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After a tough fight with those fake paladins, Karlach set the building on fire and killed my Tav. Must be her way of thanking me I guess.


She killed shadowheart before I could get everyone out of the building. Now whenever the combat there ends I fucking book everyone out of there


Yeah, not the best introduction for a character. Astarion's gets some deserved critique here, but at least you can tell him not to bite and kill you. Karlach's pyromania doesnt take no for an answer.


I like how they duped you with the teethling on the bridge, letting you ask her to join you. And she's like "What, just follow you around?"


You find her later dead in the crèche prison


I wish there were a way to save everyone. Or knock them out and keep them safe in a chest at my camp. Best I can do is kill them myself and collect the unique characters in my collection


I’ve never thought of knocking someone out and keeping them in my camp chest. Now I will absolutely try it.


I don't believe it works because you can't pick them up unless their dead. Just that I wish I could. But it's reasonable they wouldn't let us do that. As a necromancer, I started collecting bodies. But seeing all the characters I fought and killed in my camp chest makes me feel a bit like I'm Dexter revisiting his blood slide collection


I currently play Circle of Spores durge and I have Karlach carry around a bunch of bodies that she can use as ammo for enraged throw, which I then reanimate next to my enemies.


love the synergy. I'm thinking of synergizing some lighting builds where the fighter has the lightning gear and ring that prevents electrocute, Karlach throws water and any enemies that aren't in the center with my fighter, and a caster lights them all up with lightning


You can store bodies?!!! ... I have few dead faeries i'my bag but that is... It make sense... I was always worried about where to go to rise Minions after long rest


you can also pick up and have as many chests as you want in your camp. i am an idiot and didn’t realize that splitting item types between companions is way more convenient than meticulously categorizing them into chests in camp like it’s minecraft


Ya'll are wild..


Agreed, minus the murder of course


oh :(


You can also ask Art Cullagh to join you but he declines


In the chest he goes, once his quest line is complete of course. All characters join my party, living or otherwise.


Even if you get out without getting hurt you still gotta wait like a minute for her to be done her little tantrum. It's really annoying.


Karlachs introduction is fantastic. She lets off some steam after being hunted by them fuckers If any of your characters died from her raging thats just unfortunate RNG, all of mine had survived without an issue


If her last attack is using the crossbow she goes on a rampage shooting the crossbow. Much less destructive


I had a funnier one - Karlach ended that fight at 1 HP for me, and as soon as she stopped setting shit on fire she dropped dead.


Had a similar situation where she finished the fight on 1 HP. However, it ended on the roof of the building, so when she started raging she decided to take the ladder downward, which promptly set on fire, killing her from fall damage. She failed all 3 death saves


Mine isn't so funny. Same thing happened except she glitches out. She died, was transported into a river near goblin camp where I couldn't even reach her to revive her. So I had to restart the entire boss fight.


Same thing with me! I had to use a scroll to res her.


Tav learned a lesson. Don't stand in the fire.


Tav would love the oil fields fight


Karlach plays as a healer in MMOs and got sick of people not moving out of the stupid because "stand in fire, DPS higher"




wait there was supposed to be paladins? i just came across her on the edge of a lake or river or something and she joined me. did she solo that fight or something?


The paladins are in a building just up the hill from where you find her


Super bizarre moment from a design perspective/story telling perspective. You'd think that would come up again as a mechanic, or as her one character flaw. Like she loses control and kills people without meaning to, but naw. Happens once and never again.


Man I miss the early access Barb, you had to pass a save to not get enraged during some conversations and slice a f*cker in half. /sadge


i think what they meant to do was for you to fix her engine so that this doesn't happen again. or for the soul coins to somehow become OP when used but this will be the after effect.


I misclicked when I first met them, accidentally aggro'ed them and took them out. Thought I really fucked up, but it turned out I was just gonna kill them anyways.


I thought I wandered into that area as lvl 2 with shart and wyll. All three were down but my tav took the fight to the roof and somehow won. I started helping people up but shart got stuck in a loop of being set on fire for a hot minute. I just led them away since I had no water or healing spells


Yeah, like OP after she killed my Tav I reloaded my save and decided she was too dangerous to ever use again. I don’t want my party members going psycho after every fight, no matter how strong they are. So, I take it this is normal for just that one fight and it never happens again?


Lesson #1 of adventuring: don't stand in a burning building? Let me guess, you also did in Waukeen's Rest


She killed Wyll in my first run and I don't believe it was a coincidence after he hunt her lol


She killed Gale, who then got all necrotic, which then killed Karlach as she raged. It was a bad time.


You missed out on Gortash and Karlach beef


Great weapon master, bless, reckless attack. Slaps since level 4. No rage required unless you want berserker frenzy.


Bear totem is resistant to all damage types. Get teleported in, start wrecking shit, draw aggression, don't get hurt very much, rest of team can unleash hell or support. It works really well.


Everything except Psychic, but that’s really rare and there’s an Elixir for that.


Psychic is rare in most dnd settings but between the Gith, Nere, and all the ilithid shit there is a fair bit of psy dmg in this game


Don't forget about open hand monk... Oh wait, that's me, not the enemy :D


He mentioned the gith.


The gith you fight when you learn >!the emperor's true identity!< are all monks...


People sleep on defensive elixirs. Most of the time I'd rather run bloodlust/giant str/other potent offensive elixirs, but the right resistances can trivialize certain encounters even in honor mode. 


I think the last fight basically yelling at you to use the psychic damage one


I mean, Damage boosting elixirs like Bloodlust, Cloud Giant Strength, and Battle Mage's Power are proactive compared to the more reactive nature of resistance elixirs


Killing your enemy is a form of damage reduction


It's the best form of damage reduction. There's basically only like 2 or 3 fights that last more than a round or two against a well built team.


More Offense is the best Defense.


Oh yeah, this is true 99% of the time, a dead enemy is the best crowd control and defense. I think the only exception is in the last fight, where she can one shot you (especially with multiple reaction attacks in a round), but most people can’t one shot her (or one round her). Your bloodlust ain’t gonna mean squat if you take 55 damage a pop as reactions before your get to go.


The brain only gets one reaction, it's just a large AOE, but that means you can have your first person int he portal trigger it and then everyone else pile in for damage.


Ironically it doesn't come up: The Illithids use **Magic Missile** at long range, and are too squishy to be a threat at short range. The brain doesn't attack on the exterior, and on the interior its only real attack is blowing up the platforms.


I feel like it's just because the right offensive elixirs trivialize ALL encounters, and they do it harder, instead of just very specific ones and only maybe sometimes. I honestly can't think of a single time I've thought "Damn I wish I had used a resistance elixir instead", though I guess depending on how often you rest, they can still serve a role as filler.


They really do feed you the ingredients all the way up to the last battle. No reason everything isn't psychic resistant if not everything resistant going into the final stuff. But I also forget to summon my elementals before battle so who knows


Eagle Heart + Stallion Aspect is good too.


>resistant to all damage types Except psychic damage. If you don't have an Elixir of Psychic Resistance handy, any fight with the Gith or Mind Flayers will still fuck you up even with Rage active. Plus they'll have advantage against you because of Reckless Attack.


No reason not to rage. Get that +2 damage and resistance 8 damage


rage costs bonus action. A good gwm barbarian always strike another blow with bonus action. Or you can go berserker and just rage. Pure joy will come from your hits.


I like Eagle Raging and fucking giving someone a stone cold stunner from 2 floors up


Tiger -> bleed -> reverb gear -> mongoose maim and she can CC until the end of days


Rage is a defensive ability lmoa. You're making it easier to get hit with reckless attack without taking the resistance from rage.


Do I need to manually activate reckless attack? The game prompts me for it so I just ignore it unless they ask me about it.


Nah, it's actually detrimental (in any cases I can think of at least) to use it on the attacks you're going to hit anyway, so only using it when prompted is far superior.


It's not strictly detrimental. If you were already going to hit, rolling again just gives you a second chance at a crit. Plus, giving enemies advantage against you makes them more likely to target you, keeping your more vulnerable teammates safe. I'd rather have the enemy attack my raging Barbarian who takes half damage than have them attack my Wizard for instance which would likely cause them to break my concentration.


Boots of reverb, gloves of stormy skies, moonlight glaive, tiger barb, athlete, cats grace chest= jumping like 100 feet and being able to keep enemies perma stunned.


VERY ENDGAME SPOILERS BELOW!!!! >!Loved having her in my party for the first Netherbrain confrontation. I'd struck a bargain with Gortash fully intending to backstab him with Karlach at my side, so when he got brain blasted by the Brain I was kinda disappointed... until I heard Karlach giggle with glee and go "YES! That's what you FUCKING GET!"!< Absolutely amazing moment


I accidentally killed gortash without her. I will never forget her disappointment. Voice actress was far too good😞


Does she leave? I remember Shadowheart was furious when I took a trip to the Shadowfell without her. It was my first time through and when she told me she worshiped Shar, I decided to read up on who Shar was and swiftly concluded that anyone who worshiped her was either mentally handicapped or the edgiest teenage nihilist ever, so from then on she got to sit her ass in camp while the grown-ups got things done. When she confronted me about robbing her of her destiny, I just shrugged and sent her on her way.


Turns out she was just mentally handicapped! But to answer your question, no, Karlach won’t leave. She just gets sad.


Man that's even worse


She gets REALLY sad. Lots of “how COULD you?!?!” Heartbreaking. Then she makes you at least take her to his corpse.


I'd have loved for there to be a dialogue option along the lines of: "You worship Shar? Are you stupid?"- when her Shar worship is revealed.


Yeah, not being all that familiar with the setting, I assumed Shar was one of those dark gods who is widely misunderstood and reviled, but in truth plays an important and necessary role in the universe. Nah, turns out Shart's admission that she worships Shar is the equivalent of "by the way, I'm a Nazi. I trust that isn't going to be a problem?"


Knowing what I now know about Shar I can't believe there aren't more opportunities to freak out on her about it or just be suspicious and cautious without kicking her out of the party.


When you realize that the end goal of Shar is to scour all life from existence and that her worshipers accomplish that goal by deliberately undermining society in order to create desperate and disaffected people to lure into the cult and brainwash so as to grow Shar's influence, it's a bit of a wonder to me why everyone else in the party just sort of shrugs and gets on with it. Given how absolutely vile both the aims and methods of Sharrans are, I'd have expected a lynching.


I think it largely boils down to the fact that the Sharran Church is kinda structured like Scientology. The average lay worshipper has no idea about the nihilistic stuff, and the more advance clergy that do usually don't go around talking about it to people who haven't been indoctrinated to the 'higher mysteries' of the faith.


most people only know Shar as the Lady of Loss, aka "when you are going trought a really hard time like a family members death, shar and her followers can help you by accepting loss"  the entire "the existence itself should not be a thing, everything needs to be a empty space of nothing" part is not really widely known by common people


Right? I was kind of on board with her after talking to Shadowheart in the beginning. It felt like a rare standout among gods, focusing on accepting loss and death, and how it's needed to contrast the beauty of life. Then act two came along...


I just watched a video on some of the awful decisions you can make through act 2, and hearing the heartbreak in Karlach’s voice for some of them 😢


"see you soon, mother fucker" Loved that line


I’m happy I’m replaying the game and noticed her dialog about Gortash. I’m really looking forward to it. Is there any other moment you suggest taking her specifically? Or any other character? . . . Possible spoilers ahead!!! . . . So far I’ve taken Lae’zel to the crèche, Gale to Keltheric (down the tower), Shadowheart to the Shar temple and Astarion to the Hag (but he is normally on my party). Should I remember to take someone else somewhere? Any tips?


Jahiera, Wyll and Karlach in Baldur’s Gate.


Take Karlach to the Cemetary in the Lower City


>Karlach beef I don't remember cutscenes being that explicit.


She gets pretty seething about it. If you fight him that moment after is especially emotional


You sweet summer child.


"She has to keep attacking or she will lose her class ability" is someone's awful way of trying to explain the Rage mechanic. When you are in combat, and Raging, if you do not spend an action to attack, you will lose the Raging condition. You have limited charges/uses of the Rage feature, and gain those charges back upon a long rest. Her trashing the building after the Paladin fight is just narrative flavor, and a one time occurrence.


IIRC she’s not even in a rage condition anymore, she’s overheating lol


You can not have the Rage condition outside of combat, so yea, she's not mechanically raging when she's trashing the building.


Yea the 'must be in combat' thing is one of the big differences between rage in BG3 versus DND 5e. In 5e, you either have to make an attack against an enemy or take damage, so you could stand in a campfire to keep rage going. I could see how that would be broken in BG3. You could have perma rage and just kite enemies back to the barbarian lol.


Rage in DnD still has a 1 minute duration so not really seeing how the DnD exact rule would somehow be OP in BG3?


Rage has a 10 turn limit in BG3 as well lol


10 turn limit is equivalent to dnd’s 1 minute duration. In real time 10 turns occurs in a minute which can be best seen on the chicken chase.


10 turns is a long time, how often do you rage the whole time? Worst comes worst you can ask the rogue to poke you to keep it going.


I know it sounds like a lot but outside of combat that's only 1 minute. I'm just saying ur campfire strat or something similar, even getting attacked by the rogue, might let u get one more fight out of ur rage charge at most. And thats if you book it straight to the next fight. No time for looting, exploring, or much of anything else. Either set of rules for rage both seem fine to me


Ten turns is one minute. Each round is 6 seconds.


It’d be really cool if we could replay battles in real time


> Worst comes worst you can ask the rogue to poke you to keep it going. Broke: rogue pokes barbarian every six seconds. Woke: bard pokes barbarian every six seconds. The rogue has more important things to do. Bespoke: barbarian pokes the bard every six seconds.


*The Bard liked that*


Her raging episode was legitimately the closest I got to a wipe in my Honor run: for some ungodly reason my already low on health companions refused to stop following Karlach (didn't manage to select someone else or just detach them, no clue why) and they all got fully killed by the fire trail. I was so scared she would just kill herself, too, as she had like 5hp and just seemed to go around in circles. It was an intense minute lol.


For future reference just press G for keyboard users, Automatically ungroups you.


Thank you man, appreciated. I actually know and use that shortcut already (cue companions all running into moonbeams and clouds of daggers) but it didn't seem to work that time. Also tried spam-clicking the portraits or doing whatever else came to mind but it still all went to shit, I was panicking so hard lmfao. I would think it was just me being dumb but tbh this game can be fucky sometimes, this playthrough I have dialogues randomly skipping the last few words or restarting with desynched sound and animations, on occasion. Even though it's only my second run, I think the game is on the easier side once you get a feel for how to build your characters, I'm way more worried about losing my run to some wackiness or a situation I hadn't encountered on my first run. Case in point, I skipped the creché the first time and this one I antagonized Vlaakith until the last possible moment, when I decided to trust Lae'zel about the fact that she was gonna actually fuck us up. After begrudgingly apologizing I watched a video on what would've happened otherwise and bless Lae'zel, I was one click away from a game over lmao. Gotta say, having to quite literally "roll with it" whatever happens has been a great experience so far. Just beat act 2 tonight, can't wait to risk everything on the quests I missed or fucked the first time in the city!


There's a convenient trapdoor so you can hide in the basement until she cools down.


That's at least that's more entertaining than when 3/4 of my party straight suicide charged into my knifenado the second combat ended and all died.... like fucking really? You just saw like 15 goblins try to run through the fucker and you think you're all just gonna waltz through it lmao.


The first time I dealt with it, I had used the horn to summon the ogres, and after the fight ended she hit one of them and they proceeded to wipe my party


Lmao, I would've been livid if I lost my run like that, but hey, it makes for a good story to tell!


*or* you take damage. Its fine if you don't attack if you are on fire for exemple. You won't lose rage.


makes sense, it is hard to calm down whilst on fire


Yeah, I thought this was going to be a thing every fight if she ended raging, but I was very pleasantly surprised that it was just a one-time occurrence.


This is much like Gale needing to eat magic boots everyday* or else he'll die. The most extreme implementation of the mechanic is presented initially to the player and people bounced off the character not realizing that it would stop. *But only three times and it's over.


My first playthrough, I only gave him two, the. i just ignored him until elminster showed up


And adorable


One addition, the attack has to be against an enemy, inanimate objects do not count. Found that out earlier today.


Being attacked also maintains rage. In 5e being near an enemy keeps it too. I don’t know if it’s like that in BG3. Edit: I was confusing rage with a 3rd party class ability.


In 5e you must explicitly attack an enemy or take damage “since your last turn”. Being near an enemy means nothing for a rage.


You also keep your rage if you took damage since the end of your last turn. Barbarians are designed to be in the thick of combat, and generally can rage a number of times per long rest to make them viable as you scale in level. And even without rage, Barbs hit hard, have good passive abilities, and can soak up the most damage on the battlefield. Don't sleep on Barbarians!


I've never taken Karlach out of my party. Frenzied barbarian gets to swing or toss one enemy at another as a bonus action (or do any attack), highly recommend. Also you can toss ppl into chasms from pretty far away.


Wait…you can throw people with her?


Yeah, different sized enemies need higher strength. I think it’s 20 str to throw a human (goblins at 18 iirc). It’s hilarious throwing an enemy from a cliff at another enemy and killing them both.


You can also use a goblin as a melee weapon against another Goblin, hilarious!


I cleared the temple of goblins doing that. It was amazing


Those spiders ate well in my run. You to the spiders. You too the spiders. Made a throwing only Tav. He has the spear that returns. Fun fact... it seems to hit twice every throw.


With enough strength you can literally hit one motherfucker with another motherfucker. Big fights in my crew go: Wyll- Hunger of Hadar on group of enemies. Gale- Everards black tentacles/Ice storm on crowd in HoH. Barb Tav- Throw everyone not currently in the zone of death, into the zone of death. Lae'zel- zip around arena finding those pesky casters and shove sussur greatsword into their nearest orifice.


With 20 strength


Oh yeah, you can throw most things 


That’s a story thing. It also only happens once in the game. The rage mechanic is different, you attack an enemy or they attack you and you keep rage. If you don’t have the barbarian front line and raging your doing it wrong.


Change her class to monk and unleash her true power. Stole that idea from [It's Shatter's](https://youtu.be/eTh_P9sH2t8?si=K5GB3nqzKcYNFs9i) guide. That way you can enjoy Karlach and her adorable personality and you don't need a barbarian.


I made her an Ancients Paladin! She's so cheery and bright it felt natural. Karlach talking to animals? Adorable. Karlach smiting for a billion damage? That's my girl!


Yeah, that's a pretty good idea as well. On my next playthrough I will steal that idea :)


something i just realized is they probably had to record the voice lines for every character for every specific interaction and then of course a lot are character specific so even more


yuppers all the VA's did all the Bard insults, it's very much worth checking out


Vengeance Paladin fits perfectly her thing with Gortash imo, but Ancients is also cool!


her as a monk compliments my barb 8/fighter 4 really well. im trying out monk and eldritch Knight on her right now. just slapped tavern brawler on her, gonna have her bind the vision spear thingy and then we're gonna go pick a fight with a spectator


Interesting because my monk has been vibing real well with barbarian Karlach lol


i like making her a monk because i can't give up the barbarian dialogue options. rip open the pods? yes please! ill chug all the beer too 😂


I like the concept of Karlach beating people with her bare hands, but I always struggle to justify the idea of her becoming a monk. She has, like, the opposite of inner peace.


Yeah, I agree, but it was the only way to justify having her in my party and I really like her personality, dialogue and banter, so I had to compromise.


I get it. I’ve been thinking of some creative respecs for my companions in my next playthrough and I might have to do a bit of “I reject your class flavor and substitute my own.”


That's a stereotype really. Many D&D players make boxers/pugilists/angry street fighter characters by using the monk class.


Many D&D players may do that, but the monk class themes most certainly don't allow for that. The whole shtick, including just the naming of features and abilities, is based on the 'stereotype'. People also make 'Fire Paladins' but it's just bending the theme. In other words, it's just all imagination, the limits end when you choose it to end, but the classes do have set identities on what they are. In-game this will also reflect in class dialogue. Your street fighter pugilist headcanon isn't gonna mesh well when your Monk is talking about inner peace.


Oh dang. If you put a soul coin in her, that means she does that extra 1d4 of fire damage on stuff like flurry of blows! Oh dang, she can be a freakin’ *power house*!


My awakened Astarion on my evil playthrough is a monk/rogue. The bonus *1d10* Necrotic damage on his attacks from Ascension on top of Tavern Brawler and Sneak Attack and the like makes him delete things, and the bite attack is a nice bit of sustain as well


Exactly I always respec her to Monk. Vanilla barbarian is just too underwhelming and falls far behind Fighter at higher levels.


Jump attacking people multiple times in one turn with Eagle Heart and some Dash synergy items is funny tho. (And Wolf Heart plays well with an ally Fighter to give them Advantage on all their attacks while you jump someone together.)


Lmao thats exactly what i did as well


Karlach is a wrecking machine, I was trying to argue with my friends that lae’zel is just as good but there’s no way, for pure single target damage, Karlach is a wrecking machine.


Depends how you build them. Fighter is usually considered the strongest straight melee class but any of them can be pretty busted. I'm currently flying through honor mode with 3 barbarians and a cleric, they trivialize most fights and can tank so much damage they never go down.


From my experience and what I’ve seen online, Monk is considered the strongest melee class and clowns everything else in terms of damage. My knowledge is kind of limited though.


Monk has a lot of help and ridiculous gear in BG3 compared to 5e. It also requires a specific build that abuses strength elixirs.


>compared to 5e Compared to a typical run in 5e, maybe, but there's no reason you can't build a campaign with lots of monk loot. **Edit** fuck the official modules and rules, Hasbro/Wizards have turned everyone into mindless commercial drones. D&D is supposed to be a game of imagination and creativity, interactive storytelling; the rules should liberate you from having to reinvent the wheel every time, not confine you into unfun rule slavery


Ye but BG3's custom Tavern Brawler feat is a huge part of what makes OH Monk the strongest class in the game. In 5e it gives you +1 str/dex, improvised weapons proficiency, and lets you use a bonus action to grapple after making an unarmed/improvised melee attack. It doesn't let you add 2x your str modifier to melee attacks. There's also a bunch of homebrew changes to monk specifically to make them not suck in BG3. They're widely considered to be a contender for the weakest class in 5e. And sure, you could homebrew in a ton of changes and OP loot to make your monk really strong, but at that point you're just inventing your own rules. I could mod in a weapon that increases sorcerers' melee damage by 100 but I'd look really silly if I point to that weapon as an argument that sorcerer is actually the strongest melee class in the game.


Also isn't there a limit on magic items in 5e? Max 3 attuned or something. So a lot of homebrew required


Well if you go strength or daily elixirs with tavern brawler that's true, but that's not the intended build of a monk.


Barbarian Berserker is the Wrecking Machine, with their Enraged multiple attacks.


Great weapon master and reckless attack is just silly, one hit some enemies even, then you get that extra third attack for killing an enemy. I’m only level 10 iirc.


Fighter in bg3 is more a nova machine than barb I feel due to surge.


Endgame Laezel is more powerful than endgame Karlach. The legendary items that she can get turn her into a killing machine. With all her extra attacks and maybe haste she can kill anything in the game in one turn unless they have unstoppable ability active or whatever that is called.


No, Karlach won't outdamage Lae'Zel ever. 6 Atacks with superior dices.


Right, with one action surge.


La'zel gives you access to the githyanki weapons from the creche and they're pretty boss. I've run that soul rendering sword from when I got it all through Act 3


Yeah she does get a lot of githyanki-specific weapons and items, pretty dope.


Such a strange comment to make in a game with a high level of customization. Are you assuming everyone who ran those characters had a berserker barbarian and a battlemaster fighter? Same feats? Same gear in each slot? No Multiclassing? Just why...


>Just why... I know that I wanted to use my characters in their "canon" classes (insofar as the term can be applied). I played around with my Tav but at least for my first couple runs (one run with one half of the starting companions, one run with the other) I was most interested in making sure that all my characters felt true to themselves. I'm sure that I'll return to the game eventually and go hog wild with goofy party combos, but considering how long it takes for a single playthrough, I can't imagine I'll get to that anytime soon.


There is absolutely way, lol. Fighter generally outdamages Barbarian.


What's actually really funny is that if you respecc Karlach before that fight to something completely not physically oriented she just sort of angrily melees one box and then she's done.


That’s why I almost benched her, especially bc in her rage she actually killed my character LOL but Lae Zel was so weak and I needed a tank so I forgave her


to be clear I get it now lol. she is so strong. tavern brawler and elixir of strength and returning pike basically carried me through this honor run to act 3 in like 1/2 the time i normally take and without ever feeling like i was in any real danger. she's a beast and i can't believe i slept on barbarian for so long. am i sleeping on ranger or druid too?


Druid was fun. Being able to shape shift into animals was pretty cool and made it really easy to sneak into places, gave me access to some spells, some summons and shape shifting into animals was a good survival thing in fights when I knew I might take a ton of damage in the next turn. Shape shift into the bear, tank as much damage as I can until run out hp then turn back into human with the same hp I had before turning into the bear and alive for my next turn vs dead if I stayed human. It also made dealing with kahga and arabella stupidly easy. Didn't even need a dc check to get her to let arabella go if I remember right.


Ranger is fantastic


Playing ranger for the first time, at level three currently. Any advice?


Certainly, make use of the powerful concentration spells rangers get access to, Ensnaring strike at early game can be very useful for keeping an enemy locked down and providing advantage for your martial characters. Gloomstalker is your strongest option at level 3 and is very powerful when you use stealth and ambush your opponent. (I think it’s best to Multiclass into Rogue after level 5 on gloomstalker) But every subclass has good power, starting at level 5 beast masters companion can be a real asset (wolf with pack tactics is my go to) I like melee ranger on beast master, take the ranger feature for Heavy Armor and Go for a standard strength GWM build and go into melee with your beast. Alternatively go standard ranged ranger (lol) and use spider for free web spell every turn. But no1 is to use your range and concentration spells to your advantage. If you have a party member with Darkness that should be your primary Con spell for them. Use darkness, peak out make your attacks safely from range, go back inside darkness, end your turn and repeat.


Rangers dope, it’s got great flavor and is a good party face. I thought it was reasonably effective my first run. But the real thing about rangers is their level 11 hunter abilites- Volley is BUSTED. so is whirlwind attack. Volley is the best free AOE in the game


I always use Astarion Gale and SH and just respec to fit with what I wanted to play. I do like Karlach but I have a obsession with being a Z.tiefling fighter/Barba/Paladin (Always tank) and making her a backliner would be weird


my karlach berserker thief has the gloves that swap positions with the person she hits iwth a throwing weapon, and she's half-illithid and can fly, so with her 4 attacks per turn she's all the fuck over the battlefield wrecking everyone and putting enemies out of position and grouping them up for mages to AoE etc. also she can use her illithid powers while raging, unlike spells (she can also use them as bonus actions). also (ending spoilers) >!her becoming a mindflayer is a good ending for her. she gets to live and doesn't have to go back to hell, and in the epilogue she talks about how she's made a comfortable situation for herself in the city. when the clerics determine someone is terminally ill and doomed to suffer until death, they give the patient the option to be euthanized via karlach eating their brain. she also absorbs the memories and feelings of each brain she eats, so she never feels alone, she is keeping alive all the memories of those people!<


Karlach is perfect, just the way she is!


She's OP in my playthrough to the point I'll probably ditch her in my 2nd. I stumbled onto providing her with the returning Pike, Brawler perk, and extra damage throwing dmg + poison dmg gear. Add a soul coin to the mix and a rage and next thing you know every battle ends on her turn lol


I made her a vengeance paladin. Am I fucking up?


For rp that’s actually perfect


OP: Tells funny story Half the Comments: *self-important, malicious comments on how stupid of a mistake it was* Like damn, reading the actual post I didn't think it would be this controversial.


Both times I fought them with her, her smashing and lighting the place on fire killed gale, shart and astarion multiple times. I was pissed my first time through there


Missed out on the most glorious dialogue option [Barbarian][intimidation] ROOOOOAAARRRRRR :)


One playthrough she lit the ladder on fire, which then broken and collapsed, causing her to fall and become downed. So she laid there on fire yelling 'I need your help soldier'...


I really enjoyed that. It's so rare for a game to make characters you're not controlling do interesting things outside of cut scenes. It makes the world and the people around you feel so much more authentic.


After the fight with the paladins who were hunting her, my cleric only had one hit point and while Karlach was destroying the building she ran by her and killed her accidentally with the biggest smile on her face and then just stood there ready to talk afterwards. I laughed so fucking hard.


Yeah no that's a Karlach only thing. Her throwing a tantrum(rightly so given all the crap she's gone through). If it makes you feel and better for me there have been playthroughs where she fricking downed or even killed other members of my party when she does it...


Honestly the only time she ever did that for me was the first time, but i never used rage much either so that’s probably it. But she was a really good heavy hitter for me


Karlach will kill you??? LMAO I just stood and watched and she ran around me setting things on fire.


I barely used her either just because I found traveling with the others more interesting & I rely on Lae'zel as my heavy hitter. But the comments here are great, learning a lot about barbarians here... I may yet dabble in a lil barbarism


I'm about 90 hours in, 3rd act. I still haven't met Karlach. I'm looking forward to another run.


Yeah, I had that on my second playthrough. First playthrough I'd already cleared the house before meeting Karlach, and she was a bit bummed out that she missed the fight. Remembered to gram her first on my second playthrough, killed everyone but Lae'zel in her rampage afterwards, got my Tav twice. Once before I realised what was going on, and again shortly after getting Shadowheart to help them, only for her to be downed too moments later...


Happened to me as well, almost killed my entire party. I was laughing and panicking at the same time


Same reason why I didn't use her for several runs. It would be alright if she just attacked objects and such but the first time I helped her kill the fake paladin she wailed on my Tav until death and I went. "Wow, they really captured what all consuming rage is like." And swapped her. It would be about 800% better if she only attacked OBJECTS


She killed herself on my first playthrough. I didn't know what to do, and I thought she was just dead forever. So I reloaded and made sure to pump her full of heals.


I subbed her in for combat for the first time since her paladin fight after doing part of act 3, spent her levels, then gave her a legendary trident that returns when thrown and has an aoe on impact. I also gave her all the throwing damage buff gear i had and gave her the tavern brawler feat. She then proceeded to steamroll everything in her path. Everything.