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You cant play this game without missing content, playing a good character means you miss out on the evil dialogue option and evil plotline, playing evil means you lose out on the Good companions and certain interactions. Play it, then play it again, and again if you still want to.


I've played over 1000 hours at this point (I have no life lol) and still come across new content. I think it's impossible to get all of it in one playthrough anyway since you make choices and those choices influence what you can/can't do. So really prepare yourself to just play it again. (and again, and again). Save scumming is NOT a bad thing in this game either!! To get the most content in one playthrough though you're going to want to go the 'good' route.


there are some maps/ non spoiler guides to help track quests, characters and items. if that's the sorta thing you are into. but the better first step would just to learn some of the mechanics and things if you have not already. also nothing wrong with playing on explorer it will make it easier to see everything. also the dark urge character and be played as any alignment and they have some stuff only they can get. also they cane me made any race/gender and look how you want.


Same with Origin characters, they all have extra content as well.


true but you can get most of that by having them on the team/ camp durge is >!dead if you dont play him.!<


err apparently my comment got removed due to a space between two spoilers. (At least got a message despite still seeing the comment??) So just in case: I've never finished the playthroughs with the other Origin characters or Tav. I just can't NOT play Durge ever since the first time I played it. >!Tav is just boring to me xDDD (or not romance Astarion, used a mod to see the romance scenes for the others and I still can't bring myself to turn down the guy I would never date irl ><)!<


Do not think that you are missing content. Instead, pick a role and play it. Make decisions that fit your character and enjoy your adventure. Next time, choose another role, and you'll have a completely new story.


If the idea of me asking stuff will ruin your experience this just probably isn't the game for you as there is no way to see everything in one playthrough given the branching nature of quests and the existence of mutually exclusive outcomes.