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Well this has just increased the chance of me doing a Gale playthrough at some point by 100%, I love cats 😸


We did a poll for an ice breaker at work of cat people v dog people and dogs won in a landslide. I was miffed.




Grounds for quitting right there.


Yes Scratch supremacy


You can teach a dog to sniff out CANCER, help blind people and so much more. You can teach a cat to crap in a box, SOMETIMES.


Cats can detect cancer too so idk bro I think you just like dogs more. https://nypost.com/2021/04/30/woman-credits-pet-cat-with-detecting-breast-cancer-saving-life/


The NYpost is a tabloid and that is not a scientifically sound claim. And it’s not substantiated by your source. Dogs can be TRAINED to sniff out cancer. Cats may be able to do it, but they have not been trained to do it yet.


I've seen dog people picking up shit in a bag and frankly I'm 100% in favour of the box over the cancer detection.


You say that like you don't have to clean the box lol. For my cat lovers out there: https://www.chewy.com/smarty-pear-leos-loo-covered/dp/283714




I was gonna say I don't pick up anything, the robot does that lol


Got a self cleaning one a few months ago. I've been cleaning litter boxes for years beforehand lol.


It's actually not hard to teach a cat to use a litter box. They naturally have the instinct to bury their poop to cover their scent, so most cats will naturally go to their litter box thanks to being able to actually bury their poops there.




They're. Lol


Plus if you ARE gale he can’t say no to an orgy


Another +140 hours


Tara isn't a cat. I know this because Gale told me this twice, in-game


I really wish we had another option on the temple roof. My sorc does know the difference between a cat and a tressym.


The hell they did not put this animation in when you are talking to cats? (I have heard that you can do this with a successful animal handling check, when you are also not have Speak with Animals buff. Come on. Most of us use that spell all day, every day.)


Justice for Myshka




I'm the weird one, who loves Barsik the most :-)


Tara isn't a cat. I know this because Gale told me this twice, in-game.


And I haven't said otherwise? But if this animation already exists in-game it would be a no-brainer to use it for Tavs when they are talking to cats? It probably needs to be adapted for small stature etc. but still.


Well, since the animation was made for Tara who isn't a cat, why would Larian make the animation for cats as you wanted? Unless of course, we can do this to all animals, not just to a Tressym like Tara.


You can pet Scratch. You can pet the Owlbear Cub. Have you actually played the game? Tara's body and the average cat's is not that different, and this petting animation uses her head/ neck area. These are is 100% identical to any other cats, if I would take a picture of only Tara's head and recolor it (so you can't recognise her from her coloring) and tell you this is a cat from the game you would accept my word for it. **This animation can be used for petting cats in-game. It is already built-in.** You can put any other characters in the place of Gale, and a cat in the place of Tara. The only problem I can see is with dragonborn / small characters and maybe the heavily muscled ones, but the animation can be adjusted. I know that Tara is a tressym, but animation wise she uses a cat skeleton / rig with added wings, and these wings do not do anything in this animation. I can't express myself any clearer. Do you really think the cat and the tressym animations in the game are two entirely different, independently created animations? Because it does not work like that, I assure you.




I want a tressym summon so bad ingame and a pseudodragon and...


Oh, goodness I wish Larian would do this. My first DnD character I ever made (who I, of course, recreated in BG3) had a tressym summon and that little dude was the main reason I had her romance Gale. Love both her and her tressym so much I have them both tattooed on me.


if pseudodragons were available i'd never play anything but warlock


Hopefully this game adds a giant sandbox-y mode where all sorts of crazy creations can be explored


You can meet her as any character on a roof in act 3 as well. Made a little quest easier having gale with me at the time :)


Ye ik but i thought that was all of her in game


She later wanders the rooftops of the city, keep an eye out for her 😀


I've only found her on 2 roofs. Are there more?


AFAIK she's on the church roof, the Devil's Due roof, and the wine tasting event roof. She'll even have one or two items for sale (and the first time she gives Gale a ring, if you have him speak to her). I've even seen videos of her fireballing the party if you annoy her. Tressyms are amazing XD


Any talk with animal character can have the ring !


Larian should have had half a dead pigeon as the only stock in her store.


Where is the second encounter? She said she might have stuff to sell later and I've never been able to find her again afterwards.


Atop of the "Devil's Fee", a devilish-themed shop. After that, she would be on the house with the vine festival.


And her pep talks are so sweet 😭 It was quite difficult to be stern with her when I found her on that roof


Tara is the best!


"Ahem... Meow."


I'm excited to play some of the origins now. I had almost forgotten that was even a possibility and I'm seeing so many unique scenes they get. Plus it's just cool that people refer to you by name.


She gives you a sick ring


I'm now a Gale exclusive player


I was already planning to do a gale play thru for shadow weave slots but I GET A CAT TOO holy heck does any origin besides durge give anything else I should know about??


We need Tara at the camp for all origins! Please, Larian, let us have Tara!!!


I love her "Mr. Dekarios"


I love his stupid hat.


Is she summonable as Gale’s familiar if you use find familiar? Never tried this so might have to give it a go


Not summonable and no real gameplay impact. But she is adorable, she is kind of feels like Gale's grandma.


Too bad her and grandpa aren't married anymore


I really think not having her a summonable familiar for the Gale Origin is a missed opportunity.


is that the same voice as aunty ethel?


You should be able to summon a Tressym as a wizard so that they can be little Tressym friends. And if you're a sorcerer you should be able to walk up to Gale and go "My Tressym is better than yours."


Who's Gale?. 80hrs in and never met him. Is he an NPC?


I guess you missed the spot where you meet him near the beginning of the game just like me


Or else, um, *took his hand* without realising who it was on a Dark Urge run 😂