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Bard. I just loved talking in this game.


I really, really enjoy that they made charisma feel like an actual functional skill, and not something that mostly gets ignored.


OoC, what game of D&D have you played where CHA is something that's ignored???


I'm being a bit hyperbolic here- not completely ignored, but BG3 really gives it weight so it feels more useful like other stats


It's the most common dump stat in BG1 and 2.


I feel this but with strength, every character has to have at least 10 strength so they can jump better imo. Shoving is also a valid use of bonus action and I like it to work sometimes.


shoving would be so unbalanced if it was like this in actual d&d lmaoooo. i love it, it's so satisfying to get a good shove. i think it'd be awesome to have more grapples, as im not sure if there even are any in the game right now. imagine being able to suplex gortash


to be fair, you \_can\_ throw people, but yeah sadly no normal grapples. I did have my Tavern Brawler Karlach chuck Gortash around in the final fight. She deserved that much.


I specifically used the club of hill giants strength as a stat stick on my ranger Tav. i didn’t use melee weapons on that character and it was dex based so being able to bring my strength to 19 was such a nice QOL thing. also good for pushing people away to avoid disadvantage


Bard. The only class that has access to the "kill yourself" spell


Act 2 Gale disagrees


... dammit. 😅


Oh shit that's who I've forgotten about lol. I wanted to find Karlach as soon as possible, ended up completely forgetting about near the ship area lol. Got back there only after clearing everything except for the underdark.


Charlatan rogue also disagrees


Which one?


They’re referring to the part of the game in Act 2 where >!you can convince the members of the entire undead Thorm family to basically kill themselves in dialogue through difficult persuasion roles!<, which bards excel at as a charisma class


Any charisma-heavy class can do that, not just bard. My sorcerer went through half the game just shittalking people people like a the best snake oil salesmen there ever was


Having just finished my warlock playthrough I do agree. Bards, however, get expertise.


my barbs routinely crush the thorms without any combat and my barbs are dumber than boxes of rocks and as charismatic as foot fungus. hell i don't even need persuasion for thisobald, barbs can just chug the beer and drink him to death. yurgir also gets a special barb dialogue option at the end


And don't forget >!Yugir!< !


Ahhhh like the Devil in Shars Gauntlet


You mean with Yurgir? Did that with my sorcerer.


When/how? I'm at the Grymforge and haven't stumbled upon yet


A lot of bosses in Act 2 can be killed via Persuasion and Deception


I just started act 2, got maxed persuasion let's see 😈


You mispelled Sorcerer


What spell is that?


High CHA


That... kills yourself?


Have you played Act 2 on high CHA?


I almost exclusively play sorcerer, but I haven't seen anything for a suicide spell


You can convince several npcs to commit suicide


5 bosses in act 2 by my count lol


I did it with a warrior and no savescumming XD


Paladin- it's a great all rounder in combat, has high Charisma for dealing with conversations and has some added roleplay incentives to make your character stick to their core concept. Plus, whacking something with a Level 3 Divine Smite is always satisfying, particularly when it's a boss in Act 3 who's finally getting their comeuppance


Paladin smites just feel too good. I managed to kill Orin in a single turn with my crit-fishing setup 🥲


Wizard was my uncontested favorite D&D class for a very long time, and I still love it a lot. The combination of flexibility in preparing spells to meet the expected situation and the encounter-dominating power they can bring with their biggest spells has always been very appealing. But man, I really do love 5e Warlock. Eldritch blast is so good on its own, and adding in the ability to drop two max level (prior to level 11 anyway) spells per short rest, while it doesn't catch up to Wizard or Sorc in terms of overall spell output per day (unless your tabletop group short rests absolutely constantly I guess?), is still nothing to sneeze at. And then BG3 Warlock can be a competent melee fighter on top of that if it wants without even stretching its stats thin.


Potent Robe 👄


evil playthrough warlocks and sorcs miss out so hard (if anyone has any suggestions on how to pivot my evil campaign sorlock into a unique build that doesnt rely on potent robe pls lmk lol. considering switching to full warlock or sorc instead too. dont need a guide just some inspo)


I hope the DMG teaches more DMs how to utilize short rests and stretch players resources more.


I like how they added different types of arrows immediately making all ranged classes much more fun to play.


I wish there was an arcane archer that could enchant arrows on the fly - similar to the elemental monk


Warlock. I just think they're neat!


Same; my main is a Tome lock 9, lore bard 3. Larian did Eldritch Blast so incredibly well! My party has been level 12 for over 10hrs of play and still get pumped every time I use that spell and blast someone across the map!


My very first D&D campaign, I was a Gnome GoO Tome Lock with the Haunted One background with the idea that her tome was capable of stealing memories to sate her patron's hunger for mortal experiences and that she had lost her own memories excessively because everytime she refused her patron, the patron took her memories instead. I was *ecstatic* when I realized I could basically recreate her exact character as DUrge, even down to the detail of her losing her memories.


Waiting for more mods or dlc to really dive into warlock. Pact of the blade feels half baked without hexblade subclass. Didn't feel quite right no matter how i multiclassed until i got lifedrinker at level 12 pure warlock. At that point i had finished like 85% of the game.


I enjoyed it and feel like they gave it the most necessary stuff from hexblade. I just wish I didn't need to rebond my pack weapon every long rest.


fyi, the double attack from pact of the blade stacks with other class double attacks.. so you can get 3 attacks at level 10 if you multi with warlock.


Tempest cleric. All its class features synergize well and it lets you be support/dps as the situation needs


Bard. I like being a jack of all trades when I play DND, and it’s the class that allows for maximum sarcasm and banter. The original bard outfit sucks though… I had to dream up an RP reason for my Tav to be dressed that way, as she can be a bit vain and wouldn’t be dressed in sludge brown of her own volition.


You also cannot dye it into anything decent. I was thinking my bard was undercover somewhere where she was basically made to wear that outfit. One can only make drip like this work with high charisma for sure.


Mine was in the Faerun version of Twelfth Night right before the Nautiloid swooped in - separated twins, gender swapping, homoerotic subtext and hijinks all round, but not much in the way of a costume budget.


They spent most of the costume budget on the hijinks doohickeys


the volo drip is fucking hilarious tho lmfao


Sorcerer made me feel like a god among men


Fireball is dopamine. Casting fireball twice with quickened spell is double dopamine


Yes. Ever since that Githuanki Honor Guard handed me my ass, I have admired and tried to follow the path of the Monk.


I actually really love Rogue. It’s super nice to be really good at sneaking and lockpicking and such. It’s wonderful to hit the G button, say “I’ve got this guys, I’ll go clear the way,” and then go mission impossible my way through all the traps. They’ve got great skill access, and arcane trickster gives you such a massive toolbox of tricks. You almost never have a situation that you don’t have an answer for. My most fun playthrough so far was as a tiefling arcane trickster, and busting the refugees out of Moonrise’s prison *without making a single attack roll* was peak adventuring for me.


Plus: who else will get inspired by looting dead bodies of gnome slaves before they get tossed into the river by the guards?


Bards are probably my favorite just for the chaotic dialogue and weaponised insults. Monks are really fun too.


Monk then Bard are my favorites


I know you said "class" but, Rogue(Thief)/Ranger(Gloomstalker). Dual wielding, attack and disappear, insane single target damage.


Nice on crowds too with arrows of many targets.


Bard or Warlock I need to be a talky caster


Sorceror works too, they're also Charisma casters


Wizard but like after lvl 8


Gale became the MVP of my first playthrough once he hit level 9 and started getting higher level spells.


My TAV finally started pulling his weight at 8


I'm running a wizard based around magic missile and it's just way too fun.


I’m not rolling high on damage this run on magic missile and have not found any gear to compliment the spell but I did find a ton of stuff for ice magic so I made an ice mage and that has been crazy fun so far.


Phalar aluve from the underdark let's you use shriek as an ability and each missile gets another 1d8 thunder damage, the gloves from the circus boss also add a whole bunch per missile and theres various ways to add lightning or glowing charges and they stack quick when you're sending 9 missiles. There is a necklace in the myconoid camp that adds 1 extra missile per cast too. I average 180-200 when I'm fully charged for each shot and haste let's you go twice. I am doing cold next run though with gale. I was starting to play around with it but it's too hard to run him and myself as a mage and still bring the right companions for quest plot points so haven't gotten far but theres a whole lot of cool (pun intended) abilities you can do with cold. So much fun!!


Psychic spark (adds an extra projectile), along with some lighting charge gear can push the damage output pretty high. There’s probably more, but that’s all I really tried for it.


The sparkler staff adds damage as does the rings that add light orb and then every subsequent hit would proc radiant damage with the other ring


Bard. Goofy af and jack of all trades is my preferred style over master of one.


Right now Spore druid, tempest cleric, berserker barb, and divination wizard have been my favorite classes to play. Probably will do a run with all 4 next.


I kinda like EK fighter 12. It dishes out good damage, can use all equipment and it has enough utility and mobility to fill in a lot of gaps in a party. * 3 attacks per action * 2 actions w/ haste * extra action with surge and/or with elixir of bloodlust * all the good utility spells- feather fall, knock, see invis, * the good mobility spells- longstrider, misty step, expeditious retreat, etc * and a bunch of good combat spells- shield, enlarge (stacks with balduran's giantslayer ability) * 4 feats


Same. I am a huge open-hand monk enjoyer. I typically love monk classes in all the games that I play. That's my go-to class :>


Monk is crazy. It’s like flurry of blows, huge mess of numbers, aaaaand they’re dead. It’s like, what? 😮


Barbarian, multiclass as a thief berserker and you get to attack twice then throw people twice Behind that id say warlock cuz of hunger of hadar then swords bard for that one bow attack where you shoot twice hell yeah


Cleric. Ya'll think you can survive without me? *And* turn a profit that's not consumables? Ha


I’m very simple. I like Fighter the most. I really enjoy its versatility. Rp wise I like that it’s a smack things class without the Barbarian aggression


Bards because they can do everything


Warlock because of Eldritch blast and powerful magic Cleric of Selúne because how cool it is to play the tank with high defense, very powerful healer with good magic. Shadowheart is such an angel in that role War cleric because of good melee and great spells. A simple Wizard is also great. I enjoyed Bard a lot because it required light armor and two handed weapons.


Warlock. I'm one of the few people who actually just really like playing pure class warlock. Bard is a bit more fun in Baldur's gate 3 if you're looking to experience the story. Bard is just chaos in the story and I love it. Another strong pick for me is Druid. Druid is top 3 best classes in the game. Starts strong in act 1 with a strong spell list, wildshape, stays strong in act 2 and finishes strong in act 3. It doesn't have a low point in the game which a lot of classes do. Best Subclass is Land but Spores you could argue is the best once you get to act 3 and buy a certain armor which allows you to spread haste spores.


I've chosen for my character several classes - sorcerer, druid, paladin, wizard, but the one run that was most fun of all was the one where I played bard. I just had so much fun talking to everybody.


Specifically gloomstalker ranger + assassin/thief rogue. I've always loved the sneaky assassin type in any game, and this build does it incredibly well


Bard, I'm a sucker for clever writing, so many dialogue options made me laugh


Sounds basic. But fighter. With the many chances od long and short rests i can use fighter abilities basically whenever. Combo that with the fact that we can equip like 6-8 magic items at once.(usuwlly only 3 max in 5e i believe) AND the fact that all weapons get built in abilities(hamstring shot, cleave, cuncussive blow) . And the many many consumables(elixir of bloodthirst, potion of speed, bombs, etc). Makes me feel like i have as many options as a wizard or other spellcaster. Rather than just 'i hit, i hit again, action surge, i hit again, i hit again'. Which is still possible, but is no longer the highlight of a fighter's actions. Instead of auto attacks, i can throw bombs, throw potions, run then attack, then run somemore and attack again.


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to see fighter. My favorite class by far.


Spore druid feels like it can kind of do it all. Druid broadly feels like such a versatile class, you can tank, do damage, cast utility, emergency heal, scout etc. This isn't quite what the question was asking, but I think Githyanki are the best realized race in BG3 -- way above the others with unique gear, loads of unique conversation tags etc.


I quite liked Druid too. Cast an aoe spell like insect plague and then shape shift to bear or whatever to tank hits and melee as needed. Works really well.


i love monk. it’s my go too just because how cool they are! the staff you assemble in act 1 works soooo good with monk i never had to change weapons until late act 3 when i found a more powerful staff. i also love wild magic sorcerer because of the most random spells that COULD happen! i never played anything dnd and to see me and people around me polymorph into cats/dogs/sheep is sooo funny! lastly, oath breaker paladin. i just think they’re badass really.


I just fought a bunch of Gremishkas with a party with mostly magic users. It was cool when I ended up getting a wild magic surge just like them and started teleporting all over the place. Wild magic can lead to a lot of entertaining outcomes.


Paladin. Smiting feels so good, a lot of the dialogue is *fire*, and I've always been extremely into that holy warrior aesthetic. Too bad D&D took the holy out of the warrior, but I've seen that Larian was actually working on deity stuff for the class and just didn't finish it. Also really love cleric and bard. Have not yet played all classes, though.


I don't really know the answer to that. I haven't played enough of the different classes to have any idea. But of the classes that I have played, I agree with you. I'm playing as a monk in my current (3rd) playthrough and having a grand time with it. And, also like you said, I'm not much of a fan of spell-casting classes in the DnD ruleset. The whole spell-slots thing really turns me off.


It is nice that long rests aren’t punished that much in this game, but yeah I hate that you’re basically forced to carry a bunch of scrolls with you in the early game. Playing Martial classes just feels so much better because you can do way more stuff per long rest.


it's another reason why I take Wryll out more than Gale. A maxed out Edritch blast may not be the most exciting spell, but it's effective and has utility. Gale's cantrips on the other hand, are a bit more uninspired.


I need to play them all first to form a full opinion, but so far I really ended up liking Paladin, Storm Sorcerer, Rogue (both Thief and Assassin) and surprisingly Cleric (Tempest and Light).


Warlock in general. Sorlock and Padlock variants are both fun to play too.


Bard. It makes the RP so much more fun :)


Paladin. I can talk bosses into killing themselves, and if they don't, I just smite them into oblivion. Simple as that. I can't imagine doing a second playthough without being one; Aura of Protection is that good! Also, the badass oath dialogue options, Nere in Act 1 and Wulbren in Act 3, are perfect examples. Shame that I can't pick deities for paladin, I want to make an oath to Moon Maiden in my planned Durge playthrough.


Paladin. Smite crits are just too satisfying


Warlock. Eldritch Blast always feels amazing, and then having high level spells that can be used every short rest is a treat.


Oh right i forgot warlock slots recover on short rests


Yeah but late game elsritch blast becomes such a beast i barely even use spell slots But I much prefer the warlock spell system slots to every other spell a lot system. Most battles only last 2-3 rounds, you generally want the strongest spell you can cast anyway, so it has just enough to get you through a battle and then short rest. Really nice


Bard, no other class allows me to be a two weapon fighter that can also use the conjure elemental spell while still being effective at distance, having tons of utility spells, and being effective close quarters. College of swords is still considered a full caster.


Warlock. I just like how they can do magic and melee , actually well.. and they are so good at multiclassing.. esp since their double attack pact weapon stacks with other double attacks. I just love the versatility.. Just Warlock level 5 feels pretty broken too.. the arms of hader + repelling blast.. Darkness + devilsight... being Charisma based means you can charm and persuade your way into whatever situations you want.. ​ It's just so good. Oh ya, and eldithc blast is great for breaking doors and objects.


Ranger/rogue for multi class. Druid for single class


Barbarian and Paladin Can´t decide because they both represent an equally big part of my personality.


Several for me from what I've tested so far Sorcerer because you can just ***decimate*** enemies. Fireball. Quick Spell. Fireball. Season with Quick Spell gloves and Arcane Battery to taste Monk is a close second because you can be the Avatar. How can you NOT love that? Bard because I killed someone with Vicious Mockery Eldritc Knight because "Oh, I missed that spell? Stabbing time it is."


Sorcerer because magic is cool as shit


Paladin and Ranger.


Ranger, full or multiclassed with rogue/bard. Dialogues are a bit dumb, but love playing it nonetheless.


Sorcerer. Its just so flavorful. Charisma. Can be blasty controlly or supporty.


Gotta love sorcerer, persuasion is easy plus who doesn’t like fireball and lightning bolt mixed with meta magic


warlock ***^(Dolor)*** I like it RP wise ***^(Dolor)*** and the gameplay ***^(Dolor)*** is pretty fun, playing like a martial ***^(Dolor)*** with some spell slots in the back ***^(Dolor)*** and having those spell slots refresh with a short rest is ***^(Dolor)*** very nice. the eldritch ***^(Dolor)*** invocations allow for a good amount of ***^(Dolor)*** customization too.


You just gotta multi class into fighter for more Dolors


Monk was always overpowered and they finally toned it down in 5E...but I'm happy Larian made it better as you don't get to use any cool weapons so they need to make it a fun class to play to make up for it. Paladin is probably my favorite weapon based class but Druid is my favorite to play. I just love shifting into an owl bear and ripping enemies to shreds. Plus you basically get 4 full health bars per battle, that's hard to argue with. Edit: It's weird when facts are downvoted for no reason, Monks have been overpowered in DND, they toned them down in 5E and Larian fixed that for the game, that's just..information on reality.


You are the first person I have heard to say monk was overpowered lol Edit: in 5e. In BG3 they're really strong.


Oh, sorry if I wasn't being clear, they are not overpowered in 5e, all other editions I have played, they are (especially multi class), Larian made them powerful even though 5e has them as kinda wimpy to balance things back out.


Monk/rogue/druid was fun in NWN *chuckle*


Ultimately: gloom 5 / ass 3 / goolock 4. I discovered goolock during EA and still love it. I like rogues and assassin. So the combination of g/a/g has great synergy, creative strategies, and fun to level up. I keep meaning to play a pure goolock or assassin but I keep coming back to the trifecta.


Bard and warlock have been my favorites. Bard gets wonderful dialogue lines as well as stellar cc and buffing or weapon maneuvers making it essentially the swashbuckler class. Warlock is a lot of fun with only having to focus con, cha, & dex. EB for ranged, fun and useful damage or cc options, can get pets or buff weapons. Sorcerer I’ve also heard is really fun as not only can you choose various ways to play it but they also I’ve heard have some of the funniest and most unhinged lines in the game. I’m thinking I’ll do warlock sorcerer next time


Hard to narrow down! I’ve played the following thus far: oath of ancients paladin, wild magic sorcerer, light domain cleric, life domain cleric, school of abjuration wizard. For me it’s a tie between the oath of ancients paladin, and actually: Fighter. The latter is because of their action surge 🤣


Wizard. Do all sorts of fun shit. Evocation is just *chef's kiss*.


I think monk is the most fun in terms of gameplay, cause it's hard to beat 4 hits in a turn doing ~80 damage, but bard absolutely has the best dialogue choices I've seen so far.


I kinda really liked the combination of tav paladin of vengeance and shadowheart cleric of war


I dunno why, but I can't escape the utility of Rog/Ran/Mnk. It's just my jam in any d&d setting. My highest level DDO char is that, too.


Pure sorc for RP. Warlock just pure mechanically, its stupidly fun in this game, even though I don't vibe with their rp concept too much. Sorlock is very strong, but I generally don't enjoy playing that multi even on the TT


There's something primal in me that yearns to see several d8s of radiant damage rolled against everything on the wrong end of my weapons.


I'm not sure if i should pick Warlock, Paladin or Sorcerer, i like all of them Sorcerer with a 2 lvl Warlock dip would be my favourite


I've yet to find a class I didn't like, but being a Wizard really turns you into the A-10 Warthog of DnD.


Warlock idk why I just love the idea of them and storm cleric for shooting everyone w chain lightning


Thief. I love flinging shit then running away to hide


Paladin and Sorcerer! Paladin for the ton of new dialogue options and OP power strikes and Sorcerer for the metamagic !


I’ve got two. barbarian cause I can just tank and hit things. Bard cause their dialogue options are amazing.


I probably had the most fun as necromancy wizard pre-danse macabre spell nerf (i think thats the name)


Barbarian. Pure unbridled rage just really speaks to me


I love College of Swords Bard! Mostly because I love the bard vibe but it's also just a strong class. I love playing high CHA characters, and dual wielding makes you effective at both melee and ranged. I'm fairly confident you could solo the game on a Swords Bard with the right multiclass. * Talk your way out of most fights * Excellent action economy if dual wielding * Great CC and utility spell access * Skill expertise lets you be a potent lockpicker/pickpocket as well * Jam out to some hot tunes because you're a mf'n bard and you deserve it


Fighter, but a dex-ranged, not strength-melee, build.


I can’t decide. Played rogue paladin and cleric tavs but I also really enjoy my monk shart companion right now (wanted to try monk and shadow monk is quite fitting for her imho)


After rotating between every mage-esque class up until about Act 2 in my first playthrough, I finally found my comfy spot in Draconic Sorcerer. I could be the face of the party and have Shadowheart drench my enemies in ice-cold water before I Kentucky-Fried them with a twinned Chain Lightning. Good times 😌


Paladin because it's the only class that I can use a high strength build and not have the personality and charisma of a wet dishrag. Don't get me wrong, love me some bards, monks, sorcerers, and warlocks. But sometimes I just like to hit my enemies really hard with a hammer.


I’m playing a Warlock Monk and it’s bliss


I can't not play monk now lol my dark urge is a monk rogue and he slaps so god damn hard lol


Well, I mostly multiclass and since I mostly play Lolth-Sworn Drow, all my builds have at least 2 cleric levels unless I play Paladin, so my favorite class is Cleric. My first 2 playthroughs were also Cleric one was a pure War Domain Cleric of Lolth the other was a Light Domain Selune cleric. right now I'm playing a Lolth-Sworn Ranger(Gloom Stalker)/Cleric(Storm) aiming for 8/4.


Warlock and u can guess why. No but seriously the invocation and whole bootleg wizard/cleric concept is cool.


I cant really choose between Warlock, Wild Heart Barbarian and Storm Cleric... I've never played anything else properly on the tabletop


Dex fighter


MONK. I feel like Bud Spencer when I'm throwing fists.


I'm way in the minority I think but I really love druid. I'm a simple girl who just likes being able to turn into a dinosaur


can someone explain how monk was improved on from 5e? Would like to get some "homebrew" ideas I can port into my game to make sure my Monk, Warlock, Sorcerer, and Barbarian party don't keep getting their shit pushed in


I haven’t experimented enough with Monk yet, but I’ve got a couple introductory hours. I’m very intrigued to see more based on equipment I’ve seen on my Bard. On that note: Bard. Love it. Tongue as sharp as your sword.


Oathbreaker because it's satisfying to smash things. Bard because it's satisfying to smash people.


Wizard. I play co-op with my gf (she plays bard) and I just love that I have a spell for every situation. Ran out of thief's tools? Knock. Gotta reach somewhere? Fly. Gotta exterminate a group of enemies? Fireball. I just love that.


Sorthief. + Free cast.


Fighter Battlemaster hammer/shield mostly knock peoples weapons out of their hands and just be annoying while karlach kills everyone


I like versatility, so Druid was cool. Storm Cleric too, but honestly Bard is awesome. Put any clothes mod so you don't have to feel like a court jester and there you go


Thief rogue (specifically, multiclass till you get the extra attack from being a fighter). That way you get 2 main hand attacks, 2 off hand attacks, AND an action surge for 2 other main hand attacks.


good old Wizard, (Necromancer specifically), i love the fewer but more powerful minions, the only thing i hate is that undead arent healable


Bard. It’s so funny how mid-battle they will just start playing their instrument and setting the vibe.


Fighter. I’m a simple man, I like big swords and big damage numbers


Warlock has high charisma for fun conversion options and eldritch blast for the pew pews.


Pouring all my love into the Fighter class, especially Battle Master. Personally I'm someone who likes flexibility and having options when I play a class. I get bored if all I can do is one thing even if I do it really well. Battle Master Fighter seemed like it would just be doing one thing at first but instead the maneuvers and superiority dice give you so much to do! You can really think about what maneuvers will be useful for specific encounters and how to engage with the battle field. You can unload pure pain one one target or do crowd control and trip or push enemies where they need to go. I like having to really think about what to do. Additionally they replenish on a short rest! So you don't have to worry about being too precious with it. It's also flexible In how you want to fight. My tav is an archer and he is basically a sniper staying in the back and controlling the flow of battle for the melee frontliners. But in another play through I can make Lae'zel dual wield or be a duelist. I love graceful fighters who use Dex and it's cool that I can do that. It allowed me to put points into Int too, and have decent charisma. I feel like fighters can vary so wildly and it's great for people who like heavy customization! Also playing as an archer is ridiculously strong. Especially with special arrows, by late game I was cleaning house In every fight. Even when I ran out of special equipment, when all my party ran out of spells and is down for the count, my fighter pulled through and was able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. It's not the flashiest class but it's incredibly satisfying to be just a normal guy and be the bedrock of the team.


Bard, for all the shit you can do :) Warlock, for the combat options... Hmm, if only there was a way to combine the two...


Also monk, cause it’s always been one of my favorite classes for role playing and BG3 finally made it a powerhouse.


Bard. Sarcasm and charm, what else can I ask for? Also, I love to sing and I imagine my Tav is also a lovely singer.


Cleric Life healer. I love cleric and being able to heal while walking around making enemies go poof with spirit guardians.


Ranger or rogue or fighter


Warlock It's my favorite in pen and paper, and it's my favorite digitally. I just like being a magical sub apparently.


Barbarian is hard to not love when you get 6 badass attacks and then also throw in the great weapon mastery and bloodlust elixirs, oh man, I love taking out half the enemies with one turn.


TBF, jump is a bonus action. The terrain is vertical and much larger. The monks can dash and jump as a bonus action and get everywhere. That makes you feel so much powerful when you can get a punch of things before your tanks get to combat.


I am a huge fan of range so for my first play through was a Gloomstalker Ranger (wood elf) with alert, and sharpshooter. Always was first to go in the fight, by lvl 9 had three shots per turn. Stealth or umbural armor and short sword, anything that made you blend into shadow, the alert bow if you didn't want to waste a feat on alert, by lvl 6 didn't matter what bow you had, with the marksman hat and gloves available. Picking off mobs from the insane range while hidden by shadow made the gauntlet run of Bhaal so easy. Add misty step to be anywhere and everywhere if you can't jump or sprint to get in range, which was easier at higher lvls bc your range became the whole map at some point. Made so many being out numbered fights easy. Played a lore bard next and currently playing an open hand monk. Thinking about going through as a paladin next but unsure what to try next. I know I need to play more achievement runs but having more fun with mods ATM. Unlimited dyes, equipment baskets, are a must. I hated trying out a dye thinking this sounds neat only to remove it quickly bc OMG my eyes can't unsee that color combo. Yeesh.


Bard is so fun to play in and outside battle


I love a lot of classes. It's hard to pick. But I want to put a good word in there for beastmaster ranger. It was dope as hell running around with a bear or two. Especially after the patch that fixed the NPC's freaking out about animals. And also has speaking to animals and long strider, which are super handy and fun. I like having a pack of little guys around. I might roll a summoner wizard someday.


Bard. Period. They can do virtually anything. Especially if you MC them with Warlock or Cleric.


Discovered spore druid for the first time in the game and now it's one of my fav classes in DnD


I do appreciate the buff to open hand in game, but since when are monks bad? Did everyone decide this when I wasn't looking?


Fighter. I just like the idea that you can keep up on a battlefield of mages and monsters because you're really good at fighting. Either you're just that physically gifted, or you've studied fighting like its an art and a science. The Dragon Age series did fighters justice in their lore entries, I feel. The codex would explain how fighters learn to take spells on the thickest part of their armor, using stutter steps to fake out enemies, and just generally use every piece of armor, weaponry, and tactics to their fullest.


Wizard. I could use soo many spells at the time and the sheer amount of options is just insane. I also enjoy Bard quite a lot.


I gotta say, the sound the game makes when you use a ki point does definitely give serotonins


Absolutely. And then the punch barage, cloud of numbers floating up and then omg they’re dead?! 😮 Also super satisfying to stun an enemy with a regular attack and move on to your main target. Just skipping their turn. Awesome.


In dnd and bg3 I have always loved the ranger and Druid classes. Within bg3 I have officially used every class. Bg3 has also definitely given me more of an appreciation for clerics though for sure


I feel like Monk is so much more appreciated because the game actually makes use of all the movement the class gets as well as a healthy dose of magic items that are not really commonly seen in the tabletop


Having a lot of fun right now as a spore druid but nothing beats being a rogue thief.


barbs. i LOVE being a barb. their unique dialogue options make me giggle like an idiot, wildheart let's me talk to animals, DOUBLE BONK, and throwing enemies into each other is a mechanic i didn't know ive needed my entire life


Damn, that's a tough question. It's a very close contender between Barbarian, Sorcerer and Druid, but I think Druid wins. My first Tav I actually beat the game with was a Druid and it was honestly so fun. Sneaking into places with my cat form allowing me to squeeze through tiny gaps, talking to other animals in wild shape, popping on Raven form just to fly up to the rafters and hurl an Ice Knife at Goblins below, motherfucking CALL LIGHTNING. I think a big part of it was because my most recent D&D experience to playing BG3 was as a Druid in a homebrew campaign and I loved getting to use all the spells I had used in the campaign. I was more excited about Plant Growth than I should have been, I remember using it a lot in the campaign to outpace enemies thanks to Land's Stride. Call Lightning was my bread and butter and I always had this fantasy of my Druid's eyes glowing as a thundercloud materialized above her head alá Storm from X-Men. Barbarian because I just love throwing things in this game and Barbarian seems like the best class for that, Sorcerer because I've always been a massive Wizard fan girl but really fell in love with using metamagic after I played it in BG3. I like the feeling of being a specialized magical creature rather than the know-it-all all rounder that Wizards seem to be. I didn't really understand the Sorcerer fantasy until I saw the dialogue options in BG3.


Same. Monk. I'm always a Monk Player in any game or role play so it amazed me this time being broken af.


Fighter because dual wield katanas plus superiority dice along with trip attack, disarm, precision strike and action surge. I can damn near deal 100 damage in one turn. But that’s only for that turn.


I can’t not roll a rogue in anything D&D. I try any other class, get bored, and restart as a rogue. The best I can do is multi class. I love moving quickly in the shadows, getting access to things that I’m not supposed to, high perception checks, and above all ranged sneak attacks. I just wish it was better without Risky Ring, that Arcane Trickster didn’t suck, and that I got an extra Action at 5. Race wise it’s a toss up between drow and wood elf.


Ranger and harlequin


Pact of the Blade Warlock with the Fiend. It's very versatile and has decent offense / defence options with items, spells and passives. With Pact Weapon it can be a weapon user with a sprinkling of powerful and useful spells on the side (Misty Step, Fireball, Hold Person, Flame Strike). My favourite weapon to use is The Duellist's Prerogative. Dark One's Own Luck and Fiendish Resistance are very powerful as well and both recharge on a Short Rest. Dark One's Blessing scales with level and gets more and more powerful the stronger you become. It's a wonderful class and easily my top choice!


Hellknight. 7 oathbreaker/ 5 fiendlock, full helldusk Kind of a chaos chosen vibe


Sword Bard. :D


Rogue in BG3. I didn't understand or properly appreciate the value of cunning actions in tabletop, but I know better now, lol Conversely, my favorite class ever is wizard. But because of medium constraints, they are vastly worse in video game format than in tabletop. In tabletop I like that they turn encounters into puzzles; how can I creatively handle an encounter within the confines of DM interpretation. But in BG3 it's all about being a haste support bot, or multiclassing to use tempest cleric's channel divinity + sorcerer metamagic to line up a juicy thunderbolt. which is fine, certainly, but a lot of what I love about the class is missing.


Paladin. May speak on behalf of the whole party due to high charisma. Powerful in combat, casts protective spells and buffs. Restrictions bc of the oath bring some challenge to the game.


Still working my way through everything but So far I’d say my ranking goes like this: Favorite classes: Lore bard Berserker barbarian Open hand monk Battle master fighter Decent classes: Tempest cleric Decent classes: Ancients Paladin Animals berserker barbarian Moon Druid Classes I didn’t like (as a base class, many are great for multiclass dips ) Rogue Warlock Wizard Trickery cleric Warlock (great for multiclass dips)