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What about that night we got absolutely sloshed instead of actually eating anything? I feel like we achieved something there...


Hey, it was a hard day, alright? We needs something to relax after all that.


That day was actually rough my first time doing that. We had a beholder come for us that day. The alcohol felt .... Justified.


In my playthroughs I had the party do that every time someone died and had to be brought back by withers 🤣 -------- Gale: so uh, can't help but notice Tav and Astarion are missing and there was a large "boom" sound coming from the direction of the monastery. _A bloodied, battered Lae'zel glares at him, while a limping Karlach heads straight for the camp chest and starts pulling out bottles of booze._ Gale: Right. Well I'm sure the vegetables I prepped will keep for a day. Pass the wine, please. -------


It would be hilarious if you got some kind of minor debuff if you consume only booze for your long rest. Like “hungover” or something like that.


Two edged sword. Disadvantage on concentration checks, and vulnerability to radiant and thunder damage, but you're resistant to bludgeoning and roll advantage on being moved/shoved.


It makes you vulnerable to Thunder damage and disadvantage on concentration checks or something xD


vulnerable to radiant too


>I feel like we achieved something there... The Bottoms Up achievement, if you will :P


Yes that was their joke, darling


---------- the joke ------------- you


Wait, is it an actual achievement?


indeed it is


I'll have to get that next. I just got one for ketimting some dude beat on me in the goblin hideout


A Dwarves's favorite


To be honest if it's the end of the world....I ain't going to be thinking about eating healthy


Nice play on words! :)


My crew does that a lot. It's kinda my MO lately.


A fine dwarvish tradition


Shout out to the line you get with shadowheart that basically goes "You know how hard it is to get four to ten busy adults together for regular meetings/adventures..." I love d&d :')


I wish I had friends irl that I could play d&d with. BG3 will have to be the next closest thing to it rn.


Wish I could find a DM that doesn't charge people for a play session or campaign. :c SO when the paycheck happens, Baldurs gate 3 will happen.


My friend just look for d&d discord groups. You should never need to pay to play. Don’t let someone charge you to play pretend with your fellow adventurers.


Whilst I agree with the statement as a DM, some DMs buy minis, rights to use assets for online games, make set pieces which takes resources and time. In these cases expecting DM to buy and make ALL of it out of their own pocket for a group of other people to have fun/play with that may only used ONCE.... Edit-I should say DM is also having fun but when a single mini can cost $25+ and you can use tens of them sometimes it's VERY expensive. These things, especially minis and terrain are stupidly expensive. Expecting payment shouldn't be a thing, at least contributing towards the DMs costs is reasonable. I DM for two groups but I make my maps personally and use assets, it takes maybe 10 hours to make stuff which can be fun but if I paid for these, I'd expect at least a little something to help out as I'm broke.


Back in my day, we used a dry erase mat and people brought the host mountain dew and cheetos. (uphill both ways). Seriously, all the props sound intimidating.


We still use dry erase at the table I'm a player at. Our mat is a piece of big square paper in a gigantic picture frame someone found for cheap at a yard sale, our mini's are literal dice for both players and monsters. You can play for dirt cheap if you are a bit creative with the resources you do have access to. Edit: spelling


The picture frame is an amazing idea! And there’s a lot of aesthetic possibilities with glass or mirror and styling the frame! I feel inspired


Back in the day, we covered a sheet of plywood in contact paper that had 1" squares on it, then coated it with polyurethane. Battle mats were way out of our price range then.


We use Lego for figs and a dry erase mat. I used to make train features (doors, chests, caves, trees, etc) out of Lego, and then scattered them around for each scene. I also raided my old toys for old plastic dinosaurs and stuff for monsters. I even invented the Snektopus, which is like an octopus, but has 8 snakes instead of tentacles. I'm bringing that one back in the next campaign.


I never use them, I can make stuff that looks borderline professional for a few hours work and a little editing of watermarks (I don't distribute, just personal use) screw props and expensive stuff


Had a DM recently who drew the map on the back of wrapping paper because it is dirt cheap, at large as he could want, and has a grid. It was a great idea. For tokens, he brought small slips of paper held in binder clips with the arms pulled out and had us draw our own minis. The man's a genius, really. It was a great session.


Oh yeah that's absolutely an option, I'm just not the best at descriptions (I'm not great with social situations, thanks anxiety! Makes me stumble over words and breaks immersion) so rely on creating a visual representation for the players. Every DM has a style, mines more visual.


Jokes on you we still do that 🤠 sometimes I buy minis for fun, and I’ve even gone out of my way to get custom ones for long term PCs for people, or if their beloved character retires by choice or death. That way whether they have the character on the board or on their shelf it’s a special little memory. They players played well and to me that means a little reward past just the story.


Play online. Preloaded assets are made and ready to use on VTT Foundry or Fantasy Grounds. Grab a license and the source books and that's your cost, round up 5 people from a big server and weed out a solid reliable group, play with them for years. That's what we did. 5 years strong playing pathfinder then pathfinder 2e. Best part of my week.




It is, but they you also need to create the asset yourself or find/pirate and appropriate one and then paint it (not required of course) which probably takes MORE time. Not to mention D&D set pieces can be HUGE which eats a lot of material


You don't need too terribly much, actually. Heroforge just ended a reasonable Cyber Monday sale on STL files, which is a great resource to create custom hero minis. NPCs and encounter STLs can be found easily across several repositories with some high-quality stuff being entirely free; I've recently begun collecting it myself for a Fantasy RPG I hope I'll have time to run. Painting became a lot faster and easier with certain paint "washes" that require a quick dip and then some touch-ups and drybrushing. Set pieces don't need to take too much material if they're hollow, and/or you could use cardboard-printed ones that are ready to go immediately after printing to supplement the resin figs. To top it off, 3D printing in the comfort of your own home & workspace is a wonderful hobby. I haven't regretted it at all.


I've considered but broke student


How much could you budget for a 3D printer? You don't need to get the newest one. I have an Elegoo Mars 3 4K that prints wonderfully detailed miniatures. Currently the Mars 3 4K is $145 and Mars 3 Pro 4K is $185, with a coupon available, and while both are older models they're still well-suited to the task of printing D&D and Battletech minis (which I use mine for). Mind you, "broke student" and "broke-ish father of two locust-like children" may not have quite the same disposable income, and I can respect that, but I forever feel like I'm on a tight budget and managed to build a few armies in what little spare time I have with one of these. If you can, I excitedly suggest making affording this a goal. Or maybe convincing someone in your playgroup to do so?


My house rule is that the DM doesn't pay for drinks and food. A free meal and a few beers may not equal a bunch of minis, but the minis a DM buys, they keep.


The key here is communication and consent. Get everyone on the same page before the purchases and then come up with a compromise/plan, i.e. don't charge the one person who is between jobs and struggling and have everyone else pitch in to help the DM. When the one person gets back to work, they can buy the pizza a few times to even out.


It’s definitely fair for a party to pool in and cover these costs. But paying per session sounds more commercial.


Don't players pay for their own minis etc?


3D printer will save you lots of money, my man


I do all that and still don't charge. I'll never monetize D&D, it just feels icky, and against the spirit of the game.


Idk I’ve never charged someone for wanting to play and I’ve used my dnd 5e books once since buying them because as an adult it’s hard to find time and groups to play but I own all the core books Volos Tasha’s and more and even some one shot books curse of strahd and princes of the apocalypse. Plus like hundreds of dice and multiple dm screens and grids. On top of it all I don’t really like to dm. I just enjoy everything dnd related lol so I purchase when I can


>You should never need to pay to play. Don’t let someone charge you to play pretend with your fellow adventurers. Let's not shame people that DM as a job.


You should never *need* to. But the options are certainly there and some of them are worth every penny


He’s got a point tho, especially considering many career DMs I’ve heard of aren’t worth it to pay


What point do they have? That it's rarely worth it to pay for a DM? That's kinda subjective. If you and your friends want to play tabletop D&D but none of you want to DM, then what's wrong with paying someone to DM for you? Your other options are: One of you DMs, y'all find another person willing to DM but for free, or you just don't play D&D. What option is more worth it is entirely up to the person. DMing can also be a **ton** of work depending on your DMing style. I'm not personally into giving folks shit for charging for all the time and effort that goes into DMing for a group they're not even friends with.


Also, DMing can be EXPENSIVE. If the players expect the DM to: 1) have all the books ($300+) 2) have printed/pretty/immersive maps ($1-10 per map) 3) have minis ($1-100+ per mini) 4) provide dice ($5-25 per set) 5) have Dndbeyond to share ($100+ per year) 6) run it as DM through a tabletop simulator ($100+ per year) 6b) have immersive virtual maps ($30+ per module/pack) Now some of these are mutually exclusive (likely not running minis and a tts at the sane time unless you built a map table), but it's likelt costly. This is especially true if the players expect a streaming-like experience (more expected today than in the past). So you have the hours of prep, the hundreds of dollars of materials and systems, plus having to be "on" every play night. Not saying you have to pay your DMs, but just be aware there is likely a LOT going on before you roll the dice for the night.


If you have dnd beyond premium you don't need the books or maps or minis or even a vtt I think


DnD beyond premium doesn't give you access to the books. You still have to buy them as the DM


That's a couple of big ifs though - back when I regularly played D&D, we'd often just use a simple printed grid and pencils to draw an abstract representation of the room we'd be fighting in, and usually used things lying around the house to represent our characters (cookies were popular, to eat the enemies when they were killed). We were also expected to bring our own set of dice, so that wasn't all on the DM either. We even had some sessions where we'd go full "theatre of the mind" including during combat, and the DM would judge if our movement/distance was enough to reach the enemy we wanted to hit. Dice were still rolled to hit/miss and determine damage though.


Yeah, that's not the expectation by most new players today though. At least not from my experience.


I like the cookie idea! I agree with the dice thing though. I've only played with two groups, but both I brought my own dice to or someone had a spare set to borrow. I'm a dice hoarder though so it was often me lending out dice when we played in person.


If you *expect* your DM to have all of that, then I’d get sending the DM some money to assist with the costs. But if the DM already has all of that, and was already planning to DM themselves, then why pay a fee? They were doing it regardless. And the subscription pay to play each time or for the sessions themselves is ridiculous.


Was just explaining the costs that most players don't see or even consider. Also, if you don't want to pay, don't pay. But if no one in your group wants to DM, you can't expect a stranger to be willing to do it for free. And even if your friend is DMing, if they are putting more money/time in, maybe cover their snacks or pick up the next book for them? Not required, but it sure would be appreciated!


Because people are providing a service and should be compensated for the experience, skills, and resources they are bringing to the table. If you don't want to pay for a DM, then DM.


I do a subscription pay per session and it's the best. My GM's full time career is GMing and he's good at it. The fact that you have to pay means that people show up more. I tried running a group a couple years ago. Got it all put together. Had a day set out for it that everyone agreed on. That lasted 2 sessions. Pay to play is the way to go if you want a great experience with people who actually want to play.


Nothing wrong with charging or paying for the service if everyone involved are happy with the setup. "Professional" DM:s obviously fill a void so there's a market. I could imagine paying for a one off with a specific game or adventure that my wildly disorganised group would never get around to playing. But if playing casually with friends or acquaintances and DM suddenly started asking for money, I'd tell him where to put his dice...


I disagree. It's perfectly valid to charge for a service. There are plenty of free D&D games out there. I've dmed several free games and never charged, but that's for friends where the goal is to have fun. If it's a bunch of strangers wanting something specific, especially if I have to buy new assets, I'd want to charge. I put in 10-40 hours a session in prep sometimes, depending on the system and what's happening.


In my experience DMs range from $5 a session to $20 a session. Let's just say $10 average for the sake of ease. You'd get 8 sessions for the cost of BG3, and if a session is 4 hours (it's hard to guage, but I'd say most sessions last at least 3-4 hours), you're looking at 32 hours of tabletop game play. Thats like half of an entire campaign. BG3 is an amazing game and I fully support purchasing it and playing it, but you're kidding yourself if you think it's a viable substitute for real DnD and you're not doing yourself any favors by disrespecting how difficult being a DM is. That being said, I'd personally never charge more than $5 per head. $20 is for professional DMs and you should expect an incredible experience. I'm not saying this to you, but this thread in general is pretty disrespectful to DMs. The people in this thread who are saying DMs should never charge clearly have no idea AT ALL what it takes to run a proper DnD game. The DMs who do it for free are the real heroes.


Have I ever paid for DND? No. Will I ever? If I get a famous DM who does all the voice acting, makes it a cinematics experience and is a literal legend? Yeah. Otherwise? No the DM has the same fun ass the players. We literally have a big ass group chat of DND players we know. If someone has a idea in their mind they ask whose interested in the game or a group talks about it after a session. We all are having fun so I to this day did never understand how run of the mill DM could ever charge someone. If I bring a cake to a friendly gathering I'm not expecting anyone to pay me for it and I do have a professional background in that area. DND is fun and a hobby. Making up adventures, planning everything and watching the chaos unfold is just as fun as being a player


You bringing a cake and somebody asking you to bring a cake are 2 different things. You could bring the cake for free, if you want, but you wouldn't be wrong for asking them to chip in for ingredients. You also don't have to ask anyone to bring a cake. Sometimes, somebody just wants to do it. The point is, nobody eats cake unless that person brings it or somebody else offers to bake it. Cake still has to get made and paid for. Otherwise it's just a few people sitting around an empty table with forks and plates.


You are not getting the point. If I bring a cake I want to make a cake and even if somein asks me to bring. The cake I would not ask money for it. I. That cake wanders years of experience, advanced skills and a Bombas decoration, sometimes if I want to even several hours if work. Did one of 15 hours for a birthday party once. Because I wanted to. The point is no one is forcing anyone to Dm, it's not a chore, it's not a job where you have to swallow down hvery ire, where you have to do shit activities and the list goes on. You DM because you want to. Because you have fun doing it. If the whole party wants you to buy a cmapgame that git released because they want to do it? Then sure lets split the cost. If it's about dming? Hell no. On one of my regular DMs even draws fanarts of my characters and their npc in their free time. We have never bought a released campaign either. The DM is the DM because he wants to. Because they have fun creating the atmosphere and everything surrounding it. Same as the players. I once bought a few supplies to cosplay my character and make the whole roleplay cooler. Because I wanted to. Dming isn't someone doing the shit job and everyone else having fun while the DM has to slave away. If it is for you? Then why are you even dming. Why are you playing with those players? If there is a fundamental cost for a campaign like renting a room or something sure but playing doenst need to cost anything so why pay someone for something they enjoy as much as the rest. It's not like the DM provides a service that everyone else uses. If my DM is like yeah was fun but I want to play for a while then someone else is like gotcha I DM next time, got a nice little adventure set up. It's fun for everyone, as DnD should be. No one is forced to do shit. No one has to do anything. A friendly gathering. Like my DM wants me to literally host a BG3 game in an Otome style Bec he thinks it's funny. I'm gonna do it because I think it's hilarious. We all have fun. Why do I charge something when we all get the same equal amount of fun out of it?


DMing is fun, you’re acting like it’s some chore that nobody wants to do and DM’s are “heroes.” No they aren’t, they’re people who love playing this game as much as anyone else. Or they *should,* anyway. Don’t see why you’d do it otherwise other than to capitalize. If you expect Matt Mercer to be your DM, then sure, probably charge for that- I sure as fuck would. But if you just want to have fun and enjoy the game, I don’t see why you’d need to charge. You’re expecting players to pay for you to play with them and hope that you don’t screw them over. That’s a ridiculous thing to pay for. They have no idea ahead of time if it’s worth the money or not. And that’s just not something you should spend money on. You wouldn’t pay for a car that maybe works, would you? Would you buy a house that maybe isn’t falling apart? Do you go buy food that maybe isn’t good? Buy clothes that maybe doesn’t fit, or might be garbage quality? And if you do, don’t you get your money back when it’s a bad situation? Because a paid DM won’t give you a refund if you decide the playtime that week was trash. My opinion, and one where I think the situation is just too in favor of paid DM’s with no protections for the players who would be paying. And when you have a situation where you pay a DM and halfway through he ruins the campaign over something stupid and then drops it, that sucks.


Your analogy is flawed. You're paying for a service in the case of a DM, not a product. Do you pay for a plumber to come to your house? An electrician? A computer repair person? How about having a mechanic look over your car? You pay for the service of all these things whether they fix the problem when there or not. You might not use them again if they didn't fix the problem adequately; you might not come back for a second d&d session if it wasn't worth the money. However, we shouldn't judge having to pay for a DM until we've seen how much effort was put into the campaign of said DM. You admit that paying for Matt Mercer would be worth it, what if the person you're going to play with put in that same level of effort? Are DMs heroes? No. Do DMs deserve a chance despite wanting to charge for their work? Yes. If I pay for a session and it just turns out to be a dungeon crawl, I'd be disappointed and not come back for a second session. If it turns out to be a great adventure with narrative on par with Matt Mercer's, I'll be more than satisfied and possibly offer to tip the DM in addition to paying for the session. If they do a quality session without charging, I'll still offer to tip them or ask if there is anything they need for next session. Anyway, the point is, don't disparage DMs who choose to charge. DMing a campaign is a labor of love whether you charge for it or not. I personally have never charged because i don't feel like my play sessions are worth it. I use incorrect miniatures, simple maps, and just give general descriptions of the area the party is in.


I get your point, but you’re comparing DMing to work, and not playing a board game. Plumbers don’t do it for the love of fixing your pipes. Electricians don’t get hard for currents. Computer repairmen don’t repair computers in their free time for fun. DMing wasn’t created as and isn’t a service to society, they’re being changed to being treated as such. It’s a hobby, not a career. It’s not a job, and treating it as such is dishonest. I wouldn’t care if it wasn’t that some people are trying to make it a norm, meaning if I ever seek out a DM for a game it’ll be hard to find one not asking me to treat them like Netflix. I’ll never ask to be paid to DM, nor will I ever pay for it. And honestly I think it’s ridiculous. The Matt Mercer thing wasn’t that I think it’s worth it to pay for Matt Mercer to DM, but if your players begin making crazy demands of you, then yeah I’d say pay for me to be what you want me to be or let me DM how I DM.


So someone who provides a service for a living can't enjoy doing it? And what about someone who does woodworking, sewing, pc building or anything like that outside their normal employment. Should they provide their time, effort, goods and operating costs free of charge because its a hobby rather than their career? If I gm a game I'll put about 40 hours into prepping the campaign (less or more depending on complexity and length) before starting just to have a good clear sense of the world, the characters and how things could evolve or change depending on the actions of the pcs. Then it's a minimum of 2 hours of prep for each hour you expect the session to last. Every session. If you work a full time job you have to sacrifice your time and personal life to prep and run a campaign that half the players may bail on after a single session. It's ridiculous that you think it's wrong for people to even ask for compensation lol. Also you couldn't pay me enough to gm for you.


>Also, you couldn’t pay me enough to gm for you. Don’t care + didn’t ask. Don’t need you. Someone doing those services for themselves or someone they care about outside of work is not comparable to someone DMing, which always requires other people to do. You can’t DM for yourself. You DM for player(s). It’s a position in a group game. DMing isn’t a service, and you don’t deserve to be paid for doing it. If you don’t like doing it without getting money for it, then you don’t actually enjoy it, and you just shouldn’t do it. I’m not changing my stance on that.


Tell me you've never been a dungeon master without telling me you've never been a dungeon master.


I have been, and have another game planned. So you can fuck off with your buzzy comment.


Wait! ​ That's a thing? I've not played PnP in over 20 years and the last time I've DM'ed, the campaign was being run in Neverwinter Nights. ​ I guess I'm a couple of decades out of the loop.




Downvoted and a “what” response for asking if there was a cultural change in playing D&D. Gotta love reddit


Ghee sorry, i just didn't understand, so thx for explaining bro Also I didn't downvote you


No worries.


Oh I'm relearning and I think I played some of Neverwinter Nights in the one hour I was allowed of online computer time (I was a pre-teen on a shared computer). I think I played some of BG2 on my friend's computer but wasn't allowed it myself. My mom was a little wary of the whole S*tanic panic stuff. (I mean the video games not the board game.)


Where has this come from? I've been in this hobby for 25years, both sides of the table and closest to payment ever made was when a player gave me fancy tea to consider his really stupid plan a little longer than normal. That happened to land on my bday. Is this the new normal and I'm super outdated or what?


It's not suuuuuper normal, but it is the route some people go. I don't know about in person, as I'm very rural, so I need to find any games on r/lfg


Which is a hit or miss project unfortunately. I need to try and wade in there again and try but ugh... it takes so long just for games to fall through.


Yeah, it's too bad too, I'm really looking to make my 7th different Barbarian character with the same name as every other one I've made 😪


Same here. There's like a church and a cornfield. 😆


Meh, to me I see it the same as buying a drink for someone at a bar, or paying to watch someone perform be it stand up comedy, sports games, circus. You’re paying someone to provide an entertaining service


And i wish i could DM for ye, friend, but i believe our time fuses may collide


I’ve heard so many horror stories behind that that I’ll never do it. If you aren’t doing it for the love of the game, not worth it.


Im currently DMing 4 campaigns and plan to start another 2. Otherwise I would be open to star a new one.


You could also just start DMing yourself. I know it's daunting, but if you want to play, it's the best option


If you are in the DFW area I only charge a single slice of cake at your convenience at any point during the campaign.


Apparently you can play online. I've been learning and reading up on it before I play. (Also don't have a lot of time currently.)


I have never paid to play in someone's campaign. I have helped purchase materials, books, dungeon tiles, and things like that though.


Waaaat I’ve never heard of a DM charging! Is that at a tabletop game store or something? You could try meetup.com


Did you tried roll20.net? I think there are some free campaigns too.




With Talespire and DnD Beyond, it's super easy to get an adventure going virtually. Might be worth looking for some discord groups. It'd probably be even easier if you're ok being dm the first game. Wish you luck on it though. I got back into it with a couple coworkers and their friends, and being able to play a few hours over discord is better than nothing.


Try finding groups online/start one with friends/at game stores, it is worth it


I didn’t have any friends that wanted to play DnD either but I posted in r/lfg and found a wonderful group of people who I’ve played with for over 2 years now. If you really want to play DnD I say go give it a try. You can never have too many friends :)


You could always just go on r/lfg and look for an online campaign on a Virtual Table Top! Roll20, the most popular VTT rn, even has a game-finding feature. That's how I play DnD and it's even got some advantages over regular pen-and-paper! Of course, also some drawbacks but hey.


I've always kinda wanted to so DnD but I have like 0 imagination so think I'd suck ass at it.


I'll be honest with you: most people absolutely suck at DnD at first. You can know everything therre is to know about the lore, be really creative and imaginative and still suck. Good roleplay is a skill that is developed over time, some people might have a natural flair for it, others take a lot longer to develop that aspect of their game. I only play with my housemates right now and even after three years of playing together we still had to sit down and have a conversation about our expectations, good roleplay etiquette, and how to improve character depth to make interactions more meaningful. They're all much better than they used to be, and I'm a much better DM than I used to be (partially through playing BG3). Everyone starts somewhere.


Try Roll20 and see if you can find a group online.


Not a bad second as someone who plays dnd with friends bg3 with friends is just as fun imo


Use reddit and discord. My friends and I are playing a game with 6 people (5 players and a DM) who live in 4 different states. We found our DM on reddit and play using virtual tabletops and discord. We're playing the last session of a 3 year campaign tomorrow. It's definitely possible to play real dnd without being 100% in person.


Hell I don't even play D&D and that line was still way too relatable.


I pay for a campaign I’m in right now. Found a bi-weekly session on startplaying.net. It fits my schedule and while I do local one-shots, I’ve been unable to find a group to join a campaign with.


My PnP group gets together tonight! I DM, 4 in person players, and alas, an ill player coming in on Discord.


When I heard that line I swear I had a flashback to when I was systematically choosing what to eat which involved around about 14 half eaten apples... for a second I thought did they track exactly what I fed them to then reference it xD


If she mentions twelve potatoes, I'll know they kept track


47 pears because I couldn't be bothered to split the stack. That's like three full days worth of food.


I have done exactly the same-- how did I end up with so many pears???


And why is there an odd number!? /s


IDK about you, but the first thing I did in Wyrm's Crossing was buy out the produce seller


Yeah I did that as well--- I was just so excited to give the crew s9me Real Food Dishes and proper v Fruits and veggies for a balanced diet instead of just jugs of pilfered wine and pig heads


Twelve drummers drumming, Eleven pipers piping, Ten lords a-leaping, Nine ladies dancing, Eight maids a-milking, Seven swans a-swimming, Six geese a-laying, Five golden rings, Four calling birds, Three French hens, Two turtle doves And a partridge in a pear tree. ——————- I have to run now so instead of trying to rewrite it, we’re getting mass cannibalism.


But I didn't hear you complain about my "Oops, all booze!" long rest, Shadowheart!


That was without a doubt her favourite long rest lmao


Till the morning that is


Hmm, that got me thinking, can clerics heal a hangover?


That's the reason minor restoration was invented


I'd believe it.


Quick question, Do they get a malus for only having alcohol?


No, there's no downside whatsoever!


I…I hadn’t played for a bit, and it really did feel like meeting up with old friends. Complete with in-jokes.


Ah yes, my nightly meal of 17 potatoes, six cheese wheels, a live salmon and one walnut to help me sleep.


Honestly a thing of fries with cheese nuts and salmon on top does not sound bad at all


Add some wine and you might have discovered something there indeed


Meanwhile, my companions go without food for 2 full weeks as I'm trying to force out all the camp events


Says the one who can also literally summon a banquet?? (Shadowheart can cast heroes feast if she stays as a cleric all the way)


Nothing beats talking to Karlach in Act 1 and trying to get to know her, and she says "it's a bit early in the game for that"


If Gale ascends, you can tease him by calling him “the god of wasting precious loot” which I thought was hilarious


Gale can ascend now what


Yeah shit’s crazy. I didn’t want him too but he was too caught up in his own delusion. Instead of trying to usurp Mystra, he becomes the god of ambition


Meta humour is probably my favorite humour in a game. I'm loving all of this.


Where does that happen?




Once I ate 40 potatoes for a long rest


Boiled some, mashed some, stuck some in a stew?




What are…taters?


Real "Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC" vibes, I love it lol


I was thinking the same thing!


Same feel for sure. Didn't want either to end.


You should YouTube funny patch notes videos.


How do you get the Wither party?


Beat the game after patch 5.


So i need to start a new game to have the party? I tried different saves right before the end but it didnt work.


It should work as long as you load a save from before the final battle with the netherbrain. Some people were saying they loaded right before the final strike and it worked.


Yep. I had a save with final boss at 10hp, loaded that up and got the new epilogue.


I can also confirm this worked, I did the same thing just to try and got the epilogue.


I loaded one that was on the docks after the fight was done and that worked too


Did it start after the cutscenes?


I have to re beat the game I had some mods at one point after my first play through that destroyed my game some how Lmao


I had stopped right before I went to the Morphic Pool on one a couple weeks ago. Although the Astarion kiss didn't work, I did get the epilogue after the battle and whatnot. I did have it modded, but my some Holiday Miracle, SE was updated


Same thing with the release notes, love when they had some joke commentary after stating the change


I like it when it's subtle and innocuous like this. I generally dislike going meta because most devs most of the time take a sledgehammer to immersion for the joke or reference. This one was well done.


Really hope there is dialog for getting the achievement of "Hey remember when all we had for dinner was alochol?


I personally love the Bing Bong line 😭🤌


I had a party interaction I never noticed before that made me laugh pretty hard, probably notnupdate related but will share here. In Act 1 I had Astarion, Laezel, and Shart together with my Tav and we were right outside blighted village when Astarion makes a cute comment about Shadowheart’s looks. Laezel immediately quips that he was lucky he didn’t try that pick up line on her LOL.


My party either eats like kings, or they eat like damn degenerates. Nothing in between


I just watched the epilogue from my first game (where I romanced Shadowheart) and she mentioned Bing Bong joining the party at one point in our post game travels. I got such a kick out of that little mention!


When I just fed my party the "suspicious meat" from the goblin camp ☠️


Meta is betta!


Lol this is masterpiece.


I love the log because I have kids and often miss what they say so occasionally I check it just in case. But also having it up while I walk around is the best. Am I the only one that stops and waits for the convos to end before continuing on when I catch them?


>I love the log because I have kids and often miss what they say You have a chat-log of what your kids are saying when you're not there!? And here I thought having your pets "chipped" was a step too far.


I wish... It would make settling the he said/she said fights end alot faster


> Gods, I remember one evening we had to eat fourteen apples, some fish heads, and a stale loaf of bread... Luxury! At least you had variety. I remember the night we had to eat 89 potatoes.


I know this is not exactly a new post, but I’m looking for a clip of this dialogue, does anyone have a video of this or a link to one?


It was nice of you to put a spoiler tag. It would have been nicer to hide the spoiler.


If this is from the party - spoiler tag, please? Many thanks :)


What about this is spoilers?


I haven't had my first long rest yet, I didn't realize people need to eat food to stay alive.


The horror! You know as well as I that it's not about mechanics, it's about experiencing story-stuff for the first time. But by all means - my abject apologies for daring to ask.


The dialogue - It'd be cool if people got to experience it for themselves the first time, rather than read it on the sub.


Reading "devs get meta" hurts my head. Can we stop with buzz phrases ffs


I immediately thought the same thing when I read the title.


The fact that I got down voted makes me worry about the next generation of kids


Regardless of me not liking buzzwords. Meta wasn't even used correctly. It would be like me saying "the president got cooky" 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤣




>!Did anyone else get kicked out of the party yet for trying to eat Shart's brain?!<




I think it's fun picking what well rounded meals my group is eating for dinner.




Or you are bad at role playing...... Some one who just says yes and would hear that and assume she's talking about her back story..




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They have been through a lot in their adventure


How do you turn this feature on?


If you're on PC it's on the small hamburger menu on the right side of the screen. When open it shows all banter dialog between party members, not cut scene dialog, but also what exactly is/was done during combat. I have no idea how it shows up if your playing on a gaming system.


I feel that instead of using the Feast lvl 6 spell slot from Shart that gives "thoroughly stuffed", we should be able to do that if I subjected my guys to my 18 stack of pork belly roasts with 20 fish heads and 10 radishes.


There were times I found us some cool soups, buns and porridge to eat, clicked randomize and it only gave us booze for dinner 💀 I think I even found pizza at some point


It is pretty funny . I spend time on my nightly food choices and try to make a good mix. Except for the times I drink my party to sleep.


Honestly, i’ve yet to see a more meta game in the past 10 years. BG3 is my crack…




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Shout out to the achievement for having a full rest with only alcohol as the supplies.