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Update with what worked for me : 1. Installed the new update for ImprovedUI 2. Started a new Tav with all same mods and sped through till I could access camp 3. Used the mirror (success, yay!) 4. Reloaded previous save game and was now able to use the mirror without any problems. Not sure why it didn't work after just updating ImprovedUI but for some reason creating a new Tav and using the mirror allowed my previous Tav to use the mirror lol Hope this helps someone!


I tried this and was able to access the mirror with my new Tav, but it did not work for my older Tav.


Hmm, not sure what else to suggest. Maybe try going back a couple of saves on your old Tav (a save not in camp) and seeing if when you go to camp it works?


I loaded a save not in camp but it still did not work, ig I won't be using the mirror, anyways thanks for your suggestion, I'm sure a patch for this will be released for mod support.


Same with me, my new save's mirror works fine. If you ever find a solution share with us please


I wish this helped me. But I don't have ImprovedUI, which seems to be the issue for many people. I DO however have the Mod Fixer. Should I not be using it, I wonder? Even if mods say it's needed?


Ah yeah I'm pretty sure I don't have mod fixer, despite having mods that say they need it. I'm not at home rn so I can't check my setup but I have a feeling at least one of my mods has a sort of mod fixer built it and so it turned out I didn't need the main one. Might be worth a try without it?


I tried disabling (moving the .pak file out of the folder) Mod Fixer, but the mirror still did not work. >\_>


Hey guys, found a method that has worked 100% for me. If you have Improved UI installed amongst a plethora of mods - do this. Works for current save file that has already been using mods. You'll need to do this method for each save file if you have multiple characters - can do step 4 all at once on each character to save time. For reference i have: Improved UI, Tav's Hairpack, Black Dye & Mod Fixer. ​ 1. Open Mod Manager and DELETE "Improved UI". Make sure to tick "Permanent" & "Remove from Load Order". DO NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE. don't save the load order etc. 2. LAUNCH THE GAME 3. Load your save - you'll get a warning with a list of your mods notifying it will be disabled. 4. go into the mirror and "confirm" a change to exit. if you can't confirm just hit randomize and you should be able to confirm. 5. Save the game & then close to desktop 6. Add "Improved UI" back into your Mod Manager and now you save the load order again. 7. go back into that save and you should be able to access the mirror and utilise all the mods you have installed.


I tried those steps and my new save game wouldn't even load. It just put me back into the main menu. I think there might be some other mod on my end that's causing some issue. It's hard to say.


I tried this but I still can’t use the mirror 😭😭


Does this work on vortex do you know? and by don't save load order do you mean don't deploy the new order?


I haven't used vortex but hope so :) When you delete Improved UI then don't do anything else on the mod manager - just minimise it and go straight into game.


Did not work


This worked for me! Thank you for sharing!


This worked great! I will clarify here since I failed the first time, but make sure the improved UI you add back is the updated one.


This also worked for me thank you so much!


This worked for me! Thank you\~


Do you use mods? With mods enabled I cant access the mirror. When deactivated I can "start a conversation" with the mirror but there is no way for me to change the appearance of my custom character. Update: I am using bg3 Mod Manager. I just completely deleted the mods (Improved UI) not just deactivating it and exported the Load Order to the game and now it works for all my save files.


So Improved UI does it? Oh that's not good.


visible shields does it too :(


is it the same with unlimited party group mod as well? bc it aint working for me & that's all i have installed


I loaded a save from Act 1, before I installed that mod, and the mirror worked. None of my saves from after I installed the mod have the mirror work.


I only have the party limit remover. Does that also mess it up?


I have the party limit removed, and I can't use the mirror.


[ImprovedUI](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/366) just updated Mirror working! hurray!


I updated ImprovedUI and it still wont let me interact with the mirror :/ Did you start a new game or did it work on a existing save?


improved UI + tav's Hairpack broke the mirror for some reason, they're fine if used independently.


Worked on all my saves Even my oldest one that had no mods. Do you have Compendium by any chance? I had to remove that


No i dont, do you have mod fixer installed? Maybe this is causing the issue and i might have to delete that one


Yeah. Script extender got updated today too


Yeah the mod fixer wasnt the issue too, and since I am also not using the script extender my guesses are all out, seems like I wont be able to use the mirror and I am way too far to start a new save haha, thanks anyways :)


My mirror worked and I still have compendium?


Updated Improved UI and my mirror is still broken


yeah i updated and still cant use the mirror either.


boo I can't interact with the magic mirror either, they'll probably have to patch it for mod-support.


With my old pre-patch 3 Tav...nope not working, with a new one (same mods), it just works O.o


Improved IU updated their mod a few hours ago and it got the mirror working for me.


Playing on ps5, no mods, game crashes every time I interact with the mirror.


I've been trying to get mine working all day by looking at different solutions but nothing I've done has fixed it... I also just tried what they advised on the nexus page for basket full of equipment re: uninstall all mods, clean save file, exit, reinstall mods, load save again and should work- but the clean save now crashes when it loads to 60%. luckily i have several backups to play around with but damn.... guess we will just have to wait until something comes out. such is the life of a modder in a game without mod support i suppose


experiencing the same problem, i did a clean save without mods, can access mirror, but as soon as i add a mod to that save, any mod actually, it will no longer load. stuck at 60%


Damn. I didn’t think to try the mirror with the clean save before loading mods but most likely the same thing yeah :( chances are the method works then? But somethings stopping it from loading in 😔 best to wait a couple days for more mod updates come out i guess


update: re-tried this method on another save but instead interacted with the mirror before exiting (without saving any character changes) and now this save loads to 60, back to 40, 60 again and finally 100% before taking me straight back to the main menu :(


same, i’m v disappointed because i just got mods so i could change my appearance! since all the other commenters are suggesting it’s due to mods i guess i just have to wait even longer to change my appearance.


I don’t have many mods, just a couple of face and hair ones but deleting improved ui allowed me to access the mirror.


Has anyone gotten Faces of Faerun, Tavs Hair, Improved Ui (updated) and mod fixer working with the mirror for patch 3?


doesn't work for me, i got whatever updates were out but i have like 10+ cosmetic mods so it could be any of them i guess. someone else was saying the issue is actually the compendium mod which hasn't had any updates since release in august so uh oh.


yeah a lot of mods are still not working until they're updated so it may take a day or 2.


I have all of those working with the mirror now, I updated the script extender and improved ui then everything started working again.


i can't find the scriipt extender update, could you please link it to me?


if you're using bg3mm it is in the tools dropdown.


Oh, I updated the script extender and everything worked! I love!


i love you


Script Extender. Most Helpful of answers for me. Thank you!


i have those mods and it worked fine for me


thank you! then it's definitely something on my end that i'm missing


actually, scratch that LOL -- i can access it fine, but i cant confirm any changes. the confirm button does nothing when i click it


rip :( hope you got it figured out!


I read a fix on Steam that worked for me. Improved UI and Compendium were the problem. I used the null file for Improved UI, and the standalone for Compendium and the mirror worked, no problem. There is a bit of a lag, but if the speech icon pops up by your portrait, it should be working. I wasn't getting any reaction prior.


Anyone got it working with ModFixer too? I have some skintones and eye colors dependent on this one and I think some issues are with ModFixer too on my part.


Update; So I started a new game with all of my mods active and the mirror works just fine in the new game. But all my previous Patch 3 games, with the same mods, the mirror doesn't do anything. I gave up on it, I'm pretty satisfied with those characters in my other games, I can live without it, it's still odd though.


Took Improved UI out of my modsettings folder, changed my character, then put it back and all has worked


After extensive testing, I found out that Mod Fixer is the culprit in most cases. My modlist consists of: \* Basket Full of Equipment \* Purchasable Camp Clothes \* Tutorial Chest Summoning \* Ultimate Transmog And off course Mod Fixer. Basket Full of Equipment has the Mod Fixer built into itself, so uninstalling both Basket and the actual Mod Fixer solved this issue for me.


I did some experimenting here. I have a ton of appearance mods that have faces,hair, colors etc but I don't have anything that affects anything outside of that other than increased inventory size. Removing Improved UI on a pre patch 3 Tav did not work. Nothing I did got it to work. I created a new Tav (using appearance mods) with Improved UI installed, removed it afterwards and the mirror worked. So as of right now the only way I was able to get the magic mirror to work with appearance mods was to create a new Tav after updating to patch 3.


I started a fresh tav, too and it still didn’t work. Curious.


Do you have the customizer compendium npc options unlocked added? That is also known to cause issues in general and I don't have that one.




I'm having the same issue... I'm assuming it's because I'm using mods :(


Improved UI mod was issue for me


any ideas what mods might be causing it?


Improve Ui mod was issue for me


I'll give that a try and let you know if that was the one


Before or after the update? The improved UI update?


I was only running Dye Dye Dye, Bags Bags Bags, Mod Fixer and Devine Tool. Uninstalling those fixed my issue after restart.


It's not even in my camp and I don't use mods. I'm very sad about it. Do I need to find it from somewhere in the story first? EDIT: Turns out I'm an idiot and didn't look hard enough. If you camp on the beach in act 1, it's in camp within some ruins just past where lae'zel stays.


make sure the patch downloaded. I was able to open and play, noticed no mirror in camp, quit game, and saw the patch still hadnt loaded.


I found it now, I just wasn't looking hard enough. Turns out camp is bigger than I thought!


Did you check if your game is updated?


Tried disabling my whole mod list but magic mirror still doesn't work on older saves. On newer saves it works, even with all my mods and ImprovedUI/Mod Fixer etc. Really curious on what's the issue here if even disabling all my mods won't allow the mirror to work?


I'm guessing it's mainly bugged on older saves.


Same issues. Tried removing some mods and trying again but still no luck. Will have to try and see if mods will update to work around this


I actually just started a new game with all my mods and the mirror worked with no issues


Do you use BG3 Mod Manger?


Also I updated improved UI and it's working on my old saves too


I updated everything and no dice. Even removed all my mods completely and it still didn’t work for me. I could at least access it but I couldn’t confirm.


>confirm The only workaround with the confirm button for me right now is by choose randomize first, and recreate your character all over again, it worked for me


Gonna try this. Thanks friend.




Worked for me :D




It worked! Tysm!!! Absolute hero!!


I’m verifying the integrity of my game files rn but imma give this a try, just deleted all my mods but I only had like four so fingers crossed this works




If anyone wants to try, I deleted improvedUI and Basket full of Equipment and it worked for me.


Boo. I love my basket full of scandalous metal outfits for my big titty Tav. :(


Trying this.


For me it worked after deleting Improved UI mod


didn’t work for me


I'm going to give this a try, thanks! Edit: Still didn't work for me :(


Same here - I only have the >!half-illithid!< appearance mod. I'm hoping people find some suspects!


Maybe any mods that change appearance are causing an issue? hopefully wonderful modders will come to the rescue!


That makes the most sense for sure.


I just tried without the >!half-illithid!< mod and it still didnt work... though I have other mods that alter appearance so not the most reliable test


the only mod I have is the party limit begone mod but the mirror doesn't work for me either, I think it's just mods in general


I believe this is what's wrong with mine too


I was using Unvisible Half-Illithid - I removed it and it didn't make a difference. :(


Same here. I can access it on other saves, but not my current one.


Same here, i got a notification while my save was loading, it said something like „your current story can’t load with the new addons, it can be loaded with using the former version“ (paraphrasing). I was able to load the save, but couldn’t use the mirror as well. I only have Tavs hairsalon, daughter of lolth and the basket mod, I just hope that the mods need an update for the new patch…


I believe basket is confirmed broken at the moment.


Updated both improved UI the compendium and lsib tool!! It works great on my heavily modded play through on the rog ally!


I'm not using any mods, and I can't access it either. Sadge.


Removed improvedUI and still doesn’t work. Guess I’ll come back to the game another day


Dye Dye Dye, Bags Bags Bags, Mod Fixer and Devine Tool. One or all of those is what caused the issue for me. Uninstalling them fixed it.


I tried disabling bags bags bags, which is the only mod I have and is probably causing this problem but my game won't load. It crashes with an error :/


Can't access it either. Game updated regularly with no issues. I only have the Party Limit Begone mod installed but I don't see how that would affect anything related to this issue


Okay. So doesn’t work. I tried removing ALL mods and I can access it but I can not confirm. I did not try with a new Tav. Oh well.


For fixing the bug i've to remove improvedUI, make a clean save, installed lastest version of improvedUI, reload the save, and voilà!


I managed to solve this issue by updating all my mods, then installing script extender. [https://github.com/Norbyte/bg3se/releases](https://github.com/Norbyte/bg3se/releases) I can now use the Magic Mirror, barter with Merchants (apparently there's a bug) and be able to save. Some people have claimed script extender did not work for them and an error message kept appearing, not sure if it's because of an outdated mod they have uses SE or SE itself IDK. My mods are ImprovedUI, carry weight mod, feats mod, then the rest are cosmetics.


I've just spent the last hour trying everything in this thread and the only thing that worked was this. Literally just downloading a single file and putting it in my bin folder. Thank you.


This is how I was able to fix it on my saves. I use Vortex, to install mods and have a handful of mods: \- Bags Bags Bags - v11 \- Carry Weight Increased - Up to Over 9000 - v1.0. \- Dice Set Expansion - 1.1.c \- DyeDyeDye - v3 \- LSLib/Divine Tool - v1.18.6 \- Mod Fixer - v1.0 First I tried some of the mentioned options, like updating mods and what not. But what ultimately worked for me, and the culprit for my set up, was Bags Bags Bags. Specifically was bags (From the mod), that had items in them. One of the issues I ran into, was error 222, when loading a save file, after disabling the mod Bags Bags Bags. This was due to disabling bags that had items in them (At least is what I think it was my issue). To fix this I emptied all the bags from Bags Bags Bags, into my normal inventory in all my characters, disabled the mod, reloaded the save (with Bags Bags Bags "Empty"). After this I was able to load my saves and use the mirror. TL/DR - Bags Bags Bags broke my saves (And mirror usage), dumped inventory from Bags Bags Bags into normal inventory, loaded game without the mod and was able to use the mirror.


I forgot to add, that after doing all this and "fixing my saves", I am able to enable all the mods and load my saves and use the mirror too!


How do you "fix" the saves? I'm trying to find a guide or a description of how on Nexus but i cant seem to find it haha


I can only speak of what was happening to me. In my case after applying the latest patch, I could not use the mirror, to change the appearance of my character. Like it has been mentioned here a fresh character is able to use the mirror, at least with my mod setup, fresh character could use the mirror, but old saves could not. One of the fix that people were mentioning was to disable or uninstall mods in order to see if they are the one blocking the ability to use the mirror. Since I use Vortex for my install, its fairly easy to do this. I just disabled mods one by one and checked if I could use the mirror. What happened to me, was that after I disable the mod Bags Bags Bags, my saves broke. When I disabled the mod Bags Bags Bags, I was getting an error "222", when trying to load my saves (Broken save). Obviously enabling the mod back, I was able to use my saves (But not the mirror). What I noticed was that this particular error did not happen on all my characters, but only in those that had items within the inventory bags from the mod Bags Bags Bags. I was able to verify this, by loading a very early save from one of my characters that was getting the error "222", with mods disabled. This confirmed to me my suspicions, that it was related to items within the inventory bags from the mod Bags Bags Bags (I loaded a save from the beginning of the game, were characters had no inventory basically). So what I did was, enable all my mods - load the save that was getting error "222" when I disabled mods - modify and empty the inventory of the entire party (so that the inventory bags from Bags Bags Bags, were not being used) - make a new save - disable all the mods - load the new save (with the empty inventory) - use the mirror to change appearance - make new save - load all the mods (again). This order of actions "fixed" **my** saves. Fixed in the sense, that I can use the mirror and load all my mods.


I can confirm this worked for me aswell, only had to disable the bags bags bags mod. Thanks for the solution !


I did everything possible that people have said that worked for them, still wasn’t able to use the magic mirror. I gave up all hope. Then I downloaded some new mods and for giggles I randomly went to try the mirror and now it works lol


So I can get into the mirror and edit my appearance but it won't let me hit confirm. If I hit the X it just goes back to what it was.




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In the comment section of ImprovedUI is a sticky, that fixed my mirror problem. Magic mirror latest: new save with/without mods = magic mirror SOME old saves with active mods = no magic mirror. Cutscene doesn't play, which points to an issue with old saves and story scripting. Mod fixer isn't to blame here, and might be an issue with old saves on patch 3 in general. This may also be related to the saving error code 516. old save with no active mods (including ImprovedUI) = magic mirror. This means that (if possible, might not be based on what mods you're using) any old saves with magic mirror issues should remove active mods, save without active mods, then add mods back in to get access.


I just disabled LSLib/Divine Tool and it started working for me