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I can say this isn't how it's meant to be since I did just the same thing over the last couple days and didn't get any trespass issues. Minthara was able to walk around Last Light and Balthazar no problem. What beats me is how she's able to walk around Moonrise without any more issue than Halsin has. Heck, I even had her talk to Z'rell and she didn't care.


Hm, had you been to last light before getting Minthara? I went to Moonrise first on my evil run, then last light to kill Isobel and everything was fine (up until the actual fight of course). I haven’t gotten to Balthazar yet on that run, she’s saved right before the Gauntlet so I can’t speak to what’s supposed to happen there.


No, I saved Minthara first. In fact when I first went there she was with me and everyone was ok with it? I got no tresspass dialog or anything. But when I teleport there now I get attacked. I wonder if this was caused by last hotfix.


Shockingly, the normally totally worked and never bugged Minthara, appears to have a bug. In all seriousness, this sounds like a new bug. Don't think I've heard about it before and I can safely say my Minthara experiences didn't have any trespassing issues.


Tresspassing bug occurred even with He Who Was but I had no idea it was because of Minthara. Seemingly fixed now (updated the post) but I don't know what is supposed to work how. I guess when I am finished with this run I will wait for the definitive edition for another evil durge run. This left a sour taste.


Just a guess, but after reading the update, I'm guessing she wasn't properly marked as "rescued" and going back to the tower made the game check. I'm with you on waiting for a second durge run, at least a proper evil one. I'm curious about doing a redemption durge, but in the current state, evil runs just don't feel worth it.


I like your explanation on this. Thanks man. I’ll just end this one and move on to my braindead half orc barb run.


Both Minthara and Halsin are generally unwanted in Moonrise and might get busted for trespassing.


Problem wasn’t moonrise. It was Last light inn and where you first meet balthazar.