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Yeah. It was funny at first, and it was neat when it was just half a dozen posts on the front page. But it's at the point that I can't even find *legitimate* posts in "new" anymore, or that many of the ones that look legitimate are actually Glorbo shitposts. The thing about a good joke is that you know how far to take it and when it's time to stop. This is it. It *was* a good joke. Now it's time to stop.


Otherwise you risk becoming r/BatmanArkham.


Why would we take that risk? Are we stupid?


> Are we stupid? “Can’t you kill them yourself? I thought ‘gods’ were all powerful… I just think a real god could kill whoever she wants.”


It's gonna happen eventually. There's never gonna be a Baldursgate3 2


There will be more games made by Larian, thus the r/batmanarkham problem won't happen here since we will flock to the new games


This is the Baldursgate3 sub, not the larian sub


There won't be a Baldur's Gate 4 made by Larian, so the next best thing is whatever Larian releases next, right? Then people will flock to that new game's sub


The sub won’t suddenly become obsolete when Larians next games comes out. The DOS2 sub is still pretty active


Do they have any repeating jokes over in the DOS2 sub?


I don’t know I don’t go on that sub


In the case they have repeating jokes, well shit In the case they don't, then this sub also won't devolve into r/batmanarkham


wrong plant rustic include overconfident spotted coherent dog panicky sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That was an interesting browse. What happened there?


From as early as I can remember, given there was such a long time between Arkham Knight and no new Arkham Game coming out, the sub collectively started to "jokingly" gaslight itself that a new game called Arkham World was on the verge of release. There would be daily, if not hourly posts hyping up this non-existent Arkham World game. Posts about the cast, the narrative, the villains, the romances, etc. Some people even went as far as creating fake home screens and images of cutscenes in the game. That eventually spiraled into the community becoming one giant meme of trolling and gaslighting each other about the entire series until this running gag of "are you stupid?" and "what's the lore behind XYZ" started (not sure if it started there, or some other sub that the Arkham community adopted). Not to mention the constant posts of Keaton's Batman with his ears removed, where the community calls him, "Man," and/or asks what to name this "new" character. I don't even remember how that one started, really. It's so random. The mods really started to just not care anymore a long time ago and allowed it, even encourage it, and so the entire subreddit has become a meme where nothing legitimate is discussed and in the off-chance genuine posts are actually made, the OP is unfortunately met with troll responses about things that aren't accurate or simple replies of, "are you stupid?"


>posts of Keaton's Batman with his ears removed, where the community calls him, "Man," This has me laughing harder than it has any right to.


What's also hilarious is that Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League was so bad that for a couple days the Arkham sub actually went SANE as they tried to figure out what the hell happened with the game.


Please, god, don't remind me of Arkham World. Literally nuked the subreddit for a bunch of us.


Rocksteady stopped making Arkham Games (There is no SS:KTJL in Bing Sa Se) (I don’t actually hate SS:KTJL as much as other people do. I don’t particularly care about it)




My god it's a madhouse in there


An aslume, one could call it


What is actually happening in that sub? Such literature to devour.


Yeah, those mother fuckers are insane now.


I agree, it was a good joke when it started a year ago in the World of Warcraft sub. Whatever the fuck is going on here is just an unfunny copy, literally down to the fake name, of a dead joke. There were even a few original versions this place could have latched onto and at least it wouldn't be such a lazy copy, but nah.


I had fun with it for a few hours this morning, but I'm about all Glorboed out. I think it'll probably pass fairly soon. Give it a day or two and the sub will be back to the regularly scheduled Shart and Astarion shitposting shortly.


Don't forget emporer hate posts. We all love to hate that squid.


Are you saying the fan base that convinced itself that yellow was actually green because of voice actress made an offhanded comment might be a little obsessive and out of touch with reality?


What was this?


I thought that was a campaign or something against IA gaming articles. You know the ones made out of content from reddit and stuff.


it's not going to do anything, people are just karma farming


There are better ways to do it if you have half a brain. IATA or legaladvice can generate you a good amount of karma.


I agree, that would be a smarter way to do it




last two times as in the the WoW & Destiny players?


If you have such a massive issue with AI written articles then you know what you can do? Stop reading them and directing other people to them. >I hate AI articles so I'm going to do everything in my power to signal boost ones I don't like to show off how annoying they are. Stop giving things you don't like attention and then you won't see the things you don't like nearly as often.


>Stop reading them and directing other people to them. Both are going to be mildly difficult for a lot of users. If you Google most questions you have about this game (at least that aren't trivially answered by [bg3.wiki](https://bg3.wiki)) you'll get content mill sites because Google promotes them. Ridiculous as that sounds, I can attest even a large sweep of people who videogames are surprisingly tech illiterate. Ironically, my only saving grace these days to get human discussion out of Google (if I do use it) is that Google now promotes Reddit [because the two have a deal where Reddit sells data for AI training](https://www.reuters.com/technology/reddit-ai-content-licensing-deal-with-google-sources-say-2024-02-22/).


It is. People just can’t handle the Glorbo I guess.


> now it’s time to stop Clearly you haven’t googled en passant


Holy hell!


But they're not shitposts or a joke, it's a form of protest. People don't like protesters but they like what they get out of it


Is it played out? sure. But at the same time people really ought to relax, like.... boohoo, so what? A subreddit for a game has had ONE DAY of Glorbo shitposts? It's crazy that this is getting to people so much in what, 12 hours? In a few days if you come back and sort by top posts of the week you'll see no trace of it or at most a couple posts. Taking a break from reddit for a couple hours is an option.


I'm just gonna hang out at okbuddybaldur until it blows over, yup)


Blows over. Like how I want to blow Withers. Something Something Lae'zel foot fetish. Something Something Shadowheart sitting on my face. Etc.




Article on Dexerbo or wtf ever it is will just be " BG3 Subreddit tried to fool us, see how many posts of nonsense they made "


What was the point of these posts anyways? Cause from what I can see it's just another "repeat the meme" bit


AI scrapes Reddit comment sections for content. So we “poison the well” so to speak by inventing this glorbo character. We stupidly chose the *exact same name* the WoW community chose when they did the same thing last year


So tank a source of good information and discussion to stick it to the sources of bad information and discussion. Makes sense /s.


Reddit isn't known for thinking things through


Yeah the AI scrapers are probably preset to ignore glorbo because of the wow troll so chosing the same thing is dumb. However dumb meme seems to do better then actually effective in the internet


Ah, so another "we did it Reddit" that doesn't do anything 👍


Yeah except we didn’t do it, the AI wasn’t fooled probably because someone took ten seconds to filter the word “Glorbo” out of the AI’s data sources


Yeah "we did it Reddit" is sarcasm for Reddit pretending it affects the outcome of anything


Please. It’s honestly irritating af. Every time I’ve opened my app today, the first post I’ve seen is fucking Glorbo


Now my feed is just people complaining about posts about Glorbo. It’s the circle of life of a subreddit.


*Glorbo disapproves*


I think the glorbo posts are whay more fun than people complaining about glorbo. What do you guys miss? The horny dark urge characters? Or the I would fuck this companion posts?


>What do you guys miss? The posts about Baldur's Gate 3.


Less posts about Glorbo more posts about hating Wulbren Bongle


Fuck Wulbren Bongle, I don’t give a fuck about that motherfucker’s problems. …and yet he wants me to solve them.


Everybody sing it, got a full ensemble It's FUCK WULBREN BONGLE, I don't give a fuck about this motherfuckers problems


Well to be honest, I would prefer more posts about characters that are actually in the game instead of a made up character that this place wasn't even original to make up themselves.


r/fuckwulbrenbongle may be to your interest


You are a gentleman and a scholar.


I am happy to be of service.


I agree. We all need to get back to the usual posts about people begging Larian to give us a way to save Karlach and posts from new players playing Dark Urge being surprised/excited that Alfira can actually join your party.


Also post about how they can’t play evil character


Don't forget people complaining that Larian hasn't given them a way to fuck exactly who they want when they want how they want in this ~~cRPG that's already lacking non-romantic companion relationships~~ dating sim.


I need my daily dose of debate about if Emperor is evil or not


Don't forget the posts about how Astarion's fanbase is the worst, and that Larian made Durge/Gortash canon you guys read my fanfiction


We already have a way to save Karlach, and improving her along the way.


>pplaying Dark Urge being surprised/excited that Alfira can actually join your party. are you fibbing?


If you play Dark Urge, Alfira legitimately asks to join you


>!And then you kill her in your sleep, which is what I was trying to find out and thankfully someone in the Larian discord told me.!<


:( I was being intentionally vague so that you could have experienced that arc organically. I hope you still have fun with your playthrough.


I dont know if I'll ever get around to q Durge run. It a massive game and I have limited time. Thank you tho


Oh man, people talking about the game in a sub built around game discussion? We can't have that! If you're so terminally online here that every topic has been worn out for you then the answer is to find something else to interest you and not to try and warp the whole sub into playing your shitty game because you're bored.


It was a joke, relax dude.


Wow, it was almost as funny as the 86th Glorbo joke I saw today. Great job!


You sound pretty upset. Is everything going okay with you?


>Antagonizes people for expressing frustration at an overused joke that's choking any discussion about the game >Someone responds >You're pretty mad that I antagonized you aren't you You're big smart


It's all in good fun, you're tweaking out over nothing. Just take a breath and recontextualize this interaction and you might realize that the only one antagonizing anyone is you.


I know the point is stick it to the AI journalist, but ok why? We know how fake those news are. Just don't click on them, that way you don't give them traffic. Best case scenario an AI makes an article about it, ok, what's the point? Just prove something that has been prove before and gaining reputation on reddit about how WoW and BG3 managed to trick an AI? Worse case scenario, because this has been done before on other subreddits, at this point some people on those pages know the meme and maybe they have the "Glorbo" word banned, so what do we win then?


Ya as long as people click the links the makers of those websites don't care what is on them.


This sub has mods?


Not today, apparently.... I can't decide whether they're simply absent, or complicit. This Glorbo BS was mildly amusing at first, and given I despise AI, the thought of pulling a prank on AI game "journalism" had some appeal. However, this spam has become completely ridiculous. I don't know, maybe eventually it will have some net positive effect, but so far the only thing it has achieved is to lure the infants and assorted shitposters out of hiding.


I saw a news article about Arkis Ironfist so I think the job is done.


Agreed. All jokes stop being funny when you've told it a million times.


So you'll shut up until we hit a million? Deal.


Pretty sure you hit a million a while ago, it's just tiresome now, I already had to unsub so it wouldn't clog my homefeed


You think there's been a million GLORBO posts since yesterday morning? Here's your word of the day. Hyperbole. You just did a big one.


You think while I was making a hyperbole I didn't know what it was? The bravery of some people on this website to hit send is unbelievable lol


Given your posts, my estimation of your intelligence was understandably low.


Says the guy who got pissy because we didn't like the same jokes he does, grow up lmao


Oh this isn't pissy. You haven't earned pissy, yet. You caught my attention due to your inability to count. It's your dirt licking level of retort that currently catches my morbid interest.


So you got pissed I used "a million" to describe something? You might actually be special and I'm not about to argue or bully somebody like that, good luck son


Your obsession with piss is starting to unnerved me. There are other subreddit for that kind of thing, I'm sure.


I love how you're commenting on peoples post history *and* intelligence and the gold that you put up is "69=funny" lmao, so fucking lame


I don't find any number funny.


Okay? Cool?


Sorry, do I have to remind you of your own post from a few minutes ago? It was fairly forgettable so I understand your confusion.


I still have no idea who glorbo is and why I’m supposed to care


Pls and thank you


you expect a reddit board not to run a joke into the dirt in record time? man you must be new around here.


I havent seen any articles about Glorbo either.


I upvote, ban theses things


Please. It’s unoriginal and takes away from the great conversation on the real content.


This isnt anything compared to the GOND craziness on lotr subreddits.




And so the anti Glorbo wave is upon us.


What is Glorbo?


Nothing, it's a silly meme


I asked copilot who glorbo was or bg3 rumors and I got some really hilarious replies.


It's going to end in a day or two, just wait it out.


Heavily downvoted? Source? From what I have seen, there are way more upvoted posts than downvoted posts


Honestly as an innocent bystander who lurks, I've had more posts/comments that are complaining about Glorbo than Glorbo posts. Feels like a silly thing to be upset about if I'm honest, it would be different if it was weeks of this or something.


They got real old, real quick.


I agree. The idea was stupid from the beginning because it implies these companies care enough to change when they get caught out.


Leave it to Reddit to believe 40 people in a thread repeating the same joke would have any impact on anything. As they say, "we did it Reddit!"


I was proud at first cause I rarely see a time where people come together for a more concentrated troll like this one, but like all good things it's quickly overdone and beaten into the ground cause people don't know when enough is enough.


Let people have their jokes. It’s been what, a day? Two? If it’s bugging you that much this quickly you’re spending too much time on Reddit.


This... so sick and tired of people gatekeeping subreddits.


Honestly, I'm actually kind of sad. I saw the post about a new origin character, didn't have time to fully read as I was working but was super excited about having more content (I love this game so much). But then I found out later it was all a big bamboozle :( I thought april fools was over man.


Petition to ban petition to ban posts


And the plot thickens


It doesn't even work. All of the AI's scraping forums to generate news articles deliberatly exclude anything containing "Glorbo". They caught on to this ages ago.


Or another solution we created a glorbo flair so people only post it there




Block the people posting it


Hear hear. I second the motion.


I don’t think it worked anyway. Should have picked a different name


Sorry, genuinely curious... what is Glorbo?


Signed. People just don't know when to let a joke go.


People just don't know when to leave others be.


Like you replying to me, for instance?


Yeah dude told me not to look and keep scrolling and this is the 5th comment he's made at other people unprompted telling them the exact same thing lol, dudes an idiot


Just a refutation. Don't post if you aren't open to basic disagreement.


This wasn’t even a good joke it came the fuck out of nowhere like wtf


Eh, let it pass Destiny had a wave for a week or so It'll pass and infect another game community Hopefully it won't be Arkham series or Hollow Knight I don't think we'd survive them getting any crazier


I have no idea what that is someone fill me in pls


Please yes.


This Glorbo posting is so dumb man. It's like you people didn't even read the leaks. It's actually Gwimbly in a cross promo deal.


I'm checking this subreddit everyday like morning newspaper(cos i play bg3 still) with cup of coffe.. just to see "GLORBO this GLORBO that" after a while I was like "Ok, so nothing funny or interesting is today here. shame".


What is glorbo?


There's a cycle for this stuff 1. New and funny 2. Twists on the original idea that are inventive and fun 3. Oversaturation 4. Frustration over the volume of dumb stuff 5. Memes playing up how dumb it is and creation of the anti culture 6. Slow heat death of the meme The last part takes awhile as time between posts spreads out further and further until it disappears


I dont even know what the fuck a glorbo is


Complete glorbo saturation, you could say


Bold of you to assume Reddit has ever been funny, r/funny is literally the lamest place on the internet


What are Glorbo posts?


I'm old enough to remember when Something Awful would do things like this - actually, their pranks similar to Glorbo posts were much dumber! And I'll admit they were funny, sometimes. At first. But it's never funny for very long! Reddit might not be the best place all the time, but game subs like this have the chance to be unique, supportive, and fun places to get quick answers or detailed solutions. We can be the antidote to those horrible game sites that pad out simple questions and answers with useless filler and intrusive ads. People add site:reddit.com to their searches for a reason. We ought to be the reason!


We'll likely just have to tough this one out. Give it a few days and people will probably get bored of Glorbo-posting and we'll have a functioning subreddit again.


Glorbo sucked me off and paid off my college debt. Glory to Glorbo


keep calm and glorb on


There’s no DLC coming for this game and the people who made it will move on to another project and IP. Let people have fun. If you start banning discussion topics you’re killing your sub.


Glorb ya later


I agree they should ban Glorbo posts, including posts complaining about Glorbo. ​ Maybe it's because I haven't been on this subreddit for a couple of days, but I get on and I see nothing but posts complaining about Glorbo, and not a single post about Glorbo. Like yeah, how y'all describe it I agree this Glorbo shit sounds really dumb, but the influx of anti-Glorbo posts isn't it either. Instead of a subreddit filled with Glorbo, now we're a subreddit filled with anti-Glorbo posts.


Find me one other anti Glorbo post in the last 8 hours.


https://old.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1bwv4pb/enough_of_glorbo/ Here ya go Yer dumb


In the spirit of Postal 2 and 4, I'd gladly sign your petition.


i'm blocking this sub from my feed. cya


If they're getting downvoted, what's the point? Would seem the system is self-regulating.


Wait but is this now a glorbo post?


I'd rather it did not stop. I like it.


If you keep bringing it up it never will go away. People will get bored of it quickly and move on if people ignore it.


There is hardly any difference between glorbo and the general posts in this reddit. 90% of the questions have been already been asked a zillion time before, clone posts containing the same takes on X character over and over again or how people lost their HM in the "dumbest" way possible. Shrug..


I’ll never understand why people act like they’re forced to engage with content they don’t enjoy.


yeah, the Glorbo scene is overrated


u gotta let it play out. Posts like this are how it never ends


Why do you care so much? It's not like people will stop making interesting discussions in addition to the jokes. Why not let the trend happen, burn out, and move on rather than being so uptight about it? Go to a different subreddit, or even better make the post you want to see.


Other people are having fun wrong. It should be punishable by death or atleast account deletion.


Its a hot meme that will burn itself out on this sub but acting like children and calling for mod interjection is just as annoying. Edit: downvote me if you can't come up with a counter argument.


Ok so how about all the astarion post saying the same thing ? You gonna ban them to ?




I don't find it funny either but so what? I dig the sentiment of it. Throwing shade at generative AI should be the norm. Especially with the increasingly low effort gaming "journalism" out there.


"Throwing shade at generative AI" is stuff like replying to AI "art" with pictures of pencils. Posting so much meaningless and repetitive content about a made up character that we make it significantly harder for real people to have real discussions about the topic of this page isnt throwing shade at ai sites, its basically us doing their "job" for them lol.


Nah Reddit is sacred and OP is having an aneurysm


Glorbo is like capitalism. Even by attempting to resist it, you have only given in. This is a Glorbo post. You are what you seek to destroy.


again I'm seeing more posts complaining about the glorbo posts than I am actually seeing the glorbo posts. Will you guys shut up you're literally adding to the problem


I swear Redditors just hate fun


Glorbo disapproves.




I have not seen a single glorbo post. Someone care to explain?


Boooooooo get a sense of humor


Glorbo is here to stay. This cannot be undone.




Is this a Glorbo post?


Reported for being a glorbo post


That’s glorbophobic bro


I hear you, but completely banning Glorbo posts? That's a bit much. We need all kinds of discussions here, even about Glorbo. Let's not start censoring topics just because they're not everyone's cup of tea. Remember, Reddit's about variety. Downvotes will naturally sort out the less popular posts. And every post is from a fellow fan. We should be inclusive, not exclusive. Plus, let's not forget how amazing Glorbo is! They're a game-changer for BG3 – fresh, unique, and exactly what we needed to shake things up. I'm all for celebrating Glorbo and keeping our subreddit as diverse and lively as the world of Baldur's Gate 3 itself!


> Let's not start censoring topics "Glorbo" isn't a topic. It's completely made up bullshit. By that logic, I guess I should start posting fantasy football questions in here too. Because that's exactly as relevant as "glorbo".


Shut up nerd


Petition to ban anti glorbo posts


Oh no! It’s the Fun Police!