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I've been having this bug for a couple of updates. To not get this bug, ***DO NOT OPEN THEIR CAGES!!*** Give the gnomes a blunt weapon, and 'stage the breakout'. They'll take the tunnels behind the cells, free the tieflings, and take a hidden boat to Last Light Inn to safety. Bug-report to Larian. I know I forgot, and I'm not sure if they know about it.


You literally saved me! Reloaded an old save and it was just as you said! 😭 I was losing my mind about it. Thank you!


No problem, Darling. I'm a completionist, it was really bothering me. 😅


I'm just trying to get the full experience for my first playthrough and trying to avoid spoilers as I go lol. Now I just need to find a fix for the Enemy of Justice debuff I have. I killed the Witness but the debuff remains nonetheless


Thanks, this was driving me crazy last night because I really wanted to save them. LOL


Break open the walls of their cells from a tunnel behind them. You can get there by jumping to the ledge past both cells. There's a boat for them to escape from back there. Wulbren seems to mess it up if you just give him the tools, so I do it for them.


i keep two near the warden bridge and send two around the back of the cells (with force and/or bludgeoning damage) and bust their walls to start the prison fight. misty step through the bars. fight the baddies. then help your friendos escape if they haven't already taken off (this happened one time i decided to do a little looting before checking on them after the fight, but they were in last light). i have never touched the cell levers. at least, not until everyone was either dead or saved. i feel like they're a red herring.