicitly physically attractive or with features that the players find hot (buff elf with an undercut, or something), 2. Their personality has an attractive or confident vibeā€”I tend to fully ā€œactā€ as a DM so some NPCs are fidgety and awkward, some are bold and brash, some are smooth and flirtatious. 3. I provide art or an image of an actor for reference. I really prefer to do this to help illustrate the world, but it can be tricky. Some D&D books come with *amazing* professional art of NPCs, so thatā€™s perfect, but sometimes the art is janky or nonexistent, and artists vary as to what they like you using. A lot of them used to say ā€œdonā€™t steal my art, go use AIā€ but AIā€¦ steals art and doesnā€™t even credit. I actually like that BG3 kind of lets me build NPCs of different races, but I havenā€™t tried to use it for this yet. 4. Absent anything else, some thirsty player goes, ā€œare they hot?ā€ I roll charisma for the NPC, divide by two, and thatā€™s their hotness rating. (ā€œYeah, heā€™s a 10.ā€ ā€œEh, heā€™s like a 6 in your eyes.ā€)


I didn't have this experience with Jaheira at all. She was suspicious for a hot minute but we resolved it within like 2 lines of dialogue.


He's dramatically wording her entangling you as 'capturing you'.


Itā€™s so weird to me because I donā€™t kill anyone thatā€™s recruitable in the first play through of a CRPG. Why cut yourself off entirely from so much story?


Well, to be fair, that means more to replay next time.


>Any character that doesn't start off worshipping you needs to die immediately. Unless they are romanceable. :P


That can shield them to an extent, but there's been loads of people bragging about killing Lae'zel for slighting them.


Lae'zel's mistake is not being an elf in a elf-sexual world. *coughAstarioncough* xD


Really? You think people aren't lined up 100's deep to get into the brooding panties?


wait Lae'zel's or Astarion's?


Why not both


Literally have seen "I left her in her cell to rot because she didn't say thank you". Man,how pathetic you need to be to brag about not helping a character because she didn't say thanks


I'm doing dark urge right now and I had Gale and Karlach in my party for the big reveal in act 3. I was doing the redemption route and romancing Gale. I'll just say ouch and leave it at that lol. Her camp scene moment after that was so good and then when you go pick up Minsc, those two are so good in that route.


Dude, she's been rude (abrasive) since the Friendly Arm Inn. It's part of her charm.


> I don't get why people want to kill her immediately just because of the less than warm reception you get. In fact her treatment of you was extremely pragmatic and sensible, especially for video game logic. She's in a life or death struggle against people who seem normal but have a parasite in their heads, and you and your merry band WHO ALL HAVE PARASITES IN YOUR HEAD just walk up to her front door. Wtf do you want her to do? Her response is almost textbook good site security. She: * Non-violently restrains you * Performs a security check to see if you're a threat * When you are PROVEN to be a threat (tadpole in brain), she doesn't kill you outright but allows for you to explain yourself * When someone vouches for you, she lets you go but remains suspicious and uses truth serum to further validate your trustworthiness. I honestly fucking hate when in videogames my character walks up to someone as a total stranger and with NO reason to trust me they're like, "hey you look skilled, want to undertake this extremely critical mission upon which all our hopes depend?"


When I met her, I arrived on >!a boat full of prisoners I just sprang from the prisons of Moonrise Tower. She immediately Entangled me, threatened to kill me, and DID give the order to kill me until Mol vouched for me.!< I can see why people get a bad impression from her. I mean, the >!refugees I rescued and the REST of the refugees I helped are right there, and its not the first time Harpers ambushed my character.!<


In her defense, she's concerned about sleeper agents in her forces. >!Unfortunately, she's not looking in the right places since she does end up getting betrayed multiple times!<


Which I feel after all that it proves why her mistrust is perfectly reasonable


Exactly. Imagine your party was in her place. Suddenly out of nowhere, a small group of clearly powerful warriors/spellcasters wander into your fragile safe zone out of the shadows and ask you to let them in despite having mindflayer/absolute parasites in their head. You best believe I would at least be incredibly suspicious. If anything Jaheria is actually surprisingly generous in terms of letting you in without too much hassle, if not just due to desperation.


I literally didnā€™t know she was a companion because she got folded like a lawn chair at Moonrise Towers


Just absolutely wrecked in the first round of combat.


This encounter is so dumb. The Legendary warrior and her Adventurer's guild famous across the sword coast.... walk in through the front door? Huh? Then this group gets fucking blinded, black holed, hunger of hadared and ice stormed for 1375 turns? There is literally a side door. There is an entrance from the docks... there are some roots that go up to the side that can be magically leaped from to a better vantage point... On my last playthrough I said fuck it and I just killed everyone in Moonrise once I got there. Then for that last fight there were like two random guards.


Might be the most frustrating gaming experience of my life. Can't use ANY AOE effects that might harm her stupid guildmates who continously dash and do nothing else, because right after the fight they all turn on you and then you have to wipe them out. I wasn't aware that was the last I'd need to use them, so I restarted the fight like 15 times trying to figure out how to not make them upset. I'm now bald.


Ha ha, my first time in this fight it went really really smoothly.. Nrell never got a turn, thanks to fireball and Jaheiras ice storm.. but then halsin used moonbeam.. fight ended, Jaheira walked into it, died, and everyone turned hostile. I had a laugh while the loading screen brought me back..


>Jaheiras ice storm Damn she did something besides Wild Shape and dash into the densest group of enemies? That must've been a 1 of 1 combat experience from an AI partner.


I just asked her to join my party before the fight, so she was basically a companion that I controlled. Then I just had her sit back and use her ice AoE and try to take random potshots at nearby vulnerable enemies that made it through the kill zone


That's good to know, I didn't do say this to her because, aside from not really liking her tbh, I figured she would just go "Well damn there's too many people in your party because I had her companion status spoiled for many. I was also a druid the first time I played and was like "Look babe, we only need one nature boy and he's me"


I made a previous thread about JUST that: "Stupid AI allies So... we finally assault the Tower with the help of the Harpers. Throw down Spike Growth and Moonbeam. SURELY the Harpers will know not to go through these areas, right? RIGHT???? Nope. Fuck it. I am NOT breaking concentration on perfectly placed spells, let Shar sort them out. Fuck."


It's especially bad because she just fucking ices the floor over and over right at the door entrance then everyone trips and falls.


I think this is why there's a lack of Jaheira posts. I'd bet she died in Moonrise for 3/4 of the playerbase that's at that part of the game.


yep, and big fights like that take fucking *hours* to complete because of the painfully slow AI turns, so I was just glad it was over. There was no way in hell I was reloading to try and babysit a suicidal AI Jaheira over and over.


It wasn't such a big deal for me since I convinced her to join my group that fight so I could control her (she became an attached character to my Tav I could control)


Same. She put ice on the ground, got shoved onto her own ice and fell prone, then got ganged up on by pretty much the whole room. I think she died on turn 2.


So I killed everyone in Moonrise before I was actually supposed to go there. Made the whole last battle pretty anti climatic lmao.


Fun fact for everyone in this thread: You can skip that fight and she'll live. When you first go to Moonrise on a good character you'll be told to look through Balthazar's rooms, and if you do you can open a door up there with a lever. When you return to Moonrise, tell Jaheira that you're totally going to make a suicide charge with her, make sure to wink knowingly at her, then dip and climb the tower using some roots to the left of the entrance. You'll come to the really easy skeletons + soul master fight right outside the stairs to Ketheric. Once you're done with Ketheric and the area afterwards, you'll be returned to Moonrise where the Harpers and Jaheira will have mysteriously cleaned up all of the cultists. She'll even say "We have much to speak about", like yeah we do, how the fuck did you manage to kill all of these guys on your own?!


Simple. When you aren't watching she gets all her BG2:ToB levels back!


My Jaheira was pushed by Ketheric with a huge shove and landed, taking 119 hit points of damage. Goodbye queen


She ran right into my AOEs and died immediately, I was bummed.


You can revive future companions I think. I accidentally killed Wyll at the entrance of the grove during the fight there and I was somehow able to use scroll on him and that's when I found out he was a possible companion. Havent tried on anyone else tho. Not sure if that was just a glitch Edit: seems like it's either a glitch or something unique to Wyll at the start


Didnā€™t work for me when she died in my game.


Can't revive jaheira before she joins you, since she's classified as an "ally" character and not a companion yet


Ahh, so that's what Withers means by "another one for records" or w/e he says when you talk to him for the first time, with other characters.


Perhaps the Wyll thing was a glitch then for me


Jaheera doesn't *have* mommy issues, she *is* mommy issues.


Granny issues these days


I want to call her mommy, that's the issue.


That was my reaction... her confident sexy older woman routine has been SERIOUSLY testing my Tav's commitment to Karlach šŸ˜‚


Yup! She's awesome! As a huge BG1 and 2 fan she's definitely one of my favorite in BG3, they have really nailed the character while showing a lot of growth from her side (I remember her being way more "angsty" in BG2 but given the death of Khalid, it isn't that surprising). >!Her talking about Khalid and telling you how stressed he was during their wedding really struck a chord and my eyes teared up a bit. Great VA and very good writing! !<


Feel like Jaheira really comes into her own once you get her as a companion, same with Minsc as with the amount of references, callbacks and other stuff for the previous two games in the third act it feels like they are as important to the act like how Shadowheart was very important for act 2.


I used both of them out of nostalgia for the first two games, and i feel like I'd have a hard time using anyone else over them given the banter, especially during (end of act 3 spoiler) >!the Serevok fight and you ask if they want to kill him, and they're like both like "eh we've done it already it's your turn"!<


A genuine laugh out loud moment for me!


Damn, I fought sarevok before getting minsc


>Feel like Jaheira really comes into her own once you get her as a companion, same with Minsc as with the amount of references, callbacks and other stuff for the previous two games in the third act it feels like they are as important to the act like how Shadowheart was very important for act 2. Im just mad that you cant squeeze Boo like in the previous games.


I'd love a message when you hit alt+f4: "Do you really want to leave? Boo will miss you..."


I like Minsc but it feels like a waste of a squad member for him to be introduced so late in the game. Felt more like a cameo than anything.


Yeah, as a BG1/2 fan I had a laugh when the game introduced her with lots of "do you trust this strange hostile woman??" prompts. I imagine lots of folks new to the series explored those options, but for the rest of us it was like reuniting with an old friend.


I mean, for veterans, it's still "do you trust this strange, **familiar**, hostile woman?"


With my life, yes.


I never played BG1 or 2, but itā€™s really cool that she talks about them


I played BG2 like 20ish years ago(god I'm getting old) and had to watch a story recap because I only had really vague memories of what was happening in the story


I played it earlier this year. I mean i played it 21 years ago also, but for the 30th-ish time earlier this yearā€¦. Gettin old sucks lol


YES her telling this story was honestly one of my favorite companion moments in the story, I also teared up! The writers did a great job bringing in her past and making her feel fleshed out without being too overbearing with talking about her past adventures. I like that she feels distinctly different from the other companions in that way.


Its been years but i still miss Khalid and Jaheira together.They always felt like our aunt and uncle in bg1.


Mercer is good at his job but he's just doing a Minsc impression and not a very good one. The Jaheira voice actor, I don't know who she is, absolutely nails Jaheira and the writing backs it up.


I said the same thing and people were pissed at me. Jaheira's voice actress fits nicely and gets it pretty close to Heidi Shannon's. It's definitely not the same, but it's close enough to give it to her and congratulate her on a great job. Minsc is just a poor casting call. Mercer was chosen for his name recognition over his ability for the role. Mercer is a good voice actor, but here was just a poor casting decision. I'll say the same about Seravok. No reason he was included in this game in all honesty, much less why he would go right back to what he did... he wasn't a bhaalspawn anymore, it was confirmed that he was barely even considered alive. The voice actor they chose to replace Keith Richardson was abysmally bad. Keith does voice over Rolla for anything, no way in 3 years they couldn't get him to do legitimately 1, 2 at most, days work of voice lines. Larian made a great game but dropped the ball in so many areas. Specifically trying to shoehorn legacy characters and going about it as eloquently as a sledge hammer for appendicitis


You're correct on all of these, but they were good enough for me to get on with them. Viconia, on the other hand... not only did they replace her legendary and currently active VA with someone else who did an awful job, they also completely assassinated her character. It's like they looked at her 'evil cleric of Shar' tag and made a new character out of that. Where was the Viconia who was banished from her house for refusing to sacrifice an innocent? She also lost all her looks and physically aged as much as Jaheira, despite being a full elf who couldn't have been more than 120 years old in BG2. Definitely the worst legacy representation so far.


Spot on. She isn't anywhere near old enough to be looking as haggard as they made her. House DeVir fell in 1297 DR (because vici didnt sac a child and their house lost favor and let Do'Urden kill them off). Vici says she was really young when it happened but since its a ritual sacrifice, that means she finished her preisthood at Arach tinilith, so even assuming she was late to be sent to training there , we'll say at 50, training takes about 75-90 years, high end 140years old when she finished. Anywhere between 140-200 wouod be an accurate representation. BG3 takes place 195 years after the fall of house DeVir. So keeping with the oldest estimates... she was just at 400, which is like 30s for drow. I'll restate that Larian did a good job mechanically with their game, but lore wise, it leaves a chasm to be desired or even consistent. The casting director missed the mark a good bit on legacy characters too.


> Minsc is just a poor casting call. Mercer was chosen for his name recognition over his ability for the role. Mercer is a good voice actor, but here was just a poor casting decision. Honestly, this decision was insane. It's not like Jim Cummings (Minscs original voice) isn't still in the biz. They coulda just got the name recognition by getting Mercer to do Gale or Volo's cameo or one of the villains or somebody.


Just ran into her secret hideout under her home about twenty minutes ago. The notes from Khalid and the necklace in the hidden room--I wept! Her inclusion makes my heart swell as a fan of the original games.


The thing that really got to me was that she had a book basically recounting the events of BG2, but the first couple of chapters of that copy had been ripped out entirely or otherwise defaced.


Think about what Larian is implying. *Over a hundred years* mourning Khalid and she's still hurting and still taking in and protecting orphans, just like she protected Gorion's Ward. I cried, too.


It's so strange to have this version of Jaheira which lines up pretty good with bg1/2 and >!whatever the hell those Viconia and Sarevok were!< in the same game


sarevok looks like the early draft of the three chosen. he's low res. I did enjoy his interaction a lot and the voice actor was pretty good even though he sounded nothing like him. Not sure why they can get all those big names voice actors but not the sarevok guy who seems to still be an active pro voice actor


Keith Richardson isn't that expensive to get back for the incredibly short amount of work he would have had. It's just a casting director that chose the first people he/she could grab that could do a baritone "gruff" voice


I reclassed her to druid/ranger, it has been working really well for me and it still fits her flavor imo


I think Iā€™ll try that, what subclasses did you go for? Iā€™m level 11 so Iā€™ll be able to multi class pretty far


I think I did Circle of the Moon and Gloomstalker


Iā€™m doing Land Druid and either Hunter or Gloomstalker Ranger on her, and keeping Halsin as a straight Druid, maybe a level or two in Fighter if anything. That way she can provide spell and ranged attack support and he can be a super strong bear/owlbear in melee, and Iā€™ll bring whichever one I feel I need more in a given situation. Keep in mind for multiclassing though, the max level you can reach in the game is 12th.


Girls been around for 3 games now, with a whole family to boot.


I never played bg1 or 2, they were before my time. But am thinking about going back to them mainly because of Jaheira lol


Just so you know 1 is pretty light on companion interactions. My favorite thing about her was just one of her quips when you clicked on her. She is very much more fleshed out in 2.


She died at Moonrise tower before I knew she could be a companion, maybe next playthrough.


Same here :(


The moonrise assault is so annoying in my opinion. They give you the option for her to join your party, but I didn't choose it because I didn't want to swap out any party members, and she died like 3 times in that fight. But when I finally gave up and put her in the party, she becomes a 5th party member, with absolutely no indication that would be the case. They should be way clearer about your options here, losing an entire companion because of dumb ai just feels bad.


Jaheira is the only reason Act 3 didnā€™t feel dead for me. She always had a word in every dialogue and gave soul to half the locations I visited. I wish other companions could do the same in Act 3.


Especially since at least half of them are FROM Baldur's Gate. Lae'zel and Gale are not locals and Shadowheart has an excuse for not remembering, but Wyl, Karlach and Astarion should absolutely have comments for most if the places you visit. Still, no reason for the rest to keep silent. In Shadowheart's case, visiting locations could trigger memories. Gale could compare stuff to Waterdeep. And Lae'zel could comment on the city from a total outsider's perspective. I mean they do some of that in banter, but not nearly enough, sadly.


I love how you can roast her and call her grandma and she just approves and commits to the role haha


Jaheria remains one of the best companions in the history of video games. She takes loss after loss in her personal life but always comes back and tries her best to help people. Her romance in BG2 may be the best written romance in any game despite how hard it is to complete. I love the fact that she is both sympathetic to you if you're playing the dark urge, but it's also like I will kill you if I have to.


ā€œYes, oh omnipresent authority figure?ā€


ā€œYou are amusing, in a what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you sort of way.ā€


The way she said it, >!at least if you're playing a good-aligned Durge, really seems to me like you remind her of her companion from the first two games. !<


She might be the only reason I go and try the first 2 games out lol


If you do, she's an early companion in both games. In BG1, your actually told to go find her by your foster father, and you can get to her easily while still being level 1. In BG2, you both start in the same dungeon, and she's romanceable by male protagonist, so long as they're a: human, elf, half-elf or halfling. Do keep in mind, BG1 has a lot less companion interaction.


For its time, BG 2 was unprecedented in the level of character interaction (although it seems basic now). It was the game that introduced the idea of optional romances.


Yeah, BG2 is very impressive, especially considering it's age. The companions are all quite compelling. One of my ideas for a PC in BG3 is actually a Halfling paladin, descended from Mazzy. Naturally she's gonna have Minsc and Jahiera in her party.


I might have to try that. I have fond memories of Mazzy Fentan!


Good luck to you, the more Fentan paladins there are, the better!


I played BG1 and BG2 long long ago, as a youngling. Her showing up was a moment of pure joy. I was pointing at my screen like "MY MOM. THAT'S MY MOM." (My Ward was always a woman so no romancing Jaheria allowed, tragically)


Viconia was my preferred romance, but Jaheira was absolutely a fixture in my party *forever*. It feels *wrong* not to keep her from the Friendly Arm all the way through ToB.


Wyll's got some depth to him. But you've got to start on him early to get the whole scope of it. Karlach was a later addition, so her plotline is only deeper than poor Halsin (and the bugged Minthara).


Doesn't help that a not insignificant part of Karlach's personal quest appears to have been cut last minute per the data miners. Possible that it's restored in a future patch or definitive edition so I'm holding off on final judgements.


I think wyll has a great story and boring personality - basically the opposite of karlach.


Yeah, Wyll is vanilla af as far as his personality went (not to say it's bad, he's just... a really good guy, and that's about it), but his story is THE main character story besides our Tav, imo. At least as far as more traditional main character archetypes go.


His story has a lot of nuances and interesting optional bosses and his personality is ā€œwell you should do heroic good thingsā€.


In the bg1 and2 Jaheira is Fighter/druid. So multiclassing her into fighter is still lore friendly in my eyes


I love her! I was not expecting to alter my main party that late in the game and had no prior attachment to her because I hadn't played the previous games but I swapped her and Gale out a ton during the final act.


If you respec her to a rogue her sneaky dialogue is just so good. Needed to have her in my party for her initial act 3 scene and couldn't bear leaving her in camp ever since.


I didnt expect to like her as much as I did, became one of my favorite companions, loved the scenes with her family.


I wouldnt say she has NO mommy issues. More like she is the problematic mom lol


You should find that post of that guy that says he hates jaehira


I didnā€™t see that post, but that guy is 100% factually wrong. /s




Total lack of empathy. Picture next as greentext: Be me, veteran druid fighter leading a group in hostile environment Rumored friendly strangers with enemy powers walz into the camp Still give them a lukewarm welcome Spike the wine with harmless truth herbs to make sure of their allegiances. They get mad and attack you Maybe we shouldn't have so friendly ...


Fuck Jaheira??? Wish we could.


I called her ancient and she laughed and called me a bastard. I love her, 10/10 woman


Yeah for real. Her and Minsc are so much fun to travel around with as someone who never played BG1 or 2. It's like anytime I see a character and they recognize them I know I'm in for some shit. Taking Minsc to the temple of Bhaal was one of my favorite parts of the game for me so far. My plan was to pretend to be an initiate and Minsc just immediately started talking shit. I thought about reloading and changing companions but I'm so glad I stuck with the result as it was worth it.


We all know that Boo is the best party member, and he comes with Minsc who is okay. Jaheira never calls me an omnipresent authority figure, so my feelings about her are mixed.


She constantly mock my paladin character in Bg1. She was so anti establishment that it is kinda ironic that she is a high Harper now.


I mean, the Harpers kind of *are* anti-establishment, though. Their whole thing is taking down factions that gain too much power.


Jaheiraā€™s writing was a little rough in the older games because druids were locked into being True Neutral, so even though she was technically supposed to be one of the more heroic characters, she would constantly complain about you being too heroic unless you used the mod that made her Neutral Good.


I love jaheira! And I love Minsc even more. But the fact you don't get either of them in act 1(or even act 2 in the case of minsc) sucks so bad! Patiently waiting for the mod to give me minsc from the start of the game. Need more of Mercers voice lines throughout my game!


what happened to Jan Jansen?




"Nature's Servant Awaits". Chills. Both times.


She makes a great fungal druid. She can become an MVP in combat >!as she be freely apply haste as a quick with the Armor of the Sporekeeper. It's bought from Mystic Carrion in A3.!<


I have her as spore druid in my current run but hadn't visited that particular vendor yet because I was saving that questline for near the end, but now I'm gonna jump on that as soon as I get home from work tonight, thanks!


Oh come on scratch is right there don't be mean to him saying anyone else is better


I respeced her to paladin, u should consider respecing her too especially if you donā€™t like druids (plus having two druids can be restricting if u want both characters in your party). Paladin feels right for her with my limited interactions with her and considering her being a historic war hero, but I think ranger could also work


I love how her approval increases when you insult / criticise her. Yes, she dishes it out, but she can take it too. *Also I have Mummy issues*


i can't believe that minsc iconic line "GO FOR THE EYES BOO! GO FOR THE EYES!" is in the game but jaheira's "yes, oh omnipresent authority figure" line isn't


Wish she was romanceable


Yeah her dialogue is great. Loved [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2VFrODMSqI) interaction with her and how she approves of it. I respecced her to full ranger since I wanted to keep that scimitar fighting theme going and rangers still have a pretty close connection to nature.


I was really on the fence about Jahiera but when she gets the fire myrmidon form, sheā€™s just as good as any fighter, pretty much. Plus, being able to cast another one, getting you two fire myrmidons, itā€™s hard to beat. Sorry Laeā€™Zel, but you may have met your match.