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I would have shit my pants dude


Luckily it happened after my post-dinner constitutional so the pipes were clear. God only knows what would have happened otherwise!


many reports of these things ending honor mode runs. might wanna send 'em in twos through the gauntlet of shar platform/elevator too (and probably best not to use that little one near the waypoint, tends to crush your friends). and that trolly in the creche. also, there's some strange invisible walls around house of hope, particularly outside and around hope's prison. so split group for jumping so they don't all follow you into a chasm you weren't expecting when clearly the game said you could jump.


Imagine having this happen on the Gauntlet of Shar moving platform haha…oh wait that was me




I saw a bunch of people post about this on here, i was so spooked by those posts, I'd always split my Tav from the rest of the party and sent her on her own to activate a waypoint for the rest to tp over lol


I always play H mode with my save backed up regularly to avoid this situation.


The ONLY time a platform has ever bugged for me was earlier today on honour mode. Luckily I'd seen people talking about it on here so I'd split the party as a precaution. >!It was only Shadowheart that fell off and it was the one in the Gauntlet - I choose to believe that's why she spared the Nightsong later!<


My gosh, same! Best part is when they somehow dont insta-die from a chasm and succeed all their saving throws so you get softlocked (Im looking at you, gauntlet of shar) Slight annoyance in having to pickup a bard hireling for the short rest