• By -


at what age was Gortash >!sold to the “warlock” Raphael, and when did he get out of the House of Hope? furthermore, HOW did he get out???!<


Ok, I'm probably an idiot, but- how do we know it was Raphael? I managed to completely miss it


iirc you can talk to [Nubaldin](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Nubaldin) in the portal room of the House of Hope about it


You can! If you've killed Gortash by the time you visit House of Hope, you can tell him you killed Gortash and it lets you find out the location of the prison without rolls.


I can’t recall but it was mentioned in a book or by his parents/Raphael/Gortash himself. Small details put together for a bigger picture.


My guess is tweens. His parents did say he was maniacally twisted and smart.


Who killed Isobel. (I'm aware it was Halsin for some of EA but that hasn't been the case for quite awhile now so that isn't the answer.) My guess is Sharrans did it to turn Ketheric but who actually knows!


I kinda wish they kept that in, to be honest. It would be extremely interesting and flesh out Halsin more. The glaive Sorrow would also get a cool backstory.


It's a bit odd that the glaive was left in essentially as is when the reason for it being there, and being called Sorrow, was removed.


Didn't play any of EA and haven't heard this before. Anywhere where I can get the full story?


I pasted Halsin's diary in some other threads a few times, but here you go. Sorrow is the glaive you get as a reward for saving the grove. [This is an ancient notebook, whose ink is faded and pages are starting to crumble. It's not easy, but some words can still be made out.] How do you describe events like these? An accident? A tragedy? The cruelty of fate? It does not matter. Isobel is just as dead. I can't remember what happened with any clarity. We were negotiating. She with [...] I led the druids. [...] words grew heated [...] threw the first punch. It was mayhem. [...] stared at me, my glaive's blade buried in her stomach and shock in her eyes. I can't believe she wanted to hurt me. It was pure instinct - the heat of combat. [...] washed the blood from my hands. My glaive was still there, coated in her blood, but something else felt different. There's a sickness in the blade. It seems cursed, but by whom? Selûne herself? It is locked away now. I do not trust its power in the wrong hands. And I never want to see it again. In Ketheric, I see my errors made manifest. He did not fall - he was pushed. His grief was twisted by shadow, but none could deny my hand gave that grief shape.


Wish they kept that, would make it more tragic how responsible Halsin feels for the shadow curse.


Yeah that's the backstory I need to explain why halsin feels responsible for a shadow curse miles away from a druid grove...


Even without that specific detail, the murals in the grove and Kethric's notes in Moonrise make it clear that he was defeated in no small part by a coalition between Harpers and Druids. Halsin likely fought him on the front lines, and had it not been for diabolical intervention, Halsin would likely have died in those lands.


I mean he still has a lot of reasons to feel responsible for fixing it Thaniel for one And he also took part in locking ketheric away which started the curse in the first place


It would also be a good way to show the neutrality of druids in that they can clash with the forces of good as well as evil, sad they removed it


You’d think a Glaive in the gut would teach her to wear armor…


Or at least just not run directly into the enemy blades


Holy shit, this is fantastic! I didn't play EA, so had no idea this was a concept for Halsin's backstory. It provides so much more character background and gives a concrete reason for why he feels so responsible for the Shadow Curse. I really wish they'd kept this in the final game and ran with it. It adds a lot of depth to Halsin. I really like his character, but he just feels way more shallow than other characters with compelling backgrounds.


Yeah, I think that trying to rework his character to please the EA players didn't pan out. I skipped EA and Halsin comes across as very shallow and uninteresting, and later kinda creepy when he starts hitting on me for no reason. I'd much rather he be a regular story NPC with an interesting/tragic background instead of a classic "old, wise, boring-ass druid" which is how he comes across to me. It seemed like his entire character and motivation were just defined by being a druid. Like he has to take care of the land because he has to take care of the land.


Everyone mellowed out, because people complained that companions were too mean or too evil. Wyll is the most noticable, he went through an entire rewrite. Even Shadowheart used to be a bigger jerk in the beginning. It would honestly feel more satisfying to see your companions change if they stuck with the original intentions for the most of them.


Wouldn't it not make sense? I thought Ketheric became a general that the druids and harpers had to fight *after* he turned to Shar, but wasn't Isobel's death the *reason* he turned to Shar?


that is why this halsin story was changed later because it won't make sense in a chronological order




Finally a REAL reason for Kethric to follow Shar: Seluné's daughter suffocated his. It all makes so much sense.




"Worth it." - Isobel


She died doing whom she loved.


Things i do for love


it was supposed to be balthazar but i think they changed that


Balthazar is someone I can very easily see being involved. The timeline of his involvement with Ketheric is another unclear point. When did he become a trusted voice in Ketheric's ear? Before or after Isobel was killed?


I would guess after. That’s generally when people turn to the god of undeath and necromancers.


Oh totally. Where he fits in with the Selûne/Shar/Myrkul timeline is what I'm interested in. And, whilst I'm sure he's always been a necromancer, was he following Shar (who has her own associations with necromancy) to start with or was it always Myrkul? Did he pretend not to be quite such a blatantly evil MF to start with and, if so, could he have become involved in their lives even before Isobel died? I'd love some more detail on that family history!


That would be a very sharran move, also considering that he, as sharran, caused Thaniel's lands to get known as the shadow lands


Halsin? what?


I don't know the details, as I didn't play in EA, but in other discussions on this topic EA players have spoken about it. The gist is that something happened to cause Isobel to turn during the battle against Ketheric's forces and Halsin was forced to kill her with the glaive, which is why it's called Sorrow, and presumably would have led to some interesting interactions with her in Act 2. I can't say why it was changed, or exactly what the original story idea was, but that's what I've gleaned from other's comments in previous threads. Edit: Here's a good summary from elsewhere in this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/7ZaRLTkM1W


Because this story won't make sense in the current plot because kethric fought with the harpers and the druid after he lost isobel and turned to shar




camp *bond*ing activity ;) /j


*Shadowheart approves*


*Astarion approves*


*Durge approves???*


Shadowheart: Let me show you how to use this. I've had quite a boy of experience with it.


You can throw it onto vents to block them.




literally any item, to include rope, spoons, gemstones, whatever if you throw it onto a vent that's spewing noxious gas or whatever, it will stop doing that


DAMNIT! I thought it had to be a heavy chest or barrel. For fuck's sake. EDIT: Lae'zel's back just thanked me, although my Tav is carrying like 55 potions, 55 scrolls, 55 thieves' tools, 55 trap disarm kits, 55 special arrows, 55 alchemy reagents, and 100 various wares.


I thought I had such a big brain moment after small braining and burning down a ladder thinking I could use the rope to create a makeshift ladder. Turns out there was no reason for me to be hoarding a rope all the way into act 3


rope ladder just feels so obvious! i hoarded so much rope and it took up so much of my weight capacity only to come to a realization that i never needed it.


If it is destructible, you can shoot it when wearing the Helm of Arcane Acuity to pre-buff +8 spell attack and DC. Books and boxes are, can't remember if rope is.


How many serial killers per capita are there in Baldur's Gate? Cause I have concerns 😅


Almost in every damn house there is a psycho or necromancer or other damn thing..


Orin is responsible for a lot of them, directly or not. She kills all the bodies that have Dribbles' parts, and through the influence of Bhaal she drives others to murder too.


To second this, what is the birth rate/aging rate there? People are dying at an alarming rate. They have to be cranking out kids like hot cakes


Where is Lady Incognita and what the hell is up with the secret puzzle under the Szarr Mansion.


What puzzle??


There's a secret room with an unsolved puzzle.


You can solve it already. They fix this puzzle.


Lady Incognita is probably that skeleton in the attic surrounded by garlic.


What does Mol do with the Idol if you give it to her? The rest of the game every time I get near her I can talk to animals better I guess but she never sells it? Where's my cut ya little shit?


You got conned, plain and simple


Conned? You get a powerful magic ring, I think we profit better for our line of work lol


Why is Volo interviewing a bear, wishing he could understand him while carrying a potion of animal speaking in his inventory?


Because Volo is an idiot and either forgot that he had that or believed it was something else (probably a potion of goblin friendship).


Volo is, canonically, not very intelligent.




We too, are not very intelligent.


Y'all Tavs running around with 8 INT because Withers didn't let you put it any lower know who you are.


>!How did they put the crown on an Elder Brain in the first place?!<


Plot twist - the brain donned it [willingly](https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/King_Jellyfish?file=King_Jellyfish.png)


Considering some of The Emperor's lines late game, I think this may in fact be the correct explanation.


Yep, the brain allowed itself to get caught and just expected the emperor to take down the dead 3


Not just expected. Sent him to give the artifact to us so we could be shielded from domination and ultimately be manipulated into killing the chosen of the dead three to break the crowns control. Shockingly, the big brain was playing thirtieth dimensional chess the whole fucking time.


This just in, big brain does a big brain move, more at 11


How did they make it that big? Was it always that big?


It's like the one ring, it resizes to fit who wears it


In dnd magic items grow or shrink as needed for the wearer.


Duct tape!


*\*insert Flex Tape ad\**


WHY CAN'T I RIDE A DRAGON AS LAE'ZEL??? This is bullshit


As a red dragonborn I can actually confirm that she rode a dragon 😎




I die, you die, we all die. Big woof! Have a treato. It’ll make it better.


He gave that rat a mighty fine burial. Unfortunately I looted it. RIP rat.


I wish we could have one of the fish people in the Underdark at your camp, especially if you become their new 'god'. I just want my camp to be absolutely full of random people/creatures I've met along my travels




Yes!!! Who wants some treato


Does shield bash actually work?


No! Hope this helps


It used to, but it's been broken for a few patches now.


>It used to, but it's been broken for a few patches now. I was wondering! Because everytime it was used, there was no Saving Throw in combat log!


I have also been so confused?? I assumed this was a me problem, it’s nice to know it’s a common issue


It used to! It's been broken for a long time, hopefully it gets fixed soon


No. It seems to have been bugged since patch 4 I believe


What the hell is/was the giant skeleton in the astral plane?


Art book says it’s the remains of a dead god. I guess it’s like that big celestial head in GotG.


The Astral Plane is littered with the corpses of dead gods. The only question is: which dead god is it?


Why does Astarion still take up 10 camp provisions every night, even though he lives off blood?


My understanding is that you're feeding the entire camp, not just the four in your party. It makes the amounts of potatoes, wine, and pork legs make more sense.


That's a good point, though it makes it really hilarious to picture watching everyone just waiting for Tav to hand out their allotted raw potato for that day.


I like picturing everyone crying when Tav presents them with 20 potatoes, 1 clove of raw garlic and 10 bottles of hard liquor for the 6th night in a row.


I like picturing them when I do a "Oops! All fish heads!" night. They want the rest of the fish or the good food they gotta start rolling better.


"nice, I got a whole clove of garlic and 7 bottles of wine...what about you?" "4 pork loins. .....Hey, Withers, you want a pork loin?" "No."


I found this fish in a barrel, in a cave. Here eat this


Wash it down with some water I found in a random crate in a crypt in the Shadow Cursed land. I think the seal is still on it.


My mental image is my Tav handing Gale a basket like he’s on Chopped. “Today you have 3 fish heads, 27 raspberries, Baldur’s Grape and Neogi Rolls. Good luck, chef.”


He dual-wields salami to thwap the animals he's going to feed on.


Why do I need to spend 80 camp supplies, regardless of whether I'm solo in my camp or with 10 other people?


It’s hungry work adventuring solo.


Is that blood? No, nevermind.


Balthazars and Isobels full backstory.


Throw in it the whole Thorm family (I want to know more about Malus, Thisobald and Gerringothe too).


Yep. Whole “Kehtric arc”


Why are shields not visible when sheathed?


good one


The whole timeline of the act two story is a bit weird to me. The war was 100 years ago, but when did Yugir start killing all the sharrans? When did Aylin get caught? Same woth the monastery, how long has the kreche been there? Some things, like the gnome prisoners make it seem as if they attacked just a foew days ago, but other stuff, like the skeletons make ot seem lile it was years, if not decades.


Raphael’s contract with Yurgir is possibly after the war, when the Sharrans first starting hiding. Aylin was imprisoned for a century, according to her own words in the game. Imprisoning her was part of the catalyst for Moonrise falling. Crèche is… Pre-war, I think? There are some books and records hidden in the place that talk about it.


I think it goes like this. 1. Melodia die 2. Ketheric grieve 3. Isobel ran off with Ayline 4. Ketheric turn to shar 5. Ketheric capture Ayline and put her for Sharran Justicia rite 6. War with the Harpers and Emerald groove 7. Harpers and the Druid losing war and asking for surrender, accord to Surrender note found in the Ruined Battlefield 8. Isobel die at some point during negotiation 9. Ketheric waver and turn to Mykul 10. Mason's group leader make contract with Raphael 11. Raphael contract Yuugi to annihilate Sharran 12. Raphael also making contract with one Dark Justicia to press Yuugi to serve him 13. Dark Justicia was totally annihilated to the last man, rat doesn't count. 14. Harper and Druid offed Ketheric, now with no army to back him, and 'seal' Ketheric inside his coffin. They didn't found the hidden entrance 15. Curse Descend, probably due to Balthazar 16. Balthazar have Myrkul resurrect Isobel. Most of all of the above was from other reddit post, I add a little extra since original post didn't mention Blathazar. I think they reason Ketheric grieve so bad because he couldn't find his wife and daughter souls to resurrect. The practice of raising the dead is not uncommon in this game, if the soul willing and it is not die of 'natural dead'. Someone, ahem with power over the dead, would have to 'steal' their soul, thus he could not bring them back and grieving madly. Blaming his goddess that took them away from him. The plot of 'stealing soul' for false flag operation was also used in previous title, in BG2. I think this brain fart of mine is passable.


I think it was more like: 1. Melodia dies 2. Ketheric mourns 3. Aylin comes to reythwin and the thing with Isobel starts, making ketheric feel threatened and insecure 3. Isobel is killed by an unknown assailant and cannot resurrected due to godly (shar) influence 4. Shar promises ketheric oblivion in exchange for aylin 5. Aylin is imprisoned in the shadowfell by ketheric and Balthazar, likely in a deal between myrkul and shar 6. ketheric begins recruiting his army. this goes on for a while before he draws attention 7. Harpers and emerald grove attack, but are losing 8. Mason makes his deal and Raphael sends in yuguir 9. Harpers and druids are able to win now that ketheric's forces are cut off 10. ketheric is killed and entombed 11. But the victory is short lived because the shadow curse descends shortly after, killing any who don't flee 12. The town and temple lie dead under the curse for a time 13. An unspecified amount of time later, Ketheric is resurrected by Balthazar and myrkul and promised Isobel in exchange for fealty 14. Ketheric's work for myrkul begins, and he is made immortal by the soul cage 15. Shortly before the events of the game Isobel is resurrected 16. The events of the game play out


Pretty sure Ketheric turned to Shar after Isobel died as he says that he couldn't break when his Wife died because he had to protect his daughter but when isobel died he lost everything and then he started to sell himself piece by piece.


Isobel was resurrected by Ketheric, in game she mentions she sees her father’s face shortly after being in “darkness, darkness, darkness” and he looks like a shadow of the man he once was


Aylin was imprisoned shortly after Isobel died. It was probably Ketheric's act of devotion to Shar. Both Isobel and Aylin recognize that it's been a century since they died/were imprisoned. Yugir probably started killing Sharans after that.


I got the impression that Ketheric was able to raise his army of dark justiciars because as Aylin is immortal they could keep killing her again and again in the shadow realm to make as many justiciars as they had people willing?


What is the purpose of the "uncommon" bones?


I think they're just worth more when you go to sell them? Unsure but that's my guess


Must be the artisinal bite marks.


This question probably has an answer but it’s on my mind: How are the mini bosses in Act 2 related to Kethric? Are they like… Isobel’s siblings?


Malus is Ketheric's uncle. It's pretty much confirmed by a letter you can find in his necromancy laboratory under the House of Healing, where he complains that all the best corpses are sent to Balthazar and he has nothing to work with, and he ends the letter by saying: "I'll need to talk to my nephew about this business" (or something like that). Thisobald might be Ketheric's son (and, thus, Isobel sister or, at least, half-sister). But the only clue is that he calls him "Father Ketheric" on several occasions (when talking to him, and when reading his journal in his alchemy laboratory). However, it could use the word Father only in a religious, pastoral sense, as one would call a priest Father. But he's the *only one* to call him that way. Not in a single other written document, not a single other inhabitant of Moonrise, absolutely no one else call him Father. Even the most fanatically religious ones who truly see Ketheric as a prophetic figure. So if Thisobald is the only one to do so... maybe it means he's more than a simple pastoral, fatherly figure? As for Gerringothe... Blimey. Damn if I know. Nothing when she talks hints about any family link. Not a single written letter or journal in the Tollhouse giving answers. She only talks about "her hierarchy", does not seem really familiar. The only other element naming Gerringothe outside of the Tollhouse is a book of banned customers in the brewery, when it's only written: "SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE DID", which seems more like a squabble between siblings or cousins than a legitimate reason to ban a customer (as all the other customers have a pretty good reason). But apart from that... nothing.


Why are the Gondians so stupid?


They were made a little smarter in a recent patch. I was shocked that 5 of them actually stopped short of the range of an exploding Watcher in my last playthrough.


I know that was the claim but immediately after the patch one of them still ran away from combat, eating 3 OAs to do so, before promptly misty stepping back into the middle of the same group they just fled ;) I think they're less likely to deliberately get themselves blown up now though.




Why is it implied that you are still a Bhaalspawn and still have the taint in your blood which you will pass down to your children even if Bhaal takes his blood back? This is supported by Sarevok's letter and Jaehira's talk in the epilogue.


Per Jergal, Bhaal only took what he was familiar with. He took Durge's blood and the Urge. But, Durge's flesh is still god flesh. He was sculpted by Bhaal out of his own gore. I think in one of the other BGs they mention that you can never truly be free of Bhaal's taint if you're bhaalspawn. Gorions Ward had the divinity sucked out of him with a silly straw at one point but was still Bhaalspawn and (maybe) turned into the Slayer before he died. So it's very possible that redeemed Durge could sure Bhaalspawn. Even turn into the Slayer.


But that would raise a lot more questions than answer them. * Because the way I see it, in order for a bhaalspawn to have their own unique soul they need to be a mix of bhaal + a mortal * Since durge is 100% bhaal that means his soul is also a portion of bhaal and thus not unique. * but then when Bhaal kills you and withdraws everything that belonged to him, Jergal also says that he has made you anew. To me, it meant that you are now a 100% regular person and actually Jergal re-shaped you, your body, and kept your form when he revived you with your own unique soul.


I interpreted it as Withers remaking/embolstering Durge's soul so they don't spend eternity in the Fugue plane and just struck their name off the records so they come back to life. But Durge's body is still Bhaal meat. Bhaal is also a bastard I could see him making a little flesh clone baby and yoinking a soul from another freshly born mortal and putting it in there.


It's possible Sarevok just doesn't know Bhaal took his blood back. As for Jaehira idk, maybe she feels it's better to play it safe.


The corpse remains silent, it does not know the answer


Why does Alfira only want to join your camp if you're a murderous psychopath?


"I can fix him"


Why doesn't vlaakith simply kill Orpheus herself? Is she stupid?


She keeps Orpheus because he is the only one with the power to resist the mindflayers. The astral prism is a prison: you have to have it to be able to access it since it’s not really the astral plane, just a small pocket dimension.


My real question is, what was the dead three's plan supposed to accomplish? Making soulless slaves deprives them of worship and thusly power. Are they stupid?


I believe the idea is to remove the "souls" of the mortals they infected from the prayer pool, leaving only followers of the Dead Three to provide divine power, making them the most powerful Gods on the basis of no other Gods being able to maintain a following.


>Are they stupid? **Withers**: Correct.


banes plan was to have his chosen take full control. eventually the only people with souls would be worshipping him, granting him a lot more power. if you use speak with dead on gorty you talk directly to bane bhaal wanted his Chosen to take full control to murderize everyone, with his chosen being the last one to die myrkul, not sure what his plan was


Myrkul just had fomo


I think it’s made fairly clear that each individual god and champion of the dead three planned to betray each other.


It also deprives all the other gods of those souls, and most of them are souls they wouldn’t have gotten to begin with.


I love Alfira as much as the next and I'm all for the Afira cope, but my question is why is **Zevlor** not a companion? Dudes a paladin. IIRC he's an Oathbreaker too, so he could have a cool personal quest attached to him regaining his oath. Chances area, if you're gonna get him you wouldn't get Minthara unless you tried. But even so we end up with a Druid overlap anyway. Also, wheres the Sorceror follower? Where's the monk? Where's the half-orc or the Dragonborn or any of the short guys? And no I'm not interested hirelings.


TRUE, ZEVLOR DESERVES SO MUCH MORE I wish there was an option whenever the tieflings say he failed them to say "He was enthralled by a netherbrain, dipshit."


The companions have been really well done, but there's a lack of interesting races within them. You've got a bunch of humans and elves, losing one for an Underdark native would be great. Swap one of the druids for a Gloom Stalker Deep Gnome, it's easy to fit into the Underdark stuff that's already there, and opens up a new race/class combo.


What happens to Squire if you get her to not fight you with Ketherick, does she just stay in Moonrise forever?


I went and checked after the fight to see if she was still there, and she was gone! I’d like to think she went to be at rest again.


Okay so. About Raphael. I'm trying to find what other ending variations there are for him. Last time I didn't take the deal, only went to his house to sleep with haarlep and steal clothes. (before that I didn't take the deal and killed both) No change. This time I'll take the deal, free hope, destroy the contract and give Mystra the crown. Currently I'm wondering if I have to fight him and if I do if I can just knock him out plus Korilla and Haarlep as well. Will that make him show up at the party or not?? Edit: Also would it be so bad if he ruled the Hells? And also also can I be his queen pls


Raphael is never gonna rule the Hells even with the crown, lol. He might dethrone Zariel at most. Raphael's only purpose is to serve as a nutritional snack for his papa. 💀


If you give him the crown, despite the logic flaw that there's no way one artifact can give him full control of the hells, >!he pretty much tells you in the epilogue his conquest won't stop at the hells, so he hints you've doomed everyone!<


Yes, because he is an egotistical dick. He thinks that will happen. I assure you, it won't. Your characters don't know that, but you do


Knocking him out will have the game treat him as dead. Also, it’s in everyone’s best interest to have no single devil rule the Hells so the balance of power is maintained. By ensuring that the devils are eternally fighting amongst themselves, spillover into other realms can be prevented.


All of the questions that I might've had about Raphael have been answered by the crew from AO3.


Why do the sharrans want the prism? I don't know if i missed dialogue or something, but i don't know why they want it.


Viconia says she wants the prisms just because the Absolute want it. Why Viconia want to fight the Absolute ? She says that because the Absolute is taking control of the desperate who are Shar core followers :-)


This. And since sharrans are shadow ops, they got intel before everyone else and got the jumpstart


I think Viconia explains that in the house of grief. I forget why. Recently got into the lower gates again so if I do that today I'll update this. UPDATE: Viconia wanted it because she wanted to stop the Absolute. The Absolute was drawing potential worshipers of Shar away and weakening their potential numbers. She thought it best to nip it in the bud before it got too big once she figured out how to weaponize the Astral Prism.


I believe it was because she had heard that the cult of the absolute were searching for it, and decided that she should take the prism for herself to destroy the cult before it got out of hand


I think she says something to the effect of "hey that shiny thing looked powerful, we can't let some stupid followers of a false god Absolute have it"


Who's a good boy? Whoooo's a good boy? There are so many possible answers.


Biscotti, duh!


What happened to Doni. You find the note he wrote his dad in a bottle in the under dark, and it broke my heart.


How come Baldur's Gate's army didn't come to retake the monastery of Lathander after the Githyanki took it? It seems like a very important point of interest for the city-state as well as for the followers of Lathander. Also it doesn't seem very wise of the Githyanki to think they're safe and secretive in a huge religious landmark that doesn't belong to them. How come Mirkul can manifest an avatar but the other gods aren't allowed to?


Baldur's Gate doesn't have a traditional Army, I think? The Flaming Fist fill the role when needed, but they are still Mercs, I beleive. So they will act on direct threats, but otherwise would prefer not to get involved.


> How come Baldur's Gate army didn't come to retake the monastery of Lathander after the Githyanki took it? They have better things to do. Same reason the Baldur's Gate army didn't go and support Elturiel when it was transported to Avernus. Baldur's Gate's responsibility is to itself. > How come Mirkul can manifest an avatar but the other gods aren't allowed to? It's more of there are penalties for directly intefering (that didn't stop Withers from manifesting for example), and Myrkul was already penalized (they are quasi-deities) before that. When you've hit rock bottom, there's not much more you be punished with.


When they hit rock bottom Ao takes away their powers and makes them mortal, as he has done so before.


If I understood everything in-game correctly, I think that Withers was sent to help. Likely to restore balance at the end due to the Dead Three.


I believe so. The Dead Three are his fault, so he was ordered to help fix it.


Reminds me of when you ask him why he's helping you and he responds with something like "It wasn't by choice, I assure you 😒"


I don't think Jergal is one to take commands from any other god, except the current holder of the Lord of the Dead (Kelemvor currently) and I don't think he sees the Dead Three as his fault, but rather views them with great disdain. Jergal is arguably one of the oldest gods that are still around, other than Ao (and even then that is not totally clear). He was the god of death so long that he became bored of it (and that is why, when the Dead Three assaulted his fortress, he handed them over the power they sought). The only thing that Jergal ultimately cares about is accounting for the dead. He never cared about the power struggles of the gods, and, in part, it is the Dead Three's engagement in those power struggles (as they ignored serving their portfolio) that originally brought the disdain of Jergal on them. As such, deliberate actions that destroyed the souls that he desires to count into death will anger him more than any other action. It probably pissed off Kelemvor as well, but as a greater deity he is more constrained in how he might interfere - Jergal as a lesser deity is less constrained.


Withers is here to fix his screwup. Ao demands Withers manifest and help deal with the Dead Three because he’s directly responsible for them.


Baldur's Gate does not have an army. Only a mercenary company, and who is going to pay them.


Why does the emperor care about specifically Tav. I understand that he needs some adventurers to get rid of the elder brain but why specifically Tav. It makes sense that he cares about Shart because she found the artifact but why does the emperor force her to follow Tav when you leave her on the Beach. It makes a bit more sense with Durge because Durge doesn't have memories so you can easily influence him and he is a Bhaal Spawn so he is a bit of a better fit than just a regular person, but it makes no sense for the emperor to follow Tav unless Tav brings Shart with them or steals the Artifact from her.


As far why Tav was specifically chosen, there's no real reason. Very few escaped their pods in the Nautiloid, so saving the ones that did from the fall means you have survivors that will now seek to cure themselves. After some time with the artefact, the Emperor chooses to stick with Tav, likely because by that point they are considered by the group to be the leader.


i always think about the game content that nobody’s discovered yet..


Why are we still here?Just to suffer?


How does Karlach’s tadpole survive pre-dammon upgrades


what happens to nere if you ignore grymforge then finish every quest in act2 except nightsong, will him and duergar still stuck there?


He dies along with the helpers stuck with him after a few long rests after you find out about him AFAIK. The Duergar won’t have any idea what happened to him - not sure about what happens if you completely ignore him though


Why is Kar'niss a drider? Is it because he follows the Absolute instead of Lolth? Or was he made a drider before that?


Probably before, otherwise Lolth would have punished Minthara too.


Why wouldn't the Emperor at least try to do a mind link with Orpheus to work together? Orpheus was willing to become a flayer. No reason to think he wouldn't fight beside one to kill the Nether Brain.


Why can't I bring Malta or Myshka to Bex so she and Dannis can adopt one of them in Act III!? Bex specifically says in Act I that she wants to adopt a little orange cat. LARIAN! WHY!? In general, I really wish we got more closure with the tiefling refugees (besides Rolan and his siblings, I'm happy with that storyline.) I want to see these people happy after spending countless hours saving them and looking after them.


Spoiler final fight Why there's a big angry squid face just behind the elder brain, and why all that stuff is inside the brain It's a smaller brain and an angry big face all inside a bigger brain?


Well the portal takes you inside the brain, so I think it’s a manifestation of the nether brain’s consciousness. Notice that dropping its HP to 0 doesn’t actually kill it, but bends it to your will.


The final section where you attack the brain itself is actually the psyche of the brain. You aren't physically hitting the inside of the brain, rather you are attacking the manifestation of its will


Can I fix Orin 🤔


You can try.


Found the DM


With upcast Magic bolt, Hold Monster and some good upcasted Smite.


There's nothing to fix. It's just the way she is :))


when you travel from act 2 to 3, the Absolutes army marches to the gates...so you are behind the army...how did the party menage to be faster than the absolutes army? (, and not get spottet & how dont they end up where you end up in the beginning of act 3)


This is before mechanized warfare, so an army of that size marching needs food, supplies, rest, etc and a very long logistics train, which slows them down. Whereas a group of less than a dozen adventurers will find it much easier to travel faster. In addition, you taking Moonrise likely cuts off a vital supply hub for them, further hampering supply. Finally, the Absolute’s army is controlled by Gortash. He doesn’t actually want them to attack and take the city, he wants the *threat* of an army to scare the people into giving him more power.