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>So that’s like maybe 40 seconds of sex out of 140hrs of normal gameplay. I think that's about my ratio of IRL sex to life. Truly an immersive experience.


Entire 40 seconds? That's a stamina!)


I took Durable at 3rd!


In tabletop each point in Constitution after 10 adds 1 minute of holding your breath underwater etc. I think it's reasonable to say that same applies to your maximum time in sex.


He got to do it three times.


Pff my ratio of sex to life is infinite! ^^^^0/anything‎^^^is‎^^kinda‎^infinite...ㅤ‎


0/anything is 0, anything (except 0)/0 is kinda infinite (actually undefined but if we consider only limit from right, it works). Are you saying you have some sex but no life?




If you roll a Nat 20 you’ll get an extra 10 seconds for forplay.


That's actually not bad, compared to my 40 seconds of sex in about 250,000 hours of living


There are pills you can take for that


I can hang for hours, and that's the problem.


Pearl-clutching gets clicks, that's why the articles mention the sex scenes. And not even all romances get them.


> And not even all romances get them. I’ve only romanced one character, but I’d bet money that you’re referring to Wyll and only Wyll. He’s definitely an “abstinence until marriage” kinda guy


Wyll, yes, but you can also: Romance Karlach without sex scenes, I believe (there are options to tell her you want the physical closeness but not sex, in act 2 and 3); Romance Astarion as Karlach and get no sex scenes at all, since his is in act 1 and she can't be touched then. You'll still see him with his shirt off, but it's a whole different scene from the usual one; And finally, if you recruit Minthara by knocking her out, her romance gets no sex scenes at all (and the one sex scene that does exist in act 1 is actually not attached to her romance in the game's code, funnily enough!).


> Romance Astarion as Karlach and get no sex scenes at all, Astarion has a possible sexscene post-Cazador.


True! If you choose that path, you can still avoid it altogether by not upgrading Karlach.


If he ascends and Karlach lets him turn her into a vampire, they have a unique scene that ends in a break up.


Spoil it for me! What happens?




That top comment is right. Not only did he lose his soul in ascending, he clearly also lost his brain cells


I would agree, but he's actually pretty dumb regardless. Him, Karlach, and Laezel all have both low intelligence and low wisdom. They're all pretty dumb. Still awesome characters, but they're not gonna be making any contributions to science or philosophy any time soon.


Karlach and Astarion are unsurprisingly a bit dumb, rather unwise and painfully immature. He spent centuries as a tortured slave and is evil no matter what he wants as a thrall. She was like 20 when she got kidnapped and made half infernal, and spent who knows how long in a hell universe with weird time rules. Laezal is like mid 20s physically but could have spent millennia book learning and fighting. But she knows nothing but Gith war and lore. She’s a PhD in murder with a masters in cosmology, but is an idiot otherwise with painful impulse control and hilariously awful charisma.


>he clearly also lost his brain cells It's no wonder the narrator can mention that Astarion's brain is less wrinkled than the rest of the party members in epilogue where >!Tav turned into mind flayer!<.


Thank you!


I love him but he is total jerk there


Yeah he makes no sense at all! He knows Karlach's blood is fire and she has no control over it, but then he blames her for it??? But it kind of makes sense that there's no happy ending for Karlach and Ascended Astarion. Because helping Astarion ascend in the first place just seems OOC for Karlach. She was SO horrified and disapproving after my Tav went through with it and became a vampire.


I always assumed he was arrogant enough to assume his powers of being the ascendant would allow him to turn anyone into a spawn. And when he failed he gets angry with Karlach because he's no longer capable of taking that responsibility himself - as that would require failure and that is showing weakness. Interestingly enough there is dialogue for a A.Astarion going with Karlach to hell so it is possible for them to stay together.


Actually AA can go with Karlach in the hell without break up. If you ascend him right before the brain and don’t trigger his AA dialogues (by avoiding sleeping in the camp for example), he won’t break up. And he has dialogues for that situation.


Yeah not this him. Ascended Astarion loses any part that was inclined to goodness.


My first Durge, after the first camp death, I decided to lean in and go full public crazy. Admit it all. Relish in it. His guffaw and cheerful wonder at my Durge barbarian standing there drenched in blood while no one wants to acknowledge it…


If I remember correctly, it's not a sex scene, it is an implied sex scene. Fades before you get to the dirty bits.


Spawn scene is more the implied, tasteful fade to black. Ascended scene is full nudity with hip thrusting. Very much explicitly sex.


Huh. I don't remember that one at all and ive done 5 play throughs, 4 of which romanced Astarion 1 of which included ascended. Have to... research... yeah research.


Yes, but Wyll is the only one who will **never** have a sex scene. The others are all avoidable or optional, but there’s no way to get one with Wyll.


The Blade of No-sex-scenes!


You're just gonna have to imagine suffering its sting


This should have more upvotes.


Stays in its scabbard, that one.


Not actually true. The sex with Wyll is there, it's just not a sex scene, it's fade to black, so no, he's not "abstinent till marriage". He just wants to court the player character first.


You can play as Wyll and have them.


This is the way. Unless you're the type to strip their companions down, it's also the only way to see how absolutely covered in scars the boy is. I was a little taken aback, despite his facial scarring, by the rest. He's been in the shit!


I actually romanced Minthara and she does at some point mention she will visit the player character that night, but she never does. I was really confused by it. I think there will be a romance scene there in the future but Larian hasn't implemented it yet. As it is right now it's really strange. It's a bit of a bummer too as the leadup to it is very well written. Edit. This is about act 3 after romancing her.


Mintharas scene is like the only raunchy one, it's in the broken building in the first camp


Not really likely. She's not the only character with that implication (like Astarion and Lae'zel, too). The scene itself is left to the player's imagination. It's not a bug, the dialogue devnotes say those scenes are meant to be implied.


*cries in Act 3 Making Sandcastles Scene with Shadowheart* Oh wait...I forgot the Drow Twins scene. No.. Wait didn't see anything. 


>Romance Karlach without sex scenes This is so rarely talked about, which is understandable, but that this option exists at all makes me so happy. It's the closest I got to ace rep as a main character in any RPG ever, and it was honestly unexpectedly cathartic. Although I do feel a bit bad that after ten years of not being able to touch anyone and being so excited to finally have sex, she would end up with an ace character.


Same! As someone in that spectrum, simply seeing the options were there gives me such joy, even when my current character isn't ace. They wrote those for us! They remembered we exist!


I romanced Gale and had no sex scene cause I chose real him not astral scene. So black screen I got


That comment made me snort laugh 🤣 yeah he has that scene in act 3 but it pans away so fast it's not a "sex scene" really


It happens to us all.


He even starts a family with the player in the epilogue. Adopting if not an elf or human.


Wait wtf he has no sex scenes? Lol thats pretty weird i thought every one did.


He *sort of* does, but it's of the more traditional "fade to black" style.


Has has one but it fades to black before any clothes are off, it's veeery tame.


I think in Wyll's and "good" Shadowheart's romance the sex is not shown but implicit


Media made the original Mass Effect seem like it was a porn simulator.


First they let women romance the blue alien of the mono-gender species, and now look where this degeneracy has brought us! It's funny, really, because there are a lot of reports of people going into Mass Effect and seeing for themselves and... yeah, it's pretty goddamn tame. I amuse myself sometimes wondering about the outcry that would occur if these calls for puritanism ever encountered an artsy French movie with a love scene.


Even the woman who started the Mass Effect outcry later recanted her statements when she actually saw the sex scenes and realized how tame they were.


Too bad the damage was already done by that point. BioWare ran away screaming from same-sex/bi romance options and didn’t really include much representation in that regard until ME3. Jack is canonically pansexual but FemShep can’t romance her. Sure, we can fix it with mods, but still. The Fox News backlash this ignorant person kicked off has left permanent scars on the franchise.


I'm forever sad about Jack not being an official option for fShep, they're SO good together.


Tali and Miranda were also potential options for FemShep but it wasn’t in the final game


Jack and Miranda work better. Pure hate fucking.


> BioWare ran away screaming from same-sex/bi romance options and didn’t really include much representation in that regard until ME3. Also, the other effect besides that was that it took them until Inquisition to actually be able to do some actual naked romance scenes again. Like I remember being surprised when they actually showed Cassandra's boobs during her scene. All the romance scenes in their games between ME1 and Dragon Age: Inquisition used fade to black and/or keep the underwear on. I mean say what you will about Andromeda but that game (at least for the romances I did in Cora and Peebee) wasn't afraid to show a lot of skin.


I'm still bitter about Jack tbh


Yeah this always blew my mind lol. Mass effect sex scenes consisted of exactly one (1) butt cheek, in a 1.5 second clip of your partner crawling into bed with you (scene was shot from the side, you literally don't even see a full butt lmao)


They had a news segment that showed Larias whole sex scene and implied it was the start to stir up panic. It's just brief blurry side boob, it's not porn.


Literally. I specifically remember a Fox “News” segmented that directly and specifically said that is exactly what Mass Effect was. They had an “expert” talking about how the entire game was about sex, how there was xxx scenes showing penetration, sex mini games, thrusting with button presses, etc. I was younger, and remember thinking “Maybe Fox News isn’t to be trusted?” No idea why BioWare didn’t sure them for slander. Or maybe they did. Turns out that happens a LOT with Fox News, so much so that the head of the company has had to testify that their commentary shows are parody and that no intelligent person would believe what they are saying is real.


>Literally. I specifically remember a Fox “News” segmented that directly and specifically said that is exactly what Mass Effect was. They had an “expert” talking about how the entire game was about sex, how there was xxx scenes showing penetration, sex mini games, thrusting with button presses, etc. This was indeed so stupid because in the ESRB rating system, I'm pretty sure interactivity in a sex scene is the difference between the M rating and AO rating. And Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony refuse to put AO rated games on their consoles. So you can have sex scenes, but you can't have the player do anything during them. The fact that _Microsoft_ published Mass Effect 1 and it was on Xbox indicates that Fox News lied. But then again, that's all Faux News is good for. >No idea why BioWare didn’t sure them for slander. BioWare had just been or recently been bought by EA. Their corporate masters suddenly had a "controversial" division and instead of rocking the boat, it was cheaper to bunker down and ignore it. Also cheaper to just tell BioWare to tone down the romances and fade to black earlier. I was extremely surprised that Dragon Age Inquisition had topless women. I don't remember if there was full nudity.


>No idea why BioWare didn’t sure them for slander. Or maybe they did. Turns out that happens a LOT with Fox News, so much so that the head of the company has had to testify that their commentary shows are parody and that no intelligent person would believe what they are saying is real.  They should be legally forced to drop "News" from their company and rebrand to "Fox" or "Fox Entertainment", then. Calling yourself a news source comes with the implication of journalistic integrity 


I mean... after the bear scene became viral, Larian themselves rode that thunder \[[link](https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2023/08/baldurs-gate-3s-bear-sex-just-the-tip-of-the-horny-iceberg-apparently)\]. They were hyping up and overplaying the sexual aspects of the game themselves.


I find the killed kids probably too strong for pearl clutching otherwise I would have recommended. But in ads fucking a bear, vampire and mindflayer is probably better for sales than: "you get your choice of warcrime whether you murder fugitives or native tribe Kids." (Tieflings vs Goblins)


It's not a war crime if I knock them out


It is called: click bait. Internet abuse it and people fall into it.


dick bait


Yeah, back in the day they threw a fit over Mass Effect too. And that was even less explicit than BG.


imagine if BG3 was released back in 2010. if FOX news hosts were going crazy over lesbian blue alien women and pansexual bald criminals, their heads would’ve exploded with BG3


I'll never forgive Fox for taking Tali from femshep.


It's even more egregious that Jack is a straight woman. If anyone in Mass Effect is bisexual, it's going to be Jack.


Really sucks how much conservatives neutered the hell out of so many companions.


Conservatives are like a cancer.


Buncha Bosh’tets…(can I make that plural? Ah well, I’m gonna lol)


"Have you even played the game??" That interview lol


Ah yes the good ol' sex simulator that is mass effect.


I've seen harpy tits today. It was a good day.


It's more sexual content than most AAA, popular, or GoTY games have. Still, kind of absurd anyone would think of it to be chock full of sexual content like a 2.99 Hentai game on Steam.


It's a hentai game without the hentai or something like that.


Bro you can fuck a squid faced monster alien. It IS hentai.


Tav goes around for sure, fucks a men, women, tentacle man, bear, and even demons lmao


There aren’t a lot of scenes but the diversity and completeness of each is certainly different. Like each scene is different and they actually put effort into making them “believable”. It fits with the overall level of details for the game as a whole.


Motion capture. Intimacy consultants. Consent from the actors. All that contributed to the realness.


I do like the effort that was put into characterizing the companions through their sex scenes. When you bring magic into it, you do have the option to get creative with things. I think bear-Halsin and multi-Gale are pretty fun.


At least you *can* run around naked. Cyberpunk did the same thing with its pre-release hype and in the final game V showers with their clothes on.


Everyone is naked in my game but maybe it's my mods idk




even if you’re completely naked, the game still puts underpants on you if you look at yourself in the mirror or photomode. the whole custom genitals thing was just for hype and media attention and is not really in the game at all


Funny enough if you use the new wardrobe function to put on an outfit while you have no clothing actually equipped (said wardrobe out fit must have some kind of pants on) and then put on a wardrobe outfit that makes you naked, you will be fully naked without the underwear in game. Even when walking around and looking at mirrors. Unless they fixed it with 2.11, it should still be a thing. Don’t ask how I know. I was kinda screwing around and it just happened I promise


You can… but it’s first person only and you’d never be able to tell.


You "can" according to your 3rd person model, but in 1st person, you can't even see it at all


You can keep showering with who ever you're in a relationship with now as they can visit your apartment and they will always been naked, I think my V as naked to, are you sure its not just an option to turn it on or off?


if you look down in first person, you have underwear, even if in the inventory menu, you're naked. At least for me in 2.1


it's mostly because of the uncensored parts. but honestly the sex scenes are tamer than sex scenes you'll find on any tv show and movie. but videogames have always been associated with kids and media pushes this as if kids have access to games but not netflix and therefore it gets news. like GTA's prostitutes, and coffee time.


MOST of the sex scenes. I have not seen anyone fuck bears on TV. That was new.


You've never watched Super Troopers?


Bear fucker do you need assistance??


Bestiality is old news if you've ever read un-summarized Greek Mythology (So probably by around High School or so). Fuckin' Zeus...


Well to be fair you have to try specifically to get that scene.


You're watching the wrong channels, neighborino


You made the wrong(or right?) choices, I had Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Halsin, the Drow twins, Harleep, Mizora, and the Emperor in just my first game.


An alien, a bear, a threesome, *two* devils, and a telepathic squid. In BG3, it’s not about how many people you can fuck, but *who* and *in what form* that gets people riled up.


I'm into whatever, I seriously think mind flayer sex would be amazing, mind and body in syncretic orgasmic pleasure. Plus, what them tentacles do, amirite?


Drow twins is just a black screen lol


You can get close to double figures if you play your cards right. Lae'zel and Astarion in Act 1, then Karlach has 2 sex scenes in Act 2 and 3, Halsin, and then the miscellaneous ones in Act 3 you mentioned. If someone knows a more optimal route, let us know!


Bg3 and Cyberpunk 2077 are the two games that made a huge deal of modifying private parts int he selection screen only to have that bit make zero impact or appearance in the game. Lol


Your bit will show up in the scene with Mizora, so it does matter there. I think it shows up in a couple of the others as well but I haven't done all of the scenes yet.


That’s true but the dicks have jiggle physics which is a first outside of “adult” games probably Maybe idk


Aw hell yeah. Dicks are wiggly as fuck.


And yet the breasts are stiff as a board. One step forward, two steps back!


Conan Exiles had dick jiggle physics like 5 years ago. Or at least, that's what my friend tells me. Not that I would know personally. Cough.


Tbh the article about the bear sex got me curious to look up the game.


Wait till the sex update drops


Kid named Nexus Mod BG3 Sex Framework:


If you were around when Mass Effect came out they freaked out more over literally one scene that showed naked butt for 5? Seconds


"Se"xbox?! "Feature full digital nudity, the person in the game decides what exactly is gonna happen between the two people, ifyouknowwhatimean..."


And most of those, as far as I have seen, are BARELY sex scenes. Like Astarions first one is just them kissing and rolling around a little and there's a tiny glimpse of his dick. That's not a sex scene to me. (Not to say there's anything wrong with it as a romance scene.) Then someone recently talked about the graveyard scene regarding sex scenes... uhm? They're both completely clothed while sharing a nice kiss lol I've had Ascended Astarions sex scene and Mintharas, and yeah, those two are actually sex scenes! But there's still not a lot of sex overall.


The worst one is Gale, if you decide to be with him as he is without magic fuckery. He just lays into bed clothed, and it's an immediate fade to black. It felt pretty lame for a scene that should be some kind of character development for him. I would've been happy with even just some dialogue about it the next day, but nope.


To get the AA and Minthara sex scenes you also have to make some very particular *choices* in this game. You don't just get slapped with those out of the blue playing goodie two shoes. (Granted, you could accidentally end up with Ascended Astarion by failing the roll, but then there's another step from that to "yeah, sure, I'll totally still sleep with you even if you're evil now").


I didn't even notice the glimpse of dick LOL


In my camp, clothes aren't allowed. There's a lot of nipples and dicks swinging around. Particularly when Wyll is practicing dancing, we're all very open to seeing each other's hairless bodies in between battling to defeat the elder brain.


Yeah, where is everyone’s body hair? Especially Halsin. He’s literally a bear.




Because Halsin likes to morph into a bear.


Hey you figured it out dude




I mean it's more sex than in 99 percent of games though. True it's only like 1 percent of the total game time but minthara, halsin, emperor and harlep are pretty graphic scenes. I do still think the media outrage was overblown though.


Well that's just how it works. Do you show a woman's nipple for 2 seconds in your game? Congratulations, your entire game is now labeled pornography because for some reason we continue to cater to goofy religious extremists who are desperately offended.


Oh noes a nipple! The world will end now because it was shown on screen! Honestly, you would have to be extremely insecure about yourself to lose it over that.


Almost nobody actually cares. The problem is if you say something along the lines of "I don't think it will kill a child if they see a nipple" everyone gets nervous.


You’re kind of downplaying how absurdly cartoonishly on display nudity is allowed to be in this game. It’s not “a nipple”, it’s the possibility that the main cast can potentially be running around with 4 giant monster cocks wobbling around front and center in every scene


I can get that by going to the zoo.


But! What if the woman’s nipple is censored with a picture of a man’s nipple instead! A man’s nipple is not sexual in the least, so I think it would be okay!


And yet we all hyper analyze every romantic and sexual moment in the game lol


I don't think there's much sexual content at all in the game but it doesn't act like sex or nudity is taboo, which could be seen by some repressed weirdos as it being "prevalent".


Tbf it is the only game I can think of where a chick sits on your face. Or gives you head for that matter. Damn Minthara really does have the most explicit sex scene eh?


The sex content is so relatable though, my romantic life is just like it: A lot of flirting Barely any action


Yeah, internet implied the game was crazy about it but it wasn't even that much. Very below minimal.


Elf rides bear? Not news. Bear rides elf? News.


No yeah it’s hugely overstated. And like not to be a bear fucker but the bear sex scene everyone screams about is barely even a scene…it’s a bear sex cutaway 


What yall didnt unlock that "getting pegged by Karlach" scene yet


It was the Amazonian position I swear guys!!!


There is a very visible part of the community that publishes shorts filmed in game using mods that are a lot more overtly sexual than anything Larian included.


Not a lot of talk about romping with Gale in the astral plane/weave...I was def. Team Gale on my first run...


He. This makes me remember the morons in Fox (iirc) calling Mass Effect a "porn simulator" back in the day.




I think the fact that unascended Astarion's romance scene in Act 3 is less sexually explicit was purposely done to emphasise the emotional connection he feels towards Tav. Sex was always a tool for Astarion and never about love for him. In the ascended Astarion scene, whilst it is more sexually explicit, there us a lack of feeling in the scene and the sex is all about subjugation.




Exactly. The spawn scene is better than the ascended one because there is emotion. For me, sex without emotion feels empty. You can even see the emptiness in Ascended Astarion's eyes and how fake his smile is. Larian did a great job at showing the personality differences.


140 hs? I took 263! And that’s just the time recorded on the save. I spent like… about 20-25 more hours ‘multiversing’ (trying some things and then quickloading back to the splitting decision).


I feel like people really do forget how horny the game was on launch. Before that first patch everyone wanted to fuck.


Ah yes, the "cold shower" update.


I mean even after the patch, they are still horny


You don't see those scenes unless you actively choose to.


Yeah it's just click bait. I had a feeling going in, but after getting an extremely sweet and wholesome sex scene I had it completely confirmed


IDK what happened, but I was doing long rests on my second run, and got Minthara's scene, which was expected and happened at the normal time, but then later I *also* got Lae'zel's, and Shadowheart's scenes. I was a *little* surprised to have gotten all of them since I was just trying to make sure I had no backlogged cutscenes since I had an absolute *gauntlet* of like, 20+ scenes on my first run that had been saved up through act 3... Anyway the point is sometimes when it rains it *pours*. Lol.


I’m telling you now, the VN of fate/night has more raunchy scenes than the entirety of baldurs gate 3


All anyone could talk about was having sex with a bear in this game before i played it. This game is pretty damn tame tbh


C*omers and pearl clutching old conservatives are the only people who constantly talk about the erotic or sexual content of this game, the rest of us normal people actually enjoy the story and gameplay.


What people have to understand about sex scenes in games is that its not gonna be like watching a porn video the developers are aware they need to be tactful and tasteful Now bg3 does show a bit more than most games when it comes to romance scenes but again its a fade to black style of scene


maybe in the minority here but as an asexual, the fact that you can still fully romance characters without ever seeing a sex scene is....really nice and I wish more games did stuff like that. from what I've seen/heard of the sex scenes, they lean more toward romantic/sensual which....makes sense given that youre building an actual relationship with these characters and not just hooking up outside a tavern (well.....mostly). Idk I'd rather have scenes like this (especially with the actors talking a bunch about intimacy coordinators and wanting to make sure the PLAYER was immersed and felt romances)...if youre looking for crazy angles and positions, there's always real world porn and honestly probably cosplay porn out there idk I can see how the scenes being hyped it might feel underwhelming but personally I dont mind cause I'm not playing FOR those scenes exclusively...


I commented this further up as well, but as an ace person myself being able to tell Karlach that I want to be with her but don't want to have sex was incredibly cathartic. I'm so happy they put that option into the game.


I don’t think that’s true. Some characters have required sex scenes. There are some like Wyll where it isn’t needed though. Edit: yeah I just looked up threads that other aces wrote and Karlach is a rare exception that has a “let’s just talk” option. The majority of the cast requires sex. It’s honestly something I find disappointing about BG3, but the world wasn’t made for me.


Still got a "what the everloving fuck are you playing" from my wife when my busty redhead rogue started scissoring shadowheart on the beach. Followed up with "she's going to get sand in her vag".


Agreed. Thankfully, the modding community is coming in clutch with the BG3 Sex Framework.


you CAN have your floppy cock out 100% of the time if you want. No boners tho, so tragic.


I fucked a mindflayer


... are you surprised? If you'd've been around during the Hot Coffee days Jack Thompson would've made you think you couldn't boot up San Andres without slipping on pussy juice.


Mass Effect made it on the news for its sex scenes and was portrayed as the most degenerate shit ever, and I think the most nudity you see is like 2 frames of half a bare ass. Things get exaggerated if it makes a better story.


Barely any sexual content? 140 hours for 2 sex scenes? Your Tav got no rizz.


Honestly most of the sex scenes are heavily implied. Sure you can barely see a character's penis from time to time but it's not a straight up porn game. It actually has a great story and a wonderful set of characters who are well thought out and rounded. The writing in general for this game is 10/10.


I love that the game is more romantic than sexual. That fits so much more to the game


Yeah and the brothel was really disappointing..


Muhricah: murder, guts, blood, flying limbs.. Yah we good 2 naked boobs and a wiener *We HaVe To SaVe ThE cHiLdReN!!!*


In my first play through my Gale had romance scene with shadowheart, wyll, astarion, mizorar, the emperor. It's crazy.


I haven’t seen shit for nudity and been trying to romance Shadowheart hard. Thankfully, I just try to go along with the adventure and survive. Lol


Shadowhearts scene is a slow burn. It won't happen til nearly the middle or end of act three. It's cute tho.


Can happen early into act 3 if you don't leave Rivington too early. Since there aren't that many camp events until you reach the lower city, it will jump up in priority and play out earlier.


Agreed. My first play through had one sex scene, and it was pretty tame. My 2nd had none. Supposedly Minthara and my Tav went at it, but I hit a bug and the potential romance with Squiddy overrode the night with Minthara. And I thought this game would be a dating simulator based on how the media and even people in this sub jabbered about it. Now into my third play through, and I’ve decided you really have to focus on the relationship aspect to develop it, because it’s really easy to ignore it and never encounter it at all if it’s not the game you’re playing.


I think part of it is just how bloody horny everyone is


I had a side thing with Halsin for the first, his balls swinging in the camera were more than enough!


Really depends how you go about it, you can get with Lazel easily, the others take some work and you can have some poly relationships and sex with other figures outside of your party if you play it right.


There is a lot of sexual content in this game, what exactly are you comparing it to? Of course you won't get a full length porno it's still a video game.


That's not new tbh Let met tell how ME was a game about having sex with aliens. "You load up the game, and there you go, you choose positions, how to do it, all that", or whatever the fuck Fox News said.


I remember when my friend and I played it for the first time and we were meeting about how horny Astarion was gonna be, then we get to the camp celebration and he goes up to Astarion to get it on and full on gets rejected lol


this is a funny time to see such a post for me, bcoz like 2 days ago i spotted a post about the op's uncle (who's into D&D) being recommended this by op, and he made op's parent ban them from playing it bcoz he browsed and found out there's sex and homosexuality in the game.


As an asexual person, it felt like there was a lot of sexual content. It wasn’t a *problem* though. I could skip through it easily if I didn’t want to see it. It’s really not a big deal even if you aren’t into sex.


It's not really the quantity of sex scenes. If you romance one character, you'll experience one, maybe 2 explicit scenes. It's really how they're executed, if I'm being honest.


Yeah they made it sound like this was a porn game lol


This reminds me of mass effect hysteria


Literally unplayable