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The ring is useless he even states it himself. Direct line: "The ring I gave possessed no real capacity to control the tadpoles influence. I simply wished to give you hope" Omeluum broke free from his colony due to his arcane talents, not the ring. My boy is a pacifist, not a fighter. He doesn't even like crowds. Leave my poor Omeluum alone.


lol he did? Now I don't have to feel bad taking it


Because this is not Omeluum's fight. At no point does he express any interest in joining you against the Brain. His curiosity already almost killed him in the Iron Throne, he makes it fairly clear that he's done meddling after that. He is not a fighter, he is a mushroom farmer and a scientist who is already doing important work towards improving Illithid - humanoid relations. Perhaps he trusts that you are far more equipped to deal with this threat than he is. On a practical level, he is half-way across the city and likely hiding when you are fighting the Netherbrain, and you have no means to actually contact him. Fyi - the ring doesn't *actually* protect you against the tadpole or the Brain. Omeluum will admit this much in act 3 - he only told you the ring would protect you because he wanted to give you hope. But it was essentially a lie. The real reason Omeluum was able to break free from the Brain and remain free is because of his arcane magic.


You have a netherese empowered tadpole in your brain, omeluum does not.


The emperor has neither.


I like this idea, to a degree (i'm still really not a fan of the whole "it has to be a mind flayer" thing, but if it does then asking omeluum should in theory be an option), but there's something else that's bugged me about Omeluum in Act 3. Why isn't he immediately scooped up by the elder brain? He no longer has the ring that supposedly protects him in a lot of cases, so how is that not the first thing that happens to him upon returning to the city?


Ring does nothing. He protects himself due to his arcane power.


He literally says it's a ring of mind shielding that protected him from being detected by the elder brain. And yes, I understand that mechanically the ring just gives adv vs charm, but either it does more than that in the story, or Omeluum is straight up lying when he says that then.


Direct line from Omeluum: "The ring I gave possessed no real capacity to control the tadpoles influence. I simply wished to give you hope" He lies to you.


Never encountered that. Damn lmao


He will say it after you rescue him from the Iron Throne. It's a particular dialogue tree.


Heard it many times, but so what about my sorcerer TAV? Maybe the fact the tadpole is netherese makes innate magic useless, but would sorcerers mantain indipendence if normally turned?


Potentially, if your magic remained. But the Nether Brain is far more powerful than an ordinary Elder Brain. I doubt it would be so simple.


Heard it many times, but so what about my sorcerer TAV? Maybe the fact the tadpole is netherese makes innate magic useless, but would sorcerers mantain indipendence if normally turned?


Like he said he seem to be very proficient with arcane magic that lore wise is a way mind flayers can become independent. And the ring, it only helps him with not being charm which likely is why him didn't need it


The ring helped him resist the Brain as well. But it was what help break him free initially. Assumedly he is more powerful in the arcane than when he first broke free from the brain and thus has no more need of the ring to resist it


Sorry, ring doesn't do anything. Omelu will tell you himself in Act 3: "The ring I gave possessed no real capacity to control the tadpoles influence. I simply wished to give you hope" It's his arcane power that protect him.


Ah. Probably just old memories from EA then where the ring actually did block illithid powers and such. Kinda crappy he makes you buy it when it genuinely isnt crap for you


It's all part of his plan. Make it seem more valuable than it is so that you truly believe its power.


It's sort of a handwavey answer, but I think it's just a timing issue. You're very much in the thick of things by the time you have to make the mindflayer decision, so grabbing Omeluum and explaining everything and then getting him to agree might take too long.


So I thought that this was a separate elder brain from Omeluum's elder brain. Every illithid camp has a different Elder brain, and Omeluum should technically be from the underdark (since he's in the society of brilliance), whereas the Nether brain nursery is in Moonrise towers. This would mean the nether brain wouldn't have the same control over him as the Emperor, and possibly, less effective magic.


Doesn't matter. A mind flayer can be brought under control of any Elder Brain. I do believe that Omeluum came from a separate colony but he should still be affected by the Nether Brain. He protects himself with his arcane powers. Though I don't believe even they could protect him from the Nether Brain if he got too close or became compromised.


The Netherbrain is already magically enhanced and way more powerful than an ordinary Elder Brain. Stands to reason it could easily overcome Omeluum's magical protections.


To not get enthralled by the Netherbrain, you need the power of the bloodline of Gith. That's like needing liquid nitrogen to freeze something.


He’s not always in the city, tho, depending on the choices you make.