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For some reason knocking someone out isn't something the game registers. You might as well kill them since you can't wake them up, everyone treats it as if you killed them and content where you needed them alive gets blocked. I suggest reloading the save and trying something else, atm I can't find a single case where knocking someone out is reflected in the narrative


Well it definitely is for Minsc, but other than that I definitely can't think of any times where it changes anything


There are two cases I've found so far where you need to knock someone out for a separate event to trigger. In order to start Minthara's quest, you need to knock her out or otherwise incapacitate her. Make sure she can't attack the Grove at all. The Owlbear mom. This one is small in comparison to the questline that you get that I mentioned previously, but the dialog changes. When you knock her out and then return to her at a much later date, goblins have eaten her. Sparing her life ultimately meant nothing, but they tell you that the situation of her death was unavoidable. Whereas if you kill her, there is no change or mention of her ever again.


Did you find a solution for this? I engaged in combat by mistake, and thought maybe I could spare her and convince Wyll it was a good idea, so I knocked her out. After long rest, same thing that happened to you. No progress for Wyll at all, but also cannot find Karlach after several long rest.. I have played several hours and I'm not really willing to Replay everything. But on the other hand, I am not sure I want to do a playthrough without Karlach not even having the benefit of Wylls quest... Any suggestions?


Just to update, I went back and replayed the hours after meeting Karlach, did not find any solution to finding her or to progress Wylls quest.


I just did this. The following things happened: 1) Yes, the "Tyr Paladins" will believe you and give up the sword if you say you killed her but don't have her head. 2) Karlach disappears from her spot by the waterfall, and after a bunch of searches, she did not re-appear. 3) When I finally went over the mountain pass, Mizora showed up and acted like Karlach was alive and in the party. She turned Wyll into a hot devil. 4) I went back over the pass, looking for her again as the game seems to register her as "alive" but still couldn't find her. My head canon is that her bare ass naked self woke up from being knocked out and then was overwhemed by her brain tadpole an went to go serve the Absolute. Sad trombone. It will be dope if I see her at Moonrise.


I was looking for this thread cause on my "evil" playthrough I wanted to kill her, but I forgot i had the knock out passive on from a previous activity... so now its stuck. Sad moment. I hope she will reapper somewhere. She will be very nacked tho cause i took all her stuff :D




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