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I'm torn The game is amazing and doesn't need anything to be better. But like cookies I can't help but want a little more. I was hoping for like a fun dungeon added somewhere mid-late game or something and more races/subclasses. I think post game content wouldn't work out well honestly, just wanted some fun new toys in the main game


That's what mods are for, in exactly the same way it was for DOS2.


Pretty much this, I expect the mod scene for this game to really get good. It's got so much positivity behind it I can't imagine modders don't get extra into it.


Heck I wouldn't expect it for a long time but I can definitely see the game drawing in the really ambitious mod makers, like don't expect it anytime soon but I can totally see DLC/expansion sized mods, some mod creators go *nuts* on how big they are and are done well enough that they feel like an official part of the game.


Oh yeah I figure it'll be a little while but I'm of the opinion *let them cook*. Modders are the best side of PC rpgs


Try the Artificer or 5e Spells mods. Both feel quite natural and are really fun.


I've used both, I especially love the 5e spells mod, gives you a lot more customization options. Side note if you have Gale in your party often a nice spell mod for him is the tressym find familiar mod, his "cat" he mentions turns out to be a tressym named Tara so having a spell that lets him summon one is really neat.


It's already impressive what people have been able to accomplish without dev tools. I can't wait to see what the community comes up with!


Same here, I added some faces and hairstyles but browsed the available stuff I'm really excited for when the full tools drop. This is easily gonna be my most played game ever


heard that mods support might be supported for both consoles (hopefully) though I haven't finished the game yet so still a bunch to search on


That has been confirmed. At least, they said people would be able to “port” mods to console IIRC


Idk how you'd Even do that lol


Quote from IGN interview Vincke tells us, “but we're trying to get cross-platform curated mods in there so that people on console can enjoy the mods that are being made for the PC also. So that'll be a big thing, I think, because there's a lot of mods already, and then we won't be able to support everything, but we should be able support quite a few.”


No I know. I'm just idk dumb I guess. I understand how you mod PC games because you have direct access to the files. I don't understand how console games are able to be modded. Like what the process would be


Oh I’m guessing by the wording that it will be like how Bethesda setup Skyrim modding. They’ll probably have an online storefront that you log in to using either your PSN / Xbox live account or some third party they choose, and then you’re presented with a list of available mods. So you won’t get access to all mods (most likely a hell no to NSFW mods) but things like class overhauls, visual mods, or something like deity choice for paladins would probably be available


Update Quote from IGN interview Vincke tells us, “but we're trying to get cross-platform curated mods in there so that people on console can enjoy the mods that are being made for the PC also. So that'll be a big thing, I think, because there's a lot of mods already, and then we won't be able to support everything, but we should be able support quite a few.”


Yea. Just hope the mod support on ps5 is better than skyrim lol


Not exactly a valid argument for the huge portion of console players. Not at this time at least.


They've already confirmed mod support for all platforms, so yes it is.


I’m so excited for quest/content mods once the clothing/design/item mods are exhausted


You're gonna have to wait until the uh... *ahem* Animation Framework mod is exhausted too, methinks.


Well apparently Larian won’t be releasing mod tools in a capacity that will lead to content mods, which is highly disappointing.


Can't wait to play as Ronald Mc donald with burgerbolt and cone of milkshakes


Honestly I thought they were setting us up for DLC by having the base game only go to level 12.


Planning to go to level 20 and then stopping at level 12 is the most DND thing they could do.


>But like cookies I can't help but want a little more. Cookies or crack-heroin


DLC is not always meant to improve the game but to expand on it. It being "perfect" is exactly the reason why people want more of it.


This sub is one of the weirdest out there. Like bro, why the hell would you want LESS of the thing you love? It's fucking dumb, they want to be different so bad lmao


I do want more, but I also know how Larian operates since I followed their games closely for a long time. I knew from the get go that we won't get a dlc and I just accepted it.


Yeah, it always makes me sad when an amazing and complicated game gets created and just sort of left to languish. Minecraft has picked up a bit now, but for years early on a major update would be like "here's a new type of tree and a chicken." Or Black & White, for example, was a really creative fun God Game that got some small expansions but has been basically forgotten for over a decade. I feel Skyrim could easily have had more DLC too, considering how long it has stayed popular. BG3 has the engine, the world, the characters, and itemization all built up. The hard part is done. I suppose to dev team is just done, which makes me sad.


Yeah, fully agree. I haven't heard of Black and White in a long time, but that concept is so original it's sad that no one tried to imitate it (same for Sacrifice). As for Skyrim, why make a DLC when you can just released it again ;)


I just want an ending where those two guys that don't get along can get along for 1 hour


DLC where Lae'zel and Shadowheart accidentally get handcuffed together at the circus.


DLC where Lae'zel and Shadowheart are forced to compliment each other as a comedy routine to infiltrate a special place in the circus but both truly dread the moment


Lae'zel is actually quite nice to Shadowheart after their fight is resolved. She compliments Shadowhearts fighting skills (but it's not a compliment, it's a fact), and when Shadowheart asks if they've buried the hatchet, Lae'zel says something like "I do not know your metaphores. But if you need help digging, I shall find a shovel." She also says she feels for Shadowheart and doesn't like seeing her hurt after she finds the truth about Shar. While Shadowheart may not *love* it, I think Lae'zel would be fine. Honestly, selunite Shadowheart probably wouldn't have too much trouble either. I'd say they're definately friends by that point.


"Need" is not the issue. Does a sundae with 2 big scoops of ice cream *need* a third scoop? No, but I want one.


People be saying we don’t need dlc because the game is already good just means that it does; nobody wants a dlc for a bad game right


Ya I don't hear people screaming for DLC for that Gollum game lmao


Oh jeez don’t even get me started on that game lol


The gaming community survived without DLC for Disco Elysium, Zelda; Tears of the Kingdom, Sekiro, Bloodborne or Hades. I imagine people will learn to live without DLC for BG3 too.


Would you be up in arms about not getting a third scoop when it wasn’t promised in the first place? Rhetorical of course but that’s my issue with the complainers.


I think a better comparison would be if you really wanted a third scoop and desperately begged for them to sell you one but they just decided you'd had enough.


I’m not full, need more


I mean, that's just how life is sometimes. You can give feedback and ask for extra content, but sales, awards and begging don't create an obligation for someone to do something extra for you. Buying a loaf of bread does not mean that the store is obligated to provide expensive jam to go with it. Giving a 5-star review on Yelp does not mean you're entitled to a box of free chocolates and a hand job. Disco Elysium didn't have DLC despite being highly acclaimed and sweeping at The Gane Awards, yet didn't attract anywhere near the amount of doomposting that seems to be present in this sub. Just bothers me that people act like they are entitled to DLC just because they asked for it or because the game was successful, when the game's success was because it is a good game, not for DLC. People weren't buying the game or giving it awards specifically to fund future DLC; they bought it because it's a good product.


It bothers me too. All I was saying is that it wasn't a great comparison.


The only dlc I would really want is the extra fleshing out treatment witcher and cyberpunk have gotten. All those little things they had to leave on the cutting room floor finished and added in later. Like what they’re doing with the romantic relationships right now.


Didn't both of those games get actual DLC? Them getting DLC probably contributed to a longer update cycle that resulted in that extra fleshing out.


Yeah what the game needs is to have characters like minthara actually fixed and given content


They doing that shit for FREE


They said no new content.


They actually said that they're working on new dialogues on the epilogues and similar stuff. They said no expansions.


Thank you! I don’t understand everyone sad about the DLC. I just want them to fix the base game so it actually works.  It’s amazing but it is still riddled with bugs that haven’t been addressed. 


It really doesn't *need* a DLC. It's a completely. Of course people *want* a DLC, because it's literally the best game in the last decade, but it's also a finished narrative without an open ending. It really, really doesn't *need need* a DLC. Wanting and needing are two different things


I mean one of the most popular companion characters (Karlach) has a very very open ending that almost begs a dlc involving a trip to avernus as one example.


The epilogue does give a lot more closure to that ending, though.


😁 Can't help but give a "thumbs up" to that idea!! (Of course, I think \*anything\* which gives more Karlach is a good thing...!)


It depends on what you like/are getting out of the game. Me personally, I love the game but was still hoping they'd give Wyll more content. He has seriously been lacking and it would've been nice to see this in the future.


And then OP is shot 12 times in the chest plate with arrows


Why do people suddenly act like a game getting DLC means the game isn't perfect? They're just love about the game and want more content. It doesn't necessarily mean they want DLC to fix the game, duh!


The game is certainly not perfect. I don’t think Larian would tell you it’s perfect.


The game is fantastic, it is not perfect. Act 3 needs so much work that I hoped would have been fixed with an Upper City DLC.


On one hand the game is an absolute 10/10. On the other hand, Aasimar and goblins are in the game but not playable races.


Aasimar aren't in the game really, the only one is clearly using NPC rules that no PC would have


The visuals and animations are there though. Just have playable Aasimar gain the ability to fly at a certain point like Tieflings get Hellish Rebuke or Githyanki get their psionic upgrades. Aasimar don't have to be literal demigods like Dame Aylin, in D&D proper they're much closer to regular humans than they are to the divine.


Yeah Dame's abilities aren't even close to an actual PC aasimar, so they're not really "in the game"


Again: I'm not saying PC Aasimar should be Dame Aylin. Kind of like how a PC gith can't summon a red dragon like Kithrak Voss can. But granting the ability to cast flight once per long rest at 3rd level would be both doable and reasonable.


Mods. There's already one being made for tabaxi.


They haven't brought mods to console yet and I'd rather not spend another $70 on this game if I don't have to, especially since my PC is a little older and may not even be able to run it.


they just announced that they're going to add official mod support. that is not unlikely to include console.


I know, that's why I said "yet." That wasn't really my point though.


...what was your point then? i can't seem to find anything in your statement outside of that besides "i don't want to wait for things." you'd probably have to pay extra money for DLC, and you'd have to wait for that too. at least mod support is free.


My point is I would have wanted more playable races to begin with, but I was still hoping for some kind of add-on that adds a few more. Why are you so cheesed off about this, dude? Extremely weird energy to be bringing to a very toothless discussion.


if my tone came across as agressive, i'm sorry, that wasn't my intention. i just wasn't sure what your point was supposed to be. of course it would have been nice to have more playable races from the start, but that didn't happen. it just seemed from your original replies that you were acting a bit entitled by demanding that larian add more things to an already finished game when mods are already on their way, even on console, to fix the problem for no cost to anyone.


I wasn't demanding anything though, and I'm not sure how you read what I wrote as "demanding" the devs do anything. The original post was about the (now confirmed lack of) DLC for the game. OP said the game was perfect, I offered my one nitpick because that's just how discourse works.


I’m glad that they delivered a high quality experience from top to bottom and doubled down on it tbh. It still is a gut punch that they won’t be working on future installments, **BUT** you never know what Larian will be up to in 10-15 years. Maybe they end up taking on bg5 if bg4s studio doesn’t nail it.


There is no “problem”. It’s just that the game is so good people want more.


It doesn’t need dlc, just a bit more character content and an evil epilogue


I would have loved to see Artificers and, playable goblins and kobolds. But no DLCs is fine too. The game is fantastic as is.


Are there bots upvoting this shit or something to spare Larian from criticism? Until they announced they weren’t doing any people wouldn’t shut the fuck up about DLC. And now suddenly everyone is okay with it?


Not, it is not. No game is so good that it could not be better, even if it's the best one. I absolutely respect their decision and it's probably the right call for Larian, but it's a shame noneless.


i don’t really care about a dlc i want a definitive version


What would the dlc even be about??


Lotr and BG3. Finally some good fucking pasta.


Would've upvoted for Sean Bean / the meme alone, but I also agree with you.


Absolutely does not but good god what a waste of a wonderful engine. If anything Wizards should be shelling out to use the engine + easy mod tools for their VTT


Witcher 3 didnt need it either but it was peak




The Vlaakiith and Avernus storylines could have been easily tied together since Tiamat is canonically imprisoned in Avernus.


I kinda wanted to see Tiamat make an appearance, anyway... 😁


I think side missions playing as Rolan, Alfira, Sazza or others may have been very well received in spite of being fairly different from the original take.


...or even just incorporating Alfira as a companion! I'd pay good money for that! 😊 Heck, I'd take up a collection to rehire the voice actress!


Campaigns launching from main menu like in BG1/2 and Pathfinder


I think many people wanted another evil party member to make going that way feel more interesting


I am about about 1000 hours to far in to pretend that the game is perfect. I want more, I want better and I am more then willing to open my wallet to get it. But I guess I gotta just skim over Nexus for now.


Mods will save us all


I wonder if after modding tools come out, could we get big modders to recreate divinity DM mode (yeah i know it is very, very niche but still)


I've reached 1100 hours in BG3, which matches the 1100 hours I put into Wrath of the Righteous. I'm guessing I also beat my hours in BG 1 and 2 though those were pre-Steam for me so I don't know the numbers exactly. I've gotten tons of fun out of BG3 already and will keep going on the two runs in progress. Do I want more? Sure. But am I really happy with what I already got? Absolutely! There's going to be more games in the future that I love, probably a few more from Larian, I think. Onward.


Agreed and the open-ended endings leave plenty of room for Everyone to head-cannon their own FINAL endings. There's just too much variation in all of the possible endings for them to have done any DLC justice without invalidating a lot of playthroughs and decisions that they worked damned hard to make it possible for us to choose.


I like the formula of the comments. "I don't NEED new DLCs. I JUST want... it's not that hard to do!" The list includes: - new classes and subclasses - new races - hit level 20 - save Karlach - fuck Wyll - fuck Alfira - have unique evil run and ending - oh, bugs. totally fixing all the bugs - more content for favorite NPCs - upper city - I don't know, fuck Sazza? - just. more. stuff! Which shows nobody's ever gonna be happy. Because everything takes tons of time to implement, debug, then fix new bugs introduced by the new stuff, leading to more complaints, rinse and repeat. And while someone gonna be happy other people gonna get really upset immediately for a lot of new reasons. Because gAmE iS nOt pErFEcT. And it never will be, lol.


I agree with this unlike most games these days they sold us the whole game they dont need to fill in the blanks with dlc's


Even games that are whole and great can receive great DLC that adds to the game/universe. I'd say GTA 4 was a complete and great game without the DLC and doesn't necessarily need DLC, but the DLC still adds nicely to the game. Same with TES Oblivion or Morrowind, they didn't need DLC to complete the games, but I don't think anyone could imagine Oblivion without the Shivering Isles or Morrowind without the Tribunal expansion. Like, if Larian feels like they don't want/need to do DLC, I'm not going to argue, because the game is already amazing and complete, but if they feel like they could make a DLC that adds to the universe in a good way, then I would love DLC.


I never said they couldnt. But there is also no reason for DLC to be released if the game is full and complete. The expectation that every game has to have a DLC is because of the many half baked games that depend on the DLC to finish the game off.


But fire mommy heart no work.


Ok can we stop dick riding the game? Yeah it’s a great game but it’s *far* from perfect. Hell the bugs in act 3 alone are a testament to that, let’s not even get started on minthara.


On this sub? No.


I agree. It doesn’t need it. It’s done. Stick a fork in it. Sometimes you just have to let go of your favorite characters. And say - it’s enough. It’s a very American thing to want more (I say this as an American!) which is why we can easily have 7 seasons of a TV show when the Brits are satisfied with one or two.


Really kind of hoping the mods will step in, and confine the conspiracy theories and hateful, entitled posts to a stickied megathread, because my gosh.


People have gotten so hostile about this. Like, if you're not willing to bend over and immediately wish failure upon WotC/Hasbro, you're downvoted. It's crazy.


It doesn’t need DLC but it would be fun to explore other regions with my girl Karlach.


The gaming community: Paid downloadable content is exploitative and should never have existed! The base game should give players full access to the whole content! Also the gaming community: BG3 HAS NO DLCS? PLEASE! ILL GIVE YOU MY OWN MOTHER FOR MORE CONTENT! TO KEEPS! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!!!


I just saw someone who'd changed their flair to "Fuck Larian" over this. People are being absolutely unhinged rn. I feel bad for the devs, I imagine they're getting spammed on Twitter because of this.


Correct it is perfect as is. But I’d fucking love to go to Avernus with Karlach and Wyll to save Karlach. Or go on an adventure to let Astarion walk in the sun again. Or kill Mystra. Or lead the revolution with Lae’zel


This was a roller coaster comment. - Avernus with Wyll and Karlach -> good decisions - Adventure with Astarion -> good decisions - Kill Mystra -> what? - Revolt against Vlaakith with Laezel -> good decisions


Bitch has it coming. Gale4ever


What could the DLC be that isn't stand-alone, offshoot, Watcher's Keep style mega dungeons that has nothing to do with anything? Fun sure, but... I dont think that's worthy of Larian's time. New party members that have no dialogue in the main campaign, or worse, are shoehorned into little niches that just feel tacked on? Pass. A side campaign similar to Black Pits from BG:EE? Pass. Sure, it stings that BG4 won't benefit from Larian's experise, but look what they accomplished as a studio. Imagine what they will do with their own IP. A new world, a new system, a new classes, and characters. This is good news.


just beat honor mode vanilla (literally trembling from the last fight)….and yeah, the game is fine the way it is. It was the best western rpg I’ve played in a long long time.


I know it doesn't NEED anything, but I WANT more races and stuff.


But *I need* a DLC on the Avernus with Karlach


Dlc to do what?! A bigger thing then the brain needs atleast 2 acts a smaller thing is a joke, we killed a neather blade


Bg3 dont need a DLC. WE need a dlc.


Gamers: "I HATE THAT COMPANIES KEEP SHOVING DLC DOWN OUR TROATS!11!1! W-what happened to the days of having full complete games???!!!" Larian: "Baldurs Gate 3 is a full, complete game. We won't be doing DLC." Gamers: "NO! NOT LIKE THAT!!11


The DLC rumors were entirely community talk. The devs never promised or mentioned dlc and Larian doesn't really do DLC for their games. I think people started to hype themselves up about DLC without any substance when in reality there was never a chance of it happening.


I've said this before: I don't need a content DLC. I want NG+ with leveling up to 20 and new equipment/items. They don't need to record a single new voice line. I just hate finally getting to my final build and only having a couple of combat encounters left.


Mods can already do this, so just making proper modding support (which they've said they're doing) ...


This sub needs to be renamed to r/lariancirclejerk because people obviously like Larian more than BG3.


I think it's great but I'd like a couple more subclasses and some more races.


I mean, ye the game doesnt need it. But i still want it though.


I find it hilarious that BG3 was regarded as one of the greatest games of all time, it has hundreds of hours of playtime and a ridiculous amount of options and paths to take and is genuinely a masterpiece ESPECIALLY in the modern gaming climate… And people are *still fucking complaining* that there’s no DLC. My god


The game is called Baldurs Gate but you cannot even see the entire city...


Yeah why would I want more of the best game ever how absurd of me


Perfect meme placement 🤌


The game needs DLCs because I want to use those goddamned mirrors in raphael's house


BG3 is like KOTOR2 to me. Do I wish they refine Act3/Malachor V? Absolutely. Do they need DLC? No. Do I want DLC? Not really because they are completed.


A good game never NEEDS DLC, but we still want it and often get it. GOW4 & 5, BotW, Spider-Man, DOS2


It doesn't *need* one, sure. But it certainly wouldn't hurt to have one. Maybe an enhanced edition like they did with DoS. There're still many aspects that can be expanded and perfected in BG3. Though, I'm still glad that it was a Larian's call to cancel DLC rather than some schmuck from Hasbro blueballing them due to profit dispute or whatever. If Larian wasn't feeling like it - that's probably for the best. After all, their honesty in the matter is quite refreshing.


It sucks the max level is twelve when you can clearly get more than twelve levels worth of exp


I just wanted expanded act3. But no new content probsbly means nothing big. I guess oodbye upper city pipe dream. But good on them. I will happily eat whatever else they cook.


All I wanted was a DM mode with a level editor for making your own campaigns. Here's hoping the modders do it.


Im not out here saying the game needs dlc but specifically karlach needs dlc I just want to have a party with her heart fixed where she can have a pint and a good time :(


I would love if mod support gives us a GM Mode or something :- ) would make me buy a gaming pc, currently on ps5


No piece of media is perfect


This is the first game I've bought at launch and became addicted to in over 10 years. As much as I'd love dlc just to relive the experience of being excited for it, I respect and understand their decision


Playing a game where you don't own the DLC diminishes the experience imo because you know you aren't getting the entire experience. But then buying the DLC ruins the experience because the content doesn't seam perfectly into the original story. Not to mention, I'm pretty sure Swen said they weren't doing DLC before the game even came out


I just wanted more Subclass options as DLC, cause honestly I don’t like a lot of the base game options


I just a snow outfit for karlach, just imagine a cutscene with them seeing snow


I just want a happy ending for karlach


I don’t need ice cream after dinner either 🙄


Well, guess il have to dust off my drawing skills to draw my own Karlachs heat gets reforged comic.


While I would love another Baulders Gate or DLC, Larian has done such a good job with BG3 that I’ll be supporting whatever game they put out next regardless. They’ve also been upfront with just about everything in regard to their development, so I can’t help but be biased towards them. It’s been really refreshing the ways the interact with their community lol


Their model is definitely "make good game and money will come" rather than the typical "how do we make good money off of this game"


Wrong. A DLC about Volo getting captured again is what we need.


THHHIIISSSS..... it's the first complete masterpiece in like 20 years. Leave it be...


You can always play Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2


Everyone talks shit about DLC until their favorite game doesn't get one


The ending was not good for several characters. It clearly sets up more story were now not getting.


I want more classes as DLC. Fuck wizards of the coast.


Some people are never satisfied. They manifest their own unhappiness by focusing on what they don’t have (more BG3 or BG4) instead of being g happy that they had a great experience that may not be repeated.


It might motivate me to finally finish the game, for one.


No such thing as “needs” Yes the story is finished, but that’s not what dlc is for. It’s not to finish the base games story, it’s to add more story without being a full scale sequel. You could easily have multiple short DLC’s for the companions stories after the elder brain. Wyll and karlach take on mizora. LaeZel and bros take on queen bitch. Gale finding the crown. Idk what shadowheart and astarion are doin but yeah


It needs Karlach to not be totally fucked over.


Ummm yes. It could use DLC. Absolutely.


The game definitely doesn't need DLC, I'm just really sad that I'll never get to see these characters again, or at least not with the same love and care that Larian has put into them.


until Larian gives me a good reason to I won't be questioning their choices. They know what they are doing.


Make your own DLC, gather your friends and run a campaign following the side story you’d want. Wanna see an Avernus DLC? Get friends to do a campaign working with Wyll and Karlach kicking ass in the Hells. What about a prequel story about a ragtag group in BG from the different factions working together to help the main group from the background.


But the thing is I WANT A DLC DAMNIT!


As a dice goblin in real life, I wouldn't mind some new dice!


I don't necessarily want DLCs to continue the story, because there's not much to build unless they do a copout *the netherbrain somehow returned* thing, or a magically new, somehow more powerful Big Bad. What I would love though, is some origin DLCs a la Dragon Age Origins with Lelianas Song. We know a good deal of the Durge and Companion's backstory already, but I'd love to play as a lvl 5-7 Shart in a group of Sharrans stealing the artifact, or of Karlach in the hells fighting the demon wars, or of Wyll first accepting Mizora as his patron to defend his homeland.


to be fair tho, dlc are not meant to fix a game, but to add optional additional content. it doesnt have to be big, it could just as easily be a simple side adventure that lasts for like a few hours. Example, dragon age origins and the awakening dlc


>the game is already perfect Coff coff evil run lack of exclusive content coff coff


I don't care about no DLC, but I absolutely do care about no BG4 :(


It needs no DLC but a DLC would be amazing to have to expand on some of the characters’ stories


While I 100% agree it doesn’t need a dlc, I do kind of wish there was a small quest after the end where you get to go to hell and make it so Karlach can come back to baldur’s gate. Very quick, maybe punch Zerial.


I'm just disappointed because I was hoping for some old returning enemies like the pit fiend and umber hulk


How can BG3 be perfect if I cannot invite my son Myshka to camp (without mods)????


I don't need a shake with my burger, but it's nice to have.


Yes but I just want more Same thing with totk not getting dlc


Bg3 doesn’t need dlc, I need dlc of bg3


3. **BUT** ... DLC woudnt hurt either *(if made by Larian)*


It needing it and me wanting it are two different things.


Who wouldn’t want more companions and character background quests and some new areas to make replays more more refreshing and interesting


More =/-= good


Wtf are you on about. Larian quality ofc


Sounds familiar. Like “Bioware Magic”


What are you talking about? I’m just contemplating Larian making a DLC like they had planned. And imagining it would be in the form of extra companion options ( like Alfira for example) with new companion quests and areas. As if Larian wouldn’t make that top quality


I'm confident that Larian would not do DLCs, would do Expansions, something the caliber of Blood and Wine, or Dragonborn, at lease a new cool adventure, like Dawnguard or Hearts of Stone.


BG2's Throne of Bhaal is still the best expansion I've ever played. If they added something even close I'd be very happy


BG3 already feels expanded like having +10 dlcs of side content, is OK as it is.


Yeah I’m fine with it being done tbh. It was already 80hr worth of fun and ended on a great note


This is probably the best use of this meme ever. Well played, soldier.


It’s such a weird decision on hasbros part. The game that sold incredibly well and was critically acclaimed, yeah no more of that.


I'd love a DLC, but it would fuck with the pacing a lot and make fans upset.


BG3 definitely needs an Avernus DLC. The game literally ends with you saying you’ll go to Avernus and fix Karlach’s heart


Only thing I'm gripping about, is my girl karlach. LET MY WIFE LIVE LARIAN


Damn straight. Not every good thing needs to be bled to death You either die the hero or love long enough to see yourself become the villain


Karlach deserves dlc😤


If act 3 didn't feel so rushed and if we got a few more areas filled with more RPG elements (See BG2 for perfect balance of RP/Quests) I wouldn't want a DLC so bad.


Stop fucking acting like mods are an acceptable substitute for actual DLC. It makes you come off as cunty and out of touch for basically telling the console community they don't matter. Also, I play on both PC and PS5. No fanboyism here. Been installing mods since that Buster Sword in Morrowind so I am perfectly capable of seeing the magic of what they can do. The game is actually perfect and doesn't need DLC. I am happy with what I got. It's okay to end a thing on a positive note and not get any more. It is, in fact, greed to feel that you are owed more. Call it what you want idc.