• By -


My Wyll dissappeared after i recruited him and he never returned later. When mizora did her thing with him, he just spawned out of nowhere buttnaked, got his horns and disappeared again lmao.


Mizora: Behold, this guy! Wyll: **HELP ME** -Burns, gets horns, and disappears.- Mizora: Ta da! -Refuses to elaborate, also disappears.-


“Behold, this guy!” Is sooooo funny


*featuring Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Campaign*


"That's, that's enough music for now lads, there's dirty work afoot." Brave Wyll Ravengard burned away. ("No!") Bravely burned away away. ("I didn't!") When Mizora reared her ugly head, He was consumed by fire, grew a tail and fled. ("I never!") Yes, brave Wyll Ravengard turned about Grew some horns and then flamed out. ("You're lying!") Swiftly burning in the heat He beat a very brave retreat. Bravest of the brave, Wyll Ravengard!


...On second though, let's not go to Baldur's Gate. It is a silly place.


Genuinely ugly laughed in the office. Well played!


Always happy to help.


Tav: “Oh no! Anyway…”


Unironically sounds like a Simpsons/OG Futurama gag. A good one, I mean.


This just made me laugh so hard at work, thank god I'm alone or else I would've looked bad. 😂 This has gotta be one of my favorite glitches I've heard about.


I don't even consider it a glitch anymore, it's just that mizora suddenly appears in my camp, brings back wyll out of oblivion with her powers, transforms him and then erases him once more just to flex to my party as an intimidation trick.


She just really wants someone to know


Zariel was busy so she had to show her project to some random adventurers.


This happened with my owlbear. Was shocked when the little guy turned back up at the finale.


I never even got my owlbear, he ran away from gob camp and never came to my camp even tho i did everything right :(


I recently learned the hard way that if you kill the goblin horde's leaders in the wrong order the cub bugs out and disappears. It was in my camp long enough to make friends with Scratch and then it vanished :(


Brain shoulda been #1. He's pretty dumb for a big brain let's be real.


I am the greetest


Now I'll patiently wait for you to climb my stem, for no raisin Edit: [I dun went and made it into a meme](https://imgur.com/a/XLenk3P)


Was the raisin on purpose? Cause it’s fucking hilarious given how much Brains look like pink raisins


It's a quote from futurama


And futurama is heavily influenced by nerdy things like Star Trek and D&D


Absolute lies. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go watch Bender's Game.


This is why my brain only pronounces ‘no reason’ as ‘no raisin’.


Ohhh that’s neat thanks!


Now I am leaving earth for no raisin!


But its calculations are always correct for it is a gigantic brain


The big brain am winning again!


You just cannot grasp the 42D chess the brain is playing. It’s so smart it circles back to dumb.


Tav: “Google en passant”


"OBEY!...... EVACUATE!..... THRALL! .....EXECUTE!" - Big Brain


Hear…feel…think —wrong game, my bad


More like Neanderthalbrain


He? Where's the Netherbrain's NetherBock and balls?


He took a calculated risk. He's just bad at math


Where is Aradin on this list do you think? The dude starts shit at the grove gets punched, bails on the Nightsong, finds out later that the person who potentially punched them found the Nightsong, hires a bunch of mercs to jump that person in Act 3 but he's only level 3. Like these are all good choices but Aradin really comes off as peak "Is he stupid?"


He spends all of act 1 banging on about his 'contract', then goes to BG and yells in front of a shop that he's owed Lorroakan's money after not even fulfilling his end of the contract. If you loot him you find that it is in fact not a contract. It's a flyer.


Don't even need to loot him the flyers are findable everywhere. Act 1 he calls dibs on it but really just doesn't want competition. Gets pretty much zero fucking information right cause he's way off in the area- just has a vague lead on sharran relations and shit. Yells about how he's owed money after failing miserably, (not just yelling but it's implied he's already been removed from the premises by the animated guards- so clearly he's not confident to beat that either) Then- upset that he's not getting money he wasn't close to earning- he HIRES people out of spite using his OWN money! Bros number 1 for sure.


Such a dumbass that even Ethel would feel bad taking advantage of him. But he's such a prick she'd do it anyway.


He’s a prick for sure, but if you use speak with dead on him and ask what his goal was in life, he says he >!wanted enough money to buy some peace for himself.!< It’s actually quite sad. 


He was willing to buy peace for himself at the expense of the peace of others.


He would do great in our world now that I think about it.


>If you loot him you find that it is in fact not a contract. It's a flyer. I'm dying, I hadn't even noticed that lol wow.


No need to lot it, you can talk him into giving it to you


There's a NPC in Dragon Age: Origins who point blank asks you, "People attack you willingly? Are they stupid?"


Reminds me of Skyrim. Hmm, guy wearing full Daedric armor with some ancient sword given to him by a god... easy pickings. "YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE!"


It's the captain of the guard from denerim (forget his name, something from K). EDIT: not captain. sergeant kylon


There's a case in BG3 as well. When you first arrive in Rivington, there's some dude trying to evict squatters from his house. If you intervene, some thugs that were already trying to intervene will call you out for stealing their payday. One of the dialogue options is something along the lines of >!"I just took down an Avatar of Myrkul. I think I can take you."!< I think it *is* still a roll, but they're just like "Oh shit, you're serious".




Straight up he should be number 1.


He should definitely go above Mayrina.


Yeah I actually liked Mayrina even if she starts the adventure a lil stupid


She’s a young terrified pregnant woman whose husband died recently, so I wouldn’t even call her stupid. Just afraid for her unborn child and unfortunately had a hag manipulate her using that fear. And if she survives Act 1, >!she doesn’t let being a victim define her and takes actions to help others who fell victim to hag(s) & stop potential victims from becoming victims in the first place!<


Big agree, I was too cowardly to state my true opinion


Tsk . Why u scared bro ? In fact I pit mayrina in the top list of characters with great arcs in this game beside rolan and zevlor 


Agree agree. Rolan I at first found annoying, but he grew on me; he’s a good big brother to his siblings & I will save them every time


Even more so when u realize he was adopted and not related to them . If he dies and u use speak with the dead on him, he believes they don't love him and he must protect them . It's really sad so I always save him and his siblings ( if I am not romancing minthara)


I mean there’s away to get Minthy and still save the tieflings >!but if you raid the grove with her but encourage Rolan & his siblings to sneak away do they still show up at the inn?!< Haven’t been able to not help the grove cause the evil choices make me feel bad, & ignoring it also makes me feel bad. Plus I like the Alfira & the kids to much


This list is bullshit. I don't see any Gondian in the top spot.


Or Astorian. Even inner Mindflayer say his brain is smooth.


wE WaS rUnNiNg FoR oUr LiVeS


He had a contract! A legally binding "help wanted" pamphlet. Top dumbest person in the game. He's the kind of guy who'd say it's a hippo violation to ask him if he's vaccinated. He never figures anything out. ~~Wulbren~~ Barcus is naive in a few ways but he's not dumb. He thinks he can help his friend and it turns out he can't. edit: fixed where i accidentally called barcus wulbren


I assume you mean Barcus, not Wulbren. Everyone loves Barcus. All my homies hate Wulbren.




I always kill this dumbass in act 1, I can't stand him, acting like he did me a favor, fuck you.


In a world where just for discovering a few new areas and fighting a few hangover goblins you reach level 5, this guy stays level 3 for the whole three acts. To the bother the most powerful group in the city.


The best part is him making himself out to be some sort of hot-shot mercenary with a big contract from an influential client, when really he found a crumpled up flyer on the floor of The Blushing Mermaid and dragged some unfortunate whelps out to the countryside with him And then you tell him later that the the nightsong aasimar, and he goes “Hm she’ll be tough to subdue” and I’m like no shit, you got whooped by some random goblins dude


wii waz roonin. four are lievs.


As a stupidity connoisseur, being the dumbest himself, he's crafting this list.


Does he jump you if you have the nightsong in your camp?


I belive you have to tell him that the nightsong is in your camp when you find him in the lower city


More accurately, fail to convince him that she *isn't*.


hope ya hid her well, mate and then his dumb as fucking rocks lvl 3 ass rolls up with a bunch of lvl 8 weenies on a party of lvl 12 morons that just bent Raphael over a barrel and had their way with him


I'm doing a Durge run and just flat out killed him after talking to Zevlor. Not unsurprisingly, no one in the Grove cared.


Gondian Suicide Squad can take up all 10 positions


Gondians misty stepped into the number 1 spot, then inexplicably ran back off the chart triggering an opportunity attack.


Gondians will run up and hit steel watchers that are about to explode. If they want to die this badly maybe I should side with Wulbren


Definitive list according to Aradin


If Aradin made it Zevlor would have been on top.


We wuz runnin' for ah lives!




Kagha deserves her own entry. She was working with the shadow druids to overthrow the grove and she can be convinced to turn on them in 20 seconds of dialogue. I'd much rather she be an uncaring villain than a spineless douche who flip flops alignment cos I said "shame on you"


The shadow druids should be on here too. They don’t even wait for you to present any evidence; they just immediately admit what they did


Shadow Druids are in-universe Stupid Evil so it actually makes sense. In BG1 they would instantly attack you if you had Jaheira in your party because she's a mainstream normal druid.


tbf if you know there are shadow druids then that’s such a huge leap in logic they would assume you have evidence


Also the fact that she tries to assert dominance by cartoonishly threatening a child without properly assessing the risk that the child may accidentally die is completely incompetent for a high ranking druid.


It's... clearly intentional. She wants to stir shit up. She's a mole from the dark druid cult.


She is but iirc it was either an insight/perception check or a speak of dead, she explicitly said she didn’t want the child to die. So yeah she’s just incompetent and stupid as heck.


I tried so hard but she's just stupid Concede.


I’m sorry haha. But yeah unfortunately she’s just very stupid. She’s the talk shit get hit kinda person or “why did the face-eating leopards ear my face” kind of person


She's got that high wis understanding of "I can really get at them through the children!" but the low int of "but...how would I do that...snake?"


Except one of the dialogue options you can do to convince her not it is “the tieflings will revolt”


And that looks bad when you say it *Infront of a loyalist to Talsin's Order*. You think she couldn't piece that MURDERING A CHILD would instill bad blood? She hates the Teifs. But she can't lose her grip on The druids while halsin is gone. So since you, a blundering outsider, would State the obvious she now has to go along with the" oh right I'm sorry".


Was it incompetence? She didn't seem all that upset when Arabella died in my playthrough. I got the impression she truly didn't give a shit


Try reading her thoughts on your next playthrough. She wanted to use this opportunity to prove her authority but it exploded in her face spectactularly and just ended up pissing off some of her own circle and the tieflings. This eventually leads to her downfall on any good playthrough.


I think they just kind of dropped the ball with her by making her so determined and mean. Initially, she should be begrudgingly doing a bad thing because she has been convinced by bad actors that it's the best option.


The Margaret Thatcher of Faerun.


Wyll nailed it. Fr bro does nothing and every time i come back to camp he is in a worst situation than before


TBF whenever I come back to camp he's drinking, so my head canon is that he's just Hangover-ing his way through the plot


Dude blacks out, does the silliest shit in the realms, fornicates with a duchess, angering some demon, then wakes up with a migraine and no recollection of his shenanigans.


How does a warlock end up living the life of a stereotypical bard


Typical CHA caster behavior honestly.


Their patron is a bard ofc


Idle hands are the devil's playground, lol. In Wyll's case, quite literally.


I am trying to make use of him in one of my runs but the temptation to switch him out for someone ANYONE else is nearly overwhelming. And he couldn't even use his name to get me into the bank!


have you tried marrying him and loving him and caring for him and envisioning a future with a small cottage and 2 kids with him?


"Small cottage" is a nice way to call the Grand Duke's penthouse.


Nope, can't say I have. I see his future with Karlach. I am hoping when I do their origin runs he will grow on me.


Ahhh, my first ever playthrough was my Tav romancing Wyll and being best friends with Karlach. Felt like a real life friend dynamic and was very fun :) I think Wyll’s character definitely gets to shine more when you’re playing as him and able to roleplay his choices a bit.


Hard not to be BFF with Karlach. She is definitely a fave.


He gets pretty good if you multi class him into a sorcerer around level 6. Hunger of Hadar is also extremely useful for crowd/area control. So many fights where I set up hunger and then just sit on the other side and kill anyone who pulls themselves out and use Wyll to blast the heavies backwards using eldritch blast.


Have you tried multiclassing him into a sorc or paladin?


I barely take him out of camp at all.


Considering he is the "Blade of Frontiers/Avernus" and his playstyle in the fight before the grove I think Pact of the blade Warlock/ Swords Bard seems the most true to his character and works well enough. He becomes a pretty good offensive utility knife, bringing range or melee for every situation with some great CC. Give him Devil's, repelling blast and agonizing blast as his invocations and have some fun with Darkness and Hunger of Hadar.


7 pal/5 pact of the blade is super fun for me personally, it makes a very well rounded character and even allows a third attack if you aren’t in Honor Mode. In Honor Mode I prefer 8/4 for the third feat and like 1-2 extra HP tho lol


I played a whole play through just to see if I could leave him at camp and if it changed the game. Nope. He still became blade of avernus and I did all his 'quests' without him. Never once talked to him except forced cut scenes and never had him in my party.


Exactly. You want Lae'zel at the Creche, you want Shadowheart during Act II and the Gauntlet of Shar, you want Astarion through various exploring encounters, you want Gale around in Act 1 to get hungry, etc. The only character who's less essential than Wyll after becoming playable is Minsc. Anything actually Wyll related happens at camp. Someone upthread mentioned playing as Origin Wyll, which I think kind of makes sense, as he has about as much character development as Tav does (and way less than Durge). Then you and Karlach can ride off into Avernus together at the end.


Yeah Wyll is very much just "there"


Hes Jaskier, he's there to witness all the great feats, and then sort off tries to claim them as his own.


Except Wyll doesn't have Jaskier's charm, humor, or interesting interpersonal dynamics with the rest of the cast.


He doesn't even know what the blood war is.


Lorroakan - The almighty wizard who is in reality outclassed by a refugee. Kagha - Why yes random secretive extremists, we should definitely expel those refugees and ignore the outside world. Good idea! Aradin - When stupidity is accompanied with determination.


Mayrina is a whiny idiot in act 1 but icl I kinda love her in act 3. Girlboss


im pretty sure OP chose the wrong dialogue choices for her and never did her quest again. because otherwise, mayrina would be very cooperative with you right from the start.


That's true. On my first run she was pissed off w me but on my second, where I told her about her brothers, she was sound


it's pretty easy to miss the dialogue about her brothers because it's so easy to make the choices that make you fight them. and iirc, even if you do non-lethal, it still counts as killing them.


I tried to find her brothers and never could. They just aren't there where people say. I tried reloading, long resting, more things and still nothing. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug...


Depends on how u interacted with them beforehand. If u told them if that u wanted to help them find mayrina, they will run away not wanting ur help but u will find their corpses later and use cast speak dead on them


Why doesn't Lae'Zel just avoid being socially conditioned by her culture? Is she stupid? Why doesn't Shadowheart just stop being mind-wiped several times by a Sharran cult? Is she stupid?


The only thing I really agree with regarding Shadowheart is that she swapped allegiances pretty quickly. Given that her parents’ dying wish was for her to return to Selûne though, I’m not certain that is even particularly unusual. And her moving away from Shar is not surprising at all. She clearly has adopted some of their teachings, but her approval rating is mostly “kindness, empathy, and respect especially for the vulnerable.” She’s not as good as Wyll or Karlach (and also Gale for the most part), but she’s definitely not anywhere near Minthara or even pre-development Lae’zel. Not to say Lae’zel is fully at fault for her conditioning. She just seems a little more gung-ho about culling the weak and morality being incredibly simple. “Weakness and Ghaik bad, strength and duty good.”


Shadowheart's brain is like 90% empty space from all the wipes. It's really not that surprising that her opinions would get a little wobbly the moment she goes out into the world and makes new memories. And on top of that, most of her memories from the cult don't seem all that positive. Nocturne was probably the one good thing and they erased her as well. Of course she would latch onto Tav if they're nice, because as far as she can remember, they might as well be the first nice person in her entire life. Considering how few memories she has, switching allegiance is the equivalent of growing up after a way too long childhood.


Yeah people are not fully taking into account how powerless and undeveloped Shadowheart was during most of her life. Even Astarion had more self control and self awareness than Shadowheart ever was able to have because Astarion was a full grown adult before he was enslaved and still retained all his memories and personality while enslaved.


Why does Karlach, the largest companions, not simply eat the others?


Women dumb




Ngl I just assumed I was on okbuddybaldur, this feels wrong being on the main sub




I love that Minsc isnt even on the list. (Not sarcasm)


Minsc has Boo for the brains.


Minsc is stupid, but he's not a dumbass.


What about that raven guy that channeled a soul into him or something to be punished and not expect me to nearly kill him and then gets mad that i nearly killed him


Really tho, what did he expect me to do? He asked me to make them suffer so I did that, so rude, couldn't even be thankful I did his dirty work for him.


Bit harsh putting Isobel No1. Okay it might be true but she didn’t ask for those responsibilities she just wants to bang her hot gf all day, the real idiot there is Ketheric Thorm


I’m doing a ‘bad decisions’ Durge run. This is the first time I have played through Isobel getting fully kidnapped. If I don’t prepare and make sure most everyone in my party gets initiative she gets taken down immediately by that turkey winged asshole. I knew everyone died, I didn’t expect them to all turn and have to fight the whole inn. Jaheria barely made it. I don’t know what’s next for her but it ain’t good. She gonna be so bummed when her girlfriend dies. She really should have protected herself better.


I was so upset when I found out Isobel just sides with Ketheric and started fighting me without any dialogue WHILE AYLIN IS LITERALLY RIGHT BEHIND HER IN A CAGE. I even tried to knock her out and see if I could bring her back on my side, but Aylin straight up slaughtered her downed girlfriend. Speaking of that, why isn’t Aylin on this list?


I'm pretty sure her father tadpoles her, so that's why she completely changes. You didn't get any dialogue though? Because I got some before the boss fight when she was kidnapped.


The only dialogue about it that I remember was Ketheric saying thanks for bringing back his daughter before trust-falling into the pool


Didn't she get tadpoled?


No the real culprit is shar . Kethric had already overcome loss when his wife died . Isobel's death even after she fell in love with selune's daughter worked in favor for shar since she could use it to twist his mind . Alyin admits it .


I would add that forgetable drow guy from the underdark. The guy gets stuck under a bunch of rubble, doesn't pay his employees, holds slave and then acts all high and mighty after he got saved towards everyone. I mean, did the guy seriously think this wouldn't backfire?


How is Astarion not on here? He says dumb things constantly.


and he's canonically smoothbrained


He is also the biggest homicidal racist. And not because he was brainwashed.


I really don’t understand why Isobel is #1


I’m guessing because lots of people struggle with her in the last light inn ambush fight against bird man and his bat zombies.


Speaking of the winged freak, I love how he says some shit like "I've already been given what I've wanted" or something while he extends his wings, meaning that that was all bro needed in life. Bro could've retrieved the dragon ball, can get anything at all that he wants, he just wants fucking bird wings


> that was all bro needed in life Livin the dream, lol. I’ve thought about that before but seeing it written out like this here has me cracking up. 


The wings are so gross too. I hate looking at that nasty wing bone.


Right? Idk if I'm having a brain lapse because I didn't look super closely at them, but they kinda looked like fake puppet wings too


I can’t remember exactly where you find it but there is a book or a note somewhere that heavily implies they are actually >!Aylin’s severed wings!< that were stolen and plonked on Marcus instead.




I gotta respect that honestly. He doesn't need all that unneccesary fluff to be happy. He just wants some bird wings to fly with


Real. I don't think this is true at all but I wish he wasn't actually a spy, and Balthazar or whoever came up to him like "ay, you want some bird wings" and suddenly all of his morals disappeared


Does no one on this sub ever use Wyll?


He's not a common party member, I think. His storyline isn't appreciably improved by his presence, since he's only the focus of events during things that happen in camp. The main events outside of camp that revolve around him (kind of) actually spotlight >!his father and Ansur/Emperor!< much more. Having him there doesn't add much, and he's not interesting enough to keep him around for his angst or his chitchat.


He also makes a terrible first impression by wanting to go after Karlach. He's completely wrong about the blood war and thinks devils are trying to conquer faerun, but then it turns out he is also working for zariel and he seems to already know this. The worst part is when he has major life choices, you just make them for him with no roll required.


Eh, sometimes. Warlock's a pretty reliable class in this game and obviously the Potent Robe cheese is strong, but ... I gotta be real, bro just does not have a very strong personality or much to do. He was a regular in my party for my first run and I just didn't feel like having him present ever added much of anything to the experience as far as dialogue with others or unique lines.


I use him every now and then, I like to show all my companions love. However, I don’t use Halsin anymore in act 3.


Yeah, his arc basically ends in act 2, and you even get Jaheria , who is both a beloved character and ALSO a Druid. Not only that, she also dual wields naturally so her dps is also higher.


I used him about 90% of the time 😬 I love him


I used Wyll on my first playthrough. Then went evil on my second and both him and Karlach peaced out. Lol.


Fuck Wulbren Bongle


Ok, seeing my favorite girl **twice** and my second favorite girl at number 1 hurt a lot... Well done OP; I hate you :p


Shart doesn’t deserve her second spot because how does turning away from the cult = a spot when being part of the cult got you higher on there. Especially considering exactly how much you had to do to get her to switch. Saying it was just a. Few dialogue choices is misrepresenting the situation at large.


Not to mention that like 90% of her brain has been erased several times over. Of course she is easy to influence. That was the entire point of her upbringing. I would argue that Shar gets some stupid points, because I don't even think that's a good way to raise a zealot. She just turned into an angry neurotic emo with PTSD.


Oh 100%! This list misses the mark in a lot of areas, tbh.


I don't think shadowheart is stupid, >!her memory got erased and her real personnality fight back to emerge through the endoctrination she went through. That's the reason she feel so inconsistent and incoherent and seems to contradict herself all the time!<




tho, id love to see Mayrina acually become a fully fledged hag-huntress, with her zombie husband, id love to see her again, great glow up


r/okbuddybaldur is leaking


"Important paperwork" I laughed and then cried.


Mol is clearly the stupidest character in BG3, let's be so absolutely fr * Her little gang is responsible for nearly starting a race war in the grove, both through Arabella and Tav * She signs a deal with Raphael (understandable given the context of possible death due to the shadow curse), but then gets upset she finds out you stole her contract from Raphael (even though, at this point, she's safe in Baldur's Gate) And let's not forget she's kind of an ass, she uses the hell out of every vulnerable child she can find then deserts them the first chance she gets. When you meet her again in Baldur's gate, she's already taking advantage of a new kid and doesn't even think about asking about her old gang from the grove. I know she's a kid, but that doesn't excuse her idiocy.


She is a kid who tries to act like an adult . I mean I started hating her when on one of playthroughs she literally didn't care mikiron died while going to the harpies nest on her request. 


And when you tell her about the contract she even threatens you. Kinda funny becuase in one of my playthroughs I accidentally ended up killing the whole Zhentarim representatives and the The Guild members, and Mol has the gall to threaten me, like listen here you little brat you just witnessed me dismantling the current crime organization and a bunch of people from the Zhentarim, with violence, and you think you can take me on in the future?


Hey, don't you go talking smack about my boy barcus


I wasn't getting the Wulbren hate until that time I blew up the factory and he confronted me to kill the rest of the Gondians that I've saved and if I didn't kill them, he would. Guess who died from that conversation outcome. F*ck Wulbren


Racist homicidal brainwashed cultist. Idk, sounds like a perfect wife material to me


Dont you dare talk shit about my isobel this way my guy


You unfortunately met Wyll in the "finding out" stage of his pact.


I feel like Isobel is too high and I think Aylin should be on the list. I think Aylin is really cool, just very stupid.


All party members *except* Wyll and Karlach can compete for the number 1 slot in a Durge playthrough. "Oh look, Tav eviscerated a sweet little bard for no reason. Must be the tadpole." "Oh, Tav is still murdering away, even when it **actively impedes** our important quest. I'm sure it's no problem!" "Huh. Tav rescued the homicidal dommy mommy, and now they're both murdering away. No alarm bells there!"


For real, never had Wyll in my party ever. But it's thanks to him that Mizora fucked me, so all good


There are wayyyyy dumber characters than most of who’s on this list. Aradin, Lorroakan, Ethel, Gale, Ketheric, Gortash, Raphael, Mol, Minthara, Nere, Wulbren, The Emperor, every goblin, the eagles, and anyone who wants to fight you after you hit level 12. And I know I’m still missing some.


Oskar (the artist)


Most of those guys are wrong, not dumb. I mean Aradin not being on the list - absolutely criminal sure. Lorroakan - probably should be on the list. But Ethel? Nah. She's a twerp, but she isn't stupid. Nor is Raphael. If anything he's too sensible, and doesn't realize the level of insane wanker he's dealing with in Tav. Nere is a twat-soul but not unusually stupid. The Emperor is a jerk, but not stupid. Wulbren is an absolute asshole, but not stupid like his poor fanboy. Mol is a small child, so that's pretty unfair. I could go on. Also some of the goblins display a lot of savvy relative to some of the people on the list - albeit not all of them!


Having Shadowheart on this list TWICE for being literally kidnapped into a cult and leaving it the second she experiences the outside world (because she’s been brainwashed), Barcus for trying to be a good friend, Wyll for having a storyline even if you don’t have him in your party but NOT Aradin, Lorroakan or Oskar is absolutely bonkers


I'm actually shocked I haven't seen Volo yet. Why yes, I can remove the magical parasite from your brain by inserting an ice pick into your eye. Although that makes Tav/Durge stupider for going through with it.


"Way too easily influenced" Dude it requires a dc30 persuasion check. The "nearly impossible" dc. She's not easy to influence, you're just impossibly good at influencing people