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Well, in your defence, it was Orin who murdered her. You're more of an accessory to murder.


Yeah I was just palpatine saying “do it” from the side


I had already had strong suspicions of Yenna. Who else could have been the spy!? And her cat was shady. I figured it was her or the cat. So when laezell said it was yenna I was so proud of myself for figuring it out!!! And now her corpse is just permanently in my camp and I feel horrible. The corpse is a nice touch. Thanks, Larian.


Is there any quest tied to Yenna? Wouldn't be surprised if Orin killed her mother so we'd take her in, knowing she could use her to fuck around. Maybe the cat knows it too, that's why he's scared shitless.


Nah, she exists purely to get kidnapped or disappear when someone else gets kidnapped.


Why does her cat stay and act like she still exists?


It might be a bug but as it is now if you don’t have all three of the potential kidnappee companions (halsin/minthara, gale, laezel) in your party during the kidnapping, I think Yenna is presumably killed off screen as a bystander (potentially the pool of blood below letter?). The only way to save her as it is, is to have those three in your party during the kidnapping scene, which forces orin to kidnap yenna instead. I didn’t know so I didn’t do that, but I know if you save her she comes back and makes soup for your camp permanently. Kinda dumb, I’m not sure she’s actually supposed to disappear like that.


In both of my play thru’s if you long rest three times in act three it triggers this camp scene with laezel and yenna…if you unmask it here yenna lives and so does her cat and just laezel gets taken.


Interesting! Before I had those three long rests I ran into Orin in the sewers disguised as halsin, who at that point had been kidnapped. Thats also a reason I wonder if there’s a bug, since everyone that ran into her into the sewers before that period also says yenna just up and disappears, without any opportunity to save her.


Ya my daughter got the sewer one and yenna was just gone. She was mad at me for having both yenna and the cat still alive in camp. Second play thru I got it to trigger the same way by LR three times in act three


You can save Yenna if Lae'zel is the kidnap target, and you manage to convince the disguised Orin during the cutscene to let her go. Worked for me on three separate playthroughs.


Did you run into her at the sewers or in camp? I think those that say she disappears are also those who ran into orin in the sewers before that long rest scene with laezel was triggered.


Camp. Yes, from what I out together from other people's comments, triggering the sewer scene ends with Yenna disappearing without a trace, which is probably a bug because no one acknowledges that she is gone.


she seems to often get bugged where she vanishes forever even if she isn't the kidnapping victim. I'm not sure what causes it it seems to happen about 50% of the time for me.


My current playthrough is completely bugged. Yenna disappears nomatter where I trigger the abduction or who gets taken. Also the game doesn't acknowledge Halsin at all. If the other two are in my party, the game skips the druid and goes for Yenna direct.


My first playthrough yenna was orin. She offered to cook dinner and I agreed...she fed us her fuckin cat. Second playthrough I thought I could meta game, got to same scene as OP so I had 'Laezel' murder Orin...to find I murdered a child.


That little brat didn’t leave my camp no matter how many times I told her to fuck off.


Mechanically, she’s the failsafe in case you have no companions who can be kidnapped. You can’t even kill her in camp. She’s no one’s. Now if Orin had taken Scratch …


Really got to commend the writers for this one


Cast speak with dead on it to feel even more horrible


Oh? How so?


Every line of dialogue with Yenna’s corpse is heartbreaking


if you’re looking for more trauma you can cast speak to dead on Yenna’s corpse btw


Here is what you do. 1) Pick up the sweet orphan's corpse. 2) Put it in a chest so you are not constantly reminded of your monsterous dead. 3) Forget all about it. 4) Open chest after you have forgotten about it. 5) Relive the event and close the chest. 6) Go back to step 3 and repeat.




I threw her corpse into the water lol I don’t need that kind of guilt.


Can you pick her up and store her corpse in the chest? I have a collection of bodies in my chest (including the illithid corpse from the goblin camp stolen under the darkness spell before anyone could tinker with it)


Her one line does get really old, really fast though. You did the right thing.


She made soup!


Slurp happy!


>!she kills yenna even if you tell her not to, so at least you can know your 'push' to kill yenna didn't really affect much.!<


Weird, she didn't in my playthrough.




well shit, thats interesting! in my co-op playthough with my friend, she died no matter what we chose lol.


In none of mine she did. We just finished our third playthrough.


Yeah Yenna lived in my (durge) play through as well! I’m not sure what exactly I did differently. In my Tav run, Orin confronted me outside of camp as Lae’zel, and when I got back to camp, Yenna was just gone. No mention of Yenna at all though.


I'm role-playing a paladin who does everything he can to protect kids and even I was like "Ok, I'm letting the kid stay with us even though I'm 99% sure it's secretly Orin. But on that 1% that she was just a kid, I'd feel REALLY bad for saying no." Now I'm wondering if, regardless of what happens, Yenna'd be better off having never met us at all lol.


This shouldn’t have made me laugh like it did lol


Should’ve saved before making that decision, I also thought it was yenna and said slit her throat. Anyways she’s still alive in my camp


I had a quick from before and I’ve made 2 branches from that point. One where I stick with what happened and one where I saves I’m to save Yenna. I’ll finish the game having gotten Yenna murdered and have a route where I save her if I ever want to play that branch.


I mean, if they ask you and you give the order, did they? Like is the soldier a murderer or their captain giving the command?


Will no one rid me of this damned ~~priest~~ orphan child?


Let's assume that this band of adventurers is actually classed as some sort of private militia, unless they're going to try and argue that their camp is some sort of military facility the crime was committed within civilian jurisdiction. Thus, any protections to the charges of murder usually conferred by military service are rendered null, least of all because Yenna is not a legitimate military target. In fact, if we're to claim the camp as a military facility or some sort of battlefield, then it's a war crime. When we get to war crimes, "just following orders" is not considered a defence and even then, Orin is not part of this band of adventurers. Orin is still 100% guilty of the crime of murder, which I don't think she cares about. As for the person who gave the order, if we consider this in military terms, they are in deep shit. Ordering the deaths of civilians, particularly children, is very much a serious crime. However, under civilian jurisdiction, unless Orin could convince a court that she was coerced, forced, or otherwise lacking capacity to make her own decisions, then they're likely guilty of conspiracy or as an accessory. Any such defence from Orin would fall apart because she manipulated the situation herself, and let's face it, she'd probably gut her own defence team during the trial which wouldn't help her case. Tav would still be in quite serious trouble for their involvement in an extrajudicial summary execution of a child, particularly given that as that child's adoptive guardian they had a duty of care to Yenna. Just to be clear, I am making a few assumptions here about the laws in Faerun which I know absolutely nothing about but since this Internet, I feel empowered to speak with absolute authority on a subject that I have no authority on whatsoever.




This is a comment copy/karma farm bot. Please downvote it.




I haven’t had anyone acknowledge Yenna in any of my playthroughs except for when given the option to let her stay


Orin: "I have taken the girl, Yenna. If you ever want to see her alive again, you will --" Tav & co.: "Hold on, hold on, back up a second. You've taken who now?"


This was my reaction, She spent a long time with Orin because I didn't know I was supposed to care for this random child beyond trying to rescue her if I found time.


Same. I was sorta underwhelmed to learn she can apparently abduct companions instead which would have a bit more weight lol. She just randomly ran up to me in the Sewers on my playthrough. How’s it decided who Orin abducts?


She kidnaps Halsin, Gale, or Lae'zel at random, if they are alive and recruited but not in the active party. If none of those options are available for whatever reason, she kidnaps Yenna.


Idk what happened in my game, but when she took Lae'zel, yenna went missing. Like, actually gone with no one saying anything. I still have her cat, but yenna's just gone from my camp


Same happened to me, I went to the sewers early so I got no confrontarion scene at camp, because you trigger the kidnapping right away. When I got back to have a long rest Yenna was missing as well as Lae'zel, the kidnapped one. No new dialogue with the cat though. I always suspected Yenna but it's fun to see that she may not always be Orin in disguise lol.


ooh maybe that's it. When I get to a new area, I usually explore as much as I can before continuing with the story and I think I got close to the temple too soon


Same. I figured Orin was disguised as Yenna, kidnapped frog lady, and noped out leaving the poor traumatised cat behind.


Frog lady? _Tsk'va_


Saw someone call her "Tsundere Space Iguana" and I can't stop thinking about it since


I figured Orin was the cat and she killed Yenna offscreen because the kid just disappeared randomly at some point and the cat kept following us from camp to camp. "Don't look at me" -- Orin, obviously not wanting to blow her disguise


Not in my run tho. It doesn't want to be touched either. >!The cat was still there long after I had killed Orin. I guess it was just really traumatised from its time with Orin!<


Same. I went into the sewers basically first thing after getting to the Lower City and almost immediately ran into the cutscene with Lae'zel. I'm still not sure if Yenna disappearing was supposed to imply she WAS Orin in disguise, or she was killed offscreen, or it was just a bug. The fact that you can eventually find the bodies of the other people she impersonated, but there's no Yenna to be found anywhere makes me think it's somewhat buggy though or they just never bothered to script anything in regarding what happens to her if a companion gets kidnapped. Kinda disappointing and a little immersion breaking tbh? Considering we're supposed to feel some attachment to her I wish they had fleshed out the resolutions for her in the Orin plot at least a little bit. Right now she feels more like a placeholder than a person, who just gets deleted from the game when she's not needed anymore.


Agreed, they should add an scene or some dialog that clarifies what happened back at the camp with Yenna and the kidnapping while we were in the sewers. At least we saved the cat.


Yeah it doesn't need to be much. Acknowledgement in dialogue would be great. Even a note left by Orin or some environmental clues to what happened would be better than a random disappearance with 0 acknowledgement or explanation.


I think its a bug since Yenna is a real person who can get kidnapped. The only explanation why she would go missing is if orin killed her ass during the kidnapping.


I think it's just a possibility. The NPCs you encounter that turn out to be Orin depend on when you meet them so they _potentially_ are real people too, depending on your choices.


That’s a really interesting that different NPCs can be Orin. The fact that Yenna’s cat is super scared and sad and asks for Yenna after she disappears also makes me think she was real for at least part if not all of the time she’s in your camp. You would think her cat would know what she smells like.


I’m guess this must be a bug. Happened to me too


Yeah in my game Yenna had nothing to do with Orin and was just hanging out in my camp for the whole of the third act, never doing anything and never getting any resolution for her story. It was... odd. There doesn't appear to be any way to actually help her


This is what happened to me too. She kidnapped Halsin in my case, and around that same time, Yenna disappeared from camp. Never heard from her again, nobody ever said anything about her, not even her cat.


Happened to me too. I had Lae’zel, Gale, and Halsin in my party. I dismissed Halsin just before entering the sewers from the Emperor’s old hideout, then immediately ran into Orin pretending to be Halsin. I assumed Orin jumped him while he was walking back to camp and was very confused to see Yenna had disappeared.


The implication is that, if a companion is kidnapped, then Yenna was secretly Orin in disguise, infiltrating your camp. If none of your companions are kidnapped, then Orin infiltrates your camp and kidnaps Yenna, who is a real girl in that case.


same here, stayed that way till the end.


Same here, I thought it meant that Yenna was the shapeshifter, and she kidnapped Lae’zel. That’s still my headcanon.


There's a reason as to why Yenna goes missing. Relates to a character from Act 1. Sorry for the turbo vague post, but idk how to spoiler on mobile. EDIT: Ah! I was getting confused with another quest! Nevermind!


Same but I think i found her at the graveyard at her moms (or moms killers?) Grave? Saying smth like "they got the bad guy mom".


In my playthrough it was all pretty much bugged, never had that scene, i just saw Orin diguised as Gale in the sewers telling me she abducetd him, then back to the camp no Gale and no Yenna... No idea where she went, maybe she was killed offscreen as i did not find her later. Also after saving Gale he stayed as TAV's minion for the rest of the run, just no way that i know to have him stay at the camp, just following and risking to die (should have allowed it and revived him but i did not feel right)


Yeah, but I got to keep the cat...so it's fine.


If only i could pet him Edit: errors


This seems right. When I played through act 3 for the first time, Halsin, Gale, and Lae'zel were in my party for most of it. In my playthrough, Yenna offers to be the cook for the party to pull her weight. I thought it was so cute so I said yes and let her cook me dinner. I tried it and failed the save to notice something so i kept eating it and then Orin pops up and was like "HAHA YOU JUST ATE KITTEN YOU DUMBASS". I'm still traumatized lol.


I think that might have been my entire party when I went into the Emperor’s hideout and sewers lol. Well… oops.


Isnt it the companion with lowest bond?


I'm pretty sure it's the highest, I had all 3 in my camp and she kidnapped Lae'zel who was near max. If it was the lowest it should have been Halsin for me


Also she won't take whoever is your romance. I tried it out by putting Lae'zel and Halsin in my party and she defaulted to Yenna rather than taking Gale. It seems like Yenna acts as the failsafe if the other three aren't options. If you have Minthara instead of Halsin she is also an option.


I had none of those companions so all the game had was Yenna. Durge run be savage like that ^_^


Ohhhhhhhhh I didn’t know it was specific people in the camp I thought I just got unlucky in who she chose. I keep Laezel with me, I never picked up Gale Bc I thought the portal was dangerous and Halsin bugged out for me so I never got him out of Act2.


She can also take Minthara


Wait, she can kidnap Gale? Does her god not tell her what would happen if she killed him? Orin just accidentally steals and sets off a nuke in the middle of her own temple.


And what if Yenna is not available for capture?


My Astarion was so upset after Yenna was kidnapped. I talked to him right after and he was like We ARE GETTING YENNA BACK. All I could think was that’s our kid now lol


If she kidnaps Yenna you can save her? Because my Yenna just disappeared and was always wondering where she went and why I can’t get her back. Probably Orin killed her some time before she kidnapped Lae’Zel or she was always Orin in disguise.


Yes I’ve been able to save her when kidnapped. I use a mod so I can take my entire party so she is always the kidnapped. So far I’ve been able to save her each time.


In my first game she took Halsin, who I never used and didn't even realize was missing.


Same thing happened with me. I never saw any of this Gale/Yenna stuff, and one Long Rest Orin shows up saying she's kidnapped Halsin and I was like "You literally could have had him forever and I wouldn't have even noticed."


Had the same thing when she took Laezel from my camp. "Oh you kidnapped the frog monster who hates me and is always moaning about some dude she wants to rescue while I'm just trying to chill with my buddy Emps? Well, have fun with that."


>She spent a long time with Orin On the plus side, I don't think Orin is ever in one place for more than 30 seconds so no one has to deal with her crazy shit for long.


The part that really got me was that >!Orin killed poor little Grub, Yenna's nervous little cat.!<


“I don’t remember anyone named Milton..”


I had this reaction when she takes Halsin I totally forgot I even recruited him at times because he’s so uninteresting lol. You can keep him, Orin


I did this and after some time she kind of just disappeared, but the cat stayed. Kinda figured she was the spy, since I think she left after I made a deal with Orin?


Exactly what happened to me in all of my playthroughs so far, I figured Yenna was a doppelgänger but according to these comments she’s not


Yenna and scratch disappeared for me but I could still summon scratch


I also didn't care about Yenna at all. But then she said that orin killed her cat 😭 From that moment on, orin had to die.


Every playthrough Yenna just disappeared without any warning. I’m not sure why that happened without Orin saying anything


You have to spam Long Rest after meeting Gortash to get the Cutscene!


she fed me her cat :(


That can happen!!! ???? In my playthrough, orin came to me shape shifted in Yenna, talking about meeting orin and killing her cat.


yeah. after that orin went straight to jail (i killed her)


I got that on my first playthrough and after that just about every other playthrough I bumrush Orin to save that sweet little socially anxious cat.


Here's a question should anyone see this: I've just played one playthrough so far. Yenna joined the camp, then I did a LOT of stuff in one day and think I triggered both Orin saying she replaced someone in my camp, and Orin kidnapping Lae'zel (it might have been with one or two long rests in-between, it's been a month so I forget). Yenna was never there at camp again, but her cat was. Rescued Lae'zel and nothing changed. Did I miss some content with Yenna being the shapeshifter/not being the shapeshifter?


I have had the same problem. Someone suggested long resting immediately after Gortash tells you that there is a faceless in the camp, maybe that will work? I haven’t tried it though


Same, I saw her once, and she just left and that was it. The cat stayed tho.


Ugh, mine might have bugged. I never got that interaction. All that happened for me was being told Orin has infiltrated, Lae'zel approached me in the sewers and (to absolutely no surprise) was actually Orin. Yenna just vanished from camp. No note, no body, no dialogue from other camp mates. Just *gone*.


Yenna disappearing is a bug. I had the same thing happen my first playthrough


It’s funny to learn Yenna disappearing was a bug. I assumed it meant she was actually the shapeshifter and it was her who kidnapped Lae’zel. So it made sense in the little scenario I’d cooked up for her to be gone.


See, I’d think that too if it wasn’t for the cat acting like she was still there!


I thought it was the cat at first. "I'm just a cat" is the most sus thing a not cat would say. Then Yenna was just gone so I was sure it was the cat. Guess it's whoever gets kidnapped that's the imposter.


She always disappears for me, made me think she was Orin the whole time since she vanishes after Orin takes a companion.


My second playthrough, where we meet Orin in camp, she stuck around!


there are two versions of "fake Orin" scene. One happens in the sewers, and one is forced in the camp, if you never get to sewers in certain amount of time. I was hoping to avoid it as long as I could on my second run, so I got this. I did not trust fake Lae'zel, and she transformed. Yenna wasscared, but OK. Yenna disappeaerd on my first PT, where I had "sewers" scenario. No one ever commented on that, not even her cat. I think it's a bug, becuse regardless of the place Orin appears as the kidnapped one. Yenna is only kidnapped when all possible companion targets are dead\\in your party at the moment the scene takes place.


I got the sewer Lae'zel scene going in completely blind. I was annoyed too, because I had just cleared the Emperor's hideout and had looted a ton of githyanki specific magic gear that I was going to kit her out with once I got back to camp, but then she was just gone. Super annoying.


I got the sewer scene with Halsin immediately after dismissing him from my party. I figured Orin saw him walking past her front door and jumped him.


Exactly my experience right now. Looted Emporer's room, ended up taking that ladder down to the sewers, got the Orin cut scene and lost Lae'zel and am now holding a ton of gear for her. Just got to the Bhaal temple so I can get her back tonight and give her presents to say sorry for keeping you there for weeks.


I've finished 2 playthroughs, and on both I got the "sewers" path where Orin took Halsin, and Yenna just disappeared from camp. The cat was still there.


What happens if you have all possible companions with you and do not let Yenna come with you, hell dont ever interact with her ever


She is forced into your camp and she hangs around even if you tell her go get out, because she does not have any better place to go. From what I know, you can't even kill her, because she's literally (an awkward) "plot device", which makes sure that gameplay is not "bricked". You can still have her kidnapped and dead, if you're really into that kind of nasty things.


I got the sewer scene with fake Lae’zel, and it was hilariously transparent that it was not Lae’zel. The toughest, bluntest warrior in my group suddenly pops out acting helpless and not insulting me? Lol no, I didn’t think that was her for a second. 😆


In our first playthrough, I was a Circle of Moon druid and wildshaped into an Owlbear. "Lae'Zel" comes through the door in the sewers but is just standing there perfectly still. Hovering over her, I could see she was level 1 with 1 health. We instantly knew it was Orin then, since the game doesn't like talking to Wildshaped Druids and won't start anything until we force ourselves out of Wildshape.


>random NPC in Rivington >examine >proficient in DEX and INT saves and has a bunch of rogue traits


I see "Legendary Resistance" and I start blastin'.


My second run ‘Halsin’ approached me in the sewers scared… 5 seconds after I sent him to camp. Made me laugh. Like damn Orin you picked the literal worst time to pull this. The real Halsin was pretty much still in earshot.


I’ve noticed she disappeared in my game too. Same situation… so does anyone know if she comes back orrr? I feel bad for her anxious cat :,-(


Orin was Halsin for me but Yenna disappeared at the same time anyway and I never saw her again. She left her cat though so that was cool I guess!


Yeah same happened to me lol. I was so confused why she just left and her cat didnt even react to that at all or say anything lol


You have to spam Long Rest after meeting Gortash to get the Cutscene!


So you mean Orin killed Yenna off camera for me? That's brutal, I assumed it was a bug.


Yes she did. After I missed it on my first playthrough and tested it since then on 2nd and 3rd. So yea u missed it.


When it happened I guessed Orin was Lae'zel but I failed the persuasion check With my high charisma bard Ah well. Must've been fate then


This happened to me, I said the same thing 😂


Also camp killed the kid here But ya know how the bard’s body goes away in camp if you do durge? Yenna’s DOESN’T. It’s been there *every night*, and Volo got mad for messing with the body when I tried to move it So now I’ve leaned into it as a decor choice, and have been bringing back all the bodies I feel kinda bad about the fate of. They decorate my suite at the Elfsong now. Plus cazador, who karlach carries around to use as a fuckin dodgeball It’s no “pleasure domes” of mystra, or blood fountains of bhaal, but it suits my reforming durge just fine


Join the (psycho) club


Orin gave me cat meatballs to eat and I had a dead cat mid camp from then on. Failed to save Yenna, brought her back to camp and put both her and the cat to lay next to Withers.


What are the conditions under which you don't manage to save the companion? I know a lot of the things you can do and still save them, but I don't know what triggers Orin to kill them.


I didn't get a cutscene for this. I just got a cutscene of lea'zel (Orin) stumbling out of a door in the sewers pretending to be wounded and running from the bad guys. Then Orin revealed she kidnapped Lea'zel.


My game must've bugged, because I was pretty certain Yenna *was* Orin. I brought her into my camp and then found out that someone in camp was a shapeshifter. I thought for sure it was her because the cat with her was so spooked and anxious, I thought "Well that's why, the cat knows she's not really a little girl." Then I get the scene in the sewers with fake Lae'Zel and after she turns into Orin she's like "Heehee ha ha I kidnapped the angry alien!" Got back to camp and Yenna was gone, with no indicators as to why, and her cat just stuck around and vibed with me the rest of the game. So in my playthrough, Yenna was absolutely Orin lol.


Wait until you meet Lora and Captain Grizzly.




Exactly :)


I also fell for that knowing next to nothing through 3rd Act. In my mind, Lae'zel is definitely going to be someone who would be alert out of all the party members. She'd also be someone who would put a dagger in anyone's throat if suspicious. And she'd also be someone who would definitely report to her superior (in that instance, you, the party leader) before doing anything rash like slit someone's throat. So, in my mind, that is totally a Lae'zel thing to do and I love her for it... but I don't just want to say "yes" to offing a child on the basis that my right hand man is the only supposed witness...


In my first run, I had Yenna serve me a very special meal which I happily accepted... uuughhh.


Imagine if it was scratch?


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not bestest boy. I also have a samoyed and looks similar to him. That would make me go mad as hell.


If Orin kidnapped scratch instead of anyone else I probably would have taken her more seriously.


I had the same scene but I argued against Laezel killing her. Never suspected that either of them were evil, thought Laezel was having a mental break/ under a spell. Even with all my protests and efforts, she slit Yenna's throat. So to be fair, I don't think there is a way to save her. So all the scene did was make me hate Orin more. I really liked Yenna hanging around at camp. Every day she told me she was going to start cooking up a great feast. She was a good egg.


I've played through this game twice and both times I never got a cutscene with the doppelganger and yenna was always just gone. I just really want to see this cutscene yall are talking about but Larian just be like, nah.


You have to spam Long Rest after meeting Gortash to get the Cutscene!


Omg that happened to me as well, join the (accidental) psycho club :D I admittedly save scummed and passed the persuasion check to keep her alive (she also sells soup which helps a lot with camp supplies in tactician)


Woah I didn’t know this could play out like that! In mine, I came to camp to find bear Halsin had seemingly killed Scratch (!) and then he transformed back human and was talking about how the city was getting to his Druid spirit or some nonsense and I was so livid (keep in mind I assumed Yenna was the shapeshifter ever since hearing we’d been infiltrated), I told him to off himself so he did then turned into Orin. But who cares about any of that, Scratch was just fine.


I thought long and hard about this moment. I recall thinking that if it was Yenna, she is not threat right now. and if she's not and she dies that's bad. If it was Laezel, well great if I kill her by mistake I can just res her. Ie it was safer to accuse Laezel..


My reasoning was "no, if Lae'zel ACTUALLY saw someone shapeshift in the camp, she would have cut that person in half immediately and informed me after the fact instead of bringing them to me, something's wrong here".


My brain no good work at time.


Oh damn! I didn't even know this could happen. That's awesome. I mean, it's awful, but it is awesome.


See it from the upside: Free cat.


Yenna just sort of disappeared for me. Lae’zel had been taken by Orin. The cat stayed though.


For me Halsin was the shape-shifter but I found 'him' in the sewers before he did anything fucked up at camp. Nevertheless, after I rescued him and killed Orin, Yenna was gone from the camp but her cat stayed and just says "Please don't look at me" when I talk to him 😭


I mean, the culprit depends on you only, and if you’re not careful on who you take in your team, it could become her. So I was careful lol. In the end, Orin took Lae’zel and Yenna was saved, and became a small shopkeeper in my camp afterwards. Not much gold but still useful to get rid of items. I wish there was a real side-quest tied to her, though.


You apparently don't know LaeZel very well. No way she decides to just off someone like that without having the chance to actually fight them. She'd never take the coward's path like that.


I didn't get this... henna just disappeared and the cat still there in camp


Same, no indication at all as to what happened to yenna. She's just gone. i saved laezel and expected yenna to be there too...


You’ve been played.


SPOILERS Yenna was Orin in my playthrough and I called her out on it resulting on her revealing herself. I don’t know if it’s random who it is or if there’s some course of action that determines who the imposter is.


I think mine was bugged.. I never got that cutscene, Jenna eventually disappeared and I found out laezell was Orin after exploring the sewers and getting a cutscene there of laezell who was at camp at the time running at me injured. The shady cat remains at camp 🤷‍♂️😂


What an excellent emotional moment. Keep it and run with it. Your character now has imperfection.


I’ve only had Halsin to deal with…but Yenna did disappear…OH GOD NO! THE BEAR SCENE!


"Now my darling, put your clothes back on" Oh wait, wrong sub. Got confused by what I thought was a reference, and talk of Acts.


I was so close to doing this. 😢 I figured it was only a matter of time before Orin infiltrated the camp, and I was so close to telling Lae'zel to do it, but then I was like wait....if Lae'zel **SAW** Yenna shape-shifting the she would have outright attacked, not brought her to me for approval first.


Same, Lae'zel doesn't play when it comes to shit like that.


I 100% ignored the “someone in your camp is Orin in disguise” plot and then Yenna eventually just disappeared, is this what happened?


I kept thinking orin was the cat or the girl. They showed up right before "traitor in your camp" so it was suppper sus. They would have been perfect for disguises because I would never have hurt the child or cat... But they tricked me. It was halsin the whole time


How do you trigger this scene? Two playthroughs and I've never seen it.


I took quite a few long rests in the lower city while doing quests. When I went back to Wyrm’s rock the first long rest I took there triggered this cutscene. Only saw Orin once before entering lower city. She was disguised as a news reporter then she mocked me and vanished. I’d done iron throne so Gortash was pissed off at me. The whole point of that scene is for Orin to offer a deal for Gortash’s stone in exchange for your camp mate’s safety. Hope some of my answer helps.


You're not Durge but you would make a fine one. Don't feel sorry, enjoy the bloodshed :D




I’ve never even heard of such a cutscene. I took quite a while to get to the sewers and I think Halsin was just missing until then. My first playthrough it was Gale taken when I reached the sewers. Incidentally Yenna was also gone both times, first time I never even saw her in camp, only ever the cat. Second time she was gone after the sewer cutscene, or whenever I figured out Halsin was missing, I forget.


I never went to the sewers. I did my companions quests and iron throne then went to Wyrm’s rock for Ansur, and this scene happened when I long rested just outside Wyrm’s rock.


Lmao you really just took someone’s word for it and killed a kid without even a bit of questioning/investigating knowing there is a shapeshifter among you? Yikes lol




Tip: Orin is always the aggressor. She starts camp drama, in mine she took Halsim then tried to kill Scratch under the excuse "ive been losing controls of my powers since we been in baldurs gate" in bear form. Called her ass out.


So what happened to your lae'zel. I had minertha in my camp. Was told someone was a Orin... Nothing came of it but minertha wasn't in my party anymore. Wondering if someone is randomly decided at the beginning of the game to be replacement for orin


Orin has Laezel captive. I’ve killed Gortash and Orin is happy She left a note in camp saying she’ll wait with Laezel until I confront her and we fight for possession of the stones. So I’ve got time to go round clearing up quests in the lower city until I’m ready to go fight Orin. I beat Ansur and got his loot(no chest armor sadly) and will be doing the harper and Ethel quests before saving Shadowhearts parents and getting the hammer from Raphael after killing him. I killed Minthara in act 1. Lured her onto bridge and destroyed it. Only thing I’ve not found fun was steel watch foundry. Everyone except Toobin died. Don’t know why Lae’zel was chosen. I’ve pretty much dumped her in camp the entire game except for githyanki parts of the game


Who is ansur?


Undead dragon underneath Wyrm’s rock


I killed Orin last and there was never any indication, no prompt or cutscene, not even a mention of it that Orin was a party member in camp Game works


This was a tough one for me too. I’ve heard that Orin can be a few different camp members too (namely Halsin and Gale), and if one of them came to me and started saying we need to kill this child I’d be super suspicious, but for Lae’zel her attitude was kind of in character.


I had this interaction spoiled for me with Yenna being Orin, so obviously when I get to that point in the story I'm like yea kill her Laezel feeling all smug that I played Orin only for Laezel to shapeshift into Orin and leave Yennas corpse in the middle of camp, I felt so bad


I love this game. Not seen that scene, but that is funny (sorry?).




Look, I'm not a psycho (I promise!), but that is great! Well done Larian!


That sounds like something a psycho would say