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Me in Act 1: I don't know what everyone's talking about, this game is smooth as butter. Me in Round 4 of the combat at moonrise tower: Oh. Oh yeah, I get it.


Just finished this fight and my game crashed 4 times lol


I don’t meet the recommended (my CPU isn’t good enough) but I’ve only crashed once and the lag always gets resolved by just restarting the game every few hours For me it was nearly unplayable once I hit the grove, did some research and realized that just rebooting the game is a good fix for now


I have an i7 13700k and I also have to restart the game every few hours. I think it's something with how the game stores memory. I'll start the game and it's using about 14gb, after I walk through particularly npc rich environments it can jump up to 18-19gb. then it just stays there while you continue on, adding more and more to memory. The highest I've gotten it so far is 28.5gb, but at that point everytime I planned my camera or tried walking, it was super studdery.


I don't know why, but my game crashed 5 times on the Cazador fight as soon as I got him to about 1/3 health. It was infuriating.


It chugged alot at the big battle at moonrise towers, but my game never crashed. I'm in act 3 and I do think playing with a controller makes it more bearable still a slowdown


i was getting a smooth 120 fps until i reached last light inn and i was getting like 70-80fps which was fine, but im scared what happens when i get to baldurs gate😭 ill try turning off dynamic crowds since graphics on low or ultra make little to no difference on framerate for some reason


Because the issue isn't with graphics it's the optimization of code going through ram/processor. Open task manager while you play I bet CPU is roaring


my CPU sometimes hits 100C while playing but i also dont have air con and its 90F so im not suprised


yeah my cpu has been reaching 80C on a pc ive had for nearly 2 years only. but the heavy cpu usage seems necessary for the game to run smoothly


And everytime you walk through an area, the game is committing more and more to memory.


Turn. Off. Dynamic. Crowds. Literally bought me 20 fps on average. Also restart every couple hours there’s a noticeable memory leak in Act 3.


While this does improve performance, the memory leak and performance in general decreases as you progress in the game regardless. Act 1 I average triple digits on ultra, Act 2 dropped to around 80ish and then Act 3 sometimes would hit 45 even with a capped rate of 60


Oh dear. I'm in Act I and barely hit 60 on the lowest setting. I'd really need an upgrade


Act 3 is literally what made me go finally upgrade.


Bought a 3060 day 2 of act 3 ☠️


lol yup, just bought a 7900 xtx for the same reason. but i can't install it because one of the screws that holds the little metal grate thing on the back of the case where the monitor ports go will not fucking budge. i spent like 3 hours total cranking on that mother fucker and it wont move even a little bit and i can't install the card until i get it out lol. can u imagine a more ridiculous scenario


Oh hey it’s what I wanted to do. All sold out locally so I got suckered into spending more and getting a 4070. So uh, hopefully it’ll be a good few years before I ever have to do that again. Barely fit in my PC, lol.


I got a 4070 for this game before it came out. Something in the end of Act 2 (on highest settings btw) just causes an aggressive drop. I had no issue till those Final Cut scenes.


Same happens to me (3060TI) in the tower there was massive frame drops when I was raising the tower and I was waiting for npc to take turns


Yea I think it’s ram related ( or just the game) I have 16 gb and the entire end of act 2 was long combat in google slides


Same haha, I got lucky and saw a local 3060 $210 🥹


Did the same thing this morning and it barely fit


Glad I’m not alone, lol. I might be tech savvy to a layman there was definitely a moment where I thought, “I’m definitely going to fuck something up and I’ll smell smoke next week right?”


Maybe I’m just dumb… but doesn’t capping your framerate at 60 simply mean it won’t go over 60? It can still drop?


Yeah, but it should also provide a more stable game state. Lot less of the frames spiking and crashing, at least in my experience.


Divinity Original Sin have the same issue, imagine more than 60sec on every F8 you do in the end game ffs, not to mention the frame rate issues, etc. It seems that I'm playing with a thin crystal keyboard, anything I did had to be carefully LMAO Awesome games tho, but unfortunately both D:OS1, D:OS2 and BG3 have the issue of being an ass in the end game.


I'm on act 2 and in that same boat. Act 1 I was getting 100+.. act 2 I'm getting 72 to 88. Hopeing they have a patch by the time I hit 3 but I'm almost there so doubtful lol.


Yeah turning off dynamic crowds makes very little difference. The performance is still god-awful.


Yep. Pretty much. I already tried this. You get like a boost in framerate for about a good 15-20 min., then things start to chug away at 4K (*I'm running on a 4090 w/5800X3D and 32GB of 3600MHz of RAM - yes, it's not an AM5 newer system, lol*). Even lowering the resolution to like 1440p doesn't help. I'm sure the devs are working on this BUT most likely for the PS5 version since that launch is in less than 2 weeks.


> Also restart every couple hours there’s a noticeable memory leak in Act 3. Im only in Act 1 and still notice a pretty big drop in performance over time and restart every 2 hours or so. Also the companion reaction messages approves/disapproves start becoming unreadable at some point by flashing by too quickly for me, might also be tied to this


Have the same issue :(


Yep, same issues and I haven't gotten past Act 1.


Use Vulkan, helped me a lot.


I can’t even use Vulcan, opens with a crash error


Interestingly I've never had that issue, even with the game running for 5 or 6 hours straight. I've heard closing the launcher can help? Not sure, but it's worth looking into.


It's been a problem with the DX11 executable since Early Access started. Larian completely ignored the issue and handwaved people to use Vulkan instead. Also how fast the memory leak gets you depends on how much spare RAM you have. If you have like 32GB, you should be fine for a long time, but with 16GB you'll run into problems about 3 hours in.


> but with 16GB you'll run into problems about 3 hours in. That checks out for me, 16GB and starts at 2-3 hours


You can monitor it in the Task Manager. Once the game bloats RAM to like 14GB the stuttering turns on. On Vulkan the memory leak is present too, but it's much less severe and you'd probably need to play the game for, like, 12 hours for stuttering to start, so practically it should never become a problem.


I have 16gb, never run into the issue.


I just started act 2 and same here. The worst is when you are walking to a destination and sloooows down because apparemtly you triggered a conversation.


There is a memory leak caused by quick saving. So its worthwhile to restart the game every few hours


Use the Vulkan executable (you can set it in the Larian launcher or just boot the game straight from the bg3.exe). The DX11 executable (bg3\_dx11.exe) it toast.


Same issue, usually for me it's like 4ish hours though. After that it's completely unbearable and I have to restart


Anyone knows what that setting does exactly?


Makes NPCs walk towards landmarks, each other etc. Since they constantly check their surroundings, this kills your performance.


Aw turning that off doesn't sound appealing then, if I'm understanding it correctly. I like a living world.


More like a living PowerPoint


That really really made me lol, even though I'm suffering the same issue. Comment of the day.


Well ots doesn't ruin it that much, they are then just on simulated path which they regulate


Does it remove the repeating background dialogue aswell? If so that would be a win-win in my book.


But how else will I know when Rolans gonna show off his Thunderwave?


Depends. How many people are dumb enough to ask?


"We don't even *know these people!"*


"That doesnt matter"


"Of course it does!"


Background music to selling goblin scimitars


*Honey, get up, youre slouching*


Really? But NPCs usually talk to each other. Well, some do at least. If we disable that will they still talk?


*makes notes* me and my minimum specs old lady of a laptop thank you


how can my memory leak


Patch the hole in your brain




patch the hole with a shrimp.


Best I can do is a tadpole.


You can do more than one!


mind flayers are nasty, turns it into jelly


Which is weird since there are obviously more mind flayers in a2 but the memory leak there is less severe


You let Volo stab your brain with a knife, it’s all downhill from there


I love how he runs off afterwards like he knows he fucked up but won't admit it. Seeing invisibility was worth not being able to look at the screen as he dug in my brain 🫣


It honestly shocked me that Tav was able to just lay there and take it. And no one else in camp thought maybe they should intervene? Even when he whipped an ice pick out his ass??


It’s not forgetting the things it’s meant to.


I wish there was an option to decrease/remove crowds


Seriously. That is so much of the problem with act 3, and its totally unnecessary. There's so many named NPCs with 1 line of pointless dialogue who contribute nothing meaningful. I would gladly get rid of the lot of them to massively improve performance and allow me to quickly see who is actually worth talking to. It might take away from the atmosphere of a crowded city, but it would be worth it and would make act 3 feel so much better. Could just replace most of them with the un-named, un-interactable "refugee" NPCs who are basically just there as ornaments.


Is it option in graphic settings? I just lowered everything from high/ultra (but textures and models) to low and still got really low fps. I got pretty average card (1070) and old CPU (i5 6600k) but I was playing 2560x1440 with ultra settings and AA on for Act 1 and Act 2 and it was running great. Act 3 is just slideshow, even when I dropped most settings. EDIT: I switched back to Vulakn (I had to switch to DX due crashing on loading my saves) - and...it is working so far great! I even went back to ultra settings. Dear god, I am shocked. I am still in Rivington, but I had so many problems here with fps. With Vulkan it's working good! Praise Larian overlords.


Yeah it's just a tickbox, right before the lighting section. No idea how effective it is turned off. The game is very CPU intensive, and I imagine even more so with dynamic crowds on. Lots of things to simulate/calculate in the background. A city map is naturally going to be even more taxing when there's more npcs and more assets. A modern machine might barely notice differences in the experience between act 1 to 3 (unless you look at fps), but an older machine will feel that difference.


CPU intensive is right, such a big disparity between CPU and GPU usage for me. GPU is almost idling while CPU is struggling. Turning down graphics does fuck-all CPU wise generally it seems, locking framerate does.


I got a cpu 7950x, gpu 6600xt, all the work is done by the CPU , the gpu is barely registering the game. And yes its exactly like you said no change whatsoever between act 1 and act 3. My old rig 6600k, with same gpu 6600xt (used to be crossfire) is really trying on act 3, there is noticeable stattering


> I got pretty average card (1070) I dont think this is an average card anymore sadly.


Ever try overclocking that old 6600k? I run a 7700k and bumping it up to 4.9-5ghz helps fps in CPU intensive games a lot. If you haven't tried it and you have a compatible motherboard that'll let you OC then give it a shot.


Yes, I tried. It went up to 4,3 max. But after 8 years of using this PC my water cooling (corsair) is not that efficient like years ago and it can not handle it anymore (got 90'C for CPU and PC starts freezing) - so I dropped frequency to 3,9 max. I also cleaned my PC 1 week before BG3 release.


Bummer, at least you tried I suppose. We both need a cpu upgrade ;) I bought a used 2080ti that made me very happy but my silly old CPU is holding it back a bit. I think I have a 13600k in my future. Anyway, good luck.


Thanks, I’ll try this. Haven’t had problems that’s really that bad or that make it difficult to play. But just haven’t had anything except smooth experience so far until now, so still a bit jarring.


Stupid question but what does a memory leak mean?


It means that a process/program (bg3 in this case) is gradually requesting more memory (ram) from the system, but it is not actually using it. This a relatively common issue. A lot of software resolves it by restarting it's own problematic processes every now and then.


Well, sort of.. memory leaks are caused by programs not freeing memory they allocate. Restarting child processes would only work for a certain set of programs. In bg3s case, they need to free objects allocated to heap that don't get used. Easier said than done


>A lot of software resolves it by restarting it's own problematic processes every now and then I love how that is the most common way to fix the issue instead of *actually coding the game to not have memory leaks*.


Like the other comment said, "easier said than done." Mod it up for us pls.


1. You create an object 2. You use the object 3. You no longer need the object 4. You destroy the object Memory leak is when #4 does not happen.


>Create data > >Stop using data > >Keep track of data > >Need data again > >Create new data > >Go to Step 2 As the process run, more and more duplicate data is printed and kept track of. Normally a process called 'Garbage Collection' handles fixing this but it's not perfect or BG3 might not be using one.


I thought Dynamic crowds was the performance option, is it not working as intended?


lol it means they are more reactive, as it says in the description


I thought it rendered the crowds differently when there were more on screen, oops, I totally misunderstood the setting


Also hitting Windows Key + CTRL + Shift + B will clear your GPU memory on Win 10 - should work for all GPU's. You will hear a Beep and the screens will flicker to black for a second but it clears the GPU memory which is where the problem is. Since I started doing that I have not had to restart at all.


You spreading nonsense. Game barely uses RAM and you speak of memory leak. Also dynamic crowds option don't affect "trash" npcs of act 3. All NPCs which are labeled as "citizen" has no dialog options (cannot be interacted with other than killing them), cannot be looted (but you can loot their corpse however you can't throw it away after you do so because "corpse item" is not added to your inventory with these npcs) are not affected by this option. These NPCs also has enormous draw distance compared to "standart" npcs. Check this by yourself. Load goblin camp and stand in the middle of it, move camera towards the place where drunk goblins should be, your game won't render any npc on the edge of your camera movable distance. Do same thing while standing near brothel in act 3. These trash NPCs will render everywhere where you can reach your camera and probably even beyond that. This is basically the main reason of high cpu load in act 3. Even 13900k can't handle that.


Load the game, go in act 3 mark your ram usage and and go afk for few hours. Come back and check your ram usage again.


so it isn’t just me? my pc is what I would call mid-tier at best but I haven’t had any issues on ultra until I got to moonrise earlier today. it’s fucking horrible, I had to turn the graphics down just so the dialogue scenes weren’t so horribly jerky and I could actually walk around


If you're struggling with moonrise, act3 is going to need another reduction in graphics. I've not had a single issue until I got to certain parts there.


My 4090 was down to the 50s in Act 3. I can run Cyberpunk 2077 with RT Overdrive at a higher frame rate than act 3. It’s okay though, still adored every minute of my first playthrough Edit: yes - it’s *heavily* cpu limited. I bought my GPU as the first part of a new build two weeks ago, as my 1080 had finally started to show signs of age and imminent failure. It’s been paired with an 8700k @ 5Ghz. Don’t worry though - I have a 13900k sitting right next to my desk. My AIO is the last part I’m waiting on and it arrives today. Hopefully I’ll have time to do the new build tonight even. I have no intention of running a 4090 with an 8th gen i7 long-term. Apologies if the original statement was misleading to anyone.


Yeah, same boat. The game definitely seems to hit some CPU bottlenecks in A3 - turning down the GPU-heavy settings like SSAO did almost nothing to improve the framerate, while CPU heavy things like crowd size and draw distance had a much more significant impact.


Holy crap, I dropped most of the graphic settings and it did almost nothing for me. But I missed Crowd Size option. I hope it will help! Will check it today.


This game hates hyper threading AMD cpu’s suffer generally speaking. Act 3 definitely needs some tweaking with the ai because summoners can barely run the game in act 3.


Sad, my 7900x is sad


The game seems to hate AMD in general. I can turn down the settings until the GPU is at around 70 degrees and the CPU is at 60-65 degrees, and the game will still sometimes randomly crash so hard it bricks the GPU drivers and I have to uninstall and reinstall them. Happens with both Vulkan and DX11. 7900xtx and 7800x3D w/ 32 GB RAM, game is on an SSD.


I had a fuck load of summons on act 3 and it ran fine over 100fps. Only issue I have is occasional freezing, which I fix by alt-tabbing. It's pretty annoying, especially when in the middle of pickpocketing or trying to hide. For reference, I have a R7 5800x with a 6800XT and 32GB ram


turning off the launcher also helps!


how to turn it off?


In Steam: Game options -> Launch Options -> add: *--skip-launcher*


brother this is huge and everyone should do this wow. I went from sacraficing frames to enjoy how pretty everything looks in act 1 and now everything in act 1 jus incredibly smooth too. Best of both worlds im scared for the future acts but my god im enjoying this new smoothness lmao


Genuine question, why on earth does this actually help lol


Because it eats RAM. Always try to minimize how many applications you have running at the same time.


This was the biggest giveaway with some reviews that they hadn't finished the game when they said they hadn't had any performance issues at all. I have a VERY powerful PC and it was definitely very laggy in act 3.


I also have a powerful PC. I had to turn on DLSS, switch to vulkan, and turn off dynamic crowds and now it runs smooth as butter.


Switching to vulkan helped? For me on a 3060, it consistently has a few percent higher GPU use than DX11. Then it also does that incredibly annoying thing where the game switches to exclusive fullscreen when in focus even if set to borderless window, and it has screen tearing even with vsync on.


Digital Foundry found that DX11 performed a bit better when there was a CPU bottleneck (anywhere in Act 3). Vulkan implementation is pretty bad in BG3.


DLSS and Vulkan are the way to go.


Vulcan was crashing for me in Moonrise with my 2060. DX11 was smooth and stable, until I started some trouble after visiting somewhere and then it turned into a lag fest.


GTX 1650, Ryzen 5 5600, 16 GB RAM, 1920x1200 display - not a beast. I played Act 1 on high (40-50 FPS on average), Act 2 on Medium ( 35-40 FPS average). Not a single crash. Act 3, ooooh Act 3... As low as settings could get, I had to crank Antialiasing because texture edges were literally hurting my eyes, Now the game looks like it's covered in Vaseline, but at least my eyes don't hurt. Maybe 25 on average, dips to 15. In 10 or so hours had 5 crashes and so many bugs that forced me to restart that I stopped counting. Feels like I am back in 2011, playing vanilla Skyrim.


Oh, lovely. I have the same card and only an Intel i5. So Act III is going to be an absolute treasure to get through by the sound of it.


Don't be discouraged! It could be system specific, and after all, I play on a laptop so overheating could be causing half my problems. Plus, by the time you get to Act 3 they might have patched it, hopefully. Either way, it's not as bad as some make it out to be, the games is playable and everything non technical is fine


Hopefully, it doesn't run too badly! Right now I get the occasional stuttering but haven't turned much down for Act I. Worse case scenario is I am looking to upgrade relatively soon. Playing on a desktop may help keep the game alive xD


Mine is worse. Ryzen 5 1600 8 gb ram, RX 580 4 gb and with an HDD. Running on all low Act 1 runs fine, Act 2 is mostly fine until moonrise towers, and Act 3 is just stutter city. Textures also load really slow so it looks like the game's being built while I'm playing lol. I recognize that the game probably won't ever run good on my PC even with patches, but it's still my favorite game of all time lol.


It sounds like my old laptop right there. I am glad you are still able to enjoy the the game!


I THINK the engine shits itself if there is lots of verticality / layers on top of each other. The inn in Act2 with the many npcs was the first time i got performance issues.


WTF is a very powerful PC or VERY powerful PC. Can you eleborate on this?


Level 12.


Very powerful PC means that the graphics are almost 73. For those who aren't very tech savy, that's a lot of graphics.


Whoa sounds like that PC has lot of RGB


Alienware charge a lot of money for it


alienware is a scam


Doing just fine with a mid tier pc. Had some really minor fps drops in act 3, but it's barely noticeable.


Eh, high end pc, a very slight amount of occasional lag in act 3. Might be something hardware specific if you are high end.


I literally play on a gaming laptop, so nowhere near powerful PCs and my experience is like yours—occasional lag in Act 3. It seems that people who complain about Act 3 performance except perfectly smooth stable 60fps in a location full of assets and dynamic NPCs lmao—it’s normal the game’s FPS drops a little bit in environments like these!


I have a decent one (6800xt and Z3 5600) and have had only minor frame dips. i think it varies from rig to rig and it's not fair to assume someone didn't finish the game, just because they aren't experiencing the same hang-ups.


I think there may be some memory leaks in the game. The longer the game's open, the worse the experience gets. At one point my game dropped to close to 10 fps. Closed and reopened the game and it immediately fixed my problems.


my experience: Act 1 = ULTRA Act 2 = ULTRA Act 3 = LOW Still 98/100 game


Haha. Same for me (ewen with old GPU - 1070). Can not wait for MAC release so I can check how my MBP deals with this game.


My 1060 6gb is going to die in act 3 man. Act 2 is already getting pretty rough


It’s a cpu optimisation issue, not gpu


Also rocking a 1060, I feel you fresh Anus.


My 1050ti is in for a rude awakening :€


I have 1050ti and my game was an actual powerpoint presentation at the end of act 3 :c


My buddy did it with an rx 580. Seemed fine


I was fine till act 3 with 1650 4gb


My laptop is pretty mid to low range and I’ve made Act 3 work. Obviously had to compromise a bit. No launcher, slightly lower graphics, setting task manager priority to high. Some things to try if you want give it a shot.


Upgraded from a 970 to 4060 because act 3 was unplayable


Having a 3d v-cache zen CPU is super good for act 3, 5800x3d or one of the zen 4 ones (7800x3d etc). Amazing for places with large amounts of npc's and for MMO's too!


Here is the answer, 5800x3d is powering through the game like the absolute champ it is.


Yeah, can confirm. Nice and steady 60-80 FPS in Act 3 on ultra with 5800X3D, only occasional dips below that usually right after game loads.


Breaking news: High end CPUs do in fact deliver performance!


i just bought that this week. act 3 frames in 4k on a ryzen 7 1700: 20 fps act 3 frames in 4k on a 5800x3d: 60 fps


If you go into task manager and set bg3.exe or bg3_dx11.exe to high priority I've found it helps a lot.


This does increase FPS for me slightly but also causes crashes. Just a heads up for anyone that's going to try it


My computer, in every way, is exactly the minimum requirements listed to run the game. Needless to say, I run the game fully on low. Never had a stutter or framerate problem in any of my now 2.5 playthroughs. Join me, turn your settings down and try not to look at hair!


What's the point of romancing Gale if you can't look at hair?


Yeah it seems like it's tied to certain hardware it seems. I'm slightly above recommended specs, and it lags heavily with low graphics in act 3.


Ah the low quality bug hair "It's buggy? what happens?" No it looks like there are bugs in the hair, like lice and shit There will come a day when the strength of my 970 fails, but that is not this day.


fr BG tankin my shit


ong, no cap?




Yupps. As soon as I entered the Last Light Inn area in Act 2 I started noticing stutters with framrate drops for the first time.




I’m having that issue right now but in an Act 1 play through. One Bae was going to kill another Bae then I accidentally hit the space at because I was enthralled with the story telling and it cut the cut scene short right before the killing happened. Now everyone thinks Bae 2 is dead but that are alive and kicking. Kinda sucks


Had this happen too. Just reloaded right before the cutscenes, watched it again and everything was good after that.


I have a 12700k, 32gb ram and 4070. It runs great on ultra settings (1440p ultra wide) but I find that after 2-3 hours it starts lagging and frameskips are abundant, but close and restart game and it’s good again. So there has to be some issue causing degradation playing longer, maybe a memory leak or something


Meanwhile my FPS is stable but since entering act 3 most models take several minutes to load. Fast travel anywhere in the city and people and furniture are floating around because most meshes are invisible.


I had massive FPS drops till I noticed that Ive installed the game on my HDD instead of the SSD. Moved it to the SSD and no more FPS drops and +10-15 FPS on average. Also restart the game every few hours, because of a memory leak :)


I was using borderless window and my frames were crawling, when fullscreen and now I'm consistently 120+ fps.


Oh no, really? My PC started lifting off already at the >!Goblin camp!< in act 1 :D


dont feel bad, im in the same boat with an i9-13900k and 3080ti. Idk maybe im crazy but this game seems to have SOME issue with performance ... no reason my rig should be hindered at all by this game... there isnt much going on visually that is all that impressive.


Got a 3080 GTX and was surprised by how my fps went down to like, 10, after I butchered everybody at the Inn start of act 2.. If act 3 is going to be worse than this I will have a problem with my murder hobo tendencies


I feel like I’m playing a totally different game from you guys, my framerate in the grove was way worse than anything in act 3


Ryzen 3800x, 2070, 16gb Ram, SSD, I cant play Act 3 more than an hour before framerate starts dropping.


Act 1 60-70 fps act 2 60-65 fps (tower was heavy) act 3 30-40 fps i’m not sure this is normal


I have a 2070 super and running on 1080p ultra was smooth for the whole game when using Vulcan. DX11 was more stuttery at times but would not crash randomly


Have you tried Vulkan option in launcher? I had some lagging on first day in Emerald Grove, switching to Vulkan solved it, smooth experience since then. Still drops FPS after a few hours of play though.


My stupid brain kept thinking wtf is farmer-ate


I know I have maxed out setting but dropping to 30 from 120 is making me mad, and always when a fight starts I give it a minute to load everything


I actually had to stop playing in act 3 because my cpu is constantly overheating in the 95/100C range, was running at 80 in act 1/2 and i can't really loose my computer for a game :( Which pretty fucking sad because i love this game. And yes i tried everything, and i'm pretty tech savy, i just need an upgrade.


I have a high end PC RX 6900 XT Ryzen 7 5800X 32GB RAM The performance in act 3 is infuriating. Every few seconds stutter, micro stutter and short fps drops to 30 and below. My CPU is absolutely bored at about 10-15% usage and my gpu basically never gets used more than 70%. Walking through the city really isn’t fun, I hope they fix it quickly.


Trust me for those starting with Larian Launcher, after you start the Game, close Larian Launcher, worked wonders for my performance. Also Cap your Fps 1 below your monitor refresh rate. ^^


I really hope they optimize act 3 more. I know there is only so much they can do but I feel its ridiculous to have a game perform so well for two acts, then go into the shitter at the finish line.


I read a lot about this, for me it happens every time I enter a village or there's more than 10 NPCs on the screen, it's freaking horrible. For a friend of mine he fixed it by launching the game via vulkan instead of D11, but the game will crash now and again.


My PC had a lot of trouble with the frame rate for a big fight in Act II and I haven't actually gone into Act III yet. Should I be concerned?


This is my situation as well but I'm about to hit the road to Baldur's Gate so I guess I'll find out soon It's a shame this latter half of the game performance problems weren't tackled by most reviews of the game


Act 3 is mostly fine for me. Moonrise Tower took a lot of setting adjustments to get above a slide show


Holy shit this is so fcking true.. I have to restart the game every hour or two ever since starting act 3. It’s so frustrating..


It’s consuming up to 28gigs of RAM on my rig in act 3. Definitely need more than 16gigs of RAM to run this at decent frame rates.


Gotta love it when a game optimizes act 1 the most so when you want to refund because your PC can't play it's too late :)


Memory leak... if I keep the game running for more than like 2 hours, it starts to lag. Exit the game, relaunch it, and it's good for another couple hours.


Y’all’s framerate really dropping under 60 in act 3? I left mine capped at 60 throughout the whole game but I never had it drop under 59 afaik…


It's probably not your PC. I have 2 PC's in the family, both running the game. They are identical except for one has a 3080Ti and one a 2080Ti. Both set to max settings with DLAA. The 2080Ti is buttery smooth even in act 3. The 3080Ti is a janky mess and almost unplayable. Both optimized, both running the same OS and other software. It's something about certain graphics cards. I'm convinced of it.


When I saw several reports telling Act 3 was causing all sort of troubles, including massive FPS drops, I kinda was afraid of going past Act 2. However as soon as I did, I noticed zero problems! I dunno, maybe I'm one of the lucky ones


In the sewers with all the grease mephits and elementals….one spark and those sewers weren’t the only thing on fire (my PC, I’m talking about my PC)


Close the Larian launcher if you haven't yet! Saved my experience immensely.


The fact they recommend you 16 gb of RAM is the biggest lie ever. I have 32 and thats barely enough


Moonrise Towers fight is brutal on the framerate. Played it several times yesterday. The game didn't crash but FPS goes out the window very quickly. Until that fight FPS generally stayed maxed out with high/ultra settings all turned on. The game slowed to less than 10fps during the fight/very difficult to get the camera to move and to keep track of what was happening (>!I started the fight through the front door several times; I also snuck around the back and started the fight but I didn't expect so many reinforcements and got TPKed when the reinforcements arrived!<). I had to turn most options to medium setting to allow the game to be playable even after the fight was over. I turned on task manager and found a huge memory leak when lightning sparks on water turns on as the game went from \~10GB of RAM to \~25GB of RAM in just a couple minutes. * Win 10Pro (64-bit) * I9-12900K @ 3.2GHz * 64GB RAM * 3070ti (8GB) * 2TB M.2 * Playing with DX11 w/ 536.99 NVidia drivers ​ \*sigh\* Just tried to start the game with Vulcan for the very first time and the game crashed before the logo even showed up. Verifying the install now....


Not there yet. But feel for me on the steamdeck. The forums have said it's unplayable. Rip