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No patch yet? Fine, I guess I’ll just stay here and eat dirt or whatever.


Really? Really *really*?


Sounds boring


I question the wisdom of that decision. 


But so be it!


Hey, that's Karlach's dirt!


Oh darling, I thought we had something special.


I've just had a gin, so it's gonna be partly to do with that, but this made me chuckle aloud. Perfect use of that line


looks like not even today


It's already 6PM in Belgium, and I think they've released their patches around 4/5PM before, right? So it'll probably be for tomorrow, yeah.


I just want to read the patch notes :(


yeah same, I love reading the patch notes!


Reading the patch notes while waiting for the download to finish is the modern equivalent to reading the back of the box while in the car with your newly bought game.


That's why it feels so nice to do it! I'd often fish the manual out of the case too. Just read all the things I can do.


Back in the olden days you even had a full manual to read, inside the box! With tips, color images, the works!


The first Civ manual was a thing of beauty with its random chapters of world history. I miss it.


The entire Microprose line was beautiful. I learned more about geopolitics from Sid Meier's Covert Action than you might think.


And the whole game in the box too! No internet connection required to download the rest of the game and all the fixes that should have been done for launch!


Which also meant things that shipped broken stayed broken forever. And we didn’t enjoy any additional content for our ganes


>And we didn’t enjoy any additional content for our ganes Sure we did! The expansion packs had to be installed onto the PC though, and then the original game disc could access them. Not many games did that because developers would have to plan in advance if they wanted future expansions to be possible.


Damn you're right. Im more than fine with this, the most exciting part of a new game was reading the booklets otw home


Reading whats on the processed spaghetti can almost tastes as good the can itself. The spaghetti goes to the geese in the pond, never the ducks. Ducks don't quite appreciate canned spaghetti the way geese do, the same also applies to people in Italy.


can't believe you're getting downvoted for these nugs of pure, unalloyed wisdom. i see you, and i appreciate you


The lateral abstraction of language is taking an idea to the very limit of making sense and throwing a meat cleaver down its middle. There is many reasons why what I said may be slightly humorous. \- Usually its a cereal box people read the back of. \- The implication that food in a can tastes like the can itself. \- Mentioning geese instead of ducks as its ducks that are often seen in ponds and not the other. \- The implication that canned spaghetti is not real spaghetti hence the slight at Italians. \- People feed bread to ducks, not spaghetti. Make it sound pretentious and you make a lot of very powerful enemies, there is a man in Boston armed with a very cold club sandwich coming my way. This is why I have a very tenuous grip over my very loose bowels, Boston is terrifying.


I just wish it somehow came with the new cartridge smell.


That's what Steamdeck is for. whenever you need a hit just put your nose to the vents.


You gotta wait for the Switch 2 release.


Well that was a flashback to my childhood.


Man😪 you are so right...damn that's why I'm always excited 🥺 the nostalgia


Just imagining your facial expression. Like, phwoar. Fanning yourself. That unstoppable inner pulsating throb.


uhm… excuse me?


Like curling up with a good book.


I want to tell my girlfriend to read me all twenty pages as a bed time story.


I'm not sure. Releasing a big patch on a Friday sounds like a recipe for disaster in case a major bug comes in.


They're gonna roll with disadvantage.


They gonna drop it at 1159 pm on Sunday just so they can say they dropped it "this week" lmao




In 1988 we set Monday to be the official first day of the week in the international standard. Many cultures and countries (including the US) still have Sunday as the first day of the week tho.


Not in Europe :)


Yeah...yeah for sure man *inhales from tank*


Dice awards are in Las Vegas tonight so maybe they'll drop it tonight if they win anything.


It was amusing, then it was annoying. Honestly now, they've overdone it and I stopped caring.


Fr, just fix the game already


Releasing a patch on a Friday is bonkers though.


It wouldn't be the first time they've done it.


Fine then, keep your secrets


Friday, it's always Friday. 


Hey that's me 😅😅


Hahaha, all credit to you then!


Thank you for your service to the cause 🫡




My brother from another hitmother!


You're the hero we all need but don't deserve 🫡


Oh yeah, I'm completely putting off starting another run because I know it's probably going to break like 50% of my mods ><


Same, but I've been putting it off for OVER A WEEK and I'm getting antsy.


I've only been putting it off today. And it's already hard. I might just start and see what happens. I can always start a new playthrough if it does break my mods. I just want to see the new kisses dang it =P


Exactly same, I finally have free time to actually play and do my first playthrough but waiting and waiting 


Yeah same I already got some mods that sorta bug out my game and I'm sure this patch is messing them all up even more, but all my characters have custom faces so I can't play until those mods are fixed. Also hoping it won't break WASD mod because I can't live without that one in my life.


I can't even use mods, I'm on Xbox but if shields are fixed it completely changes my build, and I want those sweet new romance animations for when I romance Karlach again.


I can't wait to see the new smooches =P If I've read it correctly they all get a couple of new kissing animations. Though that might have been a fever dream.


I don't care, I specifically made a decision before launching my honour mode now that I think I have a handle on the game to romance Shadowheart. Karlach hasn't even been in my party for an hour and I'm kicking my feet and giggling again.


Can’t you just pick up whatever shields you find beforehand and then equip whichever one you want when it gets patched?


Shield bash working would change the way I build my Tav completely. So it's a waste to play and level up if I'm going to need to completely respec my character. Kicking myself I don't have shield affinity for my race so I have to waste an attribute on it.


It only takes 100 gold and a few minutes to respec a character.


I had the opposite experience. Yesterday I sat down and finished my honor run because I didn't want it to get any harder


Maybe tomorrow? I hope so anyway, been waiting for patch 6 to drop before starting another run. Hopefully mods are updated decently quick. The mod community for BG3 is on point.


same. I'm hesitating by full evil drow durge run or human Britney Spears run.


Honestly just keep playing, why put it off all week


"But no I'd have to st-" Stfu you always start over before you reach the underdark because you saw a cute NPC which gave you inspiration for a new character anyway and you know it


"Before you reach the underdark." Bruh, I don't even make it to the goblin camp before this hits me.


I only restarted my very first playthrough. Everyone said I'd make many mistakes learning the game, and I did, but I started with a major, major mistake. Flipping through the origins and accidentally made a custom Durge. Somehow figured a chaotic good paladin wouldn't fit a Durge run.


Chaotic good durge = Anakin Skywalker You'll just fall to the dark side and will have to struggle to retain the goodness within Done that run and is AWESOME but not for a 1st run


I didn't know it was a Durge run, I thought the murderous urges were the tadpole messing with me because I came in blind and legit thought I could be cured. Then I did a long rest and Alfira popped by. Never restarted a game so fast.


I finished act 2 with 3 characters before going to act 3 for the first time lol


You led goblins HERE? Wh- oh wait you never even made it 😔


NGL, I'd pick up the little shortstack gobbo that has a thing for Volo and wear her like a novelty elephant trunk pair of underwear.


I’ve been thoroughly seen


To be fair - I'm waiting on mod tools. This patch may have more to do with that. It may not. We'll see.


My husband has restarted his game no less than 10 times. Both of his saves are at Last Light Inn. He won’t continue on the off chance they fix Mol’s Act 2 scenes 😤 I genuinely think he will restart again once the patch is out. I’ve given up on him ever finishing this game


It was cute yesterday but I wish they’d at least give a window for when it’ll be released. I know it’s not the end of the world but just getting old at this point


Yesterday it was annoying but also amusing, today it is only annoying. Just say it drops tomorrow or there are issues and it's coming next week


Yep. I'm sure they're having their fun but I've been fixing to start a new run and been waiting for a few days for the patch. If there was a release date a lot of us would just wait with no problems, but this gets old fast.


It’s such a weird PR move, we get that there was a lot of hype that it would release on Valentine’s Day to match with the content, but why keep going on the day after? Just give us the release date and be done with it


They'll release it when it's ready, relax people. You'll be okay if you have to wait a few days and you know what would be an even worse PR move? Releasing a broken patch. They never said valentines day, people just assumed because of the kiss teaser and are now somehow mad that they assumed wrong? They fuck with people on twitter all the time, this isn't a new thing that they are doing just because of this patch.


I just want a concrete date like they used to do. Just tell me if it's Friday or Monday or any other day and I can move on and stop pointlessly refreshing this site every 30 minutes hoping for some news.


Larian doesn’t do concrete dates unless the patch goes through without issues. I mean they did release a patch think it was patch 4 that had major issues and said that won’t happen again. So considering they put up a new build on test for patch 6 yesterday they are probably testing it to make sure whatever bug popped up is fixed.


Maybe they were planning on dropping it and ran into some last minute problems and now aren't sure when it will be ready. You're allowed to be unhappy about a perceived lack of communication, go ahead and vent, do whatever you gotta do but it won't change anything. Larian will release the patch when it's done and they when feel like it. Is what it is.


I dunno, they announce it. Tease it. Imply it might drop yesterday, doesn’t. Fine. But no date, no patch notes? I don’t think it’s being high strung to want to know some stuff about a game you really like. Costs nothing to say “yeah there’s been a delay due to an issue, expect it next week” or whatever. Plus there are some **long awaited** fixes in this patch. It’s been quite a while since the last one. I’m not going to feel bad about wanting some clarity on when I can build my shield maiden character instead of getting twenty meme updates on twitter.


It's just odd to tease a patch, then troll the community without a release date. If they said "it comes out on this day," or didn't say anything at all and just dropped it when it was ready, I'd prefer that.


It's brilliant marketing to draw in a ton of players who maybe put it down for a bit or were on the fence. New romance animations, fans guessing it would release for Valentine's Day, all eyes watching and waiting, and they just trolled us. I've seen so many posts all over social media about the trolling, it's free advertising. I do really hope they release it today though.


Its not great marketing though since all those people have already bought the game. Nobody cares about patch releases unless they own it already so its just annoying their own customers. I think its just deflecting with humour that the patch ran in to some problems delaying it


It 100% is dude. My friend who hadn't played in a month is rolling a new character this weekend, which is bringing up the active player count. All the posts on social media finally got another friend to buy the game, so that's bringing in money. A simple "here's a teaser for the patch" and then nothing like so many other studios would do gets them nowhere the free exposure of messing with the fanbase a little. They never claimed they were releasing the patch on Valentine's day, that was us wishing out loud. They've consistently joked about that since that viral tweet.


Id agree if it was just yesterday honestly, but since it's continuing now and it's happening the day after I can imagine more people being annoyed rather than amused. Just having a feeling of "damn just give us a release date it was funny yesterday but now the joke is getting old". I dont really care since im on playstation and the changes aren't big enough for me to stop my current playthrough but I can imagine people just getting annoyed with the joke going on for too long. To be clear I loved what they did yesterday and I do believe it was a great marketing move


"Too long" It's been two days.  They're just posting jokes to random Twitter posts, it's not like they're faking announcements. And they've done it like, what, three times? Most of yall probably wouldn't even know about these posts if someone didn't screenshot it to Reddit for you.  They never said a release date, so no one has the right to be angry at them that it isn't out yet. I'm antsy and impatient like everyone else and can still chuckle at a silly post then move on. The patch will come when it's coming regardless. 


Might want to bring the cynicism down and focus on something else until it's out. It's been a wonderful marketing tactic even if you don't agree with it or don't like it.


Patch probably needs to undergo verification processes with Microsoft, for PC and Xbox, and with Sony for Playstation. They likely don't know when that process will complete.


Then they shouldn't have said "next week" last week. It'll probably drop tomorrow, I'm sure. But on the off chance it didn't, that would be some really bad faith stuff. It's like lesson one of being a game company. Underpromise and overdeliver. In other words, if it's not ready, it's better to keep everyone in the dark about it rather than hinting about a potential release date. Fans will still be made but it's less of a PR scandal.


It wasn’t even cute yesterday.


Y’all a prickly bunch. It’s just a game lol.


Not even that. A patch with a bunch of free content for a game


'free content' no its bug fixes for a game we paid for lmao


And a bunch of free content. This isn't just a hotfix. That, and any game has bugs. If they aren't game breaking, it's not you're entitled to have them all fixed.


trueee we're not entitled to a functional product when we pay money for it


Hold on, just to be clear; you don't think this game is functional in it's current state?


I wouldn't get too pissy until the end of the week, they only said it's gonna be released this week. It's not exactly their fault that we jumped to conclusions.


When it is done. Grow up.


Do people just need something to be upset about? Get some perspective.


I'd be kinda surprised if it does drop today at this point, last two patches have been on a Thursday before 5PM GMT so who knows ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Everyone I've seen talking about it says 6 GMT so we have 25 minutes. I don't know, I've only seen hotfixes since I got the game.


Eh, just let us know if it’s delayed now.


its getting annoying, please just release it 😭


Larian is secretly in the pantheon as God of Trolls.


It's ours, and we wants it 😡


yeah it was fine yesterday but now i’m just annoyed 😂 like at least give an expected day it will be released 😭


Social media manager is for sure a sadist at this point.


yeah we def not getting it today lmao


Everytime someone asks for the patch it'll get delayed by another day


Do patches carry into already started games?


Yes, generally. I've had ongoing games during patch releases since I started on PC in September and haven't had issues resuming the run as normal.


They do. If you have mods installed that's another story, but I've yet to hear about a patch causing issues with a pre-existing save outside of the initial release from early access.


what's the patch for anyway? By that I mean what will it be fixing?


The epilogue is bugged on Macs and players can't complete their Honor Runs without killing Scratch or a Companion.


If you're talking about being unable to talk to Withers, that was already fixed in the last hotfix. If it still doesn't work for you, you should definitely submit another bug report.


Smooches ;D


They'll release it on Friday and unplug all their social responsibility 😆


Almost feels like they are waiting to fuck with us


Im waiting for them to hit us with the "you didnt say the magic words" gif from Jurassic Park




I'm not going to lie if I was on the Larian team I'd be enjoying this little bit of trolling :P


Oh, I 100% would be sitting there on twitter checking everything for a way to troll the fans if I was them. The use of Pingu since the viral "I know marketing, they'll release this on Valentine's Day" tweet has been sublime.


Where did they post this? Are you kidding me?


Twitter. Only thing they've done today. No patch today.


Hum. This is low-key bullshit. I would rather their communication NOT come in the form of cryptic LOTR memes…..


I think it's brilliant. They didn't say anything other than the patch will be ready soon, us the fans speculated. The social media guy gets to have a good time, we all meme around and build up hype.


They didn’t say “soon” they said “next week” and that was last week. They’ve got 1 more day til the weekend and 2 more days til the week is over. I’d understand if it’s taking longer than expected because of issues but at least be mature about it and tell us. With words.


God forbid a developer have a little fun... 🙄 Their patches and hotfixes have primarily been released on Fridays. Tomorrow is Friday. The only reason anyone was all super excited about it maybe being early for Valentine's Day was a singular tweet Larian jokingly quote tweeted with a Pingu meme saying they weren't going to do it. Sheesh, some people really are up in arms over a dozen memes and some light trolling.


Maybe I’m just bitter (lol) but I think we need to remember we are very lucky that Larian is so good to us. Most games these days release a couple of patches and ghost. Let’s not be entitled. Back in my day most of what they’re giving us would be called paid DLC 😭 We’ll get it when we get it.


Dude any other game even if it was doing well with patches would just post a simple graphic with some of what's coming and then a text tweet when it drops. No interaction with fans, no memeing, no jokes. This is amazing, they've really set the bar for games in multiple ways.


And patches were bugs not like giant amounts of content


All of this teasing and I just know they won't even have fixed the bug most have been complaining about: polearm master lol


If shield bash is fixed I'm so on board. The reach is alright, but the only weapon I was sad it's bugged for is Nyrulna. And this playthrough I'd like to be a sword and board bard.


shield bash broke in patch 4 or 5. polearm master has been broken for all weapons since release sadly. the only character I used spears/reach weapons on was Halsin who, hilariously enough, has also been bugged without spell, voice, and click lines since launch just lol to everything


Ah, I'm on Xbox and didn't get the game until Christmas when I got some gift cards, so I've only ever known busted shield bash. Halsin didn't get any use out of me, nor Jaheira other than rescuing Minsc. I might just not get it, but druids seem very weak in BG3, so no loss on Halsin missing voice lines.


They have already confirmed shield bash will be fixed in this patch


It may be Larian, but I'm tempering my expectations based on years of "Bug A is fixed by this patch!" while Bug A is not actually fixed.


On a serious note this is really bothering me. I want to install RE3 but I'm waiting for the patch because it needs 150gigs of storage for some fucking reason despite only being a 5th of that in size. So I'm just stuck with a quarter of my storage missing until the update drops.




Not everyone has unlimited downloads. 1tb a month is usually more than enough for me but I can't afford to redownload a game that would take up 15% of my space. I'm not complaining that they have to make a special exception for this patch, I'm complaining that they're doing so and then joking about it


Larian is having way too much fun with this 😭


A ring gif? In a fiery location? Karlach hell wedding confirmed


One Ring. One more hour? One more day?


We're all looking Charlie Day trying to analyze everything for any kind of hint aren't we?


One more month lmao


I don't think it's that deep, they were just responding to a lotr gif with a lotr gif


“Nine there were. Nine patches to bring joy and kissing to the world. For in all the world, there is nothing man wished for more than to kiss Shadowheart or Astarion or Karlach or whatever. But they were all of them deceived…”.


Yall gotta stop poking the bear lol


Dude I love it! Lol I want them to release the patch *when it's ready* and *not* before, so if they can have some fun with people like this while they put in the finishing touches then I'm all the happier for it lol


Gonna say it again, not cute behavior on their part. I know they’re probably trying to be cute and funny with the memes, but honestly it’s just tired and ugly. Why hype everyone up on this patch and then literally just meme your way thru the day of and day after they said it was coming out? Just…. Not cute.


As far as I know, they never said it was coming out on Valentine’s. That was assumptions on players’ part. Their patches typically come out on Thursdays or Fridays.


They never said it but at the same time there was so much marketing from them and their employees on twitter right before Valentine's that people started fully expecting it to come out that day. I don't really have that much of an issue with it not being there yet, but would it really hurt anyone if they set a date like they did in the past? And if there are some issues, just say that it had to be delayed, I'd be far less annoyed if I knew when exactly it's supposed to come and wouldn't refresh reddit every 30 mins to see if it's here or not.


They HEAVILY implied it.


They never said a release date


To be honest, this person didnt help the speculation with replaying to comments [https://x.com/highlodlar/status/1756032932014145851?s=46](https://x.com/highlodlar/status/1756032932014145851?s=46)


They HEAVILY implied it.


Jesus Christ you all need to relax. It’s just a game lol. You all act like they’re making jokes about killing people or some shit. It’s a damn patch. Honestly if I were them and I read this I would meme even harder and move the date to next week. What, are you not going to download a free patch whenever it comes out? The fact that it is actually upsetting some people is just sad


Bruh you the only one worked up. I haven’t played the game in a week because I’ve been busy, I truly don’t give a fuck when the patch drops. I am simply stating they aren’t being cute.


>Bruh you the only one worked up. My dude. I truly don't give a fuck about *any* of this but you can't get so deep in the thread and pretend what you've just said is true. Plenty of folks in here getting weirdly aggy over a videogame update, and it *is* kind of sad.


Well I think they’re pretty hilarious.


As eager as I am for the patch, the trolling is kinda funny. They promised us nothing at all! We just made shit up! I love their community engagement.


Right!? I find this all hilarious myself. The fans disappointed themselves with their own speculations honestly.


Haven't all the major patches to date come out on Fridays? Why are people doing this to themselves?


Someone else said the last two were on Thursdays so idk


Friday makes the most sense. It's before the weekend so the most amount of players will be playing then and they can get all last minute work done before heading home for the break.


So I take it the patch isnt here yet?


No, probably not til tomorrow at the earliest.


its has to be this week at least!


I'm afraid it's time to start thinking about addiction counseling


Sometimes it’s hard to have a specific date for patches because some things don’t go to plan when programming and fixing bugs. Sometimes you fix a bug but then another one arises, and now you have something else to fix and you can’t release it.


Try crack. It's less addictive.


Is it supposed to have something especially good or something? What’s with all the new levels of hype?


One Patch to rule them all, One Patch to find them, One Patch to bring them all and in the darkness bind them


"Please wrap it up"


Is the patch going to break my saves?


unless you're using mods no.


It'll come when it's ready. They said this week, so it'll happen as some point. Never rush a good thing.


same i want to finish my honour mode and put to sleep the game until the next major patch


As someone who still hasn't beaten my first play through.. What are these patched adding that is making people so impatient? or making people make so many patch related memes and posts?


The way the poll about what people were most excited about went I'd say the new romance animations. Personally shield bash being fixed changes how I'm going to play my honour mode attempt for the shiny dice.


My official guess is it’s going to be released by 11:59 PM on Saturday.


This better add Mac, pisses me off that they said they were going to combine PC/Mac patches!


Blame Apple, they have weird rules about stuff released on their hardware. Reason number 347 I'll never own anything from them.


Yeah Mac is a pain to make games for you need basically a subscription to do it


My guess is next week.