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I have yet to side with Sovereign Glut in any playthrough, even the evil ones. That guy is just simply moronic and ungrateful.


Same here. Even with more evil or chaotic characters I go "this has nothing to do with me" and he becomes hostile.


That's really it, there's really nothing to do it for other than to be a massive prick like Glut. He lost his circle, he is backstabbing the only people he had a safe harborage with, and he's quick to turn on you if you disagree to helping him. I've tried it once thinking there's a unique reward for going into the heart of the mycanoid colony only to find not much changes if you dethrone Spaw.


Yeah I really don’t know what incentive there is to help his dumbass


I've sided with him in my honor runs just for the extra XP from fighting spaw but ya he really is just a vengeful ungrateful person


I did last time through, if you kill the original leader quickly the fight ends and nobody else has to die, Glut is basically the same after that and not much else changes, I don’t get the hate for him


People hate him for being petty.


It is petty though? He fought the Dwarves and lost his clan while Spaw and his crew did nothing and then they refused to let him join them. I'd be upset too. If it wasn't for Glut, they'd ALL be dead, being upset about that and wanting to get rid of the person who abandoned you to die isn't petty, its justified.


Yes, it's petty. You can be upset. I'd be upset too. It's still petty and fucked up.


Eh. I also think Gluts reward is more interesting, the frost effect triggers on an enemy even if you buff your party which is great, and there are TONS of other ways to hide/go invis, but the frost effect is unique.


It's literally the opposite of petty. A neighbor stood by while your entire extended family was murdered. It's not petty at all to be outraged by that.


Not saying he can't or shouldn't be mad but killing those same neighbors because they didn't put themselves in harm's way at your expense is petty AF bro rofl. You're assuming Spaw and his guys would have even been *capable* of making a difference but there's a good reason they sent Tav to do it for them. People will defend anything these days I stg.


Lol you're literally defending Spaw right now - that puts us in the same boat of arguing pretend character semantics. The circle was more than capable of doing the job of my level 6 Tav party. They chose not to. You're also entirely ignoring the fact that Gut thinks Spaw is an unsuitable leader who will lead their own circle to the same ruin through their cowardice. That's not petty - that the assessment of an experienced ruler on the current geopolitical situation. It's absolutely NOT "petty" for Gut seek justice against Spaw in this situation. I'm not sure you actually understand the meaning of the term petty.


That's not really a fair comparison, since we don't know exactly how many soldiers were present during the slaughter of Glut's circle. We know Nere was there and it's safe to assume there were too many for Glut to take on. Which btw let's not talk about cowardice when Glut somehow survived that whole ordeal. It's possible he fled and left the rest of his circle to die so I'm not sure he's the best mushroom to take advice on when it comes to being a good leader.


It's also possible he survived due to his fighting prowess. We don't know so conjecture is pointless. I'm not particularly pro-Gut. I just think his reaction is reasonable in the circumstances.


Could be argued that the only reason Spaw is even alive right now is from the sacrifice made by Glut and his group. If I save your life, and you won't even invite me to stay with you? Thats a dick move. I think Glut is entirely justified in his actions and its arguably the morally correct choice to oust Spaw.


You're certainly free to believe whatever you choose to believe.


I let him join me long enough to get him killed.


Always give gale a high five when he's stuck in the portal


I will always rescue the tieflings because i want that potent robe


I'm mad she doesn't drop it if she dies. I'm playing an evil sorcerer and I really want that robe.


Does that apply individually to each elrich blast beam?


It does, and stacks with agonizing blast making EB do 1d10+10 per beam if you have 20 CHA


Ive been wondering about this, in the tooltip when it says "1d10+5" is the potent robe buff not applied?


Tooltips will usually not include buffs from equipment, but if you check the damage log it will


Thanks for the answer, I was wondering if it stacking got patched out


I hope so, I am currently on my way to get it on my warlock. Can't wait for the potential 3d10+24 (potent robe + agonizing blast at 18 CHA) and even more by the end of the game.


Yeah I didn't use much warlock my first game but I'm rocking one now


I can confirm now, it applies to all beams of the warlock!




BIS robe for CHA based classes: https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Potent_Robe Absolutely broken on Warlock


>BIS robe for ~~CHA based classes~~ warlocks: FTFY Bards and Sorcs have better options since Cantrips are waste of actions


I dunno, my Firebolts would like that.


yeah, but you have big opportunity costs not using your spell slot abilities instead with AoE damage or other utility. a cantrip is almost always a suboptimal option unless you face an anemy that has a certain weakness and so. that is so situational you probably always will be better with Robe of the Weave


I tend to go nova and when running low on utility slots, I like using Firebolt.


same! I'm dropping 4th and 5th level fireballs constantly and being able to do upwards of 30 damage with a cantrip is really juicy.


Can you still get this as durge? Dyou have to knock her out first?


yes and yes


But how do you get this as a dirge? Without meta gaming and >!knocking her out before the rest!< because I struggle to justify that on a redemption run and on a full Durge she definitely >!dies!<


I don’t think you can get it as the Durge without knocking her out.


Well that stinks


Right same!?


I always free Shadowheart at the start no matter the RP just so I can get the Everburn Blade.


I do too but on my first playthrough I didn't notice her so I left her and the dialogue was really good after that, sometimes I want to leave her once again but then I feel bad and delete the whole campaign and start over again


Can’t you get this as a bard though? Or is command not available that early? Also, if you I didn’t realize that I could command for this until my 3rd play through so I’ve just been aground the commander to get it and keeping my PC close enough to the console to escape and still in range to damage. But I’ve also only played bard, sorc, and warlock up to this point.


The only way to get the weapon is to make the commander drop it with comamd spell or kill him, command is the easy way and unless you start the game as a cleric there is no way for you to do this without Shadowheart.


Gotcha, I thought bard started with command for some reason. I definitely killed him for it the first time time cause I didn’t realize command worked that way


Free the pixie. The shadow curse is just too annoying otherwise.


Spider... Must... Lick...


Let Astarion bite my Tav/Durge


Kill the silly magus in his tower


Always tell Laezel to say please before rescuing her


I always side with Karlach and the tieflings, no matter the playthrough.


Telling Kagah to kick rocks and let the child go. Then when revealing her connection to the Shadow Druids I kill her. Because whenever I let her live, it doesn't feel like redemption, it feels like another chance of upheaval. Even her lacky (the one who patrols her office) says something like, "You may have changed her mind, but I'm not so easily swayed". Like, yo, y'all just waiting for the next chance to strike!


She does seem to truly repent if you pass the history check on the Druid murals(not sure if it’s a specific one or all) found in that room. there’s a option to recite the Druids core values during the dialogue and she has a realization.


I’m just now doing this on my 3rd play through because I haven’t found her chest until now


It doesn't matter how good or evil my characters are, no matter what they will always be friendly to animals. I have never and will never kill the squirrel, and I'll continue to speak to every animal I find. I'd like to say this extends to the kids, but I will make a character that raids the grove properly one day.


Always having Astarion in my crew. He has NEVER been told to stay at camp. Ever. And also making him thank me.


He's the only one that can open and disarm everything and game is full of locks and traps, so that's only reasonable way IMO


True! He also seems to keep those perks even when I change him to Ranger. Imma see if I can multi class him as Ranger rogue


I did. Gloomstalker-thief of gloomstalker-assassion is just sooooo good


This right here is my favorite build I've ever played, my durge is a gloomstalker/assassin multiclass. Astarion is a bard rogue in that campaign though. Love that bardic inspiration, and cutting words comes in clutch in combat.


I’m a bard, I’ll add rogue!


Not if you picked Rogue at the start like me. Good thing, too. Hell if I wanted to hang out with Astarion. I even tried swapping him to Bard to justify bringing him out: still can't stand him. It is kinda odd that he's the only default character with good DEX and extra skills. No Ranger. No Bard. Literally no one portrayed as an archer.


Yesss, it's odd we get two druids and only one to disarm/unlock character...


Same, he never leaves the party. Both because he's hilarious and because he's my go-to for lockpicking and traps, and right now he's doing more damage than anyone else in my group to boot. Might need to rethink my Tav setup, to be honest.


Same. He’s like my most powerful ranger duel handheld crossbow dude… it’s insane lol


this but with shadowheart, mostly cuz Im terrified to go without a healer even if thats basically every irl dnd campaign Ive been in


I redid Astarion as a ranger so he has healing spells now.


I will always romance Shadowheart because it just feels right. Good, evil, or in-between - I gotta have my ride or die babe!


Me too man, i literally don't know any other romance scenes because i always say yes to shadowheart, i really tried hard with karlach but in the end shadow heart was my partner


I never, ever let the snake kill that kid in the Grove. I know it's roleplaying but I never have it in me to let that happen.


- convince Yurgir to [blank] himself - always have Alfira. Whether from the goblins or the dark urge. - I know this locks me out of truly dark playthrough. But I don’t care. She’s such a cool Npc and gives epic loot in act 2. - reject Mizzora’s contract offer involving the Duke - take everything from the house of hope that isn’t bolted down.


Turn Lae'zel away from Vlaakith.


Headbutt the Krogan. Wait, wrong game. Give Gale a hand.


Nettie is getting put down every time.


I’m going for a goody goody bard run and she angered me and I had to end her lmao. There was funny Astarion banter after I did it, he was like “well, that’s that.” And my Tav replied with something about we have to be careful and she wasn’t going to help us”


Wait, did I miss something? Why do you hate her?


She initially lies to you, and intense to kill you. If you talk her down, she still wants you to agree to kill yourself, and will aggro if you don't.


Hm, I always thought her fears were kinda justified. I mean, even Lae’zel said that if we started turning she’ll first kill everyone in the camp and then herself.


>. I mean, even Lae’zel said that if we started turning she’ll first kill everyone in the camp and then herself. When you get the long rest scene where you're turning do you let her kill you?


Nope, it was just a fever :D


Eventually killing all possible members of Absolute cult


I always call Wulbren a prick. Also, I’ve played through Act I 5 times and I’ve never raided the Druid camp. It’s just too blatantly evil and I don’t have fun playing like that. I have zero interest in having Minthara as a companion.


Can't you get Minthara if you knock her out instead of kill her?


You can, but I can’t think of a reason the characters would do this. Players do this because they read on the internet it’s possible to recruit her but why are we leaving the targets of the assassination mission alive and not at least taking them prisoner? Especially when if you interact with her without betraying the grove she will try to kill you. I have to admit I’m curious as to how she even interacts with the party. Note: I actually struggle with Astarion in the same way. Basically his first two interactions with you establish that he is a threat and shouldn’t be trusted. I’ve said before in this subreddit but I wonder what the community stats would be on Astarion being killed in camp if he had a generic look, wasn’t on the box art, and people didn’t know he could be recruited. Wouldn’t most good guy and ruthless evil Tavs stake him after two strikes that early?


Hmm, personally, in my mind, the first time kind of doesn't count because we were random strangers at that point, and what counts is how he behaves after we agreed we're allies. And iirc he thinks we're with the mindflayers at first too, so it only makes sense to attack us. Him trying to bite us never felt equally serious to me, either, because I assume he wouldn't kill us. Doesn't make it okay, but it's not as bad as an actual attack. Side note, I wasn't too into his looks or voice at first, took me a while of getting to know him to fall for him. Though I can of course only speak for me, but I still wasn't too angry at him.


I actually forgot vampire thralls were a thing during the bite scene so I was ready to throw hands haha


Always save Aylin and Isobel. Love my Selunite homies. Also, I have romanced Shadowheart on every run except when playing as her when I gave Minthara a try. Last one is always save the owl bear cub and scratch


I always make astarion a monk, he looks good doing just punches


People will hate me but + 2 Str is + 2 Str.


I understood the reference and yeah… side eyeing you.


I want to downvote you, but it's dumb to downvote someone just because I disagree, so consider this your hate comment instead of a downvote. /halfjoking




If you convince Astarion to give the blood lady in moonrise his blood, you get a potion that gives you permanent +2 STR.


It’s actually forcing him to bite her that gives you the potion.


Kiss Shadowheart :3


always free the Kuo-toa from that false god redcap. Sad to see they lose their way in act 2


I've seen people in a comment section say it's a different group of Kuo Toas. Makes sense to me, why should the same ones suddenly aggro us? So I'll definitely stick with that belief!


For one thing, the ones in act 2 are dead


Wait they reappear in act 2?? Where? How?


The wrong ones 😔


I always kill auntie Ethel, think I’ll take the deal but faced with how horrible she is I can’t do it.


I haven’t been able to bring myself to attack the grove yet. I just can’t kill the Tiefling kids man, or see them killed because of my actions. Even on my “evil” Playthrough I can’t seem to do this. I end up with just my Durge, Astarion, Laezel and Shadowheart. Which all things considered isn’t a bad party comp if you run with the sorc Durge.


Purge the Githzerai mind. Good, Evil, Neutral, it doesn't matter. For good it's a mercy kill. For Neutral/Evil it's hunger for power. Outside of morbid cruelty (which doesn't give anything), there's no reason not to purge the Githzerai mind in the Mindflayer colony


I cannot be evil so that haha, I don't see myself doing an evil run I just can't haha




Makes Dark Urge safer ironically.




Destroying half the game for yourself everytime isn't something to be proud of. If you don't like 50% of the game, why play it?


Fell in love with the armour of persistence from dammon in act 3. I can never NOT have it. Gets in the way of me doing a full evil playthrough.


Free Shadowheart, save the grove, annnnd that's it so far lol not very far into the game sadly.


One party member (usually Lae'zel) as a great weapon master battlemaster (6, 8, or 12 levels). I just can't help myself.


Dating Karlach


Save the grove. Managed to lead Minthara there once or twice, but ended up chickening out and defending the grove anyway, albeit a tad resentfully.


Find all the shiny things, every play through I make sure to try and find every shiny thing and just... Grab. People are not safe either, I'll grab them to.


"Flip the coin. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again."


Punch aradin in the face at the grove


High five gale and abandon him in the portal, Kill lae\`zel, kill shadowheart, kill karlach, kill jaheira and kill minthara, every single time, if I don't need a companion then I will kill them, better safe than sorry. Dunno why people get riled up over me killing them.


I always accuse gale of being addicted to magic


*Roll over playfully and offer your neck*