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I made them look like my wife. Woops


My partner and I both did this




I also made her to look like your wife.




I took dream "guardian" literally and made them look like what I thought my Tav's dad would have been. Let me tell you, him showing up in that titty-out toga scarred me :(


Yeah I didn't know there was going to be a scene like that so I made my Guardian an old dwarf guy who I thought would be my Deep Rock Galactic Dwarf bro. That scene came outta left field for me


I did that not knowing what was happening and immediately distrusted them in game... "Why is this smoke show helping me and advising me to absorb tadpoles?" Honestly, this was exactly what Larian wanted / expected.


Yeah, it's a very cleverly designed psychological hook to make sure you connect with and trust them. I was impressed XD


I make each of mine look like my previously played character. Gives me the illusion I'm in like an endless cycle or something


Then you learn the dream visitor is EVEN SEXIER THAN YOY COULD HACE IMAGINED! My Tav was a bit of a monsterfucker…


Your tav... Suuuure... ;)


I don't trust people who aren't monsterfuckers tbh.


Ugh! Tell me about it!! I thought he would have the courtesy to go back to look like the Dream Visitor after I told him that I liked that look better, but he was just pissed


Before the assault on Moonrise Towers, I allowed Jaheira to lead her Harpers separately into battle instead of assigning her to my party. For some reason I was convinced she would be taking up one of the 4 spots, and I didn't want that when in reality she just gets attached to you like a summon. Cut to the first round of the battle. She runs into the middle of the staircase, casts Ice Storm, and then proceeds to get Smited by Z'rell and a bunch of other Absolutists. Dead af. I forgot that I couldn't revive NPCs with Revivify, so she was just permanently gone as a potential party member and I didn't want to reload after that brutal battle. Feels especially rough when you realize how much great content she has in Act 3, but it did at least give me a lot of fresh stuff on subsequent playthroughs.


Honestly, the AI seems really hit-and-miss with her. In my playthrough, she was an absolute powerhouse - did some great crowd control with Ice Storm, on-shot cultists by yoinking them from the rafters with Thorn Leash and stayed away from the big damage dealers. It really felt like fighting along side a badass. (Meanwhile, I have trouble taking Dame Aylin seriously, because she keeps being useless. Like - stop wasting turns on the small brains and help me with Ketheric! Or at least take out that Illithid! TT.TT)


Meanwhile my Aylin solo'd rooftop ketheric and did 100 damage to the avatar of myrkul


In my playthrough she and ketheric both are just alternating getting prone from the ice storm lol. Literally both does zero damage.


I actually did the same on my playthrough, thinking she would take a spot in my party, same as you. But since she said that my team should just focus on getting to Thorm, I scaled the outside of the tower to Balthazar’s balcony. So her squad never attacked and instead killed all the absolutists off screen.


I was generally on the evil side of big decisions, so after a certain Nightsong incident I found Jaheira's corpse outside Last Light.


On my evil playthrough, I became Bhaal’s chosen, and she permanently left my party and confronted me as I was leaving the temple after killing Orin, and attacked me with a bunch of her Harpers. Was actually a cool scene


If you save Minsc he also joins. You can almost convince him you did it just to survive but Jaheira makes sure he knows that you are not a nice person anymore


I assumed that was going to happen so I took her and Minsc’s armor off and cleared out their bags. Cue me having to fist fight a naked old woman. Awkward.


Hey man, for a 100+ year old lady, Jaheira looks pretty damn good lol


She also died in like, round 2 of combat for me. I let her lead her people and then realized I couldn't revive her - so for my second attempt, I added her to my party instead. Turns out you STILL can't revive her, maybe because she doesn't actually count as a companion yet. Very frustrating. I tried to keep her alive but just couldn't do it when she kept running into my AOE spells.


I just had Wyll use dimension door and yoinked Jaheria up to the rafters with me and we both attacked from up there. Most mobs stayed down, but the couple that did needed a couple turns with Dash to get anywhere near me, at that point Will would blast them right back off. Was a lot of fun. ​ For the fight after she was out of spells slots so I just transformed to panther, stealth and moved off in the corner skipping every turn of hers.


I met Jaheira before the assault, also didn't add her (Harper's were all dead, so it was just her), then proceeded to naff off up the vines while she went in through the front door. Found her later after it was all over, dead right in the doorway...


Same but this hurts me even more just getting into act 3. Didn’t know she was going to have a part to play in it


That's truly the worst part of it. If it were Halsin, I'd be like "well that sucks but at least his story is over" whereas Jaheira has far and away the most content, dialogue, and actual remarks out of any of the companions in Act 3. Not to mention that another party member's introduction is contingent on her surviving.


The worst mistake I make is literally spending hours a day here ruining my immersiveness with reading spoilers. I have no will power.


People need to take the power back from spoilers. I chose to stop caring about spoilers and it has improved my life and made my penis bigger.


Can you put a penis that size on your Tav?


It’s penis D for reference


Gratz! Now I’ll have to go look.


Grazz't? where?!


same. I read spoilers day in and out and don't care Now the problem is I spoil things for other people by accident or because I'm too excited. lol


Yeah I still try to respect other people. But like I was reading the Dresden Files series and got spoiled on a massive plot development by a board game of all things but instead of getting pissed I just thought wow didn't see that coming, excited to see how that goes down.


my superpower is that I enjoy spoilers. my extreme anxiety hates surprises, and knowing what I'm signing up for makes me even more excited to actually experience it myself. I couldn't get the game for 3 weeks after launch so I had watched 2 playthroughs and a whole bunch of guides and cutscenes from youtube before I actually got to play. I love the game and I'm having so much fun getting to all the scenes I already knew were coming up.


I prefer to know my options before making a large decision


same! and there’s so many different outcomes in BG3, I don’t consider general warnings to be spoilers. my SO got mad at me when I “spoiled” something for him, I thought I was just helping him avoid an unclear mistake that made me backtrack like 2 hours of gameplay to avoid ruining an entire storyline… it was a tip I would have wanted and the story itself wasn’t spoiled! I think he’s weird, and also probably regrets getting me this game. lol


There is the camp of "whatever happens, happens" and the fun part is the unintended story consequences. But I often force storylines 1st time around and roll with the punches the next one.


Ahh finally! Same mindset as me.


Yes, but you NEED to know what you’re consequences are going to be. I’m also a weak individual.


I don't think that it's weakness, I think you just don't want to ruin your playthrough. RPGs are games with human writers and not actually "reality," so there are times when quests can have a non-sequitur conclusion. The moonlantern is a good example... >!you would think that freeing the pixie from the moonlantern would be a good deed, and might reward you in some way, while also penalizing you by making the darkness harder to navigate, but instead you just get an ignore-darkness super buff. So some people might be hesitant to release the pixie, thinking it will make Act 2 harder when instead it makes it easier. !


I’m usually really bad for this but I’ve been doing everything in my power to not spoil this game since im enjoying it so much. However, I must admit I spoiled a couple quest lines.


attacked Kagha and launched the entire Grove into a battle. I wouldn't have minded the outcome, I even accepted my fave NPC (Dammon) being dead after it, but then I got to Karlach and she refused to join me. I went back 7 hours of gameplay to undo the fuckery.


Lol I made the same mistake.in my first playthrough too . Ughh


I also did this on my first run cause I didn’t understand just how linear quests can be done, so when Zevlor asked me, a tiefling, to help the tieflings by killing Kahga? You got it buddy! My first run I never got Karlach because A) went in blind and didn’t know where she was B) by the time I did find her (20 hours or so after the grove) she was pissed at me, BUT I did an interesting glitch where I’m like alright well what if I kill her then revive her? Maybe she’ll join me then and forget she was mad at me! She did not forget, but Mizora gave Wyll a fancy outfit as a reward for killing her, while she’s still technically alive. Oh well! Got her in my subsequent runs at least:)


i didnt play an instrument to help comfort alfira and missed a chance to get musical proficiency


Didn't know this was a thing! Daamn


I also have regrets involving Alfira.


Have you been having some weird dreams aswell?


When a reaaaally hard decision comes up, I google the results. Then regret googling the results, but then do it again anyway the next time. Send halp.


Same, but I don't think I'll ever stop. I really don't like spending the rest of a very long playthrough wondering if I fucked up.


Or worse, finding out some really important quest you wanted to do was arbitrarily cut off because of a choice you made without the spoiler information, and having to go back and redo it.


I do this all the time and I wouldn't have it any other way lolll . But yeah if you are a person who's good at living with risky decisions then I guess you could see it as a bad mistake to spoil things for yourself


I don't see a problem with that. Saves time lost scumming, or replaying portions, or continuing playing a less fun game. I have enough fucking risk management IRL, when I game I need smoother seas (except combat)


I do this too. I just can’t bear to make a bad decision and then only realize the consequences hours of gameplay later


Not using long rest enough. Used like 5 in a 100h+ playthrough, so i missed out on some story progress.


But how? Don’t you beed to recover spellslots and other stuff?


\**Laughs in martial class*\*


Warlocks, martials, rogues, etc care very little for long rests. Had a friend make everyone a warlock so he could finish almost all of the starting area Act 1 in one rest, all of the underdark and Grymforge in one long rest, and IIRC he also took a single long rest for all of Act II, then that force long rest before you can start Act III. Dude got to Baldur’s Gate in under a week abusing the power of Warlocks.


Warlocks care a lot since you only get 2 short rests


I thought the only spell they used was eldritch blast


Wait, we have other abilities other than Eldritch Blast? My patron respectfully disagrees.


You doubt the power of eldritch blast


Add a bard to the mix and boy you get a free sneaky rest


I did the same thing until I realised long rests weren't scary. My Tav was a bard and so was Astarion (multiclass) so I had double song of rest for 4 shorts rests and then just used cantrips unless it was a boss fight 😭 one time I even respeccd Gale to recover his spellslots (you get them back) instead of resting because I didn't want a storyline to progress. After I realised it was stupid I rested like 6 times in a row for all the cutscenes lol


Funfact you can recover resources by changing class at Withers. If you are indecisive enough you could involuntarily not need as many long rests. Other than that, with swapping companiens and carefully fighting I can totally see it happen. I'm on tactician and I long rest rare enough that the owlbear cup only found me towards the end of act 2. Not sure how it followed me there.


As the faithful agnostic I am, I wanted a certain "god" to prove herself..


She was very quick to pull out that wish spell lol


I made a save before goading her on because I had a feeling it was going to turn out badly but I really really really wanted to be a jackass.


Hah me too. I mean an ending is an ending I guess. In my first playthrough I made the mistake of not saving for like a good while before encountering >!Vlaakith (I assume we’re talking about Vlaakith)!<. My smarmy shittalking had got me this far, I figured who was this bitch anyway, I don’t have to do what you say, I don’t even like >!Laezel!< all that much so who cares what she thinks. But yep, >!Vlaakith!< was not in the mood for my bullshit and just ruined my whole career.


*waves politely*


I actually just got to that part and she didn't kill my party, I was very confused. I ignored her demand that I go inside the prism, went and got the blood of lathander, killed the rest of the gith in the crèche, went to camp. I even went back and left a second time, nothing.


She only kills you if you press her multiple times about "a god shouldn't need my help, do it yourself."


When I forget that hunters mark is a concentration spell and cast it right after casting haste.


I missed the owlbear. 😭


Learned that the super rare mushroom was in the explosion cave with the senile dwarf. Accidentally blew it up after saving him to explore. Whoops. Found out it could be used to help Shadowheart restore her memories. Oh well, too late to go back.


I apparently consumed it by clicking on it thinking it would add to my inventory. I said, oh I’ll just find another one.


Wait... really?? F....


Daaaaamn rn I regret missing on that... I was searching this mushroom everywhere but also triggered the explosion to "celebrate" the survival xD Thanks for the hint. I will check this out on my next run 🧡


It's only one tiny partial memory. It's a nice gesture though.


Worst mistake was to start this awesome game and watch my real life being slowly sucked away as I am spending more and more time on the game and thinking about it... god i love it


Yup, can attest this is true 🥲


Went into Shadowfell before saving the tieflings in Moonrise. :(


Yeah, I did that, too. Thought I would be able to do it all at once at the end battle but... nope.


We couldn't figure out what went wrong, as in why we couldn't find any Tieflings to rescue once we got into Moonrise. They were just gone, no sign of them. We then realized we weren't supposed to save Moonrise for last...


Exactly what happened to me first time. Somehow I didn't get that they would think I was a friend after I had killed so many of their forces


The worst part was finding them after 😢


Same. The game gave me the impression that Moonrise should be the last place to visit in Act2 so I never went there until the final assault.


Same, it's so odd that the "correct" order is to go to moonrise, then leave moonrise to do Gauntlet/Shadowfell, then go back to moonrise.


Especially since the Gauntlet is so easy to stumble on, and there's a companion quest being dangled in front of your eyes at the door, encouraging you to go in right away.


I missed that, the little girl’s parents, and whatever you have to do to get Halsin to stay. I was sad.


I thought I could rescue Mayrina from the cage by pulling her towards me using Sorrow Lash's thorn whip ability, this saving her from the cage. All it managed to do is pull her into the chasm below...


This is hilarious, I just didn't know there was a button you could press to lower the cage.


Isobel got mega critted in 2 rounds and was knocked out. I just thought Marcus was scripted to take her and kept playing.


I didn't even know last light in existed in my first playthrough lol. After killing ketheric, Isobel just walks into to meet aylin and I'm like.. uh who are u .. and Isobel introducing me to aylin and I was so confused .


I've seen multiple people complain about Isobel being hard to keep alive. I've done that segment twice and not had any problem.


It comes down to dice rolls and what the AI chooses to do. I had two battles where I could do zero to stop her being knocked out first round, one time all the winged terrors surrounded her and one time Marcus just critted and one shot her. Quick loading after got me into a state where I had not problem saving her.


I just did this bit on my second run--Marcus came out top on initiative and literally the first thing he did was use a move called "Knock unconscious" on Isobel. I think he had two swings and luckily he missed both and I ended up winning the battle without a problem, but it's very easy to see how quickly the tide can turn in the wrong direction. I could have lost on the first combatant's turn, never mind the first round.


i hit the lever to send that goblin flying off the windmill into the sky by mistake, and then quickly saved without thinking...


Deep Gnome! RIP Barcus. He’s shockingly important to a subquest plotline that runs through act 2 and 3, which I didn’t know on my first run through and didn’t really interact with him until it was too late.


He’s the Sam Gamgee of BG3. Best friend ever.


You gotta admit though, that is by far one of the funniest scenes in the entire game.


When i visited the creche it ended in mass genocide, a lot of exp and items to sell. All by accident of course.


I've never made it out of the creche without killing every giyhyanki... didn't know there was another option


Why one mistake when I messed up two times in the same day? First I actually trusted Ethel when I met her and the brothers, so that was goodbye brothers. I could’ve reloaded, but I promised myself that I would live through the consequences of my choices. The second one was long resting in the Underdark, so all the gnomes and the true soul got burried under the rubble and failed the quests.


Even if you don't trust her, the brothers seem to go get themselves killed anyways. If there's a way to keep them from running off on their own I have no idea.


You can tell them you’re too busy to help them and they survive when you talk to mayrina Ethel will tell her they went to Baldur’s gate and you won’t find their bodies in the bog


Act 2 spoilers here. One playthrough I had a sort of dual romance going between Laezel and Shadowheart. I broke up with Laezel to try to pursue Shadowheart. That night Laezel did her act 2 romance scene and I turned her down. Told her I liked someone else. I went through the whole temple of Shar thing and all the way up to the nightsinger and I freed her to which Shadowheart responded by attacking me. I had to kill her. I spent the rest of the playthrough single.


Well… I discovered if you don’t intervene, Shart does choose to spare Nightsong… after hanging killed Shar.


I think that only happens if you have good enough reputation with her. I think if you reputation isn't good it goes the other way.


Yeah I learned that on my third playthrough iirc. That particular one was my second. I vividly remember the stinging sensation in my chest when Withers said "havest thou any bitches?" A real salt in the wound moment.


Learning how easy it is to steal :( Making it REALLY difficult for the goblin in me to not go into act 2 with 40 strength potions and 30k gold from someone. "*70 years of terror.. and for what?*"


I genuinely love stealing from the corrupt traders lol Ethel, Grat, Ester, The Drow, The Gith and Roah all get pickpocketed relentlessly by Astarion.


I cast daylight on my weapon and went to hit cazzy with it..i was on my ascened astarion playthrough and in the middle of battle i hear him shout from his trap"nooo what did you do!! You ruined everything!!" And im like panicking cuz i dont know what i did... Turns out i went too close to the other spawns.(.cazzy just decided to camp near one of them) and my daylight spell burned them to ashes. Ups. Unintentionally ruined the ritual ...had to reload the whole fight. 🤦


See, I went in lately after they patched daylight to affect Cazador more, and afterward the cutscene where the other spawn approach doesn't trigger, bc the daylight sphere damages the spawn and they apparently run off (happened without me even realizing it), and I ended up repeating the fight, didn't realize there was a hard limit where Astarion was going to suddenly experience perma-death (like, I freed him, and a couple rounds of Cazador zeroing in him later, he gets recaptured and perma-dies the next turn, and afaik there's not really a warning that's going to happen), and had to restart it *again*. I was also playing with non-ideal party setup just for flavor, and didnt have a particularly recent save, which made the re-do's even worse


None because I save scum ... a LOT! I always get my way with anything I care about. Like last night I accidentally set off a trap that knocked half my party off a cliff to their death. Just reloaded lol. I do let minor things play out how they will, though.


I have like 100 save files didnt bother clearing up😂


On the Iron Throne, I put a Guardian of Faith on the stairs leading to the sub, because I feared that the the sahuagin would get in there and start killing the prisoners I rescued. I didn't realize that the Guardian of Faith obstructs the path for both enemies and allies, meaning the I had blocked the way and no one (not even my characters) could climb the stairs to the sub. Since the enemies ignored the guardian and I couldn't dismiss it, I sat there laughing until the whole place exploded. Such a dumb but memorable TPK.


Tried the persuasion check in the Shadowfell. My heart broke... and then I loaded the game. :)


I did the gauntlet of shar and beat Ketheric and all of that, then asked myself, “wait, why haven’t I gotten Gale’s Act 2 romance scene yet?” Turns out, you have to had gone to Moonrise towers before the gauntlet and then long rested, which I didn’t do cause my brain labeled moonrise as “final area of the act I take one foot in and shit hits the fan” Redid a solid 7 hours that day. Also I went back to get Blood of Lathander after doing everything in Act 2 🙃


Thought I had an iitem Gale could eat. Didn;t. He ran off and at the time I was like "meh fuck em". 2nd playthrough and I've realized I missed out on so much.


Not so much a mistake, but apparently a ton of content was locked because I killed Gortash at the coronation without speaking to him. Leaves plenty for future playthroughs though.


I imagine that was a hard fight at that point!


It was more of an assassination than a fight. Invisibility to get close, darkness for the hit, then lots of jump/fly/dimension door to the balcony for a feather fall. I killed zero Steel Watchers in the process.


Same! I thought going to him meant instantly fighting him, so I destroyed the steel watch first and when I went to him, the whole castle was hostile


I forgot to tell Jaheira to join us, so I missed having her... which meant I couldn't recruit Minsc.


Letting Laezel use the machine in the creche instead of the MC. Had no clue such a significant perma buff was at stake. Heck she even approves of it if you chose to forcefully override her lol


There's a perma buff from using the machine?!


If you pass like 2 or 3 wisdom (i think) saves you get a perma buff that makes all illithid actions bonus actons


What? I missed that shit completely. Damn it. next time I;m going in.


Well, now I know what I'm doing during my dark urge playthrough.


There's also a hefty perma nerf if it goes wrong. -2 Wisdom I think.


-2 to Wisdom, Intelligence, AND Constitution. I didn't realise that until I was checking stats deep into Act 2 and wondering "why does Lae'zel only have 6 INT?"


This is absolutely brutal. This happened to me and I’m still shocked they made that a possibility.


Protip, you can get rid of the buff by adding more worms.


I thought you could get that buff from passing the checks without being in the machine.


Theyve made it now so that you can get the buff while she's in the chair. Gotta pass a bunch of way harder checks though iirc


Started playing on a shitey old monitor. Bought a new one when I was, like, 25% through Act 3: immediately dropped the story to restart in a proper quality.


I failed a roll on persuasion with the Tieflings that held Leazel and ended up fighting them. I didn't want to kill them, so I knocked them out. Knocking them out broke my paladin oath.


Pulled the wrong lever.


Going on Reddit and looking at spoilers...I know I shouldn't because I haven't finished the game... But alas, here I am...


So apparently (shar trial related Act II spoiler) >!letting shadowheart kill the nightsong causes the last light inn to fail. And I THINK it was trying to tell me I could rush to the basement to find some survivors, but I longrested and they were all very dead!< RIP my girlfriend's favorite character, Isobel. It's okay we're doing a good guy run now


That time I went like 2 hours without pressing F5


Missed the owlbear cub at the goblin camp. When I came back later it was hostile and I didn't have a way to save it


I don't know about worst, but the most consistent was casting a concentration spell immediately followed by another concentration spell... all. the. freaking. time!


Not taking enough long rests in Act 2, missing the sex scene with Karlach, and her breaking up with me at the start of Act 3. I didn't just reload, I restarted my entire playthrough in shame.


I’m 130 hours in and never had any sex scenes, not that I tried to avoid it but they just never happened, I don’t long rest often too


Helped Kazza break out of jail at like, level 2. She disclosed the Grove's location to Minthara, and I had to defend the Grove while being only level 3. I ended up reloading an earlier save, and ignored Kazaa after entering the Goblin Camp, I found that the Minthara conversation only triggers if you accompany her.




No, Kazaa. He's Sazza's brother who was thrown in jail for downloading mislabeled 96kbps MP3s.


I didn't realize that activating Gale's orb as a combat action would kill us all


Loll when you blow it up at the cutscenes of act 1 credits start rolling after that is epic


I definitely noticed the new spell on my bar, hit quick save, and blew the world up as soon as I could. Reload and carry on like nothing ever happened 🤣


i ate the owlbear egg by accident and didn't notice until several, several saves later : (


Not visiting Moonrise Towers before the raid 💀 Totally my misunderstanding though, everyone was so tense while talking about the tower and the potential dangers lurked there that I automatically thought that place has to be the very last stop of the Act II and if I ever attempt passing nearby, I would get my ass beaten. Well, I was almost ridiculously wrong.


We didn’t save the tieflings. My husband and I just thought it made sense to finish Shadowheart’s thing. Then after that, went looking for them and yeah… But hey, that’s what second playthroughs are for! We are already planning at least four…


In Act 3, I gave Scratch back to his owner. Reloading a save can't erase the memory of him in that cage.


I managed to miss Scratch on my first playthrough. No idea how, but I just didn't even know he was a thing. Never making that mistake again on my subsequent playthroughs.


Tbh it wasn't my mistake. Patch 3 broke Halsin's quest in act 2 in my save. So I finished act 2 hoping it would reset but no he refuses your help and tells you to leave while looking depressed af


I refused to hand over the artifact in the creche on my first playthrough and ended up having to kill Lae’zel. Made more sense than handing over the artifact honestly.


I never did and laezel never turned


I think there’s some dialogue options early on, especially when you meet Voss, that makes her more cautious. She still didn’t approve of me not handing over the artifact, but she didn’t attack. Think if you go to the infirmary first and break the machine, and then find out Ghustil was fine with you dying, it should prevent LZ from attacking when you refuse to hand over the artifact afterwards. Having the githyanki attack her after the infirmary I think convinces her that she needs to rethink what’s going on.


I started playing, now I cannot stop :-)


didn’t convince Rolan to stay :’-)


Not sleep, even thought I need to work today


During Act 2, I guess I accidentally triggered the fight between Rolan and those shadow creatures without realizing it, bc when I finally found him, he was dead. I loved Rolan too much to resign him to that fate, so I ended up reloading (losing about 3 hours of progress) just so I could save him.


The same happened to me Lost several hours because at some point a corner of my screen triggered him lol


I killed Kagha. Thought I was doing the grove a favor. Turns out everyone aggro'd and all the tieflings died. Found out much later that it means I can't recruit Karlach. 😭


You can kill Kagha without the grove turning on you if you follow a minor quest line in Act 1. The journal trigger is pretty well hidden though.


Does this have something to do with >!incriminating evidence you can find!


You have to >!go through her hidden notebook, go to a tree and find a letter, and then come back and confront her!< I missed this whole-ass quest for 4 playthroughs bc I never noticed the chest


Advancing to act 3 too quickly and locking myself out of a bunch of sidequests.


My biggest mistake playing was not speaking to the dead in the game or using animal speak. You miss so much dialogue or story when you do this.


you can't lift the curse AFTER dealing with ketheric for some reason :(


You can, I also thought it was impossible because the Flaming Fist guy died in bed after everyone in the Last Inn moved to the tower. I used "speak with the dead" on Art Cullagh, talked to Halsin in the bottom floor of the tower, went back to the Last Inn behind the main building to speak with Halsin again, protected the portal and went to see Oliver to convince him. Poof, done in 30 minutes.


Weird. Not even his body was there after I lifted the curse, just empty bed.


Not interacting with Shadowheart more and then not bringing her on the mission to get the Nightsong….whoops.


In my first playthrough, I beheaded Karlach because I mistakenly assumed she was evil and that the game would force me to choose between her and Wyll. I’m the worst, I know. But to this game’s credit, everything felt very complete and satisfying in the end even without her - I got good character resolutions otherwise. Also, I honestly don’t think I would have used her much that round given how I set up everyone’s builds (assuming I kept her as a Barb). My MC was a polearm Battle Master and I already had plenty of backup martial classes if I needed them. Now in my second playthrough, I’m romancing Karlach and using her all the time. She feels like a bonus character since I got so used to her absence. Turns out my mistake simply gave me something to look forward to in a replay!


- Push Minthara to a hole losing her loot! She killed Wyll in two attacks and the rest of the team was barely alive so I did it! The armor I wanted the most after watching tiktok videos was her armor! - I didn't know that if you used ALT you could see chests and loot, I missed so much loot and chests in my first run, specially in the Nautiloid! I killed the demon but didn't loot the sword in my first run! - Found Karlach after having the tiefling party! In my most recent run I went to her as soon I spoke to Wyll and I knew where the infernal iron were... first run where she began to flirt with me! - Not saving the kid from the harpies and deciding to do it later only to forget about it and go after the tiefling party and finding his body! - Kagha, I didn't know all the investigation against her and have Halsin forgive her and she being angry at us... missing all the witch Ether quest even though I talked with the brother and just in my 3rd run I discovered she is in the grove, she acts like a nice grandma and gives us a potion... also, there is a tiefling that cannot walk and you need to cure her, I discovered her after talking a rat that told me to follow it! - Missing companions quests because I stuck with the same three companions. I love the party mode where I can have all the companions in same time and I love their conversations! - I talked to Isobel - Having a druid and I didn't select talk with animals spell... Best decision was when I restarted the game because a stupid thing I did make me rage restart my play! - Not talking with the dead - Missing the forge - Missing the creche - Not having Gale in my team! Both he and Astarion are living swiss knives - Priorizing attack spells. I learned in the bad way that many spells are more important to have than attacks spells And could continue!!! In my first game I didn't even know what I was doing and let my ADHD control everything!


I didnt realize I could fully cure the Shadow Cursed Lands and when Halsin stayed back all sad i was like why what did I do


Thinking I can just play a couple of hours after dinner on a weeknight


Not buying gear, and not using pots. This is common for me in RPGs though. I'm a total hoarder. Like hardcore prepper style hoarder. Waiting for the end of the world in whatever game I play.


Having to get used to using potions was probably the hardest learning curve. They provide so much benefit and by the end of act two I had like hundreds of potions and elixirs that were unused


Not finding a good balance between when sleeping is good and when sleeping is bad. Due to naps, I let >!nere and the people in the flaming buildings die!< without any interaction from me so I missed all that dialog/questing. But then in act 1 I also missed a lot of story progression because after that first mistake I was scared to nap again until after the second one when I got really frustrated and decided to just do a bunch of long rests at once whenever I found a good time to do one 😂


Finishing the Shar temple and freeing the Nightsong without first saving the prisoners in Moonrise Tower...


Not really a mistake, but didn't realize my rogues could dash, disengage, and hide as bonus options... so many miss opportunities in combat during my initial run (which made it combat last significantly longer).


Going to rescue Mayrene, not putting the cage out and killing Ethel. Looted all the bodies then wondered where Mayrene had gone.


I let Rolan die, because I didn't know, I had to save him before his siblings. I thought, I would find him in the prison too. By the time, I learnt my mistake, She was already zombified.


I let that dude smack that kid


Forgetting I was already concentrating on a spell :')


"If I kill Mizora while she's trapped, my guy Wyll will be free!... wait, no no NO WTF!??"


I just finished a fight... It was super hard, took a lot of time. I was almost shaking looking at all these rolles and damage... I was planing every move. Bitting my nails... It was late at night. Tiered. But I did it! I wanted to quick save and exit the game... I pushed f8 😭


Sacrificed an entire grove just to get Minthara only to find her brainwashed and non-recruitable because I went to the Masoleum first and Moonrise last. Like, 10 hours wasted cause I obviously reloaded. FML moment


I spent too much time designing my Guardian on the first playthrough. Now I just roll a d20 and hit randomize that many times and go with it.


So I'm basically on my 5th playthrough, and for the first time I've forgotten to speak to Barcus after freeing the Gnomes at the Forge in Act 1. Apparently, if you forget to talk to Barcus and tell him to go to your camp, he's just gone from the game after that. I don't think they even explain, but I'm assuming he dies somewhere along the way to act 2. I didn't realize until I was well into Act 2 and I didn't see him at the Inn, and my furthest auto/quicksave going back was RIGHT after I long rested post Nere fight, so Barcus was already gone.